After being reborn, he was tricked by paranoid Fu Shao

Chapter 218 Meng Jiangnu, poignant love.

After Mu Cheng heard Shangguan Jing's words, his whole body seemed to lose his soul for a moment, and the light in his eyes suddenly disappeared, leaving only endless darkness.

Seeing Mu Cheng like this, Shangguan Jing felt distressed for a moment, and took a step involuntarily, but was almost tripped by Hua Wuque!
All of a sudden, she also came back to her senses, she almost forgave him again just now, thinking of this, she couldn't help but evoked a wry smile.

"Wife, should we go back?" Hua Wuque looked at the woman in his arms with hope on his face. God knows how he got here these days. He was muddled every day. He never knew that a woman He would have such a big reaction to her, and when she left, his heart would suddenly be empty.

He thought about it for a long time, and felt that he shouldn't be so cowardly. Just like what the third brother said, if you love, you have to say it out, instead of hiding it all the time, so that there will only be more and more problems, and unnecessary misunderstandings will be caused. .

Sometimes, when the third brother called him, he would also say that if he had taken the initiative at that time, maybe the third sister-in-law would not have married her so late.

The third brother said a lot, but he knows that what the third brother said is not wrong, everyone has their own ideas, but if no one takes the initiative, things are always procrastinating like this, and I don’t know how long it will take go.

At this time, Xi Ruo, who had already run back to the studio, was collecting various materials on the computer, about the love story.

What about The Legend of the White Snake, Cowherd and Weaver Girl, Liang Zhu, and Meng Jiangnv. When she saw Meng Jiangnv, Xi Ruo's eyes lit up slightly, and she immediately looked for the story to read.

In ancient times, when Qin Shihuang built the Great Wall, the common people all over the world were disturbed.According to legend, there was a newlywed couple in Xujiazhuang, Qi County, Henan Province. The man was named Fan Qiliang, and the woman was named Fan Qiliang.After the young couple got married, they were loving and loving, and their life was as sweet as honey.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long.A few days later, Fan Qiliang was conscripted by the government to go north to build the Great Wall (the locals call it the side wall).Give an order, how dare Fan Qiliang not go, the young couple was so worried that they couldn't do anything, the two hugged their heads and cried a lot, and then reluctantly broke up.

The sun turns and the moon turns, time flies like an arrow.After Fan Qiliang went there for several months, there was no news at all.Neodymium - When people are at home, they don't eat sweet food all day long, and they don't sleep well at night, and there is no one to talk about many things.In this way, I gradually felt that the clothes became wider and the bracelet became looser.

After one month, two months, three months and five months, it was ten miles in a blink of an eye.The weather—it was cold every day, and the dew on the grass turned to hoarfrost.At this time, families from east to west, neighbors from left to right, disassembled, washed, sewed and mended, and rushed to send cold clothes to relatives who went to repair the side wall.The number of people is large, there are brothers and brothers, and the clothes are sent by men.Fan Qiliang was single-rooted and had no brothers or sisters, and his father was old and weak, how could he have the courage to send clothes? Meng Jiangnv felt sorry for her parents and missed her husband, so she made up her mind to send cold clothes to her husband herself.

Dress up in front of the mirror, bring cotton-padded clothes and dry food, bid farewell to in-laws before leaving, call "father" and "mother", and cry and say: "I want to find Fan Qiliang, a couple so that they can return home; To Mr. Fan, I will die without seeing my father and mother!"
After going out for seven miles, she felt backache and leg pain, and was out of breath. She thought to herself, with such a step-movement, when will she be able to travel thousands of miles! Thinking of this, the enemy couldn't help but burst into tears.She was thinking about crying, walking while crying, and unknowingly walked on a cloud, and it turned out that it was a man of God who rescued her.

Sitting on the cloud, Meng Nu could only hear the wind whistling, and within a short while, she came to the edge of the Great Wall.She opened her eyes and saw that the construction site of the Great Wall was like ants raining down.The villagers are all in tattered clothes and shoes, with sultry faces and emaciated faces.

Up and down the Great Wall, there were piles of dead people, and Qin soldiers were pulling them to bury them inside the city wall.Meng Nv-see, his face turned pale with fright, and he couldn't help but feel frightened.She hurriedly asked the migrant workers about her husband, and asked several people, but they all said they didn't know.

Her heart tightened again, for fear of any accident.Then he asked a stone bearer: "Brother, do you know that there is a man named Fan Qiliang who built the city wall here?"

The emissary who carried the stone lowered his head and thought for a while and said, "Earlier, there was a man named Fan Qiliang. However, many days ago, he died of exhaustion and was buried on the wall here.

It's really the twelfth lunar month that thunders and frosts.When Meng Nu heard it, she couldn't say a word at that time.Her legs went limp, her eyes went dark, she collapsed on the ground with a "plop" sound, she pulled her apron to cover her face, and burst into tears.

She cried the first time, and the bricks and tiles on the Great Wall fell chaotically; the woman cried the second time, and the whole Great Wall shook; Meng Nu cried the third time, and there was only a "crash", and the city wall collapsed dozens of feet .She was crying, and the city wall collapsed, crying bitterly, and it collapsed quickly, much more, and within a moment, it collapsed hundreds of miles.The Great Wall collapsed, revealing the dead white heads.Meng Nu knew that there was her husband's head inside, so she didn't care about being afraid.

