For example, in a dynasty, the emperor strategizes, and the courtiers are always selfless, so although such people will be entrusted with important tasks, they will not be trusted by the emperor, such as Yue Fei.

Often corrupt officials, whether they are in love with power or money, the emperor feels at ease when using them.

Because you ask for something, and it so happens that I have both.

Therefore, on the one hand, the emperor hated corrupt officials, and on the other hand, he favored corrupt officials.

The clean flow is endless, and the dirt is endless.

"Okay," Lu Xingyun said, "I'm done contacting Yan Xiangzhi's cousin, and I'm going to go back.

I haven't seen Huanhuan for a long time, and I'm going back to see her. "

Of course Dongfang Yanhe agreed, if it wasn't for Yan Xiangzhi's cousin, it wouldn't matter if he went back now.

"Okay," Dongfang Yanhe said, "It's almost winter vacation now, or you can wait there until the winter vacation, and then bring Huanhuan to play for a few days."

Lu Xingyun really thought about it, but he still shook his head: "Forget it, I don't have time to take care of her when I'm here.

She won't be happy here with the nanny every day. It's better to let her be at your house with Yi Ren and Doudou to accompany her, so she can be happier. "

Dongfang Yanhe didn't speak, but thought for a while in silence.

After a long while, he said, "Doudou is going to be on winter vacation soon, or you can pick her up too.

Pei Yan took a long leave this time and asked her to accompany her.

To save her from being bored here.

Wait for her to finish her vacation before taking the child back. "

As soon as Lu Xingyun heard it, he immediately regained his spirits: "Yes! Why didn't I think of it! Let's do it like this!"

Dongfang Yanhe smiled slightly.

I don't know if Yiren will be lonely after taking Doudou away.

If only she could come too.

"Boss and the others have changed planes, and the route should be heading towards Italy."

Feng Hao and Dongfang Yanhe report the itinerary of Yan Xiang's mother and daughter.

Dongfang Yanhe hooked his lips and smiled: "Well, don't follow too closely."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Xingyun asked, "What about Feng Haona?"

Dongfang Yanhe nodded: "Yes, their mother and daughter have indeed turned around."


Jing Yuanxi asked.


"If you say that no one tells ghosts, you won't believe it.

Our guess has been confirmed step by step. I guess it will be like what the East said in the end, and it will definitely be Florence in the end. "

Lu Xingyun immediately confirmed his doubts, and felt much more relaxed.

"Chen Jinrong is fine. Ever since Chen Qianqian got sick, he didn't think about anything else. He just wanted to do something to you, right?"

Jing Yuanxi said.

Speaking of this, a trace of hostility flashed in Dongfang Yanhe's eyes.

From entering the Eastern Group to pretending to be close to Yi Ren, to planning a car accident and cutting off his capital chain.

All the things that followed were aimed at him.

"So the Maoye consortium is going downhill.

I put all my thoughts into poaching my son-in-law.

No wonder Chen Jinpeng turned his back on the water.

Chen Jinrong's ancestor's foundation was about to collapse. "

Lu Xingyun said.

"How is Chen Jinpeng?"

Jing Yuanxi asked: "How long are you going to think about?"

"It's not so fast for a while, and he can see from these few things that he has a big picture.

It is their own business that the Maoye consortium makes porridge.

Joining forces with outsiders is another matter. "

Lu Xingyun said.

He was willing to be Chen Jinrong's deputy, including the fact that he didn't fight over the division of the family property, which shows that he is not for his own selfish desires.

Assisting Chen Jinrong for decades shows that he is very convinced of his brother.

But now that the Maoye Consortium has been made like this, it came out to oppose it, which shows that it has a big picture and everything is based on the foundation of the ancestors.

"It's a pity that this person is so loyal, he doesn't look like the Chen family.

Is it reliable to instigate rebellion? "

Jing Yuanxi said.

"It depends on Yanhe. He said that he is [-]% sure."

Lu Xingyun looked at Dongfang Yanhe.

Dongfang Yanhe smiled: "This kind of person, even if I hand over the entire Dongfang Group, I may not be able to persuade him to come, and maybe he will be classified under his banner after taking over.

But if I start with the interests of his group, he is likely to cooperate. "

"I'm afraid that he would rather sell the pot than eat the cheap food of you."

Jing Yuanxi smiled.

"It depends on what tricks Chen Jinrong will make.

It all depends on the level of disappointment. "

Dongfang Yanhe smiled.

Lu Xingyun leaned over meanly and said, "How about we add fire to him?"

Jing Yuanxi came to his senses immediately: "How to add?"

"This is..."

Lu Xingyun stroked his chin and thought for a while: "Let's let it go.

It is said that Yan Xiangzhi's cousin didn't spit out, but he went to Yan Minzhi before he died, and the words revealed that he was cooperating with Chen Jinrong. "

"So what? How can this hurt Chen Jinrong? Chen Jinpeng will not be more disappointed because of this."

"Why not?"

Lu Xingyun said with a wicked smile: "Think about it again? Once this kind of news breaks out, the negative impact of 'Maoye' will be brought to the fore.

It doesn't even cost us a single soldier to send their stock down further..."

Jing Yuanxi followed the train of thought given by Lu Xingyun.

The stock price fell, and Chen Jinpeng would suffer the same blow as when Fancheng lost last time.

