CEO's Sweet Wife

Chapter 487 End

As for the people at Jian Anran's place, they were stopped by a group of people, even if they wanted to leave, He Zefeng's royal team of lawyers was waiting for them.

Meng Lu sat there nervously, feeling very excited inside. She couldn't tell if it was because her justice was finally won, or because of the joy of being recognized by everyone.

He Zefeng tidied up his cuffs a little, stood up and walked onto the stage again.

"Our company will fully pursue the legal responsibilities of Ms. Jane Anran, Mr. JK, and related personnel and companies.

In the next competition, Mr. JK abstained. Interested friends can stay and close the new design that Ms. M will call for everyone.

I will authorize the work she will design for free, and those who are interested can participate in my company's bidding meeting.

As for our company's upcoming new women's clothing brand, I will meet you soon. "

As long as he stands on the stage, whether it's his speech or temperament, he can shock the audience, and everyone will stare at him intently.

He Zefeng's words are authority.

The result of this matter is still clear, and the next thing to do is to pursue the relevant laws and be busy with the release and sales of new brands.

As for Jane Anran's company and her team, it has basically been ruined.

She will face the matter between JK and Meng Lu, as well as the lawsuit from the factory Xiaoliu, and countless consumers will come to complain and defend their rights.

Just dealing with these disputes is enough for Jane Anran and the others to have a headache, let alone have time to restore their reputation and do a good job in public relations.

What's more, He Zefeng would never give her this chance to stand up again.

What he wanted to do this time was to hit him with one blow, otherwise he wouldn't have been delayed for such a long time.

He Zefeng's main task has ended, and whether it is Meng Lu's continued design on the scene or Jian Anran's conflicts, he has already arranged relevant personnel.

What he has to do now is to take Shen Wan Bai out of here and go to their new company and factory for inspection.

Jane Anran lowered her head and swiped her phone. JK, Jane Anran Company, M, He's Group, etc., all these keywords were on the popular searches.

She still feels like she is dreaming.

Jane Anran's listed company is just... over?

And it still went silent with countless black materials.

"Let's go, go to the next place."

He Zefeng picked up his coat, put it on his body, and rubbed her head to remind her.

"Oh, here we come."

Shen Wan Bai quickly put away his phone and followed behind him.

"There should be a lot of things to deal with, right? Will you be busy next?"

"No, the matter of Jian Anran is actually easy to solve." He Zefeng put on his coat, lowered his head and rolled up the cuffs by three inches, and laughed, "I have spent a lot of trouble, just to make her completely ashamed, and her reputation , reputation, and all will be destroyed. In this way, no matter what line of work she is doing in the future, people who work with her will be hesitant.

Otherwise, it would be too boring just to let her company go bankrupt. "

Shen Wan Bai nodded and admitted: "This fits your personality very well."

Thieves have a dark belly, and to deal with others, they not only hide behind their backs, but also make others miserable on the surface.

Again, don't offend He Zefeng if you offend anyone.

Speaking of it, this JK is still very intelligent, knowing that at the last moment, it is the best policy to protect himself wisely.

"When Meng Lu gave them those two design works, didn't they doubt it? That was the fuse. If they found out, maybe we wouldn't have it so easy here."

"They were too confident, thinking that Meng Lu would not be able to deal with them that way. Moreover, with the level of their design team, they couldn't see through the trap set by Meng Lu."

"By the way, if JK didn't come on stage, the situation wouldn't be so bad, right? Did you arrest JK?"

"No, he found us by himself. I promised him that as long as he shows up to participate in this competition, I will not deal with him in the whole province in the future. But it seems that he can't stay in the country any longer."

Shen Wan Bai asked some more questions afterwards, and He Zefeng answered them all.

When He Zefeng was well prepared for everything and couldn't find the slightest problem, she finally felt relieved.

In this way, it is only a matter of time before Jane Anran leaves a black history, declares the company bankrupt, and disappears from the public eye.

Shen Wanbai believed that no matter how much money Jian Anran would ask from the Shen family to make up for this big hole, He Zefeng would sue her for bankruptcy.

"He Zefeng! Stop for me!"

Jane Anran's shout came from the other side of the corridor.

He Zefeng and Shen Wanbai stopped and looked towards her.

Just now, Jian Anran took advantage of the chaos and ran out from the place where she and her company were guarded, just to ask for clarification.

He Zefeng didn't speak, and watched Jian Anran and madmen rushing towards him with a blank expression.

Shen Wanbai's expression became solemn, and he subconsciously wanted to step forward, for fear that Jian Anran would do something that would be detrimental to him.

But He Zefeng saw her movement and reached out to stop her.

