Now, anyway, it is developing where it is expected.

As long as you follow the current line, there will be results sooner or later. "

When talking about business, Pei Yan never interrupted.

She couldn't understand either... But as soon as she deviated from work, she immediately regained her spirits.

"Yes, listen to Jing Yuanxi."

Pei Yan said: "My grandfather said, follow the trend and strive for victory."

Lu Xingyun smiled and said: "They really are a couple, they really match each other."

He said again: "Old Master Pei is right.

It is inseparable from his leadership that 'Rongtai' can achieve its current scale. "

"That is, you can't rush for success."

When it comes to grandpa, Pei Yan is very proud.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Pei Yan took the menu card and ordered.

Since Pei Yan's arrival, men have never had to think about what to eat.

Everyone also dotes on her and eats whatever she wants.

When the three of them were eating, they still couldn't help talking about work.

Pei Yan interrupted what Jing Yuanxi was about to say to Lu Xingyun, and said, "Oh, oh, I talk about work all day long, and I still have to talk about it after dinner.

Eat and eat. "

"Xiao Yan is right, eat first."

Lu Xingyun agreed.

After dinner, everyone was busy with other things. Lu Xingyun went to the prison to find Yan Minzhi, Dongfang Yanhe wanted to go back to read the documents, and Jing Yuanxi had to deal with angel investment. He was already driven crazy by Li Panlong's phone calls all morning.

Pei Yan felt that working with them was too boring, so she decided to go back to catch up on sleep.

The work efficiency of Dongfang Yanhe's staff is really high, including the "rats" who strictly abide by the time.

So when he returned to the temporary office, the materials of the three shareholders of the Maoye Consortium were already on the table.

Opening the first page is the heavyweight of the Maoye consortium.

Chen Jinpeng?Dongfang Yanhe was slightly surprised when he saw this name.

This is Chen Jinrong's younger brother.

I have been with my brother for more than ten years, and I have always worked hard, and I have never heard of any differences.

Even when Mr. Chen passed away, there was no rumor about the dispute between the two of them.

Why are you getting old and rebellious?The materials recorded Chen Jinpeng's life in detail, and in the end "rat" added the reasons for his betrayal in detail.

"Chen Jinrong only dotes on Chen Qianqian.

It is guessed that Maoye Group's confrontation with Dongfang Group several times is because of the daughter.

This irrational behavior made Chen Jinpeng very angry.

The Maoye consortium was besieged by the stock market and Fancheng lost, making Chen Jinpeng lose confidence in the chairman.

At present, they are in opposition, and the situation is like fire and water. "

It seems that Chen Jinpeng was willing to be a deputy for so many years because he felt that his brother Chen Jinrong's ability could lead the Maoye consortium to a higher position.

And Chen Jinrong's daughter's slave behavior even lost most of the old generation's legacy, and she is still obsessed with it, planning to continue fighting.

So Chen Jinpeng couldn't sit still.

He doesn't care who is the speaker, but the Chen family's country cannot be lost.

This also proves from the side that Dongfang Yanhe's several counterattacks played a decisive role.

The Maoye Consortium is really dead.

The second is the younger brother of Chen Jinrong's deceased wife.

That is Chen Qianqian's uncle.

Since Mrs. Chen passed away, this brother-in-law has been excluded in "Maoye".

Apart from the shares in his hands, he has no right to speak.

And this person is an extremely assertive and self-willed character, how can he be willing to be suppressed all the time.

Moreover, when his sister was alive, he still had a few decisions that he could talk about, which can be said to be much more powerful than the current managers of "Maoye".

Now that the company has become like this, he must be unconvinced and want to turn his back.

The last one is the old shareholder of Maoye Consortium.

This man is already in his sixties, his sixtieth year.

But he is a very small person.

There is no dignity in the pursuit of profit.

The Maoye Consortium has been stable for a long time, and he has always supported whoever gives more sweetness like a fool.

He usually seems to be a nice guy, and he doesn't offend anyone because of his tact.

Then when Maoye started to decline, he was the first one to challenge him.

Claiming that no matter how they toss, their dividends cannot be less.

Dongfang Yanhe closed the information.

I smiled with satisfaction in my heart.

"Mouse" really understood him, and all the people he hired were just right and useful.

It doesn't take much effort.


Dongfang Yanhe answered the phone.

"President, as you expected, the mother and daughter did not make a connecting flight to Melbourne."

Feng Hao said on the phone.

Dongfang Yanhe raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Where did it go?"

"Now their flight is to Sydney.

I don't know if there will be a transfer in the middle. "

"Well, keep watching.

Contact me anytime for any changes. "

After all, hang up the phone.

Putting down the phone, Dongfang Yanhe didn't even think about asking his assistant to contact Chen Jinpeng immediately.

After a while, the call came in.

"President Dongfang? What brought you here?"

Chen Jinpeng said in surprise.

Dongfang Yanhe is a straightforward person and doesn't like to circle around.

This kind of personality is well known in the business world, so every word he said is full of gold.

"You and I are well aware of the current trend of 'Maoye'.

