"Mu Liu, open the door!"

"Okay, master."

Mu Liu stood at the door, turned off the light, and then scanned the red detection instrument.

The door opened, and a strong smell came out.

After entering, I saw several glass rooms made of coated glass, and then walked in several rooms.

There was a person guarding the door, and when he saw Mu Liu coming over, he called out "Boss".

Then he bowed respectfully to Fu Junmu, raised his head and left.

"Open the door!"

Mu Liu pressed the password of the door lock, and after opening the door, there were a few people nestled in the corner of the room, and the one shivering inside was Huang Mao.

Fu Junmu glanced at it calmly, then averted his gaze.

"Mu Liu, bring him out!"

"Okay, master." 
Mu Liu responded, and stepped forward to pull Huang Mao who was pretending to be dead in the corner.

"Get up and go!"

"Uncle! Uncle, no, I didn't do anything, please let me go!"

Huangmao said excitedly.

He realized how terrifying these people were. After they were locked in, they were not given food all night, and last night in this house he actually heard that woman coming to him.

But she——was killed by himself half a year ago, he watched her drown in the river before being fished up, why did he hear her calling him last night.

He thought everyone heard it, but no one else heard it, only he heard it.

He also dreamed of her, in a dream.

The woman came to him and said she would kill him, and he ran and ran and ended up in the morgue.

Suddenly, strange music sounded from nowhere. Accompanied by this strange and terrifying music, he felt that he had entered a dark place, and he could not see his fingers.

His heart suddenly came to a critical point, and a ghost with a flower face rushed towards him, making him scream loudly in fright.

Next, a headless ghost tied by an iron chain suddenly jumped out from the side, which startled him, and his heart also trembled.

Onward, bloody eyes, pale faces, hanged men...

Let his sensory cells become fragile and sensitive, ignorant of what will happen next, and terrified of the dark.

However, the more you fear, the more things will happen.

After moving forward for a while, the heads, arms, and thighs all over the floor... stimulated his brain again.

Suddenly there was a frightening and horrifying cry in his ear, like howling ghosts and wolves. He turned his head and saw the woman's face, and there was water on her hair.

"Why did you kill me?"

"I won't let you go. I brought my sisters to kill me. Did you see them just now?"

There was a weird smile on the corner of her mouth, which disappeared in the next second.

He woke up with a fright and broke out in a sweat.

After waking up, he saw that other brothers were sleeping soundly, but he was the only one who woke up with fright.

Is it really not to do bad things, not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door?
After he woke up from the fright, he never fell asleep again until just now.

He doesn't want to stay in this ghost place anymore, he would rather go to prison and eat in prison than stay in this torture ghost place.


Mu Liu rudely pulled Huang Mao to the glass room next to him, kicked the door open, and pushed Huang Mao in.


"Lock the door!"

Hua Wuque touched his chin and looked at the scene in front of him with interest. After the yellow hair inside went in, he saw the food on the table.

He rushed forward without hesitation, so anxious that even chopsticks were useless.

With those dirty hands, he started to grab the rice and put it in his mouth. After about five or six minutes, he wiped out all the food on the table.

"Wu Que, have you taken the medicine yet?" Fu Junmu said lightly.

"Third brother, I must let it go. I like such a fun thing the most." 
"Mu Liu, start."

"Okay, master."

The yellow hair inside seemed to be full of food and drink, but he didn't realize the danger was coming, but he felt a little weird in his heart.

After about five or six minutes, the yellow hair inside began to feel drowsy.

His head was banging on the table without listening, bang bang bang—the sound of hitting the table came from the recording device.

Then the yellow hair inside, who was supposed to be asleep, suddenly woke up, and then looked around and started to wave his hands, shouting "Go away! Don't, go away!"

Then he used his hands and feet together again and started to hold the air with his feet, the whole person was crazy.

If someone stood here and saw his appearance, he would definitely say that he had hit a ghost.

After all, he closed his eyes, vigorously swinging his arms and legs, kicking and shouting in the air.

