Hearing that he suddenly mentioned this matter, Han Jiang was taken aback for a moment, then nodded blankly.

Of course he knew about this, it was the psychiatrist that he accompanied Dongfang Yanhe to see.But what does this have to do with what he just said? Could it be——Thinking of something, Han Jiang's eyes widened suddenly, full of surprise.

He swallowed his saliva, and asked with some difficulty: "Dongfang Yanhe, you...don't mean to tell me that you...you have...reacted to Yiren, right?"

Dongfang Yanhe looked at him expressionlessly, and then suddenly smiled. In Han Jiang's eyes, this smile was full of weirdness and coldness.

He sighed: "Yeah, you don't believe it when you say it, but that's it, I reacted to Jing Yiren. Do you think I can let go of this opportunity?"

Han Jiang was silent, with a serious expression on his face.

Back then, Dongfang Yanhe's ex-girlfriend abandoned him without warning and disappeared, which dealt a great blow to Dongfang Yanhe, not only physically, but also mentally.

In addition to his serious illness that year, he later discovered that there seemed to be something wrong with him psychologically.During that time, he couldn't get close to any opposite sex at all. Once the opposite sex approached him, he would not be able to control his physical reaction, disgusted, and even wanted to vomit.At first he endured it, but then it became more and more serious, and it seemed that even his mother could not be spared.He had no choice but to choose to see a psychiatrist.

In fact, he could more or less guess the result before going to see a psychiatrist.He knows that he loves his ex-girlfriend very much. He has known him for a long time, and he has never seen such hot feelings in him. He has always been restrained, seemingly approachable, but actually indifferent. Enter the range he circled.

But his ex-girlfriend did.She ignited the fiery flame deep in his soul, burned his feelings, lit up his life, and made his life colorful.

So when this gorgeous color withdrew without warning and left without mercy or nostalgia, his world collapsed.This incident dealt a huge blow to him, and left a serious psychological shadow in his heart.It's just that he didn't know that the impact would be so great that it had already affected his life.

Later, after seeing a psychiatrist for a long time, his condition gradually improved, but he was not really cured, because at that time, people from the Cheng family came to his door.This was another huge shock for him. He was busy dealing with the relationship with the Cheng family, and stopped seeing a psychiatrist. He no longer resisted the approach of the opposite sex, but he was still unable to respond to the opposite sex.

Even Ye Lingyi is only a little closer than ordinary women, otherwise she wouldn't have been married for so many years.

And now he said he reacted to Jing Yiren?

Han Jiang felt that this matter was a bit mysterious.

"Are you serious? You really treat Yiren..." Han Jiang looked a little hard to say, and his expression was indescribable, "You really reacted to Yiren? It's the kind of instinct that a man has when he sees a sexy and beautiful woman." Reaction? Not some other reaction?"

Dongfang Yanhe glanced at him with contempt, "I can distinguish the physiological reactions between men and women. It's just that I have not been interested in women in the past few years, not from birth to now."

If you can't even tell the difference, are you still a man?
Han Jiang frowned, not really wanting to accept this fact, "Could there be some misunderstanding? Could it be that you were sick, so your body was in disarray and sent a wrong message, making you think it was Are you reacting to a member of the opposite sex?"

Dongfang Yanhe looked at him with more contempt in his eyes, "I just have a fever, where did my body appear disordered and sent a wrong message." Do you think he has a virus?
Han Jiang sat down slowly, his brows were still furrowed, and he didn't speak, as if he was thinking about how to persuade him.

After a while, he thought about it and said: "Dongfang Yanhe, hear this news. To be honest, I am happy for you. But... If the object of your reaction is an unknown, simple woman, although I'm sorry for Ye Lingyi, but I will still acquiesce in your choice and let you try it. But now, that person is Jing Yiren, she... can't!"

"What's wrong, as long as you love me or not?" Dongfang Yanhe said indifferently, with a lazy expression, and his half-down eyes made it difficult to see the emotions in his eyes.

Han Jiang paused, I would like you to, these four words seem to be inappropriate, but...

"Dongfang Yanhe, Yiren is a woman, and I'm sure she's a good woman. A good woman won't play emotional games with you. Do you think that after half a year or a year, when she is going back to Country Y, If she can get away smoothly, she shouldn't be nostalgic. But it's just what you think. If the time comes when she has real feelings for you, and is even willing to stay in Haishi for you, what will you do then? Keep her in the Haishi, when the time comes, go back to the capital and marry Ye Lingyi?"

