In addition, the Cheng family has a lot of things to do, so no one has this idea.This matter was gradually forgotten. If he hadn't mentioned it himself today, he would have forgotten about it, thinking that he would have been healed by now.

But he was not well, and he was thinking about a woman who shouldn't be thinking about it.

"Dongfang Yanhe, you promise me that if you want to take action against Yiren, you don't plan to have a long-term relationship with her, just because of your illness, then you should at least tell her frankly before starting. If she is still willing to come with you For a while, then I will definitely not care about you, and you can do whatever you want. But you can't hide it from her and let her have wrong perceptions and ideas. Okay?" Han Jiang looked at it and said solemnly.

He thought it was the best way.

Dongfang Yanhe can't just watch such a woman slip away from him, who knows, or even if there is, who knows how long it will take before he meets another woman who can react to him?

Dongfang Yanhe's eyes flickered, a strange light flashed across his eyes, and the corners of his lips curled up, "Yes."

Of course he will explain it to her first, otherwise how can we proceed?

Han Jiang stared at him, always feeling that he was making people feel a little creepy at this moment, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.Because he had a fever and was still recovering, his complexion was a little haggard and he looked sleepy, but there was an extra light in his black pupils, which was very weak, but enough to ignite his pitch-black eyes, which made him look a little uneasy and weird.

Han Jiang frowned. Could it be that he couldn't suppress his excitement because he finally met a woman who made him respond, which proved that he was still a healthy and normal man?

Thinking about it this way, Han Jiang expressed his understanding.

As a man, it was really a big blow that he didn't react no matter what. As Dongfang Yanhe's good friend, he should understand him.

Thinking of what happened tonight, Han Jiang silently sighed, and said sorry to Jing Yiren in his heart.

This is all his fault. If he hadn't asked Yiren to take care of Dongfang Yanhe, Dongfang Yanhe wouldn't have found out that he reacted to Jing Yiren, and wouldn't have wanted to prove it with Jing Yiren. Let's see if he can Get him cured.This is all his fault. If he knew that there was today, he—Han Jiang was not sure. If he knew that there would be such a result, would he still let Jing Yiren take care of Dongfang Yanhe?
After thinking for a while, he sighed silently again, he still will.Just like what Dongfang Yanhe said, he and Jing Yiren get along well, and it's also right that he doesn't want to hurt her.But compared with Dongfang Yanhe, Jingyi's weight is obviously not enough.

"I promised you that I will explain it to her first before starting. What else do you have to worry about?" Dongfang Yanhe squinted at him.

In fact, if he told Han Jiang that Jing Yiren was the woman who abandoned him and hurt him back then, Han Jiang would not only not stop him, but would help him to take revenge on Jing Yiren.But he didn't say it, and he doesn't say it now, and maybe he won't say it in the future.

This is his business and has nothing to do with Han Jiang.He will not force Han Jiang to be like him just because of his relationship with Jing Yiren.They are getting along very well now, so let's continue to be good.They can still be friends, Han Jiang doesn't know anything, so he can get along with Jing Yiren happily.If he knew, it would be impossible for him to get along with Jing Yiren as casually as he is now.

Han Jiang raised his eyelids and glanced at him, "I'm not worried."

Dongfang Yanhe raised his eyebrows and twitched the corners of his mouth, expressing his doubts.

After the matter was finished, Dongfang Yanhe stood up and instructed: "These are all for you to eat, you can clean them up yourself! Clean them up."

Han Jiang froze for a moment, looked at the messy dining table, then at Dongfang Yanhe's clean bowls and chopsticks, and hurriedly called him, "Hey, haven't you eaten yet? You can eat some, you can't eat." Bar."

Dongfang Yanhe looked back at him and sneered, "Now I know I'm going to eat it, why didn't I see you just now? Now that you've eaten everything, what do you want me to eat? Eat the rest of your saliva?"

Han Jiang was suddenly embarrassed, laughed twice, and said with a conscience: "Then I'll cook some more for you. Do you have noodles? Let me cook some noodles for you."

Dongfang Yanhe thought about it and thought it was feasible, but he was actually a little hungry, after all he hadn't eaten for a day, and he vomited up all the lunch he had.

He nodded dignifiedly, "That's it, put less oil, less salt, put some vegetables, see what else is in the refrigerator, you can put some according to the situation. If it's too vegetarian, I won't have an appetite. After a pause, he seemed to think of something, and said again: "There is broth in the refrigerator."

Han Jiang: "..."

