"First of all, JK himself had an accident today and his body is not healthy, so he can't participate in this game.

Secondly, JK is the designer of our company, so he represents the company, and the gentleman on the stage is also the designer of our company, no matter who is invited to compete, the meaning is the same. "

"What, there is such a saying?"

"JK is injured? Such a coincidence?"

"But JK is the chief designer. He always said that he created it by himself, but now he says that he represents the company. What is that?"

Not to mention that people who were watching the live broadcast on the Internet did not accept her statement, even the reporters in the audience frowned and began to discuss.

Shen Wanbai also narrowed his eyes, and sat quietly under the stage looking at Jian Anran.

Saying such shameless things, it seems that Jian Anran really has no other way to deal with the current situation.

Jian Anran knew that this would happen, but she couldn't back down, she had to use this last resort no matter what.

It doesn't matter even if she is ridiculed and ridiculed, as long as she can persist until the start of the competition.

When everyone's discussion gradually subsided and it was accepted that someone could replace JK, He Zefeng straightened his collar, stood up gracefully and dignifiedly, and walked slowly towards the stage.

He was just walking, without saying a word, his powerful aura and majestic aura silenced the scene, he became the focus of everyone, and there was an invisible pressure of coercion.

Shen Wanbai secretly smiled when he saw his movements.

He has already gone out, and Jane Anran will definitely not be able to please him.

Sure enough, just watching him approach step by step, Jian Anran's face turned pale, and her body trembled slightly.

"First of all, the purpose of this competition is to prove that it was created by M, not JK. Therefore, the two parties are indispensable." He Zefeng stood on the stage and repeated Song Si's previous words, and then Showing a meaningful smile, "Miss Jian Anran said just now that JK is an employee of your company and represents your company, right? I hope you can admit this in the future."

Everyone was listening to He Zefeng, and so was Jian Anran.

"Secondly, Miss Jian Anran said just now that Mr. JK is ill and cannot come to participate in the competition, right? That is really a coincidence. My friend happened to know Mr. JK and learned that he had a small cold two days ago and has now fully recovered. I took him here specially."

When He Zefeng finished speaking, the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened.

What he said was like a bomb. When it was thrown out, there was a "boom" in Jian Anran's head, feeling that all hopes had been destroyed.

The diametrically opposite of her attitude were those reporters and those watching the live broadcast.

As soon as they heard that JK was invited, they were very excited and asked JK to come out quickly.

He Zefeng didn't want to tease others any more, and signaled to Song Si that he could bring him up.

When JK appeared from the backstage and walked to the front stage, his expression was also ugly, and he kept his head down, not daring to look at Jian Anran at all.

"How did you appear here? Didn't we agree?"

Jian Anran's face turned completely pale, she lowered her voice and asked him in despair.

"I don't want to either, but, but the other party is He Zefeng! If I offend him, my life will be ruined!"

"Aren't you afraid of offending me?"

Jian Anran gritted her teeth and stared at him bitterly.

JK hesitated to speak, then bit the bullet and asked back: "Do you think you will end well in the future? You have offended He Zefeng, don't you think about yourself?"

After being reminded by him, Jian Anran opened her mouth, unable to speak.

Of course she knows!
But He Zefeng is going to drive her to a dead end now, she still has a chance to resist, but if she doesn't resist, she will be completely dead!

She has no choice at all!

He Zefeng nodded to Song Si, Song Si understood, and immediately continued to host the game.

"Now that the two designers have arrived, the competition will officially begin."

JK didn't look at Jian Anran again, but walked towards the design stage step by step.

The designer who was sitting there had already been taken away.

it's over...

everything is over.

Jane Anran closed her eyes in despair.

Seeing that the two designers are ready, the competition is about to begin.

All the reporters and media in the audience also fell silent and held their breath.

In order not to disturb the creation of the two designers, it must be kept quiet here, and no one can make too much noise.

The netizens who were watching the live broadcast became even more excited. Even the number of followers on a live broadcast platform increased sharply, and the website crashed several times, and the programmers urgently repaired it.

"Then, the next thing is the long-awaited game. Now the first round of the game officially begins, and the timing begins."

After Song Si announced the start, Meng Lu took a deep breath and concentrated on preparing to start creating.

