Seeing that He Zi didn't speak in front of him, Huo Tianhua didn't have the mood to continue wasting any more, he drove the car and prepared to leave.

"Yueyue is gone too. I came to you just to ask Luo Jialibao to take a look at Lele. I really can't find anyone." He Zi had a look of pain on her face. Where is Yueyue now?
Huo Tianhua paused, and suddenly felt that things were not so simple.

"Get in the car. I'll take you to my parents' place. I can ask them to help you." Huo Tianhua calmed down and ordered.

He Zi didn't have time to think so much, got out of the car, picked up He Le, left the car, and left.

Lele was so tormented that she looked up at her father in a daze.

"Baby, Dad will send you to my sister first. The teacher is gone. It will be troublesome for me to take you with me, so I wait for Dad to come back obediently." Then she took Zhao Yue's mobile phone and handed it to Lele.

"This teacher's mobile phone, when I go to my sister's house, I find something to charge the mobile phone. Once someone calls, leave and tell my grandparents, do you know?"

He Le was confused, but he knew that the teacher was gone, and his father was going to find someone.Carrying her will be troublesome.

Nodding, holding the phone.He fell asleep deeply.

When we got there, it was already eleven o'clock, and the town was basically in darkness.

When I arrived at my door, I knocked on the door: "Mom and Dad, come out quickly, there is something urgent."

The door opened. It was Huo's father. After all, he was rushed to the living room and was in a light sleep. As soon as he knocked on the door, he heard it.

Seeing his son's red eyeballs, he panicked. After turning on the light, he realized that his son was following a man.

In the arms of the man, there was still a little doll.

"Something happened between Luo Jiali and Zhao Yue. This child has no one to take care of her. I'm in a hurry now. I'll leave the child to you first."

Although Huo's father didn't know who Zhao Yue was, he could guess a bit by seeing the man behind him chasing after him.

He has seen this man before, he is Huo Tianhua's brother, he has been here a few times, he seems to be an orphan, he has a good impression.

After taking the child in his hand, the child was already fast asleep.There was also a mobile phone in his arms.

"Charge this phone. Once someone calls, let us know immediately. Please." Then, he bowed.

He turned and left, staggering a little.

Huo's mother rubbed her eyes and came out behind her, asking, "Who is it?" Then she saw the little doll in Huo's father's hand.

With joy and excitement in the eyes, Emma, ​​after sleeping, why is there another little doll?This is too cute.

"It seems that something happened to Huo Tianhua and He Zi. This child was given to me by He Zi. Let me take care of it." He concealed something, he didn't want his wife to worry along with him.

Although she knew that the matter was not very simple, Huo's mother didn't ask any more questions, and took the little doll from Huo's father.I like it very much.

Turned around and hugged into the house.

Putting it next to the little girl Luo Jirui, looking at the two children, there was almost happiness written on their faces.

Huo's father froze in place, didn't he, carried him into the house again?He looked at the mobile phone he had taken from the child, and resigned himself to finding a plug.

He, has always been a life of suffering.Quite resentful.

He Zi followed Huo Tianhua back to the villa, Quan Luo was quiet, the person each of them was thinking about now.

"The matter between Luo Jiali and Zhao Yue this time is probably arranged by someone." Huo Tianhua paused and called the Public Security Bureau.

Directly dispatch the police force to secretly search for clues.

Everyone in the Public Security Bureau panicked. Can you not pay attention to the phone call from the CEO?At night, a group of people lit up the street and looked around.

It didn't startle the surrounding residents, and acted secretly, but such a long time has passed, looking for clues is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Huo Tianhua and He Zi drove the car and looked at all the places they were supposed to go, but they didn't see the two of them at all.

With red eyes, for the first time, Huo Tianhua's eyes dripped a few drops of tears.

He Zi couldn't take it anymore, got out of the car, the surrounding was very dark, and the people in the oppressive atmosphere were almost out of breath. She slapped the wall with her palm, and there were several cracks in the wall.

The palms are already bloody.As if feeling no pain, his face turned pale. He never thought that one day, he would care so much about a woman.

Squatting down, he knew that this matter must have something to do with Zhang Mei, but there was no reason to investigate.

For the first time, I hated myself for being so incompetent that I couldn't even keep the person I liked.

The car gradually disappeared from sight, and Zhao Yue lay on the ground alone, with an unconcealable fear and desolation on his face.

It was very dark around, without lights, and Zhao Yue didn't dare to stay alone. She was afraid, afraid that those people would come back and do something to her after seeing her. The cold wind blew her hands and feet were cold, but there was nothing she could do. .

