The family property was divided up by various people.She was left alone as a child.

All of a sudden, from heaven, fell into hell.

After all, there are still kind-hearted people. One aunt couldn't stand it anymore, or, a little guilty, took a lot of things from their house, squatted down, and asked her who was silent on the ground.

"Are you going to the orphanage?"

She knew where the orphanage was. It was a place where only children without a home would go. Sometimes, her parents would take her there to help her older brothers and sisters.

Nothing worse was going to happen anyway, she nodded.The aunt said to her: "From now on, your name will not be Zhao Moli, but from now on, your name will be Zhao Yue."

She tilted her head and looked at her aunt. She didn't understand why she had to change her name.But she didn't resist and nodded.

Hollow like a doll.

Gradually, she felt that the former Zhao Moli was dead, replaced by Zhao Yue.

Zhao Yue is really well-behaved, she wants to work hard to forget the past, and work hard to be liked by everyone.

She knew that in the future, only herself would be left.

Zhao Yue looked up at the sky, the appearance of her parents has gradually become clear, yes, her name is Zhao Moli.Zhao Yue is just a new beginning.

The sky is gradually darkening, and the moon has lost its shadow.

He Zi squatted on the ground with an indifferent expression, thinking about Zhao Yue, but was attracted by a piece of paper.

It was an advertisement for a shopping mall, but this piece of paper felt very familiar to her.

When I took Lele and Yue'er to the mall that day, it seemed that a bear gave Zhao Yue the same piece of paper.

Yue'er smiled at the time, and explained: "It looked cute, so I accepted it." At the time, she didn't care much, and Yue'er stuffed it into her pocket casually, but she didn't expect it to be here.

Tremblingly, he picked up his phone and called the search team who were looking blindly.

"Here, there are clues here." God knows how excited he was, looked at the surrounding area where there were no buildings, and frowned, Yue'er, why did you come here?
Just as he was thinking, he saw Huo Tianhua get out of the car, and saw He Zi looking down at a piece of waste paper, and frowned.

But looking at He Zi's bloody palm and the glimmer of hope in his eyes, he seemed to feel something.

He took out his mobile phone, and as expected, he walked a few tens of kilometers ahead, and he was basically out of the province.

Due to the location of the two neighboring provincial capitals, one is extremely rich and the other is extremely poor.

The extremely poor places are a little farther away, and even if you have to drive, it will take at least a day to reach the city center.

After thinking about it, he squatted down, got serious, restrained his anger and said, "There are two provinces closest to us. Otherwise, we should split up. It's meaningless to search like this."

He Zi calmed down and nodded.

Now the time is short, at least, in a short time, there will be no problems.

He knew two nearby provincial cities, and said to Huo Tianhua: "Your appeal is greater than mine. You go to province Z to look for it, and I'll go to province S to look for it. While time is short, maybe you can find someone."

Huo Tianhua nodded, called to transfer an army, and followed him to Province Z.

The search team had already arrived, nodded at the two of them, and entered the investigation. He Zi had no patience to wait any longer, so she borrowed a car from the search team and rushed to Province S alone.

While driving the car, the blood on my hand was still there, as if I didn't feel any pain, and every minute was a kind of torment.

The more the car drove, the more I felt a kind of cold air, and the more worried I was in my heart. In such a cold day, Yue'er might have suffered a lot.

Be quick.

Zhao Yue squatted under the tree, and suddenly, she thought about the days when she was in the orphanage and when she met He Zi.

Her head was groggy, she didn't dare to fall asleep, she was afraid, what if something happened?
Looking at the pitch-black surroundings and sky, the fear, unconsciously, has faded a lot.

After thinking about it, at this time, He Zi should have realized that she was gone, right?

I don't know how long it has passed, it is not true at the same time, but it seems to be false, she dreamed that He Zi came to save him, looked into his eyes, she was not afraid of anything anymore.

The cold blew past, piercing her wound with burning pain, she regained consciousness in an instant, still under the same tree, the only difference was that the sky began to turn white slightly.

She didn't know why, or when it started, when she encountered danger, the first thing that came to her mind was He Zi.

She pulled her lips and thought for a while, that's right, back then in the orphanage, he was the one who pulled her out of the darkness, and it seemed that it was at that time that a name called He Zi sprouted in her heart.

Her stomach was very hungry, her legs were already numb, and her stomach ache made her whole body ache, her cheeks were pale, and she bit her lower lip to prevent herself from passing out.

