After being reborn, he was tricked by paranoid Fu Shao

Chapter 219 You listen to my sophistry.

"Eh(⊙o⊙)...that's quiet, listen to my sophistry." Xi Ruo said seriously on the phone.

"Well, I'm listening to your sophistry, continue." Shangguan Jing said into the phone with a dark face. Really, this dead girl still knows that she is sophistrying.

She didn't expect Shangguan Jing to cooperate with her so much, Xi Ruo was stunned for a moment, but she didn't know what to say, but the voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Ruoruo, think about it slowly, why are you telling such a good lie? Don't worry, I have a lot of time." Shangguanjing said calmly.

In fact, she was avoiding contact with Hua Wuque, and hoped that he would give him a wink, and when he saw her calling, he would leave by himself instead of being thrown out by her in a while.

She still doesn't want to have any contact with him now. She thinks that she can live alone. She can live alone with Xiaochiyu. She has a mother, aunt, and grandparents. After a long time, maybe she will I don't want my dad anymore.

Shangguan Jing thought so in her heart, but she didn't know that children always hope that they have a father and a mother.

"Quiet, where are you and me? Where did you leave Xiaochiyu? I'll go pick you up." Xi Ruo knew that she was wronged, so she immediately asked.

"Well, no, then hurry up and pick us up, we are still in that small town, Xiaochiyu and I are waiting for you at the proprietress." Shangguan said quietly.

She originally thought about telling Xi Ruo not to come to pick her up, but in a blink of an eye, if Xi Ruo didn't come to pick her up, she probably couldn't avoid Hua Wu Que tonight, and they were about to meet, so it was better to stay away.

"Okay, Jingjing, just wait, I'll be right there." Xi Ruo bluffed and immediately hung up the phone.

Holding the car keys, she was about to rush out, but after walking a few steps, she suddenly thought of something. She immediately picked up her mobile phone and called Fu Junmu. She couldn't help but feel a little scared. She didn't call her own husband for a whole day. , While talking on the phone, he walked out.

As a result, after walking a few steps, I saw a person standing at the elevator door. The tall figure stood there, covering the bright lights in the corridor, with a hint of darkness, warm and cozy.

Xiruo was heartbroken when she saw it, and thought, why does my man look better the more he looks at it.

Fu Junmu, who had been angry all the time, the moment he saw her, the anger gathered in his heart was naturally extinguished. He couldn't look into her bright eyes, and he couldn't say what he wanted to blame her for. .

"Hey, come here, what are you doing standing there?" Fu Junmu called softly.

In the next second, before Fu Junmu could react, he saw the little man opposite him, like a flying butterfly, pounced on him, hugging him tightly.

Fu Junmu was stunned for a second, and immediately returned her return, thinking that she was being bullied, "Ruoruo, what's the matter, huh?"

Looking at the silent little girl, Fu Junmu became more and more anxious, "Ruoruo, have you been bullied, huh?"

Listening to his anxious questioning, Xi Ruo's little face became more and more complacent. Look, this man who has never changed his expression is always so easily manipulated by emotions when encountering her affairs.

"Husband, it's okay, let's go pick up Jingjing." Xi Ruo raised her small head from his arms, and stared at him straightly.

"Well, let's go, where is she, why do you want to pick her up?" Fu Junmu frowned slightly and asked.

Really, why are these people so annoying every day, always disturbing his getting along with Ruoruo, they already have children, so can't they focus on the children, insist on letting his Ruoruo pick them up, If it weren't for Shangguanjing and Xiruo's cousins, Fu Junmu would have already called Shangguanjing by now.

"That...that Quietly is in that small town in the suburbs." Xi Ruo looked around and said, really guilty.

"Huh? In the small town outside?" Fu Junmu frowned and asked again.

"That's right, we went there today, but I got an inspiration at that moment, ran away, and left Jing Jing there alone." Xi Ruo stammered, she actually Very sorry, how could I forget this matter.

"." Fu Junmu looked at her helplessly, his eyes were full of pampering, his little wife was still so confused, she went out to play with others, and even ran away alone, without even thinking about her.

"Honey, Jingjing is still waiting, let's pick her up quickly!" Xi Ruo urged, frowning.

And Fu Junmu touched her little head reassuringly, and then made a phone call.

He remembered that when Shangguanjing came back, Hua Wuque also came back, and he looked very depressed. He went over and said a few words, and suddenly called Fan Zheng this morning to find out where Shangguanjing was. It seems that Xiaosi wants to chase Shangguanjing back.

"Fourth." Fu Junmu took Xi Ruo's limp little hand and squeezed it gently.

