Zuo Hao didn't know who Yeluqi was. In his eyes, except for Huo Dongqing, this matter might not be settled by anyone.He even took a few steps into the room, not afraid that the two people would turn around and go out, "Sir, you may not know what our loss is. This is an intangible asset that cannot be estimated with how much money."

"Then there is always a limit to everything. You can't just say how much you have. Do you really think that your assets are infinitely mined? You are a businessman, and so is the Yelu family. I understand."


Zuo Hao squinted his eyes, it turned out that it belonged to the Yelu family, it was just a family with a shell, and it was long gone.He really considers himself a famous family.

After finding out Yeluqi's background all of a sudden, Zuo Hao became more confident.

"I agree with what you said to call the police, but Miss Li seems to have a different opinion, so how should we deal with this matter?"

There was a strange sound at the door, a woman's suppressed cry, the door was knocked open, and Li Luowan fell in with a red and white face.

"You are—" the words in the room were suddenly interrupted, and they all turned their heads.

Li Chubai's position was closest to the door, and she looked sideways at Li Luowan getting up from the ground in embarrassment, looking like she wanted to cry but felt aggrieved.

"What's the matter?" Zuo Hao's question magnified infinitely, he didn't know what happened outside, Li Luowan was a woman anyway, how could she be in such a mess, obviously she didn't do it by herself.

But before Li Luowan could open his mouth, the door had already been pushed open by someone outside.

Li Chubai glanced at the man in black who pushed the door open.She knew who was here, and although she didn't know how Huo Dongqing came, her heart was inexplicably settled.

The bodyguards lined up in two rows, the hallway had been cleared, and Yeluqi's face had collapsed, as if this person could steal his limelight anywhere.

"I didn't ask him to come." Seeing Yeluqi's doubts, Li Chubai hurriedly explained in a low voice. At the end of the dimly lit corridor, the man walked over step by step. It was obviously not far away, but Li Chubai had a kind of opposite party. The illusion of traveling through time and space to come to yourself.

That person was clearly wearing a black suit, but it gave Li Chubai the illusion of wearing a battle robe from the battlefield.

All the people in the room came out except Li Luowan, including Zuo Hao. He recognized at a glance that this was the man who made him nervous - Huo Dongqing.

Zuo Hao rubbed his hands, with a little excitement, he wanted to get closer, but he didn't dare. After all, the gap between this person and himself is not a little bit of a problem.

"As expected, you are here. Why didn't you respond to today's announcement? Why do I have to search for people all over the city?" Huo Dongqing's indifferent eyes didn't look at anyone, but stared at Li Chubai.


She didn't know at all, and Baoyan didn't mention it, "No one told me."

"Have you read the WeChat group?" The conversation between Huo Dongqing and Li Chubai obviously didn't take the people beside them seriously.

Zuo Hao, with his hands hanging in the air, felt a little cold. He wanted to interrupt several times, but he didn't know how to speak.

Squeaking for a long time, "That, that, that—"

"Are you okay?" Huo Dongqing frowned, and finally put his gaze on Zuo Hao's face.

Hearing Huo Dongqing calling himself, Zuo Hao was a little nervous, the words on the edge of his lips murmured for a while, just when Huo Dongqing was about to speak impatiently, he hurriedly cut off the conversation.

"I'm talking about family affairs with Li Chubai, ah no, it's about business." One was nervous, and he didn't say anything wrong before, but now he bit his tongue again, and the pain made Zuo Hao burst into tears.

He glanced at Li Chubai lightly, "Let's go."

Li Chubai looked back at Yeluqi, "Huo Dongqing, do you think Li Chubai is your property or something, she wants to listen to you like this, didn't you hear this gentleman say that he is dealing with business?"

Yeluqi didn't like Huo Dongqing in the first place, and now he hates his appearance even more. As soon as he appeared, he disrupted his plan and stole all the limelight. How could he not say a word and let Li Chu Bai followed Huo Dongqing.

However, these words are like catkins floating in front of Huo Dongqing, they have no weight at all.

"Zhao Hui stay and deal with it." Turning around, ignoring the others, "Li Chubai is gone."

With just this confession, Li Chubai looked at Zhao Hui, then at Yeluqi, she signed a contract with Xingye, and she also knew Huo Dongqing's ability, so she had to leave.

Li Chubai had no choice but to follow Huo Dongqing obediently.

Whether it was Yeluqi or Zuo Hao, they could only watch helplessly as this group of people left the corridor of the hotel and disappeared around the corner.

Yeluqi was about to explode, but he didn't dare to lose his temper at all. If losing his temper is useful, then growth is nothing.

After waiting for 5 minutes, he looked at Zuo Hao and Li Luowan who had been hiding at the door of the room and dared not come out, "If you have nothing to do, you can gang up with outsiders to cheat your cousin, you think the Li family is down, you Won't you be unlucky? Haven't you heard the saying that under the collapse of the nest, there is no end of eggs? You keep cheating Li Chubai again and again, do you have any brains?"

Standing by the door, Li Luowan was afraid of Huo Dongqing, but that didn't mean she was also afraid of Yeluqi. Hearing what the other person said about her, she naturally pushed back unconvinced, "Stop talking to you, you are amazing, why didn't you just talk? ,I--"

"Okay, don't talk about it, there are still people here." Zuo Hao is still more sober, he knows that Huo Dongqing has left someone here, how can these two people be treated as if they don't exist, they look like two brainless people .

Finally it was his turn to speak, Chen Hui was not in a hurry, walked up to Zuo Hao, bowed slightly, "Hello, my name is Chen Hui, I am the assistant of President Huo Dongqing, here is my business card, about your I have already found out some of the disputes between the company and Mr. Li Jintang, you can check if the information is correct."

He actually found the information. He took a small stack of information from Chen Hui and flipped through it. When he turned to the second page, Zuo Hao's expression changed, "You, how did you find it?"

Did everyone become transparent in front of Huo Dongqing?
"That's our company's approach. Mr. Zuo, let's talk in the room, after all, this kind of thing involves your privacy, since you value the protection of privacy so much."

In this way, Zuo Hao still has nothing to say, what else can he do if the other party is holding the banner of being good for him.

Zuo Hao was followed by Zhao Hui, and when he walked into the room, Zhao Hui kicked the door shut.

The remaining two people standing outside looked at each other, and there were two bodyguards Huo Dongqing left for Zhao Hui outside the door.

Yeluqi's shoulders were slumped, today's trip was in vain.The most abominable thing is that Huo Dongqing once again stole his limelight, obviously he had planned it out, and made Li Chubai owe him through this matter, so that his chances of getting married with Li Chubai would increase, but Unexpectedly, he had no chance to play at all.

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