"Little Lord"

"Hello young master"

As soon as Ni Yunuo and Yu Xin walked into the manor, they greeted Ni Yunuo along the way. Their words were excited and their eyes were full of respect.
Looking at the back of Ni Yunuo going away
"The young master is back, we don't have to be frightened anymore"

To them, Ni Yunuo is not only the successor of this huge organization, but also the belief in their hearts.
Yu Xin looked at the villas in front of her
"Boss, your house is really big"

"Tsk tsk tsk, look at this is a house built with money, it is indeed the biggest killer organization"

"I see you are so picky, this manor can buy two Huifeng, right?"

"Rich woman, rich woman"

Ni Yunuo looked at Yuxin's girl with a golden light in her eyes, and shook her head helplessly.

"Are you poor?"

That's right, the famous "Ghost Hand" is already rich, not to mention this girl's other identities
Yu Xin pouted embarrassingly when asked by Ni Yunuo
"Okay, grandpa is still waiting for me, go in quickly"

To be honest, Yu Xin talked so much nonsense at the door, but she was a little nervous. The grandfather of the boss is the founder of the largest assassin organization in the world!Can she not be afraid?
"let's go"

Ni Yunuo knew what was going on in this guy's head without looking, so he grabbed her arm and pulled her in.

"Young Master, Young Master"

A voice came from the stairs, I really heard the voice before seeing the person
As soon as Ni Yunuo raised his head, he saw the person hurrying down the stairs
Hurry up and hold him

"Uncle Lin, why don't you slow down, what if you fall?"

"It's okay, I'm okay, it's not that I'm happy to hear that the young master is back"

The old man in front of him is the man he saw when Ni Yunuo woke up five years ago after he was rescued.

"Uncle Lin, how is my grandfather?"

"Master already knows that you are back, and is awake now, waiting for you, young master, come with me quickly."

As soon as Ni Yunuo opened the door, he saw a thin old man lying on a large European-style bed. His complexion was very pale and he had lost a lot of weight, but his eyes were still awe-inspiring as always.


weak but steady voice

"Grandpa, I'm back"

Ni Yunuo stepped forward and grabbed the old man's hand
"Grandpa, take a good rest and leave the rest to me, okay?"

"Oh, I'm old after all. Grandpa wanted to get rid of these flies for you, but I didn't expect, alas, I fell down first."

A small hand caresses a pair of old hands

"Grandpa, I don't want to worry about this anymore. When I came back this time, I brought a friend who is very skilled in medicine and asked her to show you."

"I've got this old problem, why bother your friend?"

"Yu Xin, show grandpa"

Yu Xin, who was standing at the door, hurried forward, but Uncle Lin, who was at the side, was surprised, such a young girl, is she very skilled in medicine?

But since it was the young master's decision, he naturally chose to believe in the young master.
Everyone knows that the "ghost hand" is in the medical field, and both Chinese medicine and Western medicine have been practiced to the peak by her, but no one knows that Yu Xin prefers Chinese medicine, and the weapons she uses are silver needles

I saw her put her hand on Jin Mao's wrist

"Girl, are you a Chinese medicine doctor?"

Looking at her technique, Jin Mao also changed from being surprised at the beginning to amazed. Chinese medicine is so broad and profound. No matter what the medical skills are, just take this girl's pulse diagnosis technique as a rare genius.

Ni Yunuo looked at Yu Xin's expression from indifferent at the beginning to her frowning

After seeing her finished the diagnosis, I hurried forward

"Yuxin, how are you doing?"

She didn't answer Ni Yunuo's words, but looked at Jin Mao

"Grandpa, how long have you been dizzy and drowsy?"

"This problem has been going on for three or four years, girl, what's wrong with my body?"

"It's more than wrong"

Yu Xin didn't continue, she turned to look at the boss
"Boss, the old man's illness is not due to his age at all."

"How to say?"

"According to the pulse of the old man, it looks like poisoning!"


The three exclaimed in unison
"Do you know what kind of poison it is?"

"I already have a rough guess in my heart, but I still have to take the old man's blood for further testing"

After hearing Yu Xin's words, the other three people were stunned for a moment, and Ni Yunuo immediately looked at Jin Mao


It seemed that she was asking for his opinion, but in fact, only Jin Mao from that angle saw the threat in Ni Yunuo's eyes
Hmph, brat!Jin Mao gritted his teeth
"Just take it, just a little blood"

Seeing that the master agreed, Lin An immediately went down to make arrangements. As expected of the young master, she was the only one who could get a drop of blood from the master.

Seeing what Uncle Lin was about to bring up, the corners of Yu Xin's eyes twitched slightly

Blindfold?earphone?Oversized Band-Aids?Painkiller powder?What the hell are these?

Before he had time to ask, he saw Lin An put the blindfold on Jin Mao, and then the earphones
"Miss, you can start blood collection"

Yu Xin took blood with a helpless face, she could feel the tension of the old man's body at the moment when the needle went in

As soon as the needle was pulled out, Lin An next to him immediately sprinkled the painkiller powder, and then quickly put on the oversized band-aid

"Boss, is this the old man, fainting blood?"


Confirmed by Ni Yunuo
Yu Xin felt that she knew some shocking secret, would she be silenced?The founder of the dignified "Mei Ye" is actually dizzy!
That's it, everyone knows that it is a bloody road for Jinmao to have today's status

But no one knows that for so many years, Jin Mao's guns are all the most powerful anesthesia guns, and those who get shot will be dealt with by his confidants only after they faint

Lin An took off Jin Mao's blindfold and earphones, and it could be seen that the old man's face was paler than before

"What are you looking at! Get out! I'm going to sleep!"

Well, it's fierce, but it's also funny
Ni Yunuo did not expose him
"Take a good rest and call me if you need anything"

"Hurry up and roll away"

Lin An took Ni Yunuo and Yu Xin to leave

"Young master, your villa is being cleaned all the time, you can just live there"

"And this lady, I will arrange another residence with you"

"No need, Uncle Lin, she lives with me"

Yu Xin looked at Ni Yunuo eagerly

"Boss, can I decline your invitation?"


Yu Xin feels wronged
"OK then"

"Uncle Lin, take her to the research room first"

"Yes, young master, this lady, please follow me"

Yu Xin followed Lin An and Ni Yunuo went directly to the garage

There are a lot of luxury cars in various styles. Looking at these cars, Ni Yunuo is moved

Knowing that she likes cars, during the time she was away, Jinmao had found a few more cars for her.
Picked a Koenigsegg, only the aristocrats in the car are worthy of Ni Yunuo's current status
The sports car whizzed away, and everyone in the manor heard the sound of the engine. Everyone was very excited when they saw the person leaving in the dust.

"It's the young master, the young master is going to the headquarters, right?"

"That's for sure, the young master cares about the Lord so much, those people won't be around for long."

"Yes, the young master's means are not comparable to ordinary people, we can finally feel proud"

The people in the car didn't hear these words, she got a call from someone


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