I wonder if Deputy Director Chen has any better ideas for the consortium? "

Chen Jinpeng on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, and then said after a while: "Our consortium is doing well now, we have recruited SA, everything is going smoothly, and it will get better and better in the future.

Why, President Dongfang, are you disappointed to see that we have not been affected, or are you afraid that things will get worse in the future and you will not be able to protect yourself? "

Dongfang Yanhe sneered in his heart.

Everyone is an old fritter in the mall for so many years. Whoever's company has a problem and who is responsible, everyone knows it well.

It's normal for Chen Jinpeng to be so defensive. After all, someone who has always been an enemy suddenly throws an olive branch, and everyone will be worried.

Dongfang Yanhe didn't answer him, but said: "You have two choices.

One, cooperate with me to jointly defeat your brother and help you sit in your position.

Second, let Chen Jinrong defeat the foundation left by your elders, or you can single-handedly defeat him. "

"Who I am, Dongfang Yanhe, I believe you know.

Give you three days to think about it. "

If Lu Xingyun was by his side, he would have stared wide-eyed in shock.

This is the first time I have seen such a strong win over the camp.

No, this is not solicitation, this is simply charity!Chen Jinpeng on the other end of the phone was speechless for a while.

He is too aware of the weight of Dongfang Yanhe's words.

"Why are you so sure that the Maoye Group will definitely lose? You come to me in such a hurry, don't you have no idea?"

Chen Jinpeng said.

"Our two groups have been recruited many times. With your current strength, do you think there is still a chance of winning? Even if SA is drained, I think after the end, there will not be many Jiangshan surnamed Chen, right?"

Dongfang Yanhe hits the nail on the head.

"As for talking to you, I value your position.

Besides, I have no enmity with 'Maoye'.

You should know as well as I do why this war started.

I don't need to make enemies of myself. "

Eastern Yanhe Road.

To Chen Jinpeng, every word he said was heartbreaking.

Another moment of silence.

After a pot of tea time passed, Chen Jinpeng said: "What can I get? What do you want from me?"

That's the point.

"You can get the position of chairman, and you will be at the helm of the family business from now on.

As for me, as long as you are obedient, Qiu will do nothing wrong. "

Dongfang Yanhe said calmly.

"Let me think about it."

"Three days."

After speaking, Dongfang Yanhe hung up the phone neatly.

At this time, Lu Xingyun just came back.

When I entered the office, I took a big gulp of water directly on the table.

"What physical work are you doing? You're so thirsty."

Dongfang Yanhe asked.

"Forget it."

Lu Xingyun sat down and lit a cigarette, leaning on the sofa.

"People have come into contact with it? How?"


This is only the first day, at least it will be tomorrow. "

Lu Xingyun said: "What about you? How is it?"

Dongfang Yanhe threw him a dozen documents on the table.

Lu Xingyun flipped through it roughly, and then said: "It's second and third, it's easy to say.

But isn't this first one a fantasy?Help the enemy destroy brother?Besides, he is already a deputy director, what benefits do you have to impress him? "

Lu Xingyun feels that "rats" sometimes do things unreliably.

Dongfang Yanhe smiled: "I just called him."


Lu Xingyun couldn't believe it: "The 'mouse' has no sense, so have you? How could Chen Jinpeng betray the water? What benefits did you promise him? Sell the Dongfang Group?"

Dongfang Yanhe glanced at him contemptuously: "How is it possible? The benefits are naturally what he dreams of.

I don't have to pay a penny.

You also said that he is the deputy director..."

Isn't it just a deputy?Lu Xingyun understood immediately!When Dongfang Yanhe decided to take this move, he had made this plan.

I remember he said at the time, "Whoever destroys the group will pay for it."

Lu Xingyun and Jing Yuanxi also felt that he had a fever.

It turned out that he had made this calculation.

What is it called?Borrowing arrows from straw boats?Sit back and reap the rewards?Lu Xingyun's Chinese is not very good, and I really can't think of a better word to describe it.

"You're so ugly..."

he murmured.

Dongfang Yanhe was noncommittal.

"Then what did Chen Jinpeng say?"

"He said to think about it, and I gave it three days."

Eastern Yanhe Road.

"Do you think there is a play?"

What does Lu Xingyun think and feel?

"Eighty percent."

Dongfang Yanhe said firmly.

Lu Xingyun was really convinced.

If he can win the deputy director of the Maoye Consortium, then he will really be able to rest easy in the future.

Then what are you fighting with "Maoye"?Wouldn't it be better to let them fight each other?The more I thought about it, the more I felt there was a door, so I asked secretly: "Why don't you call him again at night to remind him?"

Dongfang Yanhe glanced at him: "Did you forget what Pei Yan said at noon? Seek victory while being steady."

This kind of thing depends on who can calm down first.

Whoever behaves eagerly loses.

"Then when are you going to contact the second and third?"

Lu Xingyun said.


One begged for power, the other begged for money.

As long as there is a clear need, everything else is easy to handle.

Therefore, the superior is most afraid of not knowing what the subordinates are thinking and wanting.

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