This wealthy family is too rich for me

Chapter 331 Quiz Competition

Even Dongfang Yanhe was asked by the old man to sleep in a separate room with her.

Fortunately, Dongfang Yanhe insisted, otherwise the couple would have become separated within marriage.

Lying on the bed, Dongfang Yanhe carefully avoided Jing Yiren's stomach and hugged her.

She sighed: "Thanks to the fact that the pregnancy is only ten months old, if it's two years, we will be separated according to my father's wishes, and we can both get divorced automatically."

Jing Yiren chuckled and said, "I can't take it anymore? How about giving you a taste of my daily life?"

Dongfang Yanhe said seriously: "When Doudou was born, I missed a lot.

Seeing how hard it is for you to be pregnant now, I am really afraid.

If I can change it, I really want to live for you. "

When Jing Yiren heard his words, his heart warmed up, and he hugged him even tighter: "I also really want a daughter, how hard it is.

I just think Dad is too nervous. "

Dongfang Yanhe nodded: "Be patient, what Dad did may not be useful, but there is no harm in the end, just treat it as a child.

After having a daughter, we'll never have another one, okay? "

Jing Yiren laughed when he heard it, and teased him: "What if it's not a daughter?"

"It's not that the daughter is not born anymore.

Doudou is good enough, if it's better not to be a daughter, it's not bad to have a brother as a companion. "

"Do you think so?"

Jing Yiren smiled and said, "Then let's think of a name for him?"

"So early?"

Dongfang Yanhe said with a smile: "You are too anxious."

"Be prepared early, if you don't like it, there is still time to change it."

"I'm afraid you have to ask your parents what they mean."

Dongfang Yanhe said: "At the beginning, Doudou was a special case, but now if you don't ask about it, it will be unreasonable."

Jing Yiren didn't object either, since Dongfang Zhan was so nervous, he would definitely be cautious about names.

She stretched her waist: "I can go out tomorrow, I must recharge my energy and get a good sleep today, and cheer for Doudou tomorrow."

...The next day, Jing Yiren spent a long time choosing clothes in the cloakroom before deciding which one to wear when going out.

The driver in the yard has already parked the car that will be used today. Because there are five people, it is inconvenient to drive two cars, and there is no room for one car. Dongfang Yanhe specially chose a white Rolls-Royce extended version of the old car from the garage. ster.

On the way, Jing Yiren kept reassuring Doudou not to be nervous and to calm down.

Doudou giggled: "Mom, I'm not nervous at all, are you nervous?"

Jing Yiren was a little embarrassed by his son's words.

She was really nervous.

If it is more than others, you can make up lessons and cultivate them the day after tomorrow.

According to Doudou's knowledge reserve, she is very relieved to compete in any competition.

Only this kind of quiz is not sure.

It all depends on his innate development and his own growth.

Dongfang Yanhe smiled comfortingly: "You know how smart our son is, you know better than me.

Besides, this award doesn't matter much, even if you don't get the award, it won't affect Doudou's growth. "

Jing Yiren thought about it too, and then he let go of his nervous state of mind and felt his rare time of "relaxing".

When we arrived at the competition site, the crowds were already full.

"Is such a big kid also a player?"

Fang Wenxiu saw a 15-year-old boy from the crowd, signing the admission list with a pen.

Dongfang Zhan took a look: "Yes."

The tone was a little worried, but he quickly regained his strength: "What are you afraid of? Doudou's participation means that he is on the same level as them. Otherwise, why only two people came to their school?"

This quiz still looks very formal, and the requirements are very strict.

Even the key school that Doudou studied in has only two places.

Players come from all over the country, and everyone is not easy to underestimate.

After entering the venue, Doudou was taken backstage by the staff to prepare.

Naturally, the media will not let go of this grand event, and the cameras have already been set up.

The children's channel of Chaoting TV is in charge of the whole live broadcast.

"The scene is big enough."

Dongfang Zhan sat down in the auditorium before speaking.

Fang Wenxiu was also affected by the atmosphere at the scene, and couldn't help becoming nervous.

Dongfang Yanhe and Jing Yiren remained calm.

The game starts soon.

The host first thanked all the leaders and guests present, and said some positive lines.

Finally, he looked at the card in his hand and read the rules.

The competition system is very simple, it is divided into three rounds, and the fastest and most accurate completion is the champion.

The player with the highest score in the three games is the champion.

Ten people were shortlisted in the first round, five in the second round, and the top three in the last round.

Players are on the field quickly.

The first scene, than shorthand.

The hostesses are pushing a cart.

There are more than 50 kinds of cards such as trees, houses, moons, and bananas placed on it.

The host will show the patterns one by one in the order given by the organizer, and the contestants present are required to report their names one by one from front to back.

Whoever recites the most wins.

The contestants who came to the competition were all of extraordinary intelligence, so it was not surprising that they could name a dozen or twenty, and the 15-year-old child even recited 39 of them.

