Under Yan Mo's forceful kiss, Yan Xiaowu slowly relaxed his vigilance, looking at the person covering him with blurred eyes.

She could clearly feel that although he was very strong at the beginning, for some reason, his movements became softer and softer, as if he was dealing with something fragile.


The itching that came from her chest made her unable to restrain herself from moaning.

After a long time, her body was suddenly pressed down, and the weight was so heavy that she couldn't breathe.

Yan Xiaowu took a deep breath and cursed:

"stand up!"

But she didn't know that in this situation, the voice she made was not as usual, but had a hint of charm and enchantment.

Hearing her voice, Yan Mo suddenly became sober. This little girl's voice can make him react to her, but he can't control his body's reaction to her.

Yan Xiaowu felt the weight on his body become lighter, and was about to turn over, but accidentally bumped into something warm on his leg.

She pushed her knees curiously, and Yan Mo, who was touched by her, took a deep breath. Should he say that this girl is courageous or ignorant...

Hearing Yan Mo's heavy breathing, Yan Xiaowu couldn't help but look down. It's okay if he didn't look at it, but he didn't react after seeing it for a while.

Yan Mo, who was breathing heavily at first, wanted to take advantage of the opportunity, but he didn't expect to see the shocked expression on Yan Xiaowu's face.


Hearing his words, Yan Xiaowu's face turned black for a moment, and he was really chilled. Who the hell is a hooligan? With his hands still on her body, he actually called her a hooligan.

After thinking about it, he was a little annoyed, and kicked Yan Mo, "Get up!"

Hearing her indifferent voice, Yan Mo didn't react for a while, and stared at her in a daze.

But Yan Xiaowu still had no expression on his face, Yan Mo knew that he was wronged, so he immediately got off her body.

After going down, Yan Mo didn't hang up together, and didn't even wear underwear, let alone a coat.Just standing naked on the floor, looking at Yan Xiaowu seriously.

However, he didn't pay attention to him at all, and put on his own clothes without saying a word.

Just like that, Yan Mo watched a little girl get dressed neatly, without any expression on her face, and then...then left.

Yan Mo who was standing there was stunned/forced, what happened, why did she go out?
Just like that, Yan Mo stood there for a long time without thinking about it, and finally he didn't think about it anymore, he put on his pants and went to find Fu Junmu, thinking that the third child is married, so he must know a little more about girls' thoughts, He still went to ask, it was better than wasting time thinking alone.

At this time, the collective team members of Bloodthirsty No. [-] gathered... outside Yan Mo's door.

They were already looking forward to seeing through, almost getting impatient with waiting, only to see Xiao Wu come out from inside, and it was - expressionless.

Thinking of how energetic and expressive Xiao Wu was before, then... In short, if there is no expression on her face, something must have happened.

Waiting and waiting, finally they heard the door open again. . .

It was the instructors who came out, but their expressions were - puzzled, but seeing their expressions - their faces became more and more gloomy.

They were so frightened that they didn't dare to speak, so they found excuses one after another and ran away.

Looking at the people walking away, Yan Mo frowned, and patted the suit he was wearing impatiently. He also splashed dirt and dirt all over his clothes.

After thinking about it, it's still important to get down to business, and go to the third child first.

Here, Fu Junmu originally wanted to accompany Xiruo, but with so many children in the family, his little wife put all her attention on the children, and didn't even put one tenth of her energy on her. You can make him angry.

Finally, after thinking about it, since he didn't have time to accompany her during the day, he should spend time with her at night, and after thinking about it, he went to work contentedly.

Fan Zheng, who was beside him, looked at his boss's unpredictable smile, and always felt that someone was going to be unlucky.


When the children saw the air-conditioned uncle leaving, they started running around happily.

They also grew up under the doting of their parents when they were young. If they hadn't been abducted, maybe they are still living a carefree life now.

Every day, they slept, ate, ate and slept, played and ate, ate and played, and nothing would bother them.

Of course, it is unavoidable that some children are lively and active, and these children always like to ask various questions.

For example: Mom, why do we have to eat? Why is the earth round? Why are birds in the sky and so on.

At first, Fu Junmu felt that the child was really an annoying creature, only so small, he asked this question, and asked him that question, which made him very irritable.

Later, Xi Ruo specially found a parenting expert.They said that in fact, it is a good thing for children to talk a lot. In the IQ test of children, there is an item called "language IQ".