When Dongfang Yanhe heard his words, he couldn't help but sneered, full of ridicule, which made Han Jiang a little confused.Is there something wrong with what he said?

No matter how you look at it, Yi Ren doesn't look like a man who knows how to play love games with men. If he really wants to have a relationship with Yi Ren, the person who will be hurt in the end will definitely be Yi Ren!If it was at the beginning, he might not care about this matter and come here as he pleases, but now that he and Yi Ren are friends, he can't just sit and watch her get hurt and played with.

Dongfang Yanhe only felt that what Han Jiang said was ridiculous, extremely ridiculous.

Is Jing Yiren a good woman?She can't play emotional games with people?Will she miss it?joke!If she had been a good woman, she would not have treated him like that back then. If she had not known how to play love games, she would not have married without saying a word. She wouldn't have abandoned him back then!
The more he thought about it, the deeper the sneer on Dongfang Yanhe's lips, and the coldness filled his eyes.

"Don't worry, she won't. Didn't you say that she has an unusual relationship with Mr. Jing, so she will return to country Y no matter what. I know you and her have a good relationship recently and are friends. I'm afraid I will hurt you She. You are afraid that I will hurt her, but you are not afraid that my disease will not be cured forever? There is only one Ye Lingyi in this world who will not despise me, but I can't just watch her life's happiness be ruined in my hands. You have to heal yourself before you can marry her. Otherwise, what can I give her happiness?"

He looked deeply at Han Jiang, "Han Jiang, you know, all these years, besides you, she is the one who accompanied me through this. You should understand what she means to me, so I can't be this It didn't happen."

Han Jiang's breath sank, "But haven't you thought about it? What do you do to Ye Lingyi? Isn't this a kind of harm? No woman wants to see her man get involved with another woman, no matter what Is this entanglement emotional or physical! Do you think that Ye Lingyi will not know about you doing these things in Haishi? Or do you think you can keep her from her forever? Is that what you mean? "

He was afraid that even Ye Lingyi would be disappointed, not to mention that Yiren would be hurt. What if Ye Lingyi was disappointed in him because of this incident, and chose to leave him... Has he thought about the result?Can he really bear such pain again?

Dongfang Yanhe didn't say anything for a long time when he heard Han Jiang's words, making Han Jiang mistakenly think that he had persuaded him.

But suddenly, he laughed.

Han Jiang frowned, "What are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing, it's just that what you worry about won't happen at all. Ye Lingyi will believe me, and even if she knows, she will understand me and won't blame me, let alone leave me because of such a thing." Ye Lingyi He may be the person who understands him best in the world, how could she not understand him?

Before Han Jiang could say anything, Dongfang Yanhe turned his eyes to stare at him, his eyes were full of suspicion, "I said Han Jiang, how many years have I known you, and how long have you known Jing Yi? She doesn’t care about my health, she just wants to watch me become a monk for the rest of her life? I’ve already said that I won’t force her, I’ll make her willing, so why worry? She’s already an adult, not a child. You are not her parents, can you control so much?"

Han Jiang was so angry at his words that he almost didn't bring it up, and passed out directly.

What is this, if he had to choose one of them, of course he would choose Dongfang Yanhe!But what he said is not in this situation. There are obviously other methods, so why do you have to use this method?

But thinking of his words, the air that was blocked in his heart slowly spit out again.Have to admit he was right.

He was worried that Jing Yiren would be hurt, but what if... what if it was really like what he said, if you like me, then what right does he have to stop it, and why bother?Besides, Dongfang Yanhe's problem has been dragging on for several years. It's not that he didn't think about going to see a psychiatrist, and it's not that he didn't go to see a psychiatrist, but it didn't seem to help.He is really like a monk who has been a monk for many years and has no desires.

He still remembers being in that room, the psychiatrist brought him the hottest action movie, both of them were in it, and as a result, he was so angry and blood boiled that he almost had a nosebleed.What about Dongfang Yanhe?Hehe, he didn't move at all, his breathing didn't disturb, he was as stable as Mount Tai.When the doctor finally came in, he was surprised to see his calm appearance.If it hadn't been for an examination, he guessed that the doctor would suspect that the two taels of meat under him were gone.

Later, his life was not affected, and Ye Lingyi was by his side again, so he couldn't see anything unusual.

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