Ni Yunuo didn't give them another chance to say anything, dragged a person with one hand, and walked towards Yuxin who was smiling

throw them on the ground

"Yu Xin, she crippled her leg for me"

Ni Yunuo pointed at Yin Jing
Yin Jing heard it, and crawled to the side desperately in fear. Before she could climb two steps, someone grabbed her by the hair
She looked at the needle in Yuxin's hand, and shouted at Yuxin in panic.

"You are breaking the law! You are committing a crime! I will sue you!"

Yu Xin looked playful, squatting in front of her

"Crime? I don't mind. Then let me cripple your legs before I catch you in."

Ni Xinhan heard Yin Jing's heart-piercing screams, she curled up and looked at Ni Yunuo in fear, she is not human!She is not human at all!She is simply crazy!

"Ni Xinhan, do you like Yu Jingchen?"

Ni Xinhan, who was shaking, heard the name that haunted her, and she remembered Yu Jingchen's kindness to her back then.

"Yu Nuo, Yu Nuo, I don't like him, I don't like him"

"Ni Xinhan, you didn't directly participate in these things, I won't abolish you, don't be nervous"

Ni Xinhan looked at Ni Yunuo's face, she was still a little uneasy
"I just want to give you back what you did to me"

Ni Xinhan's heart tightened, what does Ni Yunuo mean?

"Hey, those over there"

The people who were knocked down by Yu Xin heard that Ni Yunuo seemed to be calling them
"What, what's wrong?"

One of them asked cautiously

"Take off their clothes"

"Don't! Ni Yunuo, you can't do this to me! Don't!"

Ni Xinhan yelled at Ni Yunuo in panic

On the other side, Yin Jing, whose legs had already been crippled by Yu Xin, was in so much pain that she couldn't speak. When she heard Ni Yunuo's words, she shed two tears.
Hearing Ni Yunuo's order, those men got up tremblingly and walked towards Ni Xinhan and Yin Jing respectively.
Seeing them approaching, Ni Yunuo pulled Ni Xinhan to her, and leaned into her ear
"Ni Xinhan, let me tell you, Yu Jingchen, he is mine"

Ni Xinhan looked at Ni Yunuo in disbelief, her body had been dragged away by the man

The two girls are lying naked on the sofa, and the men are going to continue
"Enough, get out of here"

A cold voice came
They rolled and crawled out of the box as if they were relieved.
Ni Yunuo looked at the naked two people on the sofa
"If you don't want the photos in my hand to leak out, get the hell out of here in the future"

The two nodded numbly, desperately holding the clothes beside them to cover their bodies

"Yuxin, let's go"

When they came out, they met the waiter from the beginning again.

"Two Ladies"

bow very respectfully

Ni Yunuo stopped in his tracks and looked at him

"Have I seen you anywhere?"

"I haven't seen you before"

Before Ni Yunuo came and took another look, she was dragged away by Yu Xin

"Let's go, let's go, people don't know you"


Bustling city with heavy traffic

A sports car speeds by

"Boss, why do you want to go to college?"

"It was okay at first, but now I feel quite boring."

"Then don't go"

"Yu Xin, do you think everyone will know how they should go next?"

"Yeah, everything has a purpose"

"I'm going to take leave of absence"


Ni Yunuo smiled

"Didn't you just tell me not to go?"

Yuxin scratched her head
"I went to school before because of Ni Xinhan, but after I went, I found it was meaningless."

"And today, after solving them, I found that I have no reason to stay in school anymore."

"Boss, didn't you go back to China for the people of the Ni family?"

"Yeah, but I just found out today, is it revenge? It's better to say it's a breakup"

"A cowardly end to my past"

Ni Yunuo exuded a low air pressure all over his body
"I'm actually very grateful to them, without them I wouldn't be where I am now"

"The motivation for my organization before was these people and things, but when I let go, I found that I was even more confused, and I didn't know how to go next."

"Boss, if you are tired, come back, you still have us"

Yu Xin was a little sad, she had never seen the boss like this before

"bell bell"

A burst of bells cut through the dullness

"Young master? Is it the young master?"

"Uncle Lin?"

"Young master, come back quickly, the high-level organization is in turmoil, and the master fainted out of anger."

Ni Yunuo was startled

"Uncle Lin, take care of my grandpa, I'll go back right away"

After hanging up the phone, Ni Yunuo's car was in front and the police car was chasing after him.

"Boss, it's too fast, too fast, two police cars are chasing after me"

"Call Hao and let him solve it"

The car drove all the way to Shijinjiayuan

Ni Yunuo directly threw the car to Yuhao
"Yu Xin, come back with me"

"it is good"

The two went straight to the airport in a hurry. Fortunately, there was still a flight to country W.
Yu Xin did not sit with Ni Yunuo

There is an empty seat next to Ni Yunuo, the person may not come yet

"Beautiful lady, may I sit here?"

Ni Yunuo glanced at the man, with blond hair and glasses, he looked quite clean, but he spoke not-so-fluent Chinese, which was really annoying
"Its owner hasn't come yet"

"Oh beautiful lady, this is where I'm sitting and here's my ticket"

Ni Yunomo, this guy is sitting here and asking a fart
Seeing that Ni Yunuo ignored him, he started chattering as soon as he sat down

"You are the most beautiful Huaguo girl I have ever seen, can I make friends?"

Ni Yunuo closed her eyes and pretended not to hear
"My name is Darren, but I don't like the name, I named myself"

"I'm not interested in knowing your name, be quiet, thank you"

Dai Lun pushed his glasses, looked at Ni Yunuo who had closed his eyes, and didn't speak any more along the way

It took ten hours of flying for this part of the journey, and finally arrived at the capital airport of country W.

Ni Yunuo got up, but the guy next to him didn't move

"Step aside"

"Tell me your name and I'll let you go"

Grandpa is still waiting for her, how can she have time to spend here with him?

"Xia Shuo"

"What a beautiful name, just like you"

Darren gets up
"Miss Xia Shuo, I believe we will meet again"

Ni Yunuo nodded perfunctorily, and hurried away with Yuxin
Five luxury cars are waiting at the gate of the airport
"Boss, pick you up?"

Ni Yunuo took a look

"No, the sign on it is from Fuming Island"

"Fuming Island? The Mafia?"


"Then their names are really nice. They are in such a big battle, they are here to pick up their high-level people."

"Almost, let's go, Yuxin"

Ni Yunuo took Yu Xin into a taxi
Just after they left, a man came out of the airport and looked thoughtfully at the direction they left

"Godfather, welcome back"


The man was very respectful, and when he looked carefully, there was still fear of the person in front of him.

After picking up the person, five dazzling luxury cars left the airport


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