Su Rong recovered very well from the operation, and after three or four days, she could move around in the room a little.

Maybe it was because Aunt Meng was the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes, so Su Rong had a strong sense of dependence and trust in Aunt Meng.Seeing Aunt Meng would always greet her cheerfully.

"Hello, Sister Meng, I brought someone to see me today!" After Su Rong woke up, she was in a normal mood.

She has a wide range of hobbies. In addition to listening to music and reading books, she usually goes for walks and dances near the nursing home.Aunt Meng thought it was interesting, so she followed Su Rong and looked at her by the way.

Aunt Meng nodded, and pushed Su Xiaojin to Su Rong's side: "Look, who is here to see you?"

 There are countless expectations in Su Xiaojin's eyes, and the family affection that has been suppressed for more than ten years bursts out of her eyes and heart in an instant, and it all shows on her face.

More than ten years have passed, and she has been looking forward to the person on the bed waking up day and night, but she never thought it would be so long.

When she saw Su Rong for the first time and saw her mother standing in front of her so full of vitality, she was so excited that she couldn't speak.

That shout was very heavy, containing her true feelings, and she tremblingly said to the woman in front of her, "Mom!"

A word contains a thousand words, I don't know how much emotion you feel, and you don't know how much frustration you have experienced.It finally came out of her mouth at this moment.

Su Xiaojin felt like a dream. When she was dreaming, she hoped that her mother would wake up, smile at herself, teach herself poetry, sing, dance, and read.

At this moment, the expectation of more than ten years finally came true.

"Mom, I'm Xiaojin. After so many years, I've grown up." Su Xiaojin's mother's first call was somewhat abrupt.

She knew that her mother's memory probably only stayed at the time when she was four or five years old. Now that she is so old, she just calls the woman in front of her mother.It will inevitably make women feel a little abrupt.

It's just that after Su Xiaojin finished calling her mother, the woman in front of her had some doubts in her eyes.Then he looked at her with an indescribable emptiness.

"Who are you?" The woman wondered, the little girl in the wheelchair still called her mother, but did she really have a daughter?Why can't she remember?

Su Rong scratched her head and turned to Aunt Meng for help in confusion.

"Su Xiaojin, your daughter." Su Xiaojin said eagerly.

The mother's call was so important, she had been expecting a sweet response from her mother, but to her surprise, she actually waited for three words.

who are you?
These three words were like thunderbolts in a sunny day, she was hit so helplessly.

Su Xiaojin's eyes are already filled with moisture, what's going on?Mother doesn't even remember her?

Su Xiaojin, who was emotional just now, is now a little helpless and confused.She turned her head to look at Gu Nanting, who hurried to her side and gently comforted her emotions.

"Xiaojin, it's okay. It may be a sequela, so my aunt lost her memory. Let her recover slowly and everything will be better."

Aunt Meng here also understood the situation, with a burst of remorse on her face: "Oh, it's all my fault that I was just happy for your mother to wake up. But I don't know that she has lost her memory due to sequelae. It makes you sad, really sorry."

Aunt Meng also came to Su Xiaojin's side to comfort her.

how to say?Su Xiaojin's mood has always been very complicated. She was very excited before seeing her mother, but her mother's words made her feel a little scared.

The mother she has been thinking about for more than ten years, if she loses her memory because of amnesia, what will she do?

Su Rong didn't know the situation, but seeing Su Xiaojin in a bad mood, she also went to squat down, stroking Su Xiaojin's face with a pair of warm and loving hands.

Then there was a gentle voice: "Silly boy, cheer up! Although I have forgotten whether you are my daughter, your mother should also feel very uncomfortable seeing you now. So laugh, don't let your mother Seeing your sad look. Then she will worry about you."

Su Rong's words fell into Su Xiaojin's heart word by word.

It is also now that although Su Rong has lost her memory, she is still her mother.No one can change their blood relationship.

Su Xiaojin smiled, and took back all the helpless and confused emotions just now to the bottom of her heart.

After all, the mother has been in a coma for so long, and it is normal for her to not be able to remember who Su Xiaojin is for a while. As long as she persists with her mother, she believes that one day her mother will recover her memory.

After more than ten years of waiting, would she still care about these few months?

"I know. That's right! Let's get to know each other again. Hello, my name is Su Xiaojin. I'm your daughter." She showed a bright smile and reached out to Su Rong.

Su Rong has always been an approachable person, her gentleness, kindness, and kindness are almost all passed down to Su Xiaojin.

"Hi, my name is Su Rong. I'm glad that he can get to know your daughter in the second half of his life."

The mother-daughter reunion scene is really touching.

Su Xiaojin almost let go of all her strength and pretense at this time, and clings to Su Rong like a child.

Gu Nanting has always been by Su Xiaojin's side.

"Then do you have any memories or dreams about the past?" Su Xiaojin knew that although she had lost her memory, her character and everything remained the same as before.

Su Rong has a natural intimacy with Su Xiaojin. When the two of them are together, their hearts are warm.

This is probably the power of family affection.

Even if he lost his memory, he still couldn't help approaching people of blood by instinct.What boils in the blood is their constant involvement in emotion!

Su Rong thought about it, and she nodded.As far as memory is concerned, although she can't remember it, she still remembers some dreams and some fragments.

"I remember in my dream there was a little girl about four or five years old. I always took her by the hand to accompany her to the amusement park. One day, the little girl heard the merry-go-round and asked innocently. .Mom, do you think this Trojan horse flew down from the sky? Then I can’t remember the following plot, but this little girl keeps appearing in my dreams.”

Listening to Su Rong's words, Su Xiaojin's heart was still full of joy.

Although the mother doesn't remember that she is her daughter, deep in her mother's memory, Su Xiaojin acts as her daughter.She has always been kept, she has always appeared in all those dreams, and spent more than ten years with Su Rong.

Listening to Su Rong share her dream, Su Xiaojin's heart.Always feel a warm current.

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