"Mr. Zuo, just keep the long story short, don't talk nonsense, let's talk about the main points." While talking, Li Chubai took out his mobile phone, opened WeChat, and sent Yeluqi the location and room number.

 Zuo Hao was sitting opposite Li Chubai. After all, there was a small coffee table in between. He didn't know what Li Chubai was doing with his phone.

 "This matter involves the reputation of your Li family, so I thought that Ms. Li, you might not want too many people to know, including your cousin who just went out. I mean it too. Everyone is a businessman, so we must take care of face Well."

Seeing Zuo Hao put on a very reasonable look, Li Chubai's heart gradually stabilized, and it seemed that she should see the way.

The so-called don't panic in case of trouble, in order to find a breakthrough.

Looking at it like this now, these few people in front of him must have set up most of the rounds. In this case, Li Chubai felt that it was not a big deal.

People who come here are either for fame or profit.

As long as she knows the purpose of the other party, it will be easy to handle.

"Mr. Zuo, just keep the long story short, don't talk nonsense, let's get straight to the point." Li Chubai really didn't want to talk nonsense with this fat white man.

Hearing Li Chubai's words, what Zuo Hao never expected was that this beautiful looking woman actually had a sharp aura of her own.

This is completely different from what he thought. Originally, he wanted to get closer, at least to smell the scent that seemed to be absent from Li Chubai's body.

Clearing his throat, Zuo Hao put on a show before opening his mouth, "Miss Li, it's like this, your father signed a contract with my friend's company, but during this cooperation, he gave him my friend's company I don’t know if it’s a top-secret document that I didn’t keep properly, or what, now that my friend’s exclusive product is already on the market, this will be a fatal blow to the development of my friend’s company.”

After talking a lot, Li Chubai finally understood that Li Jintang had leaked the secret of his cooperation, and now the other party is looking for him for loss.

"Then pay as much as you should. It's useless for your friend to bet on him." There is no one in Li Jintang here, even if Li Chubai knows nothing will happen, he is still worried.

To put it bluntly, isn't this just threatening him with Li Jintang, these people are really interesting, the most interesting is the so-called relatives like Li Luowan, even his own uncle.

But this is also Li Luowan's usual style, otherwise the original body would not be broken.

"Compensation, do you know how much my friend lost? It's intangible assets, what are you going to pay for?" Zuo Hao looked at Li Chubai's appearance, and made up his mind. It seemed that it was really difficult to fool him. Night is not a stall anymore.

Li Chubai stood by the window with her arms crossed. She had already informed Yeluqi that he would come over soon. As for the serious expression on this man's face, Li Chubai thought that he was pretending.

"Then there must be a price, otherwise I would think Zuo always won't let us pay." Li Chubai lowered his head, looked at his toes, and smiled.

But this smile did not know how much Zuo Hao's soul was taken away, "My friend is not an unreasonable person, they are all intangible assets, so should we consider using intangible assets to compensate? I know that Miss Li is a first-line Red Star, now I am unhappy with Starry Night Company, if this is the case, I can consider you signing with my company, and it will not affect your fame." Zuo Hao could see that Li Chubai was a smart person, so he stopped playing around in circles.

"Don't think about it, this is impossible." A male voice came from the door of the room. When Li Chubai heard this voice, a smile appeared on his lips. She knew that Yelvqi had arrived.

"Who are you?" Looking back at the entrance, a slender man appeared at the gate. His thin figure was dressed in a dark brown and silver striped suit with a black turtleneck sweater inside. He looked very handsome.

However, Yeluqi just glanced at Li Chubai lightly, and ignored him, but stretched out his hand to Li Chubai, showing a charming smile, "Chubai, come here."

Li Chubai really just walked over in such a cooperative manner, no matter how you say it, Yeluqi is more trustworthy than Zuo Hao.

At first Zuo Hao thought that Yeluqi was Huo Dongqing, but when he calmed down, Zuo Hao knew that this man was not Huo Dongqing. After all, that man was not so thin. Whether it was in electronic media or paper media, Zuo Hao was always the same. I met Huo Dongqing.

"I'm Li Chubai's friend. I have a general idea of ​​what's going on between you two. I hope you can talk it over and let it go. After all, this is a legal society. You can't come here however you want. Besides, Chubai and Xingye signed a contract." If you have signed a contract, your operation will cause her to break the contract. This is not a question of money, but it will affect her image." After speaking a lot of lines that were rehearsed when he came, Yeluqi expressed his feelings for himself. Play to express satisfaction.

Although Yeluqi was a civil servant in Daliang, he always thought he was inferior to Huo Dongqing in terms of aura, now that he has been acting for so long, and he wants to be in charge for so long, he has to change himself to be different from before.

"Then let's talk about how to compensate my friend." Zuo Hao sullenly looked at Yeluqi, an uninvited guest, coldly. He even blamed Li Luowan for why he left the door open when he left. , so that this man can walk in unscrupulously, it seems that he is going to destroy his arrangement.

If you want to be a hero to save the beauty, it also depends on whether you have this ability.

"Let your friend directly report to the police or sue in court. I think it's better to deal with this kind of matter in a businesslike manner." As soon as the words fell, Zuo Hao was a little annoyed and wanted to stop Yeluqi, but he saw Li Chubai's face sharply. He pulled the opponent's sleeve more urgently than himself.

This is easy to handle, as long as one person is not firm, Zuo Hao will feel that there is still hope for this matter.

Quickly withdrawing his gaze, Zuo Hao grinned, "I thought about calling the police, but my friend—"

"Don't call the police!" If you call the police again, it will not be good for the Li family, nor for herself, so Li Chubai hurriedly stopped it.

Yeluqi knew that Li Chubai had been tricked by the other party, but he let it go. In fact, for him, the more difficult it was to deal with the better, and when he made a move again, Li Chubai owed himself a big favor. The money matter is easy to deal with, but the debt of favor is not easy to repay.

Looking at Li Chubai, Zuo Hao cast a triumphant glance at Yeluqi, "Then how to deal with this matter, Miss Li, you have to think about it, my friend is short-tempered and impatient, you should hurry up!" Make up your mind."

Li Chubai raised his head and glanced at Yeluqi, "Otherwise I'll borrow it from you."

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