This wealthy family is too rich for me

Chapter 142 The Strange Man

A little sarcasm said: "It's the first time I've seen such a brazen person, your child disappeared after beating someone, he has a really big temper, haven't given me an explanation yet? Want to leave?!"

Her child has stopped crying now, but there are still dried tears on his face, and his eyes are swollen like walnuts.

The hearts of parents in the world, Jing Yiren is also a person with children, so he also understands the current mood of this parent.

If Jing Doudou was beaten, she would also seek an explanation.

So Jing Yiren patted Jing Doudou on the back lightly, and said, "Doudou, hurry up and apologize to that kid and auntie."

However, Jing Doudou, who has always been sensible and obedient, refused to apologize to them at this time: "I don't! I don't want to apologize to him, he is a bad boy!"

Jing Yiren didn't expect Jing Doudou to say such words, so her face changed in fright, and she whispered to Jing Doudou: "Doudou, how can you talk like this, this time you beat someone First of all, this is wrong, do you remember how your mother taught you? No matter what others say or do, it is your fault if you do it first."

Hearing what his mother said, Jing Doudou had no choice but to say aggrievedly to the parent: "I'm sorry, Doudou was wrong."

But the young woman gently pulled her bright red lips: "If I apologize, I will say it softer than a mosquito. Who are you trying to fool? Let me tell you, if there is no explanation today, we will ask the police station See you!"

Seeing her aggressive and unrelenting appearance, Jing Yuanxi, who was always good-tempered, frowned, and his tone became a bit heavier: "Madam, I believe it is impossible for you not to know the reason for their fight, right? Then why are you pestering us now? It was obviously your child who verbally insulted Yiren first, but why did you turn black and white? Besides, I don’t believe it, it’s still so big The child of my child can say words that are shameless, so it must be taught to him by an adult."

"You keep saying that what will happen to a child at such an age, then the adults will not be much better, so can I return the original words to you now?"

Hearing this, the young woman's face turned pale.

She opened her mouth and wanted to say something to refute Jing Yuanxi's words, but no matter what she said, it seemed a little weak under the current situation, and the surrounding parents and children also made her look up even more at this time. Can't get up.

For a moment, she was irrefutable.

So the young woman could only stomp her feet angrily, took her child and turned around and got into the Ferrari, then started the car without hesitation, and drove away in the dust.

After she left, some of the parents watching were whispering: "I heard that Lin Yuhuan is the mayor's mistress. She has such a big son, so she is very special and precious."

"Really, no wonder, look at that brand-name clothes and brand-name cars... I said that the little girls nowadays really don't know how to behave. It's really not worth it to sell yourself for a little money."

After the person behind finished speaking, he secretly raised his eyes to look at Jing Yiren and Jing Yuanxi's side, implying something.

Of course Jing Yiren also heard what they said, so she was a little angry and didn't know what to say.

However, before she could speak out to refute them, Jing Yuanxi rushed ahead of her and said, "Sorry, I am Jing Yiren's elder brother and Jing Doudou's uncle."

If you listen carefully, you can feel a sour feeling hidden in Jing Yuanxi's words.

But apparently, Jing Yiren didn't care that much.

She looked at Jing Yuanxi gratefully, and said, "Brother...Thank you for explaining to me."

Jing Yuanxi also returned her a comforting look: "It's okay, this is what I should do as...a brother."

After solving the problem on the kindergarten side and finding Jing Doudou, the big rock hanging in Jing Yi's heart finally fell down.

But there were too many things to do today and she was too tired. She really didn't have the energy to go to Dongfang Yanhe's place, so she called the hospital after getting in the car.

Dongfang Yanhe got connected quickly, but at this moment his voice sounded very tired: "Hello? Yi Ren, what can you do?"

Hearing that he seemed to be in a bad state, Jing Yiren was silent for a while, and still said: "'s nothing, I just want to send Doudou to Jing Yuanxi's place first, and then go to yours."

She finally relented.

Dongfang Yanhe hummed, and then said with a bit of concern: "Then you have to take care of your body, if it's too late, don't worry about me, you go to eat first, don't I still not fully recovered by then You fell ill, and I have to take care of you."

Listening to his words of undisguised concern, Jing Yiren couldn't help but smiled, and then said: "Okay, I understand, then you have to eat on time, it's best not to let me find that you are still there when I pass by." Work."