Xi Ruo didn't hear the voice on the phone, her attention had already been attracted by Fu Junmu, and she pressed against his chest tightly, and there was the sound of vibration in the chest cavity, which was pleasant and regular, making her feel Very safe.

"Well, today you asked Fan Zheng to check Miss Shangguan, did you go to a small town in the suburbs?" Fu Junmu asked straight to the point.

"Well, well, I see."

Afterwards, Fu Junmu hung up the phone, looked down at his little wife who was peacefully in his arms, "Ruoruo, we won't pick it up, huh?"

"Ah? Husband, are you saying that you won't pick up Jingjing, but can she be alone, and Xiaochiyu?" Xi Ruo asked worriedly, she was really worried that Shangguan Jing would be there alone.

"It's okay, Xiaosi is also in the town, he will take care of it."

"What? He's there too, so it's even worse. I'm going to pick up Jingjing. Jingjing doesn't want to see him. What if the two of them quarrel?" Xi Ruo frowned.

"Hey, let's not interfere, this matter will be settled by Xiao Si, and they have to deal with their own affairs, so it's useless for you to go, huh?"

Listening to Fu Junmu's words, Xi Ruo's face became more and more ugly.

"What, Jingjing has already made an agreement with Hua Wuque, they have nothing to talk about, what is there to talk about being lonely and widowed every day." Xi Ruo complained speechlessly.

"." Hearing her words, Fu Junmu couldn't laugh or cry, raised his little wife's little head, lowered her head, and took a bite, "Ruoruo, be good, give Xiao Si a chance, he should If you like Shangguanjing, let's give him a chance, huh?"

Before Xiruo could speak, Fu Junmu continued to say, "You don't want Xiao Chiyu to grow up without a father, right? It would be best if they were together."

Xi Ruo originally wanted to refute what Fu Junmu said, but when it came to Xiao Chi Yu, Xi Ruo had to change her mind. She didn't want Xiao Chi Yu to go to school when he grew up, and even his father didn't go to the parent meeting. Children are very sensitive .

"Oh-husband, you are right, but why should I tell Jing Jing not to pick her up now!" Xi Ruo frowned and tried to think of an excuse.

Seeing her shaking her head like a little squirrel, Fu Junmu shook her head with a smile, "Hey, don't worry, it will rain soon, and then you can say, the rain is too heavy, you can't help it." go out."

"Ah, how could it be raining?" Xi Ruo said speechlessly, she could see the sun outside, how could it be raining in such a blue sky?

Before he finished speaking, he heard a "boom" outside.

As soon as Xi Ruo turned her head, she saw lightning not far away, and then looked at Fu Junmu, with an unbelievable expression on her face, why is her husband so powerful, it rains when he says it rains!

"Husband, hubby, tell me, do you have any special abilities?" Xi Ruo hugged him tightly like a bear and didn't let go.

"Haha, I read the weather forecast." Fu Junmu said with a smile.

"Ah? So that's how it is!" Xi Ruo said perfunctorily after hearing this, she was so excited that she thought her husband had some supernatural powers, so it turned out that she was thinking too much.

"Well, let's go, let's go home, it will rain heavily in a while, it's not safe."

As Fu Junmu said, he took Xi Ruo with one hand and prepared to leave.

At this time, both of them forgot to call Shangguanjing. After returning home, Xiruo picked up the phone and looked at it. Almost an hour had passed, and she immediately called Shangguanjing.

In less than ten seconds, it was picked up over there.

"Hey, quiet, the car I was driving was lost on the road, it will rain heavily, why don't you stay in a hotel in the small town for one night, and I will pick you up early tomorrow morning." Xi Ruo said Then, he sneezed hard a few times.

As soon as Shangguanjing heard that Xiruo sneezed, she immediately asked her to drink medicine, and said nothing to let her go to pick it up.

"Ruoruo, have you called Fu Junmu and asked her to pick you up immediately, you are weak, wouldn't it be serious if you caught a cold?"

"Call me right away, call me as soon as you get home, and remember to take your medicine."

Shangguanjing nagged and ordered many things before hanging up the phone.

Fu Junmu had already stood behind Xi Ruo at some point, watching her make a phone call with a guilty face, but if he hadn't been watching here, with her tone, he might have been deceived .

After finishing the phone call, Xi Ruo looked at Fu Junmu behind her, "Honey, you scared me to death, you said if Jing Jing knew that I lied to her, would she kill me?" Xi Ruo said with some fear .

"Hey, it's okay." Fu Junmu comforted without changing his expression, thinking, how could she know, as long as I didn't tell, how could she know.

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