She bit off her middle finger, dripped blood on the bones one by one, and said drippingly: "If it's Qiliang, the blood will be stained; if it's not Qiliang, it will change!" Blood, shed tears, walked - place, and - place, and finally found her husband.She picked up the dead body and cried for three days until the sky was dark and the sun and moon were dark.

The story of her crying and collapsing the side wall spread to the palace of the Qin Dynasty. Qin Shihuang immediately ordered the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty to dispatch together, not to stop Mengnu from crying down the Great Wall, but to kill her.

While talking, he brought Meng Nu to the Golden Luan Hall.When Qin Shihuang saw it, he was taken aback.Ouch, where is this fairy coming down to earth? My Sangong Sixth Courtyard and the 72nd concubine, there is no one as beautiful as her! At this time, Qin Shihuang's murderous heart has long since turned into joy.

He said to Meng Jiangnu: "Little girl, what state and county are you from, and what is your surname? Why are you crying and knocking down the side wall? Tell me quickly!"
As soon as Meng Nu saw this deadly enemy, she said fiercely: "My family lives in Xujiazhuang, ten miles south of Qi County, Henan Province. My father's surname is Xu, my mother's surname is Meng, and my godmother's surname is Jiang. My name is Meng Jiangnu. My husband, Fan Qiliang, was forced by you. I’m here to repair the side wall, I’m exhausted.” As he spoke, he burst into tears again.

Qin Shihuang said: "Get up, don't cry, I will grant you innocence. Quickly bury Fan Qiliang, and make me a side room, and you can enjoy the glory and wealth!"
Meng Jiangnu thought to herself: I wish I could bite you a few times to relieve my hatred, who would give you a side room! However, in front of Qin Shihuang, Meng Jiangnu had already made up her mind. ,

At that time, she said: "It's not difficult for me to be a side room, I have to follow my three major matters!" When Qin Shihuang heard that she broke his mouth, he was very happy, and said indifferently: "Say it, don't talk about the three things." , even with a thousand stakes, I can promise you!".
Meng Jiangnu said: "I want to put my husband's bones in a jade coffin and bury them in Jiulongkou, a treasured place of geomantic omen in your house. You can't bury them in Huangshagang!"

Qin Shihuang nodded and said. "That's easy to talk about!"
"Secondly, civil and military officials wear hemp and heavy filial piety, and you have to follow the coffin and carry a mourning stick!" Qin Shihuang stared at his eyes and was embarrassed for a long time. Under the scalp: "It's okay to use a mourning stick!"
"The third one is to be on the riverside, and I will tie a colorful autumn with silk and satin, so that I can relieve my sorrow." At that time, Qin Shihuang agreed one by one.

The day for the burial of Fan Qiliang has come. It is really a jade coffin containing the bones, the emperor of the court is wearing a mourning stick, and all civil and military officials are wearing sackcloth and filial piety.Meng Jiangnv's two wishes have been fulfilled, and Caiqiu is also tied up.

Taking advantage of the fine weather, Meng Jiangnu came to the river.She looked up at the sky, looked down at the ground, and looked at the river quietly for a while.Afterwards, she boarded Caiqiu, swinging her legs up calmly.

When she swung once, she first looked at her parents thousands of miles away; when she swung twice, she looked at Xujiazhuang, the hometown where she was born and raised her; after Jiangnu swung for the third time, she let go of her hands and jumped into the middle of the river.

Looking at this story, Xi Ruo's tears had already flowed down at some point, and when she realized it, she found that she was crying with tears all over her face.

At first, she thought that Meng Jiangnv really wanted to be Qin Shihuang's concubine, but she didn't expect that she would do it for her husband. This love is really great.

She thinks about things in the world, nothing is smooth sailing, love is the same, not every story is perfect, always with its unique style.

After reading the story, Xiruo decided that for the ring design this time, she would use the story of Meng Jiangnu as the background, as well as the story of Liang Zhu. These themes gave her a lot of inspiration.

But thinking of the old grandpa and grandma I saw in the small town before, I couldn't help but feel grateful for a while, by the way, Jingjing and Xiaochiyu?

Xi Ruo didn't think of Shangguan Jing and the little girl until now, so she dialed the phone anxiously.

"Hey, Jingjing, where are you? Should I borrow you? Really, I didn't mean to, and I don't know why I forgot you." Xi Ruo said helplessly, how could she I didn't expect that I just thought of the design of the ring, and the inspiration came right away.

Xi Ruo waited for a long time, but she didn't see Shangguan Jing speaking, she thought she had made a wrong call, and after looking carefully for a while, she found that it was this number.

"Ruo Ruo, you dead girl, you don't see me any more than you say, run as soon as you say, and leave us outside!!"

"Fuck you, I don't want to hear a word of your explanation now, Ruoruo, you dead girl, you just wait for me to go back so how can I deal with you properly."

Xi Ruo just felt very speechless, before she had time to speak, Shangguan Jing was like a firecracker, and Xi Ruo was too scared to say a word.

"Quiet, the signal here is not good, I can't hear what you are talking about?"

"Hello? Hello? Where are you?" Shangguan Jing yelled frizzily, she knew that this little girl had the most things to do in a day.

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