Hearing this, Song Zhu almost spit the porridge back into the bowl.

"Mom, are you crazy? Why is this bowl so small? It can almost fit my entire palm when I open my hand, and it won't be long before I have lunch, so I can't even eat this lunch. "

"Can you two get up late? Anyway, I will make breakfast, lunch and dinner in the future. The two of you must eat. You see that your child doesn't have much meat and is too thin. You will be pregnant by then. It will be hard work, mom, this is all for your own good, not all for the children."

"But I weigh ninety pounds now. I remember I was only over 80 in high school."

As soon as Song Zhu's voice fell, before Song's mother could answer, Xie Jue took over.

"You were too thin when you were in high school, and you are not fat now. If you are planning to conceive, you will get 95 anyway. The main reason is that you will not have much nutrition in your body. If you want to have another child, your body will not be able to bear it."

Xie Jue said this very seriously, even Song's mother who was sitting on the sofa agreed.

Song Zhu didn't know what to say to these two people.

In the end, she could only drink porridge obediently, but after drinking half a bowl, she really couldn't drink the remaining half, so she let these two people go.

After eating a half-morning breakfast, Song Zhu immediately dragged Xie Jue to go outside to digest food with him.

Because it was a holiday, many girls who were still in school came out to play together. When Xie Jue bought a house, in order to take into account that his children would go to school in the future, he bought this house that was relatively close to the school.

There is also a small park nearby, Song Zhu didn't bother to move after walking around a few times, and pulled Xie Jue to sit down on the stone bench next to him.

"If I don't want to eat when I go back at noon, you have to help me, don't be like this morning, I can drink more at noon, but I have to eat too much, I feel that I will really get fat .”

Song Zhu was really distressed, he had already strode into this state now, and when he was pregnant with a child, he would not be fat enough to be a ball.

It's a pity that Song Zhu's worries are nothing to Xie Jue.

"You are too thin, and you will suffer when you become pregnant. If you give birth to a boy for the first time, I see you working so hard. Maybe I am reluctant to have another girl. In that case, you will indirectly prevent us A girl is born."

Xie Jue's method was not logical, and Song Zhu felt a little confused.

Where is this all?How did it rise so much?

However, Xie Jue kept talking about his daughter's daughter, Song Zhu also grasped the clue, and immediately put on a melancholy look.

"Love, I'm not pregnant yet, so I said I want a girl, and I don't know if I will be abandoned when the girl gives birth. Rival."

After all, Song Zhu pretended to look into the distance, but at the same time secretly looked at Xie Jue from the corner of his eye.

Two people have been together for such a long time, and sometimes, that kind of tacit understanding allows one party to know what the other party is thinking through a movement or even a glance.

Apart from being extremely worried about Song Zhu on weekdays, Xie Jue could still feel what kind of mood Song Zhu was in.

Just like now.

It's just that probably because of the nightmare he had when he got up in the morning, Song Zhu was quite realistic when he performed this action.

If Xie Jue hadn't been telling himself all the time, this is what this little fox is pretending to be.

He might really not be able to bear the temptation to take people into his arms directly.

But now, since he knew that Song Zhu was pretending, Xie Jue suddenly wanted to play with him.

"Hey, I feel like you still don't like girls. If the first child gives birth to a boy, I'm afraid he will also be my rival in love. I don't know what to do."

"Hey, what do I look at, those two people over there are a bit like the hottest ones on the Internet today."

Such words suddenly came into Song Zhu's ears, and when she turned around, she saw a few girls staring at them.

She lightly poked the person next to her, "Do you think there are two of us? What's hot or not?"

"It's probably because I think you are good-looking. You look a bit like a celebrity. Neither of us goes to see those people often, so we don't know who we look like."

Xie Jue didn't care much, and didn't even follow where Song Zhu pointed.

Song Zhu's attention was all on those girls at the moment, and he didn't notice Xie Jue's abnormality, but not long after, those girls found them in front of them.

A few girls stood in front of the two of them and pushed and yelled, no one would say the first sentence, Song Zhu was a little bored by their appearance.It was impossible for the old man next to him to speak first, so he had to ask himself first, "May I ask what's the matter?"

At this time, she also found that the eyes of those girls were not mainly on her body, but on Xie Jue next to her.

She turned her head and glanced at Xie Jue, who seemed to have lowered her head to poke her phone because of the arrival of these girls.

Several girls pushed and shoved for a while, and finally a girl with short hair was pushed out.

She first raised her eyes to look at Xie Jue who was poking at the phone, and then asked falteringly.

"Excuse me, are you Song Zhu?"

As soon as he came up, he knew his name, and as soon as he heard Song Zhu, he knew that this was definitely not what Xie Jue said just now.

Since she came here specifically to find her, it would not be very polite for her to sit by herself, so Song Zhu stood up and motioned for the two of them to go aside and talk.

The girl hesitated for a moment, but followed Master Song to the side.

"May I ask what you want from us?"

The girl seemed much more relaxed when she came here, and her brows were no longer frowning, but Song Zhu looked back, and her little sisters were staring at her man.

As if she had made up her mind, the girl made a cheering gesture for herself and said, "I want to ask, is the thing about the hot searches true?"

"Things on Hot Search." Song Zhu frowned, a little puzzled.

"What's on the hot search?"

Now it was the girl's turn to be surprised, and felt that she was a little impolite, so she could only brush the hair next to her ear unnaturally.

"Don't you know yet? Hot Search says that you and Xie Jue are married and have received a marriage certificate."

Song Zhu's eyes widened immediately, and he took out his cell phone without caring about anything else.

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