After being reborn, he was tricked by paranoid Fu Shao

Chapter 200 The Secret of the Bai Clan

After Yan Mo got into the car, he fixed his eyes on the person sitting in the passenger seat.

When he went to her just now and said that he wanted to go home together, she didn't refuse, but just walked towards the car.He immediately sat in the driver's seat, looked at someone who was silent in the passenger seat, and asked a little unwillingly.

"I'm your uncle?"

"Do I look that old?"

Yan Mo asked suspiciously, the lack of confidence in his eyes made Yan Xiaowu stunned for a moment.

Yan Mo waited for a long time but did not see Yan Xiaowu answering himself, so he had to drive away, planning to take her to dinner.

In the past few days, he has been busy with the lost children. He just put those children in place today, and the interrogation is still not over, and the man still didn't say a word.

Now he has no good solution, but it is also very important to know why Yan Xiaowu ignored him after that day.

He felt that a meeting was needed to discuss it, and the conclusion from everyone was that he must have provoked Yan Xiaowu, otherwise they would not have ignored him.

After thinking about it, he came to the school immediately, but he didn't know that when he came, he saw that she had such a good relationship with a boy, to the point where she could hook her shoulders.

It’s not that he’s talking nonsense, but he knows that Yan Xiaowu is a person who can distinguish between likes and hates, and she doesn’t like her classmates very much, because she thinks her classmates are duplicity, and she doesn’t need such a person to be a friend .

But what happened to the kid he saw today, he actually got so close to her, he admitted that he was jealous, seeing their familiar looks, he was so jealous to death.

The more I thought about it, the more jealous I became. The car was driving on the highway, but suddenly stopped at a fork in the road and stopped.

Just when Yan Xiaowu turned his eyes to look at Yan Mo, he didn't want him to suddenly kiss her hard.

For a moment, Yan Xiaowu was stunned, he didn't think of resisting, it was convenient for Yan Mo, he drove straight in, tongue against tongue, Yan Xiaowu stared at Yan Mo motionlessly with a pair of beautiful eyes.

Yan Mo felt guilty when she saw her, so he covered her eyes with his hands, Yan Mo thought to himself, he felt that he was going crazy if he couldn't see the innocence and incomprehension in her eyes.

A few minutes later, Yan Mo let go of Yan Xiaowu, whose face was reddened.

He touched her little head, and said dotingly, "Why can't I learn to breathe!"


Yan Mo wanted to drive directly, but saw the person next to him suddenly climbed onto the back seat, his movements were sharp and fast, which frightened Yan Mo to death, what if he fell down!
Thinking of this, Yan Mo couldn't help but turn dark, and said coldly, "Yan Xiaowu!"

If it was Yan Xiaowu in the past, maybe she would apologize coyly, but now - why should she apologize, she just doesn't apologize.

"Why?" The woman glanced at him as if she was giving alms, and immediately asked back.

It made Yan Mo speechless.

The car started slowly and began to drive smoothly along the road.

The man in the driver's seat kept exhaling air-conditioning, but—as if the person sitting behind couldn't feel it, he picked up the phone and tapped the screen with his long and slender fingers, which was very aesthetically pleasing.

Yan Mo was anxious looking at the phone that Yan Xiaowu poked, he was not worried about what she was doing, he was jealous of the phone that she was beating on when he looked at her.

Mr. Yan: It worked.

Mr. Lu: Tsk, it's so fast!
Boss Yan: Don’t even look at who I am, Sister Yan!
Mr. Lu: ...

Mr. Yan: Anyway, thank you for your cooperation this time, if you have something to say in the future, I will definitely help you!
Mr. Lu: Tsk—then thank you, you continue to chat with your man!
Boss Yan: Get out!

Yan Mo saw in the rearview mirror that someone was holding a mobile phone in a good mood, and he didn't know who he was chatting with, so excited and happy!
I don't know what to think of, and I can't help curling my lips.

The car stopped quickly, and it was still the training base in that ravine.

As soon as she got out of the car, everyone greeted her one after another.

"Little Five is here!"

"Well, hello, brother No. 1."


Then Yan Xiaowu looked at everyone and asked hello one by one.

In the end, he looked at Yan Mo with a calm face, even the smile just now was gone.

"Brother, did he recruit?"

When Yan Mo heard her words, he immediately came to his senses. He respected his profession, so when it came to business, he answered seriously.

"Brother No. 1, you can bring him to the interrogation room. I'll hypnotize you. Write down the questions and I'll ask them." Yan Xiaowu said casually, looking at the pen in his hand.

Hearing her words, all the staff of Bloodthirsty No. [-] became excited, are they happy?

Back then, Yan Xiaowu's hypnotism was recognized as the best in the industry, but for some reason, she stopped hypnotizing.

