After being reborn, he was tricked by paranoid Fu Shao

Chapter 54 Let's see who can hold back! ! !

Fu Junmu looked at Xi Ruo squinting at his collarbone, narrowed his eyes, and flashed a very dangerous look.


"Jun Mu, what are you saying?"


",,,,,,, Nani? You mean - no trouble?" Xi Ruo asked suspiciously.


"Jun Mu, you—what's the matter, why didn't you speak?"

Xi Ruo lowered her head, her two little hands were close together, poking at each other, a little scared.

She didn't dare to ask, because she already had a guess in her heart, and she was afraid that asking it would make him sad.

After Fu Junmu finished saying this word, he picked her up and prepared to go back.

He felt that there was danger everywhere for Ruoruo outside now, and he wanted to take her back, and he was about to start taking action recently.

"Jun Mu, what are you doing holding me, are we going back?"


Xi Ruo wanted to struggle to get down, but she wasn't weak enough for him to carry her away.


"Jun Mu—" Xi Ruo just wanted to refute, when she saw the sadness flashing in Fu Junmu's eyes.

Xi Ruo didn't move any more, letting him hold her peacefully.

Xindao: When Jun Mu heard the "car accident" today, his body froze for a moment, but as far as she knew, he had never experienced such a thing.

It seems impossible to find someone to ask her, to ask her mother-in-law. After the last time, Jun Mu didn't let her contact her mother casually, and she didn't know why.

dad?No, ask Dad, he may not tell her the truth.


How could I have forgotten my grandfather, he lived with him when he was a child, if it wasn't for his reason, she might not know him.

While thinking about it, Xi Ruo quickly planned when to ask her grandfather.

Suddenly, a big hand was placed on her little head.

It's Jun Mu. It turned out that he had already arrived at the parking lot.

He gently put her on the passenger seat, and then took the car keys from Fan Zheng who was waiting beside him.

Sit in the driver's seat and start the car.

Xi Ruo looked at more and more big trees on the side of the road, kept backing away, felt some pain in her eyes, and fell asleep in a daze.

Fu Junmu just turned his head and saw such a picture of a beauty falling asleep.

The smooth black hair was casually draped over her shoulders, and there were some mischievous strands on her forehead. There were two blushes on her face, and the corners of her mouth were curved as she thought of something.

He looked at her and smiled slightly, and immediately drove the car more smoothly.

If Xiruo woke up at this time, she would see large expanses of sycamore trees on both sides of the road, until they disappeared at the end of the road.

At the end of the street is a large iron gate, inside which is a large villa with a European-style appearance.

There is also a sandalwood sign at the door, with three big characters written on it——Xi Ruo Ting
There are also several small fences at the iron gate, inside which are clusters of lilac flowers growing together, and dense creepers grow on the fences.

The car drove into the villa slowly and stopped at the main entrance of the villa.

After Fu Junmu got out of the car, he saw Mu Wu waiting at the door, gently opened the car door, and carried Xi Ruo out who was sleeping soundly.

"Master, do you want to prepare lunch?" Mu Wu asked respectfully while bending over. 

Mu Wu wanted to ask when they had dinner, but Fu Junmu didn't give him this chance, and went directly to their bedroom with Xi Ruo in his arms.

In a black and white bedroom, the curtains are indeed pink, and there is a white carpet. There is also a small coffee table at the window with a pink vase on it.

After Fu Junmu gently placed Xiruo on the big bed, he pulled the black quilt over her body, looked at her tenderly, and lowered his head to kiss her forehead.

Then he walked out lightly.

"Master, will you all live here in the future?"


"Then—Master, do you want to open the third floor?"



 After Mu Wu found out, he went out. He felt a little curious, why did the master talk less and less.

I didn't talk to them before, and after I had a young lady, I ignored them all the more. Today, I only said one word, and the master has spoken less than 10 words since entering the door.

Fu Junmu sorted out the recent plan again in the study, and found nothing wrong.

Then he sat on a chair and smoked a cigar.

