"No, Yiren... You should calm down now and stop thinking about it. The most important thing is to find Doudou first."

Jing Yuanxi awakened the person in the dream with a single word, while Jing Yiren seemed to have just woken up from a dream, and suddenly reacted, and then she murmured in a daze: "Yes... I can't panic by myself first. I still have to find Doudou, Doudou will be very scared now..."

But as long as Jing Yiren thinks that Jing Doudou is probably hiding in a corner, curled up and secretly wiping tears, his heart can't help but clenched, as if he is about to be out of breath.

She had never been so nervous and scared.

"Yi Ren, then I will go to the street over there to look for it first, you go here, if you find it, call me and let me know, if you don't find it, don't worry, go back and meet me first, we will discuss countermeasures together.

Now Doudou is considered missing, but if it has been missing for 24 hours, the police will not intervene in the investigation, so now we can only rely on ourselves first, and we must calm down. "

Jing Yuanxi raised his hand and pointed Jing Yiren to one of the streets at the entrance of the kindergarten, and said quickly, his usual calm face seemed to be a little nervous at this moment.

It's just that he is trying his best to cover it up, trying not to let Jing Yiren find out.

Jing Yiren looked at the intersection at the entrance of the kindergarten.

Because there is a kindergarten here, and there is a university town not far in front, so there are a whole street of shops in this area, with all kinds of miscellaneous things.

And the place Jing Yuanxi asked her to go to was Jing Doudou's usual place to make trouble for her after school, a street with milk tea shops and snack bars like octopus balls.

Jing Yiren clenched her right hand, and tried to cheer herself up: "Okay, brother, if you find Doudou, or find...any suspicious person, you must pay attention to it, and then call me, don't act rashly .”

right!Jing Doudou has not been found yet. As a mother, she must not just worry about sadness and not try hard to find Jing Doudou at this time.

At this time of tension, what I look forward to the most is that Jing Doudou is just playing for fun or just getting angry for a while, and ran to hide in some shop, instead of encountering danger... Hearing Jing Yiren's words The unconcealed taste of concern inside and outside the words made Jing Yuanxi feel warm in his heart, but at the same time it was accompanied by a sour feeling.

Jing Yiren didn't worry about him because she liked him, she just because he was her brother.

In fact, Jing Yuanxi knows this better than anyone else, but he likes to blind his eyes, pretending that he doesn't hear, see, or understand, as if he really doesn't know.

Now Jing Yiren doesn't have the mind to care whether Jing Yuanxi will think too much, she only has Jing Doudou in her heart now.

After the discussion, Jing Yiren said nothing more, turned around and went to another street to look for Jing Doudou.

But Jing Yuanxi's legs were as if they were filled with lead, and he didn't move a single bit. He stood there and stared at her back, watching Jing Yiren go into a store, and then hurried out and walked into another store. ask.

Jing Yuanxi watched for a while, until he could no longer see Jing Yiren, then he lowered his eyes and followed to find Jing Doudou.

"Hi boss, may I ask if you have seen, um... a little boy who is so tall, with a cute pouty face, carrying a not very big schoolbag, the color is blue..."

While gesturing with his hands, Jing Yiren asked the owner of the shop that sells small octopus balls.

Fortunately, there are not many people, and the owners of those shops are not very busy, so they have time to answer Jing Yiren's questions.

The owner of this shop also sees Jing Yiren often, and he is very impressed with her and the Jing Doudou she talks about, so he is more enthusiastic about Jing Yiren.

But after hearing her words, she still shook her head: "He hasn't come to my place today..."

Hearing this, the light in Jing Yiren's eyes dimmed significantly.

But just when she wanted to thank the boss and go to the next store to inquire about the situation, the boss thought about it and said, "But I seem to have seen him today...well, yes, he walked from me with a schoolbag on his back." Passed by the door of the shop.

Because there were not many customers at that time, and I made octopus balls freshly made at the entrance, so I could see them very clearly.

At that time, I still wondered why he didn't say hello to me...Obviously he knew it before..."

Jing Yiren suddenly felt happy in his heart, so he hurriedly asked: "Excuse me, which direction did you see him go?!"

"I didn't pay attention to this, but I should be able to find someone else along this street. I'm really sorry that I didn't help," the owner of the octopus ball said to Jing Yiren apologetically.