"How did I offend you? Why did you harm me to this extent! What dissatisfaction do you have with me? Tell me!
Even if my behavior is problematic, can you guarantee that your company is clean?
If you want to ask for money for this kind of thing, just say so!Shall I not give it to you?He Zefeng, are you still a man?Bully me a weak woman, you are not human!Others are afraid of you, but I am not afraid of you! "

Jian Anran was already mad with anger, all her senses disappeared, pointing at He Zefeng and yelling at him, but in the end she was so angry that she even rushed over to attack him.

He Zefeng still stood there straight, unmoved, his eyes were full of darkness and coldness.

The bodyguard next to him had quick eyes and quick hands, and instantly held Jane Anran down.

"Are you all right? Did she hurt you?"

Shen Wan Bai pulled him worriedly, and looked him up and down.


He Zefeng responded lightly, and then the way he looked at Jian Anran also changed subtly.

It's like a high-ranking emperor looking at very small ants.

"Tell me! He Zefeng! How did I offend you! Are you going to force me like this?"

Even if Jian Anran was controlled, she still roared crazily, her eyes full of viciousness.

It's not as simple as a company closing down.

Apart from the fact that no one would dare to cooperate with her in the future, everyone knew that there had been conflicts between her and He Zefeng, and no one would oppose He Zefeng because of her.

Those snobs, it would be nice if they didn't step on her feet to claim credit from He Zefeng.

Not to mention a comeback, her three words, Jian Anran, are likely to be avoided by others in the future.

He Zefeng put his hands in his pockets, looked at her proudly and asked coldly: "You must offend me, so I can deal with you?"

"You—" Jian Anran was stunned, she never thought that He Zefeng could be so arrogant!

"Do I need a reason to deal with you?"

"He Zefeng! You are not a man! Bah!" Jian Anran was mad at him, but her hands were controlled again, and she could only spit at He Zefeng.

"Mr. He!"

The bodyguards looked at him in panic.

He Zefeng turned sideways slightly, avoiding Jian Anran's saliva, and frowned, his eyes were full of disgust.

"Disgusting! If you don't do those things, will we find a chance?"

Shen Wan Bai really couldn't bear it anymore.

Jian Anran scolded so badly, and then spat at He Zefeng, her violent temper immediately exploded.

Did the man who scolded her ask her if she agrees?
"Shen Wanbai! You bastard! It's you who did it! I should have known it was you!"

After Jian Anran saw her, she suddenly realized.

He Zefeng didn't want to be as knowledgeable as women, and he didn't bother to care about Jian Anran's swearing just now.

However, he was ready to leave with Shen Wanbai, how dare Jian Anran call him a woman?
In front of his face, scolding his woman, did you ask his consent?

"Go help her rinse her mouth!"

"I'll rinse her mouth!"

He Zefeng and Shen Wanbai said in unison.

As soon as the words came out, the two were startled to explain and looked at each other.

He Zefeng looked at her meaningfully and asked, "Are you going to do it?"

"Yes, I'll come."

Shen Wan Bai rolled up her sleeves, she would not let go of such a good opportunity.

Speaking of which, she remembered that Jian Anran seemed to have slapped her a few times when she was in the Shen family.

Now is also the time to settle accounts.

For her, it's never too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years.

"Okay, I'll wait for you outside."

He Zefeng readily agreed and gestured to the bodyguards.

They immediately led Jane Anran to the next bathroom.

"Let go of me! You bastards!"

Jian Anran is still cursing, but here are all He Zefeng's people, even if others hear it, they won't come to help her.

After she was dragged into the bathroom, Shen Wanbai waved to the bodyguards, indicating that they could go out.

"This..." The bodyguard looked at each other, a little worried.

"Don't worry, don't underestimate me."

"Call us immediately if you have any questions."


Shen Wan Bai gestured to them to clean up, and they pushed it out, and closed the door by the way.

Jian Anran wanted to rush out, but Shen Wanbai threw her by the back of the collar towards the corner of the wall, her feet slipped, and she fell directly to the ground.

"You scolded my boss just now, didn't you?"

Shen Wan Bai stepped on her shoulder and asked coldly.

"Your boss? Bah! I think you were raised by him! Dirty woman!"

Shen Wan Bai slapped her across the face, and then said slowly: "Didn't your mother teach you that it's very rude to spit on people?"

"Shen Wan Bai, you stinky—"

Shen Wan Bai slapped his backhand again: "Didn't your mother teach you not to swear?"

Jian Anran went mad with anger, she was stepped on by Shen Wanbai, unable to stand up, and she wanted to struggle and resist, but was easily subdued by Shen Wanbai, and even got slapped.

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