After about a few minutes, the study room was filled with the smell of cigars, and the fire could be seen faintly.

He didn't know what suddenly came to his mind, he pulled open the desk drawer and took out a photo frame from it.

After staring at it for a long time, memories flooded up all of a sudden, and the fundus of my eyes was slightly moist.


"Jun Mu—Jun Mu—are you in there?"

"I can't sleep."

Xiruo's soft voice sounded outside the door, and Fu Junmu hurriedly got up to open the door.

"Jun Mu—cough cough cough—the smell of smoke—cough cough" Xi Ruo hadn't come in yet, but had already choked on just standing at the door.

Fu Junmu immediately put out the cigarette in his hand, stepped forward, and patted her on the back lightly.

"Jun Mu, why are you smoking? Are you in a bad mood?"

Xi Ruo frowned and looked at him worriedly.

"." Xi Ruo rolled her eyes when she looked at him, then turned and left.

Fu Junmu thought she was going to leave, so he followed her closely. He would never let her go.

From the moment she attended the wedding, he told himself that if one day she wanted to leave, he would never let her go, and would rather keep her locked here for the rest of her life than he would let her go.

His love is restrained and extremely cruel!

The sound of taking off shoes and rubbing the floor, one after the other, walked into the living room.

"Mu Wu!"

Xiruo shouted softly.

"Hello, young lady, what's your order?" Mu Wu, who was dressed in a housekeeper's attire, came over and stood upright beside Xi Ruo.

"No, I want to eat shrimp, let me make some stir-fried crayfish."

"Okay, young lady."

Xi Ruo had already noticed the man following her closely, didn't she say anything, right? This girl has plenty of ways to cure you, hum!
Mu Wu's speed was very fast, and a plate of stir-fried crayfish was brought up immediately.

"Young lady, please have dinner."

Mu Wu stood aside respectfully and waited.

"Well, okay, you don't have to stand here."

"Yes, young lady."

At this moment, Fu Junmu's attention was completely focused on the word "Mu Wu". He had never told Ruo Ruo that the housekeeper's name was "Mu Wu".

So, how did Ruoruo know?
Ever since Ruoruo came to the wedding that day, he was surprised, and always felt that Ruoruo still had some secrets that he didn't know.

"Jun Mu—"

Xi Ruo shouted in a prolonged voice on purpose, which made Fu Junmu, who was in a daze, come back to his senses.


Such a simple word came out of Fu Junmu's throat. Xi Ruo watched his Adam's apple go up and down, and suddenly swallowed.

"Eh—it's nothing, nothing." Xi Ruo smiled sarcastically, while touching the bridge of her small nose with one hand to cover up her embarrassment just now.

Fu Junmu still answered her with one word, which made Xi Ruo feel so powerless!

The two of them didn't speak any more, Xi Ruoan ate in peace, and Fu Junmu peeled the shrimp in peace.

Xi Ruo said in her heart: "Just hold back and don't speak. If you have the ability, keep holding back. From now on, my old lady will only say one word, hum!"

In one word, who wouldn't, really! ! !
Let's see who can hold back! ! !


Fu Junmu was afraid that she would eat too fast and choke, so he poured her a glass of warm water in advance.


He handed the water to Xi Ruo casually, and then started his task of peeling shrimp.

Soon the prawns were all peeled, and Xi Ruo was a little full.

But Fu Junmu hadn't eaten yet, and Xi Ruo was a little worried, so she wanted Fu Junmu to eat something first, otherwise he would be hungry.

Just when I wanted to open my mouth to speak, I realized that I was thinking of only saying one word just now, so I closed my mouth again.

On the one hand, I was worried that he would have stomach problems if he didn't eat well, and on the other hand, I was afraid that I would talk too much.

I've been struggling with her for a long time, what should I do?

What to do, what to do?
Got it!

She doesn't speak, she can always send WeChat or QQ!

Really hard work pays off!
He took out his mobile phone from his pocket, opened WeChat, and tried to search, but there was no such person.

God!How could I not have his WeChat, could it be an old antique?

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