"Who knows, the first two games looked good."

Jing Yiren grasped Dongfang Yanhe's hand tighter and tighter, his palm was full of sweat.

Dongfang Yanhe patted the back of her hand and said, "Trust Doudou.

It doesn't matter if it doesn't work. "

His words were like a good medicine, calming down her tense mood slowly.

Jing Yiren rubbed her stomach, and said to her in the manner of learning Dongfang Yanhe: "Baby, let's cheer for brother together."

Time passed by every second.

Many children have already completed a corner.

The 15-year-old boy is halfway through.

He still moved slowly, and even found time to give Doudou a strange look.

Half an hour passed, and Doudou still didn't move, looking at the pieces on the table one by one.

The audience below finally couldn't help booing.

"Kid, do you want to go home?"

"Child in the middle, are you giving up?"

What's more, they shouted directly: "Do you miss your mother and want to breastfeed?"

There was a roar of laughter from the audience.

Even Fang Wenxiu became nervous, grabbed Dongfang Zhan and asked, "What's wrong with Doudou? Did he really admit defeat?"

Dongfang Zhanqiang said calmly: "How is it possible? How could my grandson admit defeat?!"

Jing Yiren stared closely at the stage.

She believed that Doudou had not found a solution, but she did not believe that Doudou would admit defeat.

On the other hand, Dongfang Yanhe was very calm, as if he hadn't been affected by the atmosphere of the scene at all.

When the timer showed that there were still 10 minutes left, Doudou finally moved.

He first used the jigsaw puzzles on the table to piece together the outer frame of the figure, and every time he made a move, there was no omission, no difference!He worked methodically, and the process of his puzzle was displayed on the big screen.

I saw that his small arms were not moving quickly, but without thinking about them, and they were precise every time, as if they knew these fragments.

He just needs to put them in their proper place step by step.

With 10 minutes left in the countdown, Doudou has already spelled out 70% of it!The speed has caught up with that 15-year-old boy!But he didn't take a rest, instead, his speed became faster and faster, and in the end he even developed to swing his two little hands together.

Finally, when there were 2 minutes left in the countdown—it was perfect!The shouts from the audience almost lifted the roof of the studio, and everyone couldn't believe their eyes.

A boy who was only four years old completed a 20 yuan puzzle in 100 minutes! "Ding!"

time up.

All players stop.

The host excitedly stepped onto the stage and announced the champion of the field: Dongfangdou.

The 15-year-old boy ranked second with a time of 8 minutes and 45 seconds.

Finally there is halftime.

Several judges calculate the final score to decide the champion of this quiz.

In fact, everyone present knew that Dongfangdou had won two games, and it would definitely win two to one.

But the procedures that should be followed still have to be followed.

People were talking about the game.

"It's really wonderful! I didn't expect a child who is only 4 years old to be so powerful!"

"That is, I don't know who is so good at giving birth to such a smart baby."

"Don't be a Wenqu star descending to earth, right? I think this kid will definitely be a character in the future."

"You still need to tell me?"

Dongfang Zhan couldn't sit still for a long time, and stood up like the last poetry competition and said loudly: "My family! That 4-year-old child is my grandson!"

"Oh, it's your baby, sir?"

"You are so lucky!"

The praises from around made Dongfang Zhan extremely proud.

Dongfang Yanhe and the others were naturally happy in their hearts, but they didn't like high-profile, they only watched the old man show off.

The host came to the stage again and announced the final results.

"The winner of the championship is: Dongfang Bean!"

There was thunderous applause below, and the contestants on the stage also congratulated him one after another.

They lost heartily.

Next is the flower presentation.

Since the organizer did not expect such a young child to win the prize, Doudou took the flower that Miss Manners brought up, and it was almost as tall as him.

The audience laughed out loud.

Authorities in the education field came up to present the awards, and the most powerful one specially hugged Doudou for a group photo.

The television cameras never left Doudou's figure.

The reporters looked for the champion's parents one after another, wanting to do a detailed interview.

The social status and identity of the Dongfang family are usually very low-key.

Although Dongfang Zhan wanted to show off very much, he was not sensitive to interviews.

When Doudou came out from the backstage, she was surrounded by Dongfang Zhan and Fang Wenxiu, kissing and hugging.

Neither Dongfang Yanhe nor Jing Yiren could catch up.

Until they got home, the enthusiasm of the two old people was not extinguished, and they didn't know how to kiss each other in their arms.

Doudou was dazed by the kisses from her grandparents, and stretched out her hand to find her mother.

Fang Wenxiu pulled her back and said, "Your mother is pregnant, so you can't hug her now, let grandma kiss her well."

Dongfang Yanhe and Jing Yiren didn't argue, they sat in the living room watching TV.

Coincidentally, the children's channel of the local station is rebroadcasting.

It was only on TV that I could see the scene more clearly.

Jing Yiren was excited once again.

Dongfang Yanhe hugged her with one arm: "Thank you, Yiren, for giving me such an excellent son."

Jing Yiren smiled and nodded: "I hope our daughter is as good as my brother."

Doudou's victory has made the family happy for a long time, and the Dongfang war is even more talked about when he sees everyone.

Those who watched the TV broadcast all called Dongfang Yanhe to congratulate him.

