"Ruoruo, you can take it with you, I'm just curious, ahaha~" Shangguanjing said while typing haha.

"Quiet, tell me—" Xi Ruo purposely elongated her voice and didn't continue.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Shangguan Jing asked while eating a piece of fish.

"That's right, that's right, Jing Jing, do you want to have a relationship!" Xi Ruo finished speaking in one breath, then took a big sip of orange juice and looked at Shangguan Jing.

"Cough cough cough—the fishbone is stuck"

"Quiet, what's wrong with you?"

"No, it's okay, give me some vinegar." Shangguan Jing said weakly.

"Jingjing, why are you so jealous? Is it because it's perfect?" Xiruo ordered the waiter to get it, while looking at Shangguanjing narrowly.

Shangguan Jing felt that sooner or later she would be defeated by her dear cousin, so she couldn't help rolling her eyes when she heard what she said and didn't answer.

Seeing Shangguan Jing not answering, Xi Ruo became more certain, and looked at Fu Junmu triumphantly.

Hua Wuque was also misled by Xi Ruo's words at this time, thinking: Is this woman really jealous because of her behavior just now, hum!Even if she has eyes, she knows how handsome the young master is!
Fu Junmu listened to Xi Ruo's words, and then looked at Hua Wuque's appearance, the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

He said lightly: "The fishbone is stuck in the throat, using vinegar is a good way to soften the fishbone." 
Xi Ruo understood it when she heard it, and couldn't laugh immediately.

Fu Junmu continued indifferently: "Wu Que is a doctor, you should be clear about it, shouldn't you?"


When Hua Wuque, who was drinking coffee, heard it, the corners of his mouth twitched and didn't know what to say, why didn't he react.

"Hello, the vinegar you want."

"Ok, alright, Thanks!"

After Shangguanjing took the vinegar, she directly poured it into her mouth. It took her a long time to put down the vinegar.

There was very little vinegar left in the bowl, and what Xi Ruo saw was sour.

"Quiet, you are so jealous!"

"That is, Ruoruo, I am jealous when I have nothing to do at home. Eating more is good for your health." 
Shangguanjing raised her chin and spoke proudly, as if to say, "I just like to be jealous, what's the big deal."

Fu Junmu raised his wrist and looked at the time on his watch, it was already one o'clock.

Putting down her wrist, she picked up a soft handkerchief from the dining table and carefully wiped Xi Ruo's mouth.

While wiping, he said, "Ruoruo, Ye Di don't run around after I'm gone, you know?"

"it is good"

"You can't drink some messy things, you know?" 
"Also, you have to be by my side all the time, you know?"

"Okay, okay, I know Jun Mu, I'm sure I'll tie myself to your belt, okay?" Xi Ruo begged for mercy.

"Pfft ha ha ha - um -"

Shangguanjing said that she really couldn't bear it anymore, covered her mouth with one hand, and walked out with her bag in the other.

Hua Wuque watched Shangguan Jing go away, and for some reason, she couldn't help but follow her out.

"Tsk tsk tsk~"

Xi Ruo watched the two of them walk out back and forth, touching their chin with one hand while thinking.

"Ruo Ruo, let's go!"

Fu Junmu walked out while holding Xi Ruo's little hand.

"Wait, Jun Mu, you eat the overlord's meal, but you didn't pay for it." Xi Ruo yelled loudly.

The guests around looked at Fu Junmu in unison, thinking: This young man, why did he bring his girlfriend to eat Bawang's meal?
Hearing Xi Ruo's words, Fu Junmu looked at the manager approaching from a distance with black lines all over his head and snapped his fingers.

"Boss, what are your orders?"

"Well, settle the bill at my table, and I'll pay."

"Ah, boss, doesn't the restaurant belong to you? What do you pay for?"

The manager couldn't help being confused, he just went to the kitchen, what did he miss?Who can tell him.

Xi Ruo's eyes widened, God!

what has she done?
(Everyone: Did we do anything? Why are you sitting quietly, and there is dog food smashed in front of you.)
Fu Junmu was very satisfied with the manager's answer, nodded and dragged Xi Ruo to the door.

Shangguan Jing, who was waiting at the door, was staring at a couple across the road in a daze.

The girl kept running forward, carrying a small blue schoolbag.

The girl was wearing a pink dress, and her black hair was fluttering in the wind.

