She clicked on the hot search on Weibo, and the first post listed her and Xie Jue's names impressively.

— Xie Jue and Song Zhu's marriage certificate.

The seven words simply and rudely explained the matter clearly and plainly, but Song Zhu really didn't understand, and after clicking in, the first item that appeared was a person named "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "people.

@阿阿阿嘉: According to gossip, Xie Jue has sent two marriage certificates that they have received for a year, and they are currently preparing for pregnancy.

There is only one sentence in total, and it is simple and clear. The problem is that what is said above is indeed true, but Song Zhu always feels that there is something wrong.

But when I clicked in, I finally found that the account seemed to be newly applied, and there was no relevant historical information in it.

Seeing the astonishment on Song Zhu's face, the girl also reacted. The person involved didn't know what was going on.

It's just that I don't know if it's because the incident broke out, or because of the incident itself.

These words are really too sensitive, even though the girl was too busy, she dared not say this, but since this matter has become a trending topic, even if Song Zhu continues to pretend to be stupid, she can't that's it.

Unexpectedly, before she could speak, the girl said first, "This is your private information, if you are unhappy, you can tell me, I just ran into you two on the road by accident."

The expression on Song Zhu's face suddenly eased a lot. This girl is a respectful person, unlike the cursing words on the Weibo, which make people feel a little uncomfortable.

"It's nothing special. It's true. What's said in this Weibo is true."

Unexpectedly, the girl immediately put a smile on her face when she heard this, "Wow, I am really afraid that you will deny it. I have liked Xie Jue since the first time he appeared in the public eye." .”

The girl paused, and quickly explained, "It's the kind of love between fans and idols, the love for the music he created, and then there were rumors about the two of you, and your photo was also taken by people. Pass it up, and when I see you, I feel that if you are with him, he should be very happy."

The girl's tone of voice was like that of Song Zhu's elders, but at the same time she had the cuteness of a little girl, which didn't sound offensive at all.

Song Zhu was also amused by her clumsy appearance, and was also a little surprised, "So you felt this way when you first met me, which means you have a good eye, and you will definitely be able to find a boyfriend in the future." Find a good one."

After dispelling the sense of strangeness and guard just now, Song Zhu relaxed.

Seeing that Xie Jue was still maintaining the same posture on the bench, Song Zhu probably knew that this person might be frozen there again.

Those little girls not far away were secretly looking at Xie Jue, and in the future, like this girl, they all liked him.

Song Zhu glanced at the time on the phone, it was already 11:20.

Unknowingly, it has been so long since she came out, and Song's mother has already prepared meals for the two of them at home.

Song Zhu patted the girl's shoulder lightly, "Come here."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the bench, and the girls also noticed the movement here, and they all looked over, while the girl who was following Song Zhu blinked at them, her face was full of excitement .

Xie Jue sensed someone approaching, and felt a familiar aura before he had a single needle, and then, with lowered eyes, he saw a pair of shoes.

This pair of shoes was personally put on for Song Zhu when he went out.

"I don't feel sleepy after sitting here for so long, these few are your fans, they all like your music, right?"

The last two words were asked of these girls. The girls suddenly became active after being cueed, and nodded immediately.

But because of Xie Jue's aura, no one dared to go forward first.

Xie Jue just put away his phone and stood up, but he has no experience at all in what to do.

It seems that he has never had such close contact with fans, and the number is not very large, and the sense of reality has been intensified a lot.

Song Zhu knew that this person actually wanted something, but he didn't know how to express it. At this time, she was needed to smooth things over.

"How about this, you all stand over and I'll take a photo for you, and then you can privately share this photo with each other, it's almost noon, you still have to go home for dinner."

Song Zhu took one of the girls' mobile phones and stepped back, and ordered them to buy a beautiful pose before finishing the calculation.

A girl always looks happy when she is about to leave.

She and Xie Jue were the only ones left beside the bench, after a while Song Zhu was finally able to ask the question he wanted to ask.

"Did you register the Weibo that broke the news?"

Xie Jue paused slightly, then nodded.


It was only now that Song Zhu vaguely remembered that after he returned to his room last night, this person had been busy for some time, so he was busy with this Weibo.

Somewhat angrily, she slapped away the hand that wanted to take her. "Didn't we all agree before, let's not make it public for now."

"That was all before getting the marriage certificate. You have been here temporarily for a year. Besides, if I give those people an explanation, they don't know how ugly it is to scold their aunt in private. That's fine, that's it. Suddenly the whole world knows that the two of us are married and we are planning to have a child."

Xie Jue was even faintly proud, Song Zhu looked at him dumbfounded, let others know, are the two of them really so happy together?

"I'm also planning to jointly buy you a headline or something, and publicize it on all other major websites."

"Ahem..." Song Zhu almost choked on his own saliva.

What is this all about?

"Absolutely don't do this, you have already made a big fan, Weibo is the number one most searched, if you want to officially introduce it to everyone, isn't my previous Weibo already picked up by others? When the time comes to go home, the two of us will record a video and send it out, which can be regarded as an explanation to those fans who like your music."

Originally, Song Zu didn't understand these things, and he didn't take them to heart, but just now seeing the joy and excitement of those girls from the bottom of her heart, she suddenly felt that this kind of thing is sometimes given to those who care about it. An explanation from your fans is also a good choice.

After all, if you ask yourself, Song Zhu has no way to be so worried about a stranger.

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