When most children are 0-6 years old, their speech is still a little unclear.If your child can speak clearly when he is 2-3 years old, it means that the child's language talent is still good.Parents should not criticize their children if they are like chatterboxes. Instead, they should listen to them patiently and slowly guide them to express their thoughts in an orderly and measured manner.

After thinking about it, she specially told Fu Junmu to let him understand that a child is a very wonderful creature and can also read the face of an adult, so you should not be so irritable when dealing with children, and be patient.

Of course, Fu Junmu knew what Xi Ruo meant, didn't he just want him to treat these children better and not be cold-faced at every turn, but he felt that he had done nothing wrong and these children should be treated well, but he felt that children and adults They should be at the same stage and should be treated equally.

If Xi Ruo knew what he was thinking, he might be too angry to speak, after all...he didn't think he did anything wrong.

Yan Mo, who was going to find Fu Junmu that day, received an urgent notice on the way, so the plan to find Fu Junmu was cancelled.

For several days in a row, he hadn't seen Yan Xiaowu, but this girl never said a word to him.And now he doesn't even have a chance to talk to her, she deliberately avoids him every day, and finally he couldn't help it anymore.

While she was out of school, he specially waited for her at the door. Today he also drove an off-road vehicle that she likes very much. He wanted to please this little girl and have a good talk with her by the way, to find out what the matter was. .

He just waited and waited outside. Due to his occupation, he waited at the door for about an hour without feeling irritated at all.

But—the original good mood became worse and worse when she saw the two people who came out together at the school gate. What happened to the boy next to her who put her shoulders on her shoulders?
After thinking about it, after all, his body reacted several times faster than his brain, and when he realized it, he was already standing in front of them.

The two who were walking happily were suddenly blocked by a tall man in front of them. The boy looked at the man in front of him angrily, and just about to swear, he saw him looking at the girl beside him with sharp eyes.

However, Yan Xiaowu didn't refuse his watching, so that means we got to know each other!
This thought floated into Lu Beichi's heart, and his expression immediately changed.

Looking at Yan Mo with a familiar face, "Uncle, do you know Xiao Wu? Are you Xiao Wu's uncle? I am her deskmate. My name is Lu Beichi."

Yan Mo, who had a bad complexion at first, became more and more gloomy after hearing what Lu Beichi said. Is he her uncle?
Before Yan Mo could say anything, the boy pulled him aside and whispered, "Uncle, I like Xiao Wu very much. I have been chasing her all the time recently. Can you tell me what Xiao Wu likes?" ?”


At this moment, Yan Mo felt that he couldn't breathe out or swallow it.

Before Yan Mo swallowed his breath, he heard him continue, "Uncle, what does Xiao Wu like to eat? What does Xiaowu like to drink? What does Xiaowu like to play?"

"Enough." Yan Mo impatiently pushed away the boy in front of him, who gave him the courage to ask him what Xiao Wu likes to eat, drink, play, and even want to write in the notebook, no way!

"Shut up, who is your uncle? Let me tell you that I am not her uncle. I am her fiancé. I will be her husband in the future. I will be her man. What else do you want to ask?" Yan Mo looked at him impatiently. Follow Lu Beichi, he must teach this stinky boy a lesson today, he dares not even call his woman's attention.


Hearing his words, Lu Beichi first smiled indifferently, and then looked at Yan Xiaowu who walked behind them at some point, "Xiao Wu, what he said...is it true?"

But Yan Xiaowu unexpectedly didn't answer this question, just took his bag and prepared to leave without saying a word.

Standing where he was, Yan Mo looked at the tall figure walking away, and glared at Lu Beichi angrily.

Then he rushed up to look for Yan Xiaowu with his long legs, his tall figure looked very eager, with a bit of annoyed remorse.

Standing on the same spot, Lu Beichi, a little bored, pulled a leaf that he didn't know when he took it, put it in his mouth and bit it casually, he finally understood why Yan Xiaowu asked him to help today, it turned out that he was just forcing Let someone confess!

Well now, they are mandarin ducks in pairs, and he is watching them here alone. Could this be the so-called staring of a single dog!
Not long after, seeing the two of them getting into the car, Lu Beichi slowly picked up the schoolbag that had fallen on the ground, and walked home angrily.

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