The green trees beside the street, the boy in white at the back, and the girl in pink in front are as beautiful as an ink painting.

The girl stepped on a pair of small white shoes, and she didn't even know the laces were untied.

The boy followed unhurriedly, and when he saw the girl's shoelace untied, he immediately ran forward and grabbed her.

"Wait, I'll tie your shoelaces." 
The boy is sunny and handsome, with a clean and crisp voice.

"Oh, are you alright? It's hard to have a vacation. Do you want me to have fun?"

The girl spoke coquettishly, but her hands were covering the top of the boy's head, lest he be exposed to the sun.

"Well, well, let's go, and you must not tie your shoelaces in the future." 
"Oh, aren't you still here?"

“good good” 
When we were young, we always pursued that person desperately. Scenes of regret, pain, and gratitude flashed through your mind. Do you still remember that person?

Shangguan Jing watched them walk away, and reached out to touch her eyes.

Is this—tears?

Did I cry? 

Xi Ruo in the back had seen the scene just now, and knew that she was thinking of the person in the university.

After Shangguan Jing heard Xi Ruo's voice, she immediately wiped away her tears.

Turning around, she looked at Xi Ruo with red eyes and said, "Ruo Ruo, there is sand in my eyes."

"Quiet, let's go." Xi Ruo didn't want to bring up those sad things.

"Ruo Ruo, I'll tie your shoelaces for you! Always!" 
Fu Junmu said it directly regardless of the occasion, and Shangguanjing lost all sentimentality, and she respected this dog food first. 
Sitting in the car, Xi Ruo and Shangguan Jing were whispering, their heads leaning against each other, Fu Junmu frowned as he watched from the driver's seat.

In the future, it would be better for Shangguan Jing to have less contact with Ruoruo, what to do so close.

(Shangguanjing: Come on, Young Master Fu, I'm a woman, I'm not a man, okay!)

"What? WC! Ruoruo is domineering!"

Shangguan Jing was startled, Ruo Ruo told her just now that the restaurant belonged to Fu Shao, and she didn't see such a domineering side just now, she regretted it to death.

"Quiet, calm down, calm down!"

Xi Ruo was so frightened that she wanted to cover her mouth, but Shangguan Jing pulled her down and said, "Ruo Ruo, what are you doing?"

Xi Ruobai glanced at him and stopped talking, and sat quietly on the seat to play with his mobile phone.

Soon the car stopped at the gate of Yedi Palace, and Mu Liu was waiting at the gate.

Seeing them coming, he immediately stepped forward to get the car keys, and drove the car to the parking lot himself.

Fu Junmu and his group walked into the innermost guest room, and Mu Liu came in after a while.

Immediately after seeing Fu Junmu, he stepped forward and called out "Master".

Looking at Xi Ruo in Fu Junmu's arms, she shouted, "Hi, Young Madam!"

Xi Ruo looked at him and then at Fu Junmu, and asked in confusion, "Jun Mu, is this also yours?"

"En." Fu Junmu responded softly, Xi Ruo leaned in his arms, and heard the sound of chest vibrating.

"My God! Yedi Palace is actually yours, so we can come here to play casually in the future? Can we not have to pay?" Shangguan Jing said excitedly.

"Well, yes" 
Fu Junmu said casually.

Xi Ruo was already in a daze, looked at Fu Junmu with a silly smile and said, "Honey, you are so rich!"

Mu Liu: It's called being rich, the master's overseas industries, those real estate, entertainment companies, jewelry companies.
"Well, husband has no money, Ruoruo has money."

Listening to Fu Junmu's words, everyone here thinks they shouldn't come here today, what are they doing here, do they eat dog food?

"Ruoruo, sit here, I'll be back in a while." 
"it is good."

Fu Junmu walked out with Mu Liu and Hua Wuque, leaving a waitress to make tea for them.

"Mu Liu, go to the basement."

"Okay, master"

The three of them stepped on the floor one after the other, and they were met with a gloomy aura.

Mu Liu walked in front, holding a flashlight.

Soon he came to a security door, and pupil verification was required to pass.

 [PS asks for collection, comments and recommendation tickets! ! ! 】

Xiruo: Fu Junmu!

The moon is very bright, it is useless to be bright, and it is also bright when it is useless.

I like you, like it is useless, useless also like.

╭ (╯ ^ ╰) ╮

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