Hearing her words today, they all felt how wonderful it was to be able to see familiar people alive.

Not long after, No. 1 brought an extremely pale man with him.

After the man sat down, he planned something without leaving any trace.Occasionally, he glanced at Yan Mo once or twice, the time passed by, the room was lit with some fragrance, and slowly he was about to fall asleep.

He only saw a woman in a daze, walking towards her slowly, and later...he answered whatever she asked.

Looking at the questions on the small wooden board, Yan Xiaowu asked them one by one patiently.

"What is the purpose of you arresting the child?"

"Change, change the concentration of the master's blood."

"Who is the master?"

"The owner is Miss Xia Mulin."

Hearing this answer, Yan Xiaowu suddenly thought of something, and immediately continued to ask.

"How did the children end up?"

"Of course they were dead or injured."

"Does Xia Mulin have any other bases?"

"What is Bai's mystery?"

Then the man started talking endlessly.

The family secret of the hidden family-Bai's blood bracelet.

According to rumors of the Bai family, "If you get the bracelet, you get the Bai family." The Bai family is a mysterious family with infinite power.It is rumored that after the Bai family became the emperor, in addition to the material wealth handed down from their ancestors, there are also a group of "blood shadow" dead men. It is rumored that wherever these dead men go, everyone is slaughtered.

Miss Xia Mu's thoughts are distorted, she deceives herself that she is the owner of the blood bracelet, and was provoked by others to "absorb many masculine men

Qi" to change the purity of one's own blood to have a blood bracelet, but they don't know that the owner of the blood bracelet has a -
The blue butterfly, the blue butterfly was tattooed by the elders of the Bai family when it was just born, using the unique paint of the Bai family.
can not tell.The blue butterfly will only appear in two situations, one is when men and women are in love; the other is when there is a high concentration of alcohol

under the action.


Everyone who heard these things just felt incredible.

A woman... "mates" with multiple men in order to gain power.

This is no one else...


The man who had been talking suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and then the old god was on the ground, looking at Yan Xiaowu in front of him.

"Little girl, you are really good!" the man praised without hesitation.

"To each other." Then Yan Xiaowu gave him a look of understanding and left.

"Bai's Mixin" In fact, Yan Mo didn't know what it was, but when he copied the underground research institute, there were still a few undamaged sheets with these words vaguely written on them. He just hugged tentative attitude.

Unexpectedly, there is such a thing.

Bloodthirsty No. [-] has always had the habit of making two copies of the interrogation records. Yan Mo forwarded the video to Fu Junmu. The third child was more careful and asked him to see if there was anything tricky.

At this time, Fu Junmu, who was enjoying the two-person world with his wife, was so comfortable that he could be with his wife every day, so he was very happy.

However, there is still a small light bulb, but it is too small, so there is no hidden danger.

But Mu Ziling who was in the old house of the Fu family was restless at this time, she was always afraid that something might happen.

Hurriedly planning to go to Xiruoting, she saw in the news that they rescued many children, if she read correctly, it was Yaya.

Mu Ziling drove the car recklessly, and immediately got in the car to ask for clarification. If she hadn't known that the hospital belonged to the owner, maybe he still seemed to be kept in the dark.

As long as she thinks that her Yaya is still alive, she is very happy.

On the other side, Xia Mulin, who was watching the news in front of the TV, looked angrily. She had worked so hard to manage the place for so long, and let them go so easily.

Her face became more and more dismissive. If it's a man, she doesn't believe that he can't be dealt with. If it's not bright, then come dark. I prefer darkness.

Night falls.

Mu Ziling dragged her exhausted body to Xi Ruo Ting, but encountered countless plots on the way here, she almost died here, but she couldn't, she wanted to see her daughter, she didn't know Was it Yaya, but her intuition told her that it was Yaya.

After opening the door of Xi Ruo Ting, she saw a young woman.

When he saw her, he still wrinkled and said nothing.

"Mother." Xi Ruo paused, her voice still pleasant.

Xi Ruo originally wanted to let people go in, but she didn't know that she passed out straight before she did anything.

"Mu Wu, quickly carry mother home." Xi Ruo looked at the doctor nervously.

Not long after, Mu Ziling woke up in a daze.

Looking at this child who has been intentionally made things difficult by her countless times, she is still respectful to her now, and sometimes she is too embarrassed to drink her tea.

I don't know why, but now she sees Xi Ruo as a daughter-in-law more and more pleasing to the eye, she is very good.

Looking at Mu Ziling who has been in a daze, Xi Ruo has a nervous expression on her face, she must be out of her mind!
Thinking of this, I can't help but feel uncomfortable for a while.

Just when everyone didn't say a word, they just talked about the phone...

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