Song Zhu was a little strange, even if Zhao Lan didn't care about Xie Jue often, but Xie Jue wanted to practice the cello, it was impossible to avoid her every time.

Tang Wu once said that Xie Jue's cello has been in his hands for several years.

"The cello? How is this possible?"

Zhao Lan's reaction was bigger than before, and then Song Zhu heard her say it.

"He doesn't want to show his skills in the big application. How can he use this to take the art test?"

"I don't want to, what does that mean? I heard that he won an award in a competition. How could he not want to?"

Although Xie Jue had some disapproval of the idea of ​​using the cello for the art test before, he hadn't given it much thought.

"Before, both he and Mu Jiangting had learned the cello. Since he knew about it, although he usually plays it, he has never shown it in front of others. Children have very strong self-esteem. , I probably don't want to compete with Mu Jiangting."

Song Zhu saw that when Zhao Lan talked about Mu Jiangding, his face was clearly unhappy.

She suddenly understood why Xie Jue had such a big resistance to the Mu family.

"Auntie, originally I was not qualified to say this, but last time you also asked me to take care of Xie Jue at school, and he is my classmate, so I also want to say a few more words."

Seeing that Zhao Lan did not object, Song Zhu continued.

"Many people are aware of the relationship between Xie Jue and Mu Jiangting, but although Mu Jiangting hasn't had any close contact with him, almost everyone agrees that Mu Jiangting's attitude towards Xie Jue is very good. Indifferent, as if he was a stranger, but Xie Jue resisted the Mu family everywhere in his life. At first I thought this was a common sense thing, but now I think maybe his thinking is the source to you."

Zhao Lan had a good impression of Song Zhu when a little girl talked about her private affairs, so she was a little angry at the moment.

"You're right, you really don't have the qualifications to say that."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Lan turned around and wanted to leave.

"I have been fortunate enough to hear the pieces played by Xie Jue, and I have also heard the evaluations of him by professional people in this field. They all say that they are very good. If you want Xie Jue to give up what you are good at Things, isn’t it a kind of loss? Besides, he was willing to work hard to make it look like it is now, without thinking about it, he must like it. These things should not be bound by the grievances of adults. Maybe, you As a mother, you have never approached your son sincerely, but bound you with what you think is good."

"This may be the reason why your mother and son are getting farther and farther apart. His talent in the cello and the efforts he has made should not be buried by those."

Speaking of this, even though Song Zhu tried his best to calm himself down, his voice still had some waves.

The pressure from the outside world and the distrust from his mother, these things have subtly affected Xie Jue, and he will also think about his future from now on.

There is no doubt that Zhao Lan is good to her son, but what she thinks is good is she really good?

For a long time, Zhao Lan has been worrying about making a living. In order to avoid creditors, she even left her son at home, but as long as she earns a penny outside, she will think about how to save it and give it to Xie Jue Send it back a little.

Song Zhu saw Zhao Lan's trembling back, although he couldn't bear it, he still said.

"You said just now that the Mu family gave Xie Jue a considerable sum of money. Xie Jue can now be in school thanks to the care of the Mu family. I don't believe that during the ten years between you mother and son, The Mu family never helped you. Xie Jue was still young at that time, so you must have been rejecting the Mu family's help. Maybe many people, including yourself, thought that the word "illegitimate child" ruined you, but now I feel that, It is you who are willing to be bound by the word illegitimate child."

Song Zhu suddenly thought of everything she had experienced in the past. She grew up in an orphanage. Although she had a mild personality, it was because of the circumstances she had been in since she was a child.

Even she herself didn't know, if she grew up in a happy family, would she have such a meek and strong character?
A person is originally a whole, starting from the person's birth.

You should not be bound by the words and words prescribed by the world.

This is the first time someone has said such a thing to Zhao Lan.

Somehow, she thought of herself, the happiness she once had.

But those all came to naught in the end.

Ruthlessness and love, which one should prevail?

"Son, there are some things that I can't avoid with all my strength, and I can't stop them. Even if I don't have any other guilt because of this, won't others?"

Zhao Lan still didn't look back.

"Other people's is other people's. A child is a blank piece of paper from birth. What kind of mood you are, what kind of mood your child is. You don't care about giving your child one. Although there are some shortcomings, it is still a happy childhood. Others No matter what you say, it won't hurt you."

It seemed that the traffic lights had passed four times before Song Zhu saw Zhao Lan turn around.

"If this child finds a place to live by himself, he probably doesn't want to see me. If you see him, please send me a message. Cheer for the college entrance examination."

Song Zhu looked at the back of Zhao Lan's departure, the pressure of the world and the pressure she put on herself had already crushed this woman who was less than 40 years old.

She regretted that what she said just now was so serious.

When he returned to the coffee shop, Song Zhu saw the man poking his phone with his legs crossed almost immediately.

"Okay, we can go, let's go choose the suitcase together."

Xie Jue installed the phone after hearing the voice, and said impatiently.

"It's been almost half an hour since you went. I've already had three cups of coffee. Which friend are you chatting with so happily?"

"Um, that's right, friends from junior high school finally meet, of course we need to say a few more words, that's all, let's go."

Song Zhu touched his nose with some guilt, and taking advantage of this gap, he finally took the bag from the table.

"Isn't it too heavy for you to carry it by yourself? I've already helped you, and you're still so unhappy."

Sitting in the coffee shop for so long, Xie Jue was thinking about a problem.

Why Song Zhu?I have to compete with myself to carry a bag of things.

After thinking about a dozen reasons, he still couldn't figure it out.

"There are things for girls in here, so don't ask, don't you find how stupid it is for others to look at us along the way?"

"That's not because you keep robbing me."


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