Near here, in the wilderness, where can I go?

Holding on to a tree, panting, the strength of the drug/drug has not passed, and the whole person looks quite embarrassed.

On the branch of the tree, there is a strip of white cloth, which is particularly permeable under the moonlight.

The slightest speck of blood was enough to scare a person to death in such a deserted place.

When the wind blows, it swayed on Zhao Yue's head." The shadow of the reflection swayed like an evil ghost.

Zhao Yue was terrified, she wanted to run, but before taking a few steps, she was tripped by a stone and fell on the road, her pants were torn, and traces of blood leaked out, pain, fear and a little bit of hope, a little bit of hope rushed to her heart. with.

Please, come and save me.

Zhao Yue prayed in her heart, but she didn't dare to make a sound, for fear of being heard by bad people, or fear of attracting other things.

Sitting on the ground, hugging myself, with red eye circles, in the middle of the night, it was scary enough.

She thought about He Le, He Zi, her adoptive parents far away, and her parents who were already blurred in her memory.

Gradually, the tears dried up, the wind blew over, and it was cold for a while. Zhao Yue's heart gradually calmed down. Through the moonlight, she saw the scars on her legs. It was undeniable that they were bloody.

The road here is full of stones, so hard that it makes people panic, Zhao Yue gritted his teeth, tore a piece from his clothes, and wiped the wound.Inevitably fortunate.

Fortunately, when she went out today, she wore sportswear with a lot of fabric and was comfortable.

He gritted his teeth and stood up, obviously a big hole had been worn in his trousers, making him even more embarrassed.

He threw the blood-stained cloth on the ground.

She didn't know where she should go, she wanted to see if Luo Jiali was thrown on the road like her, but she didn't dare.

She was afraid that if she went, she would meet the group of kidnappers, so she gritted her teeth and turned into the jungle.

At least, now I can't continue to stay in this stupid place.

She didn't know how long she had walked, it shouldn't be too far, exhaustion and pain had stopped her from moving forward, she leaned against a tree and hugged herself.Short break.

She has no time to think about what will happen in the future. Right now, she needs to find a place and wait for the dawn.

Zhao Yue felt a little uncomfortable, she didn't know what she did wrong, why such strange things always happened during this period of time.

When I was afraid, I seemed to think of many bad memories again.

The night my parents got into a car accident.

She knew that when she was just born, an old monk came to see her and concluded that she was a disaster.Then, he left insanely.

Not many people in the village believed it. After all, they had already started talking about advocating science, and the old monk looked like a lunatic at first glance. Who would believe a lunatic?So treat her like a normal person.

The village gradually became richer, and her parents loved her very much because she was the only child in the family.What other children have, she basically has, or even more.

She is fair and clean, and coupled with her well-behaved personality, many people like her quite a lot.

Mom and Dad saved money and bought a car, very happy.Dad drove the car every day, took mom and her, and went to the nearby park to play.

She was wearing a beautiful dress and was accompanied by her parents. At that time, she felt like the happiest child in the world.dream, there will be a day of waking up.

Mom and Dad took her out to play as usual, but this time it was different and decided to go to a farther mountain to play.

She clearly remembered what her father said in the car.

"What's going on? Why doesn't the brake work?" With fear and screams, the man and the car got out of the fence and rolled down the mountain together.

Mother protected her, the blood flowed down her head and onto her skirt.

It was originally a big accident, but to her surprise, nothing happened to her. The most common thing was that there was a trace of being caught by an accident on her arm.

She hugged her mother, and she knew what she said and how helpless she looked.

With mother's blood on her hands, she cried, Mom and Dad, I don't want to play anymore, take me home.

Mom just smiled and said two words, don't cry.Just close your eyes forever.

She hugged her mother's hand, feeling the temperature in her hand cooling down a little bit, feeling the darkness of the night.

Dad has fallen on the car forever, and his tears have dried up. During that time, she didn't dare to cry because her mother told her not to cry.

Later, the uncles and aunts in the village found the car at the foot of the mountain and her inside.

I don't know who said: "The catastrophe." Then the way everyone looked at her gradually changed.

"Why are her parents dead, but she is fine?"

"This is too evil. Could it be that I told that old monk..."

"It's a crime."


The uncles and aunts who had been kind to her in the past looked at her pointingly, with malice in their eyes.

Regardless, she is still a child.

At that time, as a child, she looked blankly at the adults around her.Don't cry, don't make trouble, because my mother said, don't cry.

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