The sky has gradually brightened, and the dew that has just fallen in the forest is wrapped around the body, damp and cold, without the sun.

Forget it, no one will come to rescue her.

Zhao Yue thought, curling her lips slightly, life and death will be settled.

He fell to the ground, his vision blurred a little.

He Zi drove the car into a wilderness. The night's driving and high tension made his eyes bloodshot. Yue'er had been missing for a night, and something might happen this night.

There was nothing out of the ordinary on this road, the car ran out of gas here, and the uneasiness in my heart was reduced a bit.

He didn't understand what was going on, the scars on his hands had begun to heal little by little, he hated and was also afraid, if he knew who did this, then this person would never want to live a good life up.

After getting out of the car, looking at the endless forest, I feel hopeless in my heart. Even if I have a car, I may not be able to get out of such a big place.

What's more, Yue'er is still a woman.

I found it one by one, and there were no other things except trees everywhere. The single color, people in it, are absolutely conspicuous.


I don't know that the hand was sowing the leaves, and the hand that was about to stop the blood just now, because of the barbs on the branch, still couldn't hold back.Bloody again.

The originally exquisite suit was already covered with dust, and several places on the trousers and coat had been hung up. He Zi looked quite embarrassed.

"Yue'er! Yue'er!" He Zi yelled twice, hoping someone would respond, but the only response was silence.

I don't know how long it took, Zhao Yue woke up, feeling groggy, she felt like she had a fever, but what can she do?Around the wound, for some reason, there was a strange blackness.

There was no strength in her body, and the stomach pain was still attacking her whole body.

Her whole body was filthy, she stood up with her arms supporting her, staggered, but fell to the ground again, accidentally touching a stick in her hand.

Standing up with support, there was severe pain on the wound.The leg that should have been numb seemed to have a feeling for a moment.

The big deal is death.

Zhao Yue gritted her teeth, she swore, really, she had never tried so hard.But fortunately it moved a little.

Move forward little by little, knowing that you can't go far, but you still have to go, there will be hope in the end.

The body was weak, and he fell to the ground again, and a piece of flesh was directly lifted off his arm, which was stained with mud and flowed drop by drop on the ground.

The only remaining willpower was still climbing forward, but without thinking about it, he rolled down all of a sudden.

She knew that she bumped into something and stopped, but she still couldn't bear the pain and passed out.

He Zi searched and looked forward to it.

It doesn't matter what happens to him, but Yue'er must be fine.

At that moment, he seemed to know who the most important person in his heart was.

After a circle, without the slightest trace, he was desperate.The army has not arrived yet, it is already noon.

He should sit down and rest for a while, but his intuition told him that Yue'er should be nearby, so he gritted his teeth and continued to search.

A shoe on his foot had been kicked by him for a long time, and he continued to search for it with traces of blood.

No time to take care of the wounds on his body, walking, but saw a few shoe prints on the ground.

It's very shallow, but it's obvious that few people have been here, as if they have seen hope.

On the road he was looking for, there was no sign of people at all, only the traces of various vehicles passing by, and suddenly there was a shoe print, how could he not be excited?
Walking over with support, the footprints are rather messy, and there seems to be traces of a person along the direction.

But there is no trace of the person.

He should be grateful that no one has been here, and he should be more grateful because it was dark, so the kidnapper didn't pay attention to the ground. As for why he brought people here, he didn't know.

Followed a pair of smaller shoe prints, but found a bloody cloth strip.

It was Yue'er's clothes. In an instant, He Zi felt that his limbs were already chilly, but still held a sliver of hope and continued to move forward.

The footprints quickly disappeared, and there were traces of mud splashing everywhere.Compared with other places, this place is extremely messy, and my heart tightened, so I continued to walk over.

Immediately afterwards, a road rolled out.

His heart was bleeding, what happened to Yue'er that night?
Follow the traces bit by bit to search, for fear of missing a little clue, and then, soon found Zhao Yue who was blocked by a stone at the bottom.

He Zi was trembling in her heart, her whole body was covered with traces of blood, her hair was stained with a lot of mud, and one part of her leg had turned slightly black.

How could it be like this? In my impression, Zhao Yue has never made herself like this.

Don't care about anything, rushed down, stood beside Zhao Yue, never been so nervous in this life.

He didn't dare to touch her, fearing that she would not be breathing, so he touched the tip of her nose tremblingly, and the weak breathing gave He Zi a little comfort.

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