After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 154: Want to be a wooden man?

Both Han Xueyi and Gu Yuming are relatively close to Su Xiaojin.On the contrary, Han Yu sometimes said a few words from time to time.

On Gu Yuming's side, there was still training for the team competition to be completed. After chatting with Su Xiaojin for a while, she and Han Xueyi said goodbye.

I was a little embarrassed when I left. "Sister-in-law, I'm sorry, we are short on time, so I will see you next time."

After the two left, Han Yu showed a worried expression. "I'm sorry, when you were on stage as the host, I should have taken care of your sisters, but I was negligent."

After Han Yu heard about Su Xiaojin, he also blamed himself a little. After all, he was the one who suggested that Su Xiaojin come to this party. If Su Xiaojin didn't attend this party, perhaps such an accident would not have happened.

"It has nothing to do with you. This incident has already happened. Let's all put it down. I don't want you to blame yourself so much. This incident really has nothing to do with you."

Probably since the accident, three or four people have apologized to her.Su Xiaojin has never been a caring person.Besides, these things really have nothing to do with them directly.So she should have refused their apologies.

"By the way, although Gu Nanting didn't say who is behind this incident, I guess it has something to do with the Jiang family."

Han Yu's guess is good, after all, he was forced to do something to Su Xiaojin's family once.This time... it is a good opportunity for the Jiang family to do it, so they must still participate in it.

I don't know if that's what Jiang Mingyou meant.

If it was really that person's intention, Su Xiaojin might have been targeted, but the reason for being targeted is not very clear.

To be honest, the revenge of these corporate families generally does not involve the next generation.As for why he attacked Su Xiaojin, it was probably because he wanted to make an example of others.

"I don't know whether the Jiang family and Mr. M have intervened in this matter. I only know that the person who wants to kill me is Su Mengning. As for the relationship between Su Mengning and them, I don't really want to know."

The current Su Xiaojin has no way to worry about too many things.She can only put the object of revenge on Su Mengning first.As for the others, if Su Xiaojin had the ability, she would definitely not let them go easily.

In fact, what disappointed her the most about this incident was that Dean Li actually participated in it.Since she was a child, she has respected Dean Li as a father, but she never thought that Dean Li would want to harm her many years later, whether it was out of helplessness or something, Miss Su couldn't care less about this matter.

Han Yu and Su Xiaojin talked a few words, feeling the hostility from Gu Nanting, so they didn't continue talking.

Gu Nanting's face was a little gloomy at the moment. He felt that there was nothing wrong with Su Xiaojin and Han Yu's conversation. After all, the two of them were still talking about business. Later, Han Yu started to talk about some homely things.Gu Nanting naturally felt a little jealous.

In Su Xiaojin's eyes, she only paid attention to Han Yu, and didn't pay attention to him at all.

After sending Han Yu off very rudely, Gu Nanting's author Su Xiaojin's bedside didn't say a word.

Su Xiaojin seemed to realize something, so she turned her head and chatted with Gu Nanting: "I want to eat rice balls from the izakaya tonight. Please ask some adults to bring me some."

Gu Nanting did not answer.

Su Xiaojin regarded him as acquiescing, and after a while, Su Xiaojin wanted to drink water and called Gu Nanting. "I want to drink water, get it for me."

Gu Nanting just kept his eyes on Su Xiaojin, but there was still no movement.

That's when Su Xiaojin felt a little strange. Even if Gu Nanting spoke sarcastically or didn't talk to him, at least he had something to do. Gu Nanting would do whatever he wanted. He couldn't be jealous of Han Yu.

I didn't see this attribute of President Gu.

Su Xiaojin's guess was pretty close, so she pursed her lips and smiled: "Yo, President Gu wants to be a wooden man today, why don't you respond to what I say?"

Someone raised his eyes and pursed his mouth. "I never wanted to be a wooden man."

"Then why don't you talk to me?" Su Xiaojin asked knowingly, Gu Nanting didn't tell him because of face.

In the evening, Gu Nanting did a rehabilitation for Miss Su, then helped her rub her stomach, and the two of them fell asleep together.

Gu Nanting still sleeps with Su Xiaojin in his arms, but he always stays beside the bed and dare not move around for fear of waking Su Xiaojin.

When he got up in the morning, he made a phone call to the nursing home.I heard from Aunt Meng that Su Xiaojin's mother has been awake for three or four days, and the condition has improved after the operation in these two days, and Su Xiaojin's recovery is also very good.

After preparing breakfast, he asked the doctor for advice, and planned to take Su Xiaojin to the nursing home to see his mother.

"Auntie's operation was very successful. She has been invited for several days, and her complexion has improved a lot." Gu Nanting said while changing Su Xiaojin's clothes.

After Su Xiaojin stayed in the hospital for a long time, she would naturally feel bored. She thought about her mother, and her mother probably hoped that she could go to accompany her mother.

Thinking that after her mother wakes up, she will be able to see that Su Xiaojin, who is full of vitality and outstanding in appearance and talent, should be very happy.

There was a smile on the corner of Su Xiaojin's mouth on the way past, and she didn't hide it at all. Seeing Su Xiaojin's bright smile, Gu Nanting also smiled in his heart.

After half a month in the hospital, Su Xiaojin finally smiled sincerely.

"We will be able to go to the nursing home soon, don't be so excited." Gu Nanting patted Su Xiaojin's head.

After three or four hours in the car, Gu Nanting was still afraid that Su Xiaojin would not be able to hold on.He always told the driver to drive slower.

Su Xiaojin was eager to see her mother, and then urged the driver to drive faster.

The driver is also in a dilemma.However, he still listened to Gu Nanting's words.

It was already noon when we arrived at the nursing home.

Gu Nanting specially prepared a very soft and comfortable wheelchair for Su Xiaojin, afraid of squeezing her wound.

Aunt Meng heard that two people were coming in the morning, so she guarded the door for a long time, and finally saw two people coming.

"Xiao Jin, how are you doing recently?" Looking at the little girl in the wheelchair, Aunt Meng still couldn't help showing a hint of distress in her eyes, and then asked Su Xiaojin with a kind smile on her face.

Su Xiaojin replied with a smile: "The recovery is very good. I think I can gain a lot of weight after staying in the hospital for another month."

After speaking, all three of them burst out laughing.

Then Aunt Meng took the two of them to Su Rong's ward.

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