"Jun Mu, do you have WeChat?" Xi Ruo asked calmly.

Fu Junmu looked at her suspiciously, as if asking what WeChat is?
"You—do you not know what WeChat is?"

Xi Ruo said with a slightly trembling corner of her mouth.


"...You really don't know, Jun Mu, you—you are out of touch with the times, you—you don't even know WeChat." The more Xi Ruo said, the more she felt incredible, her little heart was shocked, why? There will be—there will be such NB people.

He thought to himself: What kind of fairy husband am I?
Fu Junmu looked at Xi Ruo's expression of wanting to hit the wall, and immediately took out the phone, and kept pressing the phone with his slender fingers.

After a while, he tapped Xi Ruo lightly, but it turned out that Xi Ruo's thoughts had already wandered into the sky.

"Well, what happened?"

Fu Junmu pulled her up from the sofa, sat up straight, and put his mobile phone in her palm.

Xi Ruo looked suspiciously at the phone whose screen had been turned off, and opened her mouth to ask, "Nani?"

After hearing what she said, Fu Junmu's face darkened, and he motioned her to continue looking at the phone.

This time, Xi Ruo saw that Fu Junmu's mobile phone page already had a WeChat app.


"Ah, oh, Jun Mu, you mean to ask me to open WeChat." Xi Ruo asked speculatively.


After hearing his affirmative tone, Xi Ruo opened the software.

The page showed nothing but WeChat. Driven by curiosity, she clicked on me and saw Fu Junmu's WeChat name.

It’s not Chinese characters, nor is it Martian, it’s just two simple English letters——MR
Looking at these two letters, Xi Ruo seemed to see that Fu Junmu was once registering the name of the group. The reason was as simple as that. It didn't have a good meaning, it was just because of their names.

Seeing that name, Xi Ruo was very shaken, he always put her first no matter what he did.

"Jun Mu, thank you" Xi Ruo said while holding her head tightly, she didn't want her to see the look on her face at this moment.

Fu Junmu got up, walked to the restaurant, poured her a glass of water and came over.


Hearing his cold voice ringing in her ears, her heart was warm.

No, she must figure out why Jun Mu is afraid of car accidents.

Gudoo ~~~ Gudoo 
"Jun Mu, I'm done drinking, I'll go to the bedroom and call Jing Jing, go get busy."

"it is good."

After Xi Ruo finished speaking, she took off her shoes and ran upstairs.

After entering the bedroom, he locked the door first, and then looked at his phone. He was stunned for a few seconds, and determination flashed in his eyes.

Putting on his shoes, he walked to the pink lazy sofa under the window and sat down, looking at the address book on the phone.

After hesitating for a long time, he first called Shangguan Jing, and hung up after saying a few words.

Then he hurriedly called Mu Cangjin, feeling a little scared in his heart, hoping that her conjecture would not be true.

"Hey, who is it?"

An old and kind voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Grandpa, it's me, Ruoruo."

"Ah, it's Ruoruo girl, why are you willing to call me, the old man?" Mu Cangjin said with a teaser.

"Haha~ Grandpa, don't make fun of me. I have something to ask Grandpa."

Xi Ruo spoke softly, but at the same time she was afraid of being discovered, and her heartbeat accelerated nervously.


Hearing Mu Cangjin's sighs, Xi Ruo was so frightened that she asked in a trembling voice, "Grandpa, Jun Mu is very afraid of hearing about a car accident, it can even be said to be fear, this is—"

"Ruoruo, I thought you would come to ask me, and grandpa also knows that only you can untie him."

Mu Cang Jin vicissitudes of life rang again with a slightly sad voice.

"Is it convenient for grandpa to call? Do you need us to make an appointment?"

Xi Ruo immediately asked, she was really anxious, wishing she knew what was going on right now.

"Then Ruoruo, when do you want to make an appointment?"

Mu Cangjin on the other end of the phone asked happily.

"Of course, the sooner the better, I can do it now." Xi Ruo blurted out.