"Wait, wait a minute!" JK looked at the design desk in front of him and stood up in disgrace.

Everyone looked at him curiously.

"If I admit directly, those creations are not—"

When JK said this in trepidation, Song Si had already walked to his side, stretched out his hand to hold him down, and stopped his words.

"Just play well, don't be too nervous, it's just a game."

Song Si looked at him with a smile on his face.

Although everyone can hear what Song Si is saying, but JK can see the warning and reminder in Song Si's eyes.

JK understood, swallowed his saliva, and could only resign himself to sitting in front of the design table, looking at those tools, software specially used for design, etc., one head and two big.

How does he understand these things!
When the two of them are designing, the projection behind them will be displayed so that everyone can see it very clearly.

Shen Wan Bai was sitting very near the front, she noticed Song Si's eyes just now.

When He Zefeng sat back beside her, she leaned over slightly and asked in a low voice, "Did JK just want to admit it directly? If that's the case, let's just end the game and let him leave, leaving Meng Lu on stage." Just show the design, why bother?"

"But in this way, it is easy to be caught by others to speak up. It is similar to that we bought JK and asked JK to join us. He deliberately said such things against Jane Anran's company."

"JK doesn't understand design at all, and it is very likely that he will be said to be a deliberate leak."

"The problem you mentioned has already been discovered by many people on the live broadcast platform. They are all talking about whether JK made the design bad on purpose."

He Zefeng held the phone in front of her, and there were many comments on it.

Shen Wanbai took a few casual glances, all complaining about JK's design and praising Meng Lu's design.

She looked up, and sure enough, she saw the projection. After JK opened the two pictures of the original manuscript, there was no follow-up supplement at all. As long as he wrote, he couldn't even draw a straight line. No wonder everyone doubted it.

In less than an hour, Meng Lu had stopped writing.

These two works were originally involved by her, so she easily completed the places that needed to be added later.

Seeing her writing, JK also heaved a sigh of relief.

After he put down his pen, he stood up, walked to the middle of the hall, bowed to the people under the stage, then drooped his head and said:
"I'm sorry to disappoint everyone. I think many people must be asking now, did I deliberately let go of the water and lose to Ms. M? But what I want to say is that it is not the case. This is my true level."

"Actually, I'm not a designer. I'm a student in the acting department of a foreign university. After graduation, I only took some walk-on or street modeling jobs.

Later, I joined Jian Anran Company and became the JK designer that everyone knows.

Regarding this matter, if everyone doubts, I will post my real personal information on the Internet, school, major, etc., and you can all check it.

I am deeply sorry for the harm and loss caused by Ms. I will be responsible for my actions in the future and compensate Ms. M.

Finally, I still want to emphasize that I did not release water, and the design works you see are my real level.

Thank you all, and, very sorry. "

JK bent down sincerely, and then stood up again.

His words caused an uproar. Although everyone already believed in Meng Lu and doubted JK and Jian Anran, when the truth came out of his mouth, and there was even evidence to check, the reporters and the media , the people who eat melons on the Internet, as well as consumers, were all shocked.

They were tricked by Jane Anran and deceived by JK for so long!

How could they swallow this breath!

"This JK is too hateful! He actually lied to us!"

"Why don't you just admit that you are a model of Jane Anran's company!"

"Get out! Liar! If I were honestly just a model, not a designer, maybe I wouldn't be so angry!"

"That M designer is so miserable! Fortunately, He's Group appeared and confronted Jian Anran Company head-on, otherwise, I'm afraid this is another mess!"

"This M designer's work is great, I like it very much! Moreover, it is a subsidiary of He's Group, and its reputation must be guaranteed. When it goes on sale, I want to buy it."

"Me too, I was planted!"

There are obviously two kinds of atmosphere in the discussion on the Internet, either they are all angry, they want to settle accounts with Jian Anran Company, they want to defend their rights, or they are all looking forward to the new brand that will be released to the public.

Shen Wan Bai stayed under the stage, constantly checking the latest news on the Internet.

Although she knew that there would be absolutely no problem once He Zefeng got out, she was really amazed that things went so smoothly.

Song Si stood on the stage and looked towards He Zefeng. After receiving the signal, he nodded slightly and left with JK.

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