The last time Chen Jinrong sent Yan Min to harm Dongfang Yanhe, this time his brother was innocently implicated.

This series of incidents finally implicated the Maoye Consortium itself.

"But... what about the evidence? This kind of rumors without evidence are widely reported, and we will be in trouble if we pursue it."

Jing Yuanxi said worriedly.

"Why are you so stupid?" Lu Xingyun said, "We only revealed the wind.

How the media reports is their business.

It's fine to be vague, what they are best at is chasing rumors. "

"What's more, Dongfang Group has old grievances with 'Maoye', everyone knows it.

As long as there is a slight inclination in a certain sentence, public opinion will be one-sided.

People will make up their own minds. "

"You can also take advantage of the momentum to stir up a wave of enthusiasm."

Jing Yuanxi laughed out loud.

The topic of Izu Peach Blossom Land from Luojian keeps rising day by day.

The price has also risen, and every inch of land is worth every penny.

The first few companies we cooperated with were so happy that they could wake up with a smile.

Now whether it is a person or a company, they can spare no effort to be popular.

What is the most important thing in the new century?heat!As long as there are topics, public opinion, and concerns.

It will attract the masses.

"Izu" is not only popular, but also appears in a positive, suppressed "weak" image, and has received unprecedented attention.

Merchants and enterprises also took a fancy to this point.

As long as you invest here, when the park opens, the money will be scraped like a piece of paper.

How many people are looking forward to the completion of Izu Peach Blossom Garden.

Then came the Maoye Consortium, but this group was black and red.

Like a bedbug, everyone avoids it.

The reason why "Maoye" has not been swallowed up in the stock market is entirely supported by capital.

If there is another negative news, this kind of market crash is just around the corner.

"I didn't expect you to be a good hypeman," Jing Yuanxi joked, "It's a shame that the brokerage company didn't invite you."


Jing Yuanxi's phone rang, and seeing the caller ID, he bent a warm smile.

"You don't have to think about it, you can tell it's Xiao Yan when you smile."

Lu Xingyun joked.

Jing Yuanxi picked up the phone, and before he could speak, he heard Pei Yan's exaggerated voice.

"Jing Yuanxi, did you watch today's news? I'm on TV!"

"Huh? Is the video of your performance broadcast?"

Jing Yuanxi didn't turn the corner for a moment.

"No! It was filmed in 'Izu'.

You guys are on TV too. "

Pei Yan said loudly.

Jing Yuanxi thought for a while, and after the meeting ended that day, many reporters were taking pictures: "I'll watch it right away."

After hanging up the phone, he picked up the iPad at hand and opened the news website.

The overwhelming reports occupy every website's hot searches.

If you open any website, the headlines are all photos of several people going out together. Even the official and serious media have put up the headline of Izu Peach Blossom Land.

"A mysterious woman appeared in Izu."

Sail City News.

"Izu Taohuayuan injects new 'blood' or can go to another level."

Global Finance.

"An unknown woman was surprised at the Izu meeting."

Social News.

"The mysterious woman and the three rich businessmen's ulterior motives."

confidant story.

"The delicate relationship between the hands of stunning beauties and wealthy businessmen."

The life of both sexes.

"Who is the girl in the blooming season who is in love?"

Old wave scarf.

"'Yufeng' is inseparable from the capital operation behind the head of Huadan."

Yo Kuwang.

Among them, Wei Entertainment took the first-hand information, at least explaining Pei Yan's work.

Jing Yuanxi looked at the iPad, even if he was angry.

Except for the somewhat nondescript title of the lives of the sexes, there is no tension in the others.

Now Izu Taohuayuan is leading the way, reporting black material, of course it can be a big seller if it is written in a negative way.

No one can afford the consequences of finishing writing.

Lu Xingyun glanced at it and said, "Do you want to call and suppress it?"

He added: "It doesn't look too negative, it just catches people's attention."

"Let me ask Xiaoyan what she means first."

Jing Yuanxi picked up the phone and called back.

"Baby, what are you doing?"

He was really afraid that the little girl would be unhappy and feel sad hiding alone in the room, so he deliberately asked what she was doing first.

Lu Xingyun got goosebumps all over the floor, and let out a long cry: "Huh—" and rubbed his arms pretendingly.

Unexpectedly, Pei Yan said carelessly: "Eat lollipops and watch the news.

Oh, I said Jing Yuanxi, you are so handsome on camera! "

Jing Yuanxi was furious, but seeing that she wasn't unhappy, he felt relieved: "What do you want to do with this news? Your big brother Lu means to call and suppress it."

"What do you mean?"

"I listen to you, if you don't like it, I will suppress it.

If it doesn't matter, don't worry about it. "

Jing Yuanxi said.

Hearing Jing Yuanxi say listen to her, Pei Yan felt a little sweet in her heart, and said cheerfully: "There is no harm.

Let them guess if they have to.

I just don't know what grandpa will think when he sees it.

Ha ha. "

Jing Yuanxi was especially infected by Pei Yan's laughter, there was a kind of pure happiness in her laughter.

Even across the phone, his eyes are full of doting: "What else can you think, you said before that you don't want your grandpa to know, but now I'm afraid it's okay not to know."

What's more, the old man already knew about it, only Pei Yan was foolishly kept in the dark.

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