In an instant, the audience applauded excitedly, pushing the atmosphere of the competition to a climax.

And Doudou was the last one.

He was the smallest player on the field, and everyone thought he was just here to participate, not as an opponent.

Someone in the auditorium took advantage of this time to go.

I saw that Doudou was not nervous at all standing on the stage after she came out.

After bowing to the judges and the audience, he began to recite in a childish voice.

"Stars, rivers, apples..."

The speed of speech is neither fast nor slow, calm beyond his age.

When I recited the 32nd, it finally caught the audience's mind.

I didn't expect such a young child to remember so much.

And when it reached 39, the following consciously thought of applause, and everyone was amazed.

But Dongfang Bean didn't stop, and continued to memorize.

Jing Yiren held Dongfang Yanhe's hand nervously.

When he recited 44, Doudou paused for a moment, apparently thinking carefully. He closed his eyes, like a soul boy swimming in a painting.

The audience cheered for him unanimously, and the host hurriedly controlled the field: "Please be quiet, so that this contestant can recall carefully."

The sound of the countdown bell sounded.

With eyes still closed, Doudou finally recited: "Monkey, water bottle..."

In one breath, he recited 4 more!The countdown sound stopped abruptly.

The scene was quiet, and soon there was thunderous applause, and the audience stood up and applauded Doudou!Dongfang Zhan snapped his fingers: "It's my grandson!"

Fang Wenxiu also laughed from ear to ear: "That's my grandson too, we Doudou are really good."

Jing Yiren breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back on the chair.

Dongfang Yanhe happily leaned over and kissed her on the forehead.

The players were not given too much time to prepare, and the second round came immediately.

The name of this competition is Maze.

At the beginning, the staff moved up five sets of high partitions.

The moderator introduces the rules.

The ten selected contestants were divided into two groups, and five people in each group entered the maze made of partitions.

The first to walk out is the champion.

The game time is 10 minute.

The internal picture of the "maze" was shown to the audience on the big screen.

"It's a bit like Huarong Road."

Jing Yi said humanely.

Dongfang Yanhe nodded.

This kind of structure is that adults may not be able to walk out in 10 minutes.

Game start.

Doudou was assigned to the first group.

The situation of the players in the maze is played from top to bottom on the big screen.

I saw Doudou walking inside with short legs.

Every time you come to a fork in the road, stop and think about it, and choose your direction as if you have thought it through.

When passing by other small doors, they will not be pushed open at all.

And because of his age and short legs, he often walked to the first door after other children had gone through two doors.

Time was passing by little by little. Although Doudou walked very slowly and spent more time thinking at the fork in the road than other children, the audience found that he never missed his route.

While other contestants were still looking for the door, Doudou finally came out! 8 minutes and 42 seconds!He was the first one out of these 5 people!The scene once again thought of applause. Although there is still a group that did not play, but such a young child can do this level, which is enough to prove his strength to everyone.

Amidst the still applause from the audience, the second group of contestants entered the stage.

I saw the 15-year-old boy enter the field and entered the "maze" without any hassle.

After hitting the wall twice in a row, he finally pushed the door open.

The host excitedly told his time: 6 minutes and 28 seconds!This is a crushing achievement.

The scene responded enthusiastically, and there was another round of applause.

But the degree is not as strong as the shock that Doudou brought to the audience when he came out.

"This child is not simple."

Eastern battlefield.

Fang Wenxiu rolled his eyes at him: "Don't spoil your prestige by letting other people's ambitions.

Our Doudou has short legs, otherwise he would be faster than him. "

Jing Yiren laughed while listening.

No matter how domineering Fang Wenxiu was, she was not at all fake in protecting Doudou's shortcomings.

In the second game, no surprise, the 15-year-old got No.1.

Finally, at the last moment, the only 5 players left on the field were brought to the stage.

Doudou happened to be standing in the middle.

The short man looks like a pit from a distance.

The third game did not have those complicated props before.

It's just that the staff brought chairs and tables to each player, and there was a box on it.

The host introduced the competition system: "I believe the audience friends have seen this box on the table.

Inside the box is a puzzle cut into a hundred pieces.

It is required for the contestants to complete the fight within an hour.

Match and the fastest player wins. "

When the sound of timing sounded on the field, the contestants opened the box as quickly as possible and started fighting together.

But Doudou, who was sitting in the middle, turned all the jigsaw puzzles to the front without any hurry, and then there was no movement.

Everyone present was very surprised. They didn't know why this kid who had been showing extraordinary intelligence suddenly got "stuck".

When the clock on the big screen showed 10 minutes later, Doudou made a move.

He carefully looked at the puzzles on the table one by one, picked up this to have a look, and picked up that to think about.

But still no hands to fight.

Jing Yiren heard the people beside him discussing quietly: "What's wrong with this child?"

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