The main reason is that Doudou won so beautifully in the last game, that's why he won so many praises.

Jing Yiren was happy and sad at the same time.

The joy is that Doudou won the championship, but the sorrow is that he was "closed" again.

So when Zhou Ning called and said that the group was coming to see her, she was very happy, and by the way, asked to bring the brushes and drawing boards.

It was rare for Fang Wenxiu not to go out. After eating, she sat in the living room and read magazines.

Zhou Ning and the others bumped into each other when they came.

The servant had already informed, Fang Wenxiu was about to get up and glanced at the three of them from afar, with a flash of contempt in her eyes.

Zhou Ning and Yuan Meng saluted her politely. Aunt Feng walked last, holding two hens in her hands, chirping.

"Whatever is in your hand, don't bring it into the room."

Fang Wenxiu shouted: "Sister-in-law Wang, hurry up! Throw that thing out!"

It took a long time for Mrs. Feng to know what she was talking about.

Mrs. Wang took the things in her hand: "Leave it to me."

"Throw it out, throw it out!"

Fang Wenxiu couldn't stand it repeatedly.

Headache from rooster crowing in ears.

Mrs. Feng grabbed the hen and refused to let go: "Don't throw it away, it's a good thing, it's a great supplement."

Jing Yiren hurried out, saw the mess in the hall, hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "What's going on?"

"Big sister, these two chickens can't be thrown away. I entrusted several people to buy the native chickens in the country, which are very nourishing.

You see she always grabs. "

Jing Yiren immediately knew what happened, and said gently: "Sister-in-law Feng, you first give the chicken to Mrs. Wang, and ask her to take it to the kitchen.

Stew to eat at night. "

Fang Wenxiu couldn't bear it anymore: "I don't want to eat it! Who knows if there are any germs.

Let me tell you, your body is very precious now, if you are infected with some bacteria and hurt the child in your stomach, I can't forgive you. "

Before Jing Yiren could speak, Mrs. Feng couldn't understand: "What do you mean? You look like a dog in your clothes, why are your words so unpleasant?"

Fang Wenxiu was furious: "Who are you talking to?! Sister-in-law Wang, drive them out!"

Sister-in-law Wang was in a dilemma, she couldn't be pushed away, and she couldn't be pushed away.

Seeing that the scene was getting more and more chaotic, Jing Yiren could only comfort Fang Wenxiu first: "Auntie, this is a colleague who came to see me, and it's a good intention. Please calm down first."

Fang Wenxiu ignored her at all, and shouted: "Sister-in-law Wang?! Didn't I tell you to drive people away? Did you hear that? You want to go with them, don't you? Whose house is this? Can my words count?"

Sister-in-law Wang bit her bullet and said to Jing Yiren: "Young Madam, look...how about letting them go out first?"

It was the first time Zhou Ning and Yuan Meng encountered such a thing, so they were stupid on the spot.

Jing Yiren was also a little angry.

After all, she is her guest, even if there is something wrong, she can't be dismissed.

But she didn't want the situation to worsen, so she just continued to persuade in a soft voice: "Auntie, don't be angry, I'll take them to my room right away, and I promise not to disturb you..."

"I'll see who dares to take a step inside!"

Fang Wenxiu saw that Mrs. Wang was not moving, so she called out loudly: "Come on! Get these dirty things out!"

Everyone didn't know what happened, and they rushed into the hall with a huff.

When I came in, I saw that the old lady and the young lady were standing on each side, and the person who was going to be driven out was protected by the young lady.

"Why are you standing there stupidly? Is no one listening to what I say in this family?"

There are several servants who worked in Dongfang's house in the early years, and they are very loyal to Dongfang Zhan and his wife.

Hearing what Fang Wenxiu said, he took a few steps forward.

"I see who dares!"

Standing in front of Zhou Ning, Jing Yi was neither humble nor overbearing.

She stared at Fang Wenxiu and said, "Auntie, even if there is something wrong with my colleagues, they still come to see me.

I'm afraid you are losing your dignity by driving people away like this.

As long as you are in this home, you will be the master every day.

But I am also the wife of Dongfang Yan and Ming Media, and this is also my home. "

Fang Wenxiu smiled, leaning on the handrail of the stairs and mockingly said: "Oh, are you going to turn the world upside down? You don't feel that you have lost your status as a young mistress by calling such a group of people at home. Why do I lose my status if I drive them away?" You are the wife of Yanhe, but if you want to be the master of this family, you must first ask me if I agree with you!"

"I haven't thought about what I want to be, but it's still possible to let my colleagues come to visit me in a legitimate way!"

Then he turned his head and said to Zhou Ning and the others: "Come on, follow me in, let me see who dares to stop me!"

After finishing speaking, Jing Yiren strode inside.

Zhou Ning and Yuan Meng bowed their heads and followed, and Mrs. Feng gave Fang Wenxiu a stare.

The servants of the Dongfang family didn't know whether they were intimidated by the always good-tempered Jing Yiren, or because they were worried that she was pregnant, but no one dared to stop her.

Fang Wenxiu trembled, pointed at the crowd and shouted: "Are you dead people? Just watch her bring these messy people in?! Look at me too old to restrain you, anxious to please the new master, aren't you!"

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