Fu Junmu raised his fair wrist and glanced at the time on the expensive watch on his wrist.

"Mu Liu, it's 20:[-], wait another [-] minutes and let him out."

"Okay, master."

"It's perfect, it will take a few hours to recover."

"Well—third brother, normal people need an hour."

"Okay! Mu Liu, after releasing him at three o'clock, let him stay alone for another hour, and then send all those people to the police station."

"Okay, master."

Mu Liu was a little curious why he didn't kill him directly, but had to deal with it in such a complicated way.

After Fu Junmu gave the order, he went out directly, and he would take Ruoruo to go shopping in a while.

Seeing Mu Liu frowning, Hua Wuque patted him on the shoulder and asked, "What's the matter, Mu Liu?"

"Fourth Young Master, I just don't understand why the master didn't deal with that bastard directly, it's simple and easy."

Mu Liu didn't shy away from it, and asked directly.

Hua Wuque listened to Mu Liu's words, the corner of his mouth twitched and asked.

"Mu Liu, do you think the third brother is a little—well, kind-hearted?"

"Well, Fourth Young Master, to tell you the truth, that's what I think." Mu Liu was also a straightforward person, so he responded directly.

"I should give you a supplement about the medicine I newly researched. The medicine has a certain effect, otherwise I wouldn't waste my resources in vain." Hua Wuque said proudly.

"Well, Fourth Young Master, you continue."

Hua Wuque looked at Mu Liuyi's serious face, and immediately lost the mood to tease. He had no choice but to talk to a wooden stake for a long time, and he would not feel the slightest sense of accomplishment.

"Mu Liu, let me tell you, the medicine of the master, it will produce certain hallucinations. And the source of its production is the most feared thing in a person's heart, and the effect of the medicine will vary with the degree of a person's fear. And become bigger. For example, the one in the inside has already been in trouble, he will always be affected by his own hallucinations, if he is not treated in time, he will become a mental patient."

"(⊙o⊙)...uh, so--" Mu Liu still didn't understand.

"My God, Mu Liu, why are you so stupid? The so-called timely treatment also has a time period, such as this one, his best time is from 3 o'clock to 4 o'clock in a while, if you miss it—" Hua Wuque While smiling evilly, he walked out.

"Fourth Young Master, what will happen if you miss it?" Mu Liu asked anxiously.

Hua Wuque's face was full of black lines, he said it so clearly, or did he not understand?

"If you miss this hour, he will be normal."


"Oh, don't be surprised, I haven't finished yet, if you miss it, it will become normal, but the deadline is 24 hours~"

After Hua Wuque finished speaking, he laughed and left.

Mu Liu, who was standing there, finally understood that the master didn't kill anyone, but just drove people crazy, he might as well die.

Life is worse than death every day, tsk tsk tsk!

After Fu Junmu came out of the basement, he didn't rush to find Xi Ruo, but went to a relatively hidden room first.

It is not open to the public, so the security is very good.

He went in and took a shower, and then changed into a suit that was exactly the same as before.

After tidying up, he walked out unhurriedly.

As soon as he walked to the door of the room, he heard laughter from inside.

He gently opened the door and walked in, and saw three people sitting together playing cards.


"Jun Mu, why did it take you so long to come? I'm dying of anxiety. I keep losing. Is it because my cards are too bad!"

Hearing Xi Ruo's frustrated voice, Fu Junmu coaxed immediately.

"Ruo Ruo, be good! You have a good card, Wu Que is cheating, if you don't believe me, you can ask him."

After Fu Junmu finished speaking, he looked at Hua Wuque sharply, as if he would die if he misspoke a single word.

"Little, little sister-in-law, I, it's me, I'm cheating." Hua Wuque smiled charmingly.

 [PS Please collect it!Please comment! 】

Xi Ruo: Jun Mu, I want to buy a piece of land.

Fu Junmu: Huh?buy land?where?
Xi Ruo: Your determination┗|`O′|┛

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