Although Jing Yiren's words were threatening, they lacked a bit of flavor, and Dongfang Yanhe couldn't help laughing: "Yes."

However, just as Jing Yiren was about to hang up the phone, Jing Doudou twisted his body and leaned over, and shouted at the other end of the phone: "Is it Uncle Dongfang? Uncle, Uncle, Doudou has always been very good, but why are you Aren't you going to see Doudou?"

"'s Uncle's fault, Uncle promises, I'll go to see Doudou in two days, okay?"

Dongfang Yanhe couldn't help smiling when he heard Jing Doudou's immature voice, and coaxed Jing Doudou patiently.

And Chen Chao, who was sitting in front of the computer and processing company documents, suddenly felt that the ward seemed to be much colder.

It's the coldness of being alone.

Jing Yiren also whispered to Jing Doudou at this time, lowered his voice and said, "Doudou, Uncle Dongfang is still busy with his own affairs, we can't be too willful, Uncle Dongfang will come to see you in a few days gone."

After Jing Doudou got the promise, he was a lot happier, but he changed his mind again.

It seems like this will disturb Uncle Dongfang's work, huh?Will Uncle Dongfang hate him and stop looking for him?So he nodded heavily, and said seriously: "Yeah, Doudou must be obedient at home and in the kindergarten, waiting for Uncle Dongfang to come to the house to look for Doudou!"

During the interaction between father and son, Jing Yiren felt a softness in his heart.

But after hanging up the phone, she suddenly remembered something, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt strange, so she asked Jing Doudou: "Doudo, why are you fighting with others? How did you go to the milk tea shop?" of?"

Logically speaking, Jing Doudou has always been very obedient, and will not run around or fight with others for no reason.

But Jing Doudou didn't seem to want to mention the reason why he fought. No matter how Jing Yiren asked him, he just clenched his fleshy fists and said nothing, as if he was going to remain silent to the end.

In the end, it was Jing Yuanxi who told Jing Yiren all the ins and outs, and she also understood why Jing Doudou was so impulsive.

Hearing that Jing Doudou was trying to defend herself, Jing Yiren felt a little guilty on the one hand, but on the other hand wondered why Jing Doudou ran all the way to the milk tea shop.

Jing Doudou didn't care much about this, so she directly said to Jing Yiren: "That...that's because a good-looking uncle took me there, but Doudou didn't believe him from the beginning. , because my mother taught Doudou that she can't trust strangers.

But that uncle...seemed to know my mother, also know Dongfang Uncle, and by the way, also know Uncle, and told me a lot about you, and then I followed him. "

Hearing Jing Doudou's innocent voice, Jing Yiren suddenly felt his back go cold, so he hurriedly asked, "Then Doudou, have you met that uncle before? What's his name?"

Jing Doudou thought carefully for a while, then shook his head: "That uncle didn't tell me... Doudou hasn't seen him either."

At this time, Jing Yiren and Jing Yuanxi were in no mood to blame Jing Doudou for going away with strangers.

They looked at each other, and they all saw the emotion called worry in each other's eyes.

So who is this person? ...Because Jing Yiren had to rush to the hospital later, so he had to take Jing Doudou to Jing Yuanxi's house.

But in order to prevent Jing Doudou from being sad, Jing Yiren accompanied him to take a bath after eating, and took his own clothes to take a bath after seeing him fall asleep with his own eyes.

After taking a shower, Jing Yiren glanced at the current time.

Eight twenty-three, it's not too early.

Jing Yiren was still very worried about the strange man Jing Doudou mentioned in the car, because she didn't know what this man wanted to do to her, Dongfang Yanhe, and even Doudou and Jing Yuanxi .

According to Jing Doudou, that person should know them.

But if it's someone who knows them well, why is it so sneaky?What is his real purpose?Jing Yiren suddenly felt that she was like a prey being targeted by someone, and this perception made her feel very uncomfortable.

But she found that Jing Yuanxi also had the same worries as her.

So after Jing Doudou fell asleep, she didn't leave immediately, but discussed with Jing Yuanxi, trying to guess who that person would be: "Brother, do you think the person who took Doudou away would be who?"

Jing Yuanxi was also frowning tightly at this time, and he couldn't figure it out: "I don't know, but he sent Doudou back, which means that he didn't intend to kidnap Doudou in the first place." Or it is a thought that is not good for Doudou."

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