You pushed your nose on your face, right?
After Han Jiang served Dongfang Yanhe, it was getting late, and he wanted to stay for one night, but was driven away by Dongfang Yanhe.Said he wanted to be quiet.He didn't say anything about being quiet, but Han Jiang felt that he had seen through everything, so he rushed back to his home very considerately overnight, and didn't stay to disturb his calmness.

Why calm down, isn't it because the body finally has desires after many years, and it will react. He is excited, so he should calm down?In front of his face, there is nothing to hide.It's just a man's self-esteem, hey, well, he understands.So just leave.His fever seemed to have subsided, so it shouldn't matter that he was alone tonight.

After Han Jiang left, the room became quiet again.

Dongfang Yanhe went to the bathroom to take a good shower, stood by the window in a bathrobe and looked at the bright lights downstairs for a long time without moving.

It took a long time before he took out the cigarette, lit it, took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly, watching the white smoke fill in front of his eyes, covering his sight, and the bright lights outside the window also became blurred.

Standing by the window, his gaze was as thick and dark as the night outside the window. There was no light in the living room, only the faint light coming in from the window, which was not enough to see his outline clearly, and only the sporadic light from the cigarette was looming.Standing there like this, he seemed to have merged with the night and the darkness of the living room.

No regrets... She said no regrets... no regrets, right?

Thinking of Jing Yiren's expression when he said these words, Dongfang Yanhe couldn't help chuckling.The low and mocking voice resounded abruptly in the quiet living room, tearing apart the silence in the room.The surrounding air seemed to be turbulent because of this laughter.

He took a deep drag on the cigarette, then crushed the unburned cigarette butt into the ashtray.Then he turned indifferently and walked back to the room, the ashtray behind him was already full of cigarette butts.

Han Jiang was worried about Dongfang Yanhe's body, so he came over early the next morning, thinking to see if he had fully recovered, and if he recovered, then go to work together.

He went straight upstairs to his house, took out his key, opened the door and went in.

The living room in the morning is full of sunshine, transparent, bright and clean, but the layout of the living room seems a little too cold. It would be better if there are more warm colors.

Han Jiang put the breakfast he bought along the way on the dining table, and walked inside, calling out, "Dongfang Yanhe, are you up yet? I bought you breakfast, hurry up and eat some, it's okay." If so, let’s go to the company together.”

When he was talking, he had already walked to his room. He didn't hear a response. He opened the room directly and didn't think there was anything wrong.Anyway, they are two big men, so don't worry about seeing something you shouldn't see.

Pushing open the door and walking in, I soon saw the big bed in the middle of the room. There was a person lying on the bed, covered with a quilt, and there was no movement at all.

"Dongfang Yanhe, don't pretend to be dead, get up, it's already dawn, or do you still want to take a day off today, if so, it's okay. I can go to the company by myself, but you didn't go yesterday, the company may have something to do Waiting for you to deal with it. Why don't you get up and eat breakfast while it's hot, and then you can rest after taking care of the urgent business." Han Jiang said, walked to the bed, and pushed him.

no response.

One hand on his quilt froze, thinking of something, he knelt down on the bed with one leg, tore off his quilt, turned Dongfang Yanhe over, put the other hand on it, and immediately shrank back. When I came back, I yelled, "I'm going, Dongfang Yanhe, you want to boil eggs! Why are they so hot? Didn't the fever subside last night?"

He was about to die, and it seemed that he was a little more serious than yesterday.Didn't the fever go away last night, why did it come back up again, how long has it been, why didn't he know to call him.If he doesn't come this morning, is he planning to burn himself to death at home alone?

Han Jiang was angry and worried.

"Dongfang Yanhe, get up for me, change clothes and go to the hospital! You can't go to the hospital if you burn like this. Hurry up, Ma Liu!" Han Jiang tugged at Dongfang Yanhe, then got up and went to his hospital. Randomly found a suit of clothes in the closet and threw them on the bed.

Dongfang Yanhe was woken up forcefully by him, his head was so heavy that it was hard for him to even open his eyes, and his ears were still buzzing.

He opened his eyes and looked at the people in the room with blurred vision, "Han Jiang? What are you doing?" He found out that his voice was so hoarse that he could hardly make a sound.

Han Jiang became angry when he heard this voice, "You still have the nerve to ask me what I do, and I want to ask you what you are doing! What did you do last night? Why is it that the fever has gone down, and now it is like this again? And your What's the matter with your throat? Did you smoke last night? I think you are looking for death. You really think you are an invincible King Kong. Get up and change clothes and I will take you to the hospital. Don't imagine it like yesterday. It seems that I have to Take you to the hospital and ask the doctor to give you a few needles!" Han Jiang said fiercely.

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