Jing Yiren certainly wouldn't feel better after going through ups and downs in her heart, but she just smiled at the boss and said, "It's okay, you can tell me this, I am very grateful to you."

After bidding farewell to the boss selling octopus balls, Jing Yiren continued to search along the street, asking one by one.

But unfortunately... Except for the owner of the octopus balls, the owners of other shops said that they had never seen Jing Doudou.

When he found that there were only a few scattered shops and a milk tea shop left in the end, Jing Yiren couldn't help but feel a little lost.

Jing Yiren didn't dare to think about it...and if something happened to Jing Doudou, she would not forgive herself.

But just relying on the last little expectation left in Jing Yiren's heart, the flow of people walking into that family does not seem to be much, but there is absolutely no milk tea shop that is too small.

Jing Yiren just wanted to call the boss and ask her if she had seen Jing Doudou, but at this moment, a childish voice came from behind her: "Mom? Why are you here? "

Almost at the moment when she heard the very familiar voice, Jing Yiren suddenly turned around, and hugged the group of small people standing behind her.

The loss of Jing Doudou made Jing Yi feel both happy and guilty.

It was all her fault, if she hadn't come to pick up Jing Doudou on time every time she promised, but was late every time, maybe what happened today would not have happened.

If she could care about Jing Doudou a little more, she should have waited at the school gate before he left school.

When Jing Doudou saw that Jing Yiren was so excited that he was about to cry, he felt uncomfortable, but when he thought that his mother was like this because of running around, he felt guilty and guilty.

So he gently stroked Jing Yiren's hair with those fleshy hands, and comforted her softly: "It's okay, Mom, didn't you find Doudou? Well... it's Doudou's fault, always It was running around that made my mother worry."

Jing Yiren finally found Jing Doudou, so how could he bear to blame him?After walking out of the milk tea shop, Jing Yiren immediately called Jing Yuanxi to tell him the situation, so as not to worry him: "Brother, I have found Doudou, let's meet at the entrance of the kindergarten later, I'll take Doudou there first, and you'll come back soon."

Jing Yuanxi on the other end of the phone breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Well, I'll be there right away."

After finishing speaking, Jing Yiren cut off the phone first.

Jing Yuanxi looked at the screen of his phone for a while, and was about to put the phone back, but at this moment, the phone vibrated twice.

Jing Yuanxi usually doesn't check the text messages, but now he is still holding the phone, so he just clicked on it and took a look.

But it was these two eyes that made his walking back to a sudden stop.

On the screen of the mobile phone that looked a bit dim under the sun at this time, an unknown and strange number sent several text messages to Jing Yuanxi, but each of them had unclear meaning, and what they said was for others to think about.

[What does it feel like to love someone but not get back? ][Do you want someone or something you love, or do you think...does she care about you as much as you care about her? ] Jing Yuanxi's eyes were still on the phone screen, but his eyes had gradually cooled down.

He raised his footsteps again, not intending to pay attention to this person.

But this strange number sent another text message, and it was this text message that made Jing Yuanxi make a phone call without hesitation.

The content of the text message was: [Do you want to... break them up? ] Jing Yuanxi's eyes were cold, and while he was on the phone, he strode towards the kindergarten, but no one answered the phone he dialed, and there was only a long beep in the receiver.

Jing Yuanxi faintly felt that all of this seemed to be planned, and the disappearance of Jing Doudou this time was definitely not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

The phone rang for a long time, but still no one answered.

The person who sent him the text message seemed to have evaporated in the world.

Jing Yuanxi was trying to make that phone call all the way, until he reached the entrance of the kindergarten, he paused, put the phone back in his pocket, and then pretended to be nonchalant, walked up to talk to the usual He patted Jing Doudou's head in the same way: "You, you know that your mother is worried, so you can't do this again next time, Doudou, do you understand?"

By coincidence, he didn't want Jing Yiren to see the contents of the text message, whether it was for selfish reasons or other reasons.

Jing Doudou was also a little bit wronged at this time, so he flattened his mouth and said weakly: "I see, uncle."

Jing Yiren always felt sorry for Jing Doudou, and couldn't see him like this, so he said, "Okay, okay, anyway, Doudou is also found, let's go back and talk about it."

However, the parent who made trouble before refused now, and she sneered.

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