"Hahaha~ You little girl has a personality, you don't need to make an appointment, just talk on the phone, but you don't want to go out recently, today we are not thoughtful, Jun Mu is probably angry, and I definitely don't want to talk to you What about my old man?"

"Grandpa, don't worry, Jun Mu will definitely take care of you, you are grandpa." Xi Ruo said with a playful smile.

Mu Cang was so happy to be coaxed now, he thought: So what about grandpa, that kid is such a lonely person, the person he recognizes cannot be crossed even by blood relationship, you are his number one!

"Grandpa—Grandpa—are you still there? It's strange why you don't speak anymore. Could it be that the connection is disconnected?"

Xiruo guessed all the possibilities while talking to herself, but Mu Cangjin on the other end listened in a daze.

"Ahem——Ruoruo, grandpa is here, what do you want to know? Or do you have any ideas?"

When Mu Cang thought of his old wife, he felt a little sad.

"Grandpa, then—then you don't mind if I say it, and don't blame me if I make a mistake!" Xi Ruo said bargainingly.

"Okay, you girl is still clever if you don't see it."

"Then, grandpa, I'll tell you."


 "Grandpa, I think Jun Mu hates car accidents, so it must be someone close to Jun Mu who got into a car accident that made him blame himself so much, and if—if—that person is still alive, Jun Mu must be wrong It will be so painful; another reason is that the person has already passed away, but I went to check the people in our family who have not died in a car accident in recent years, and the closest one is only one who meets the standard." 
Mu Cang listened to Xi Ruo's methodical analysis, it seems that Jun Mu did not choose the wrong person, this girl is smart, but she doesn't know what was going on in her head.

"Oh, then if you find someone who meets the standard--"

"Grandpa, it's - it's grandma." Xi Ruo was so frightened on the other end of the phone that she was scared to death, would Grandpa mind if she just said that?

For a long time, the phone was hot, but there was no response from the other end of the phone, not even a sound.

"Grandpa, are you okay? It's all my fault. If I didn't say it suddenly, it wouldn't make you feel bad. "

Xi Ruo kept apologizing in a hurry, she was so stupid, why did she bring it up so suddenly.

"Ruoruo, it's okay, besides, Jun Mu's matter is indeed related to your grandma, so don't worry."

Mu Cangjin immediately hung up the phone.

"Hey—hey—Grandpa, you actually lied to me, damn it!!!"

Xi Ruo spoke angrily, her head was about to explode after talking for a long time.

 What Grandpa said just now kept ringing in my mind, "Son, if you want to know anything, you can ask Jun Mu directly, I believe he will tell you." 
I'm so mad, be good!

Looking at the black screen of the mobile phone, Xi Ruo couldn't help feeling the urge to curse, and thought: Jun Mu is jumping out word by word now, if she asks, he can continue to say a word or just ignore her What to do?
Xi Ruo was alone in the bedroom, scratching her head and thinking about how to deal with it.

Thinking of Mu Cangjin who hung up the phone just now, I couldn't help but complain in my heart: Grandpa is so bad, he obviously didn't intend to tell me from the beginning, and deliberately tricked her, grandpa is too bad, let's see her next time How to blackmail once.

in the study

In Fu Junmu's slender hand was a stack of documents with "Liang Zihan" written on it.

Fu Junmu always felt that there was something wrong with Liang Zihan, and he always felt an inexplicable familiarity with him.

Fu Junmu looked at Liang Zihan's information on the information, and tapped lightly on the table with his slender fingers.

About 5 or 6 minutes later, Fu Junmu casually took out the WeChat that Xi Ruo had mentioned just now, and pulled Hua Wuque, eldest brother, second brother, and Xiao Wu into a group.

Dark Boss: Who invited me?

Second child (Su Ning): I don’t know!
Xiao Wu: I know!I know!It must be the fourth brother, otherwise there will be something who has this sentiment, and even formed a group.

The fourth child {Hua Wuque): I said, I really didn't do it! ! !

Fu Junmu: Me!

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