Song Zhu really wanted to knock on this Xie Jue who was a full head taller than him, but after looking it over, if he was on the street, he might really be the most beautiful boy on the street.

The budget of the two of them is not much, and this time Song Zhu also wants to follow quietly, and she only likes more than 1000 on weekdays, so this time, she must save, save and save.

The two walked into a grocery store at random, and Song Zhu didn't have much pursuit of these things, so he chose a basic style casually to make sure that it wouldn't break on the way, so he bought it directly.

When Song Zhu finally felt that she could go home, she saw Mu Jiangting and Ruan Yunxi as soon as she went out.

Song Zhu turned around and found that the opposite of the grocery store they were in was the place with the most luxury goods in the city.

No wonder she felt that although the items sold in this store were miscellaneous, the quality was still good.

So it goes without saying how embarrassing the atmosphere was.

Ruan Yunxi's eyes turned red the moment she saw Xie Jue, and the next second, she saw what was in the bag in Song Zhu's hand.

Ruan Yunxi saw it, and Mu Jiangting saw it too.

Even if the bag was not carried by Xie Jue, the fact that the two of them went out to buy this thing together is enough to explain everything.

Mu Jiangting's face instantly collapsed.

"What are you two doing together?"

Song Zhu didn't expect that since the last time, she and Mu Jiangting had conflicts.

The man was willing to stand up and talk to her.

Hey, after all, the sunny and handsome hero has such a good temper, and if he calms down, he won't be annoying at all.

As the saying goes, Song Zhu could only smile if he stretched out his hand and didn't hit the smiling face.

"Just out to buy something."

Mu Jiangting originally thought that after he had asked, Song Zhu would also ask back.

These two people can be considered to have a topic, but Song Zhu didn't talk about it at all.

There was nothing he could do.

"Xie Jue, I heard that you are going to take the art test, are you also playing the cello?"

Ruan Yunxi tried his best to suppress the fluctuation in his heart, maybe only at this moment, the two of them can talk normally.


The big villain is cold.

Song Zhu squinted at Xie Jue, and the corners of his lips twitched unconsciously.

"If there is nothing else, the two of us will leave first. I wish you a good time."

Song Zhu didn't want to waste time here, so he dragged Xie Jue away without waiting for the two of them to respond.

She didn't slow down until she finally passed the traffic lights.

"Why are you walking so fast? Could it be that the two of them still ate you?"

"Please, am I afraid that you will be upset? You're going to blame me now, that's all, I've bought everything that should be bought, so go back and tidy up."

Hearing such words, Xie Jue remembered that every time he saw Mu Jiangting in the past, his emotions would fluctuate greatly. Even if the other party only said a few words, he would keep them in his heart for a long time.

But this time he didn't feel that way, if Song Zhu hadn't mentioned it, he wouldn't have noticed it at all.

Is it...

He looked up at the back who was walking in front, and suddenly felt that with her, his heart could be much calmer, and he was not as irritable as before.

Strictly speaking, this is Song Zhu's first time walking with others.

In the orphanage before, although there were some friends, everyone was used to being independent, and after growing up, they also took care of their own, and never traveled with others like this.

When such thoughts came up, Song Zhu really became a little nervous.

But soon, a phone call broke her tension in this place.

"Auntie, why don't you forget it, I can handle it at home by myself, so don't trouble you."

Song Zhu's voice was soft, but, across the phone, the expression on his face was very bitter.

"Oh, when did your child become so unfamiliar? This is what your mother told me specifically. Your mother works hard outside and can't take care of management, so just ask me to cook some meals for you. , let you have a good physical fitness for the college entrance examination, and it’s not like you haven’t been here before, at noon tomorrow, you can just come back from school with Jiang Ting.”

As soon as the voice finished speaking, the phone was hung up, as if deliberately trying to prevent Song Zhu from declining again.


The mechanical beeping sound on the phone told Song Zhu that there was no escape this time.

"If you don't want to go, just find a reason for being unwell and you can prevaricate it."

Although he didn't hear clearly who was on the phone, Xie Jue was not a fool, so he could guess something.

"This can't be done without lying. If I say I'm not feeling well, maybe Aunt Mu will come over to see a doctor for me. What if the truth is revealed? It won't last long with a mop. Today If you don’t go, you have to go tomorrow, if you keep refusing, others will see it.”

"What did you see?"


Song Zhu's hand for arranging clothes paused, she wanted to slap herself.

Just said some nonsense.

"No, I suspect that I am in a relationship outside. I don't want to bother my mother anymore."

Xie Jue didn't want Song Zhu to go, but he didn't know how to say it.

Can only be silent.

For the first time in my life, I hated my mouth for being so incapable of speaking.

"Just after I go tomorrow, I will ask the teacher for leave the day after tomorrow."

At this moment in high school, as long as your academic performance is good, no matter why you are, the teacher will be willing to believe it, as long as you will not fall behind in the next mock exam.

Xie Jue could only nod his head and didn't say anything else.

When school was over at noon the next day, Xie Jue could only go home alone.

And when everyone in the school saw Song Zhu staying with Mu Jiangding again, you weren't whispering beside him.

But after going through the heart-to-heart talk with Xie Jue, Song Zhu really doesn't want to care about these things anymore, people are fickle, as long as you are good in other aspects, others can forget it.

Song Zhu was doing papers in the car, and didn't notice the scenery along the way at all, so when he got off the car, he saw the row after row of villas, and felt that his teeth were sore.

"Is this your home?"

It looks a little more expensive than the house next to my aunt's house, and it is probably newly built.

"Yes, since high school, the two of us have never had such a peaceful meal like now, and this time we finally have this opportunity."

Say it as if I really want to have dinner with you.

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