Eternal Love Marriage

Chapter 450 An Incompatible Situation

Hearing this, Linda couldn't bear the urge to be full of praise, and blurted out without thinking: "Goddess, you are too amazing, I can hardly find adjectives to praise your ability.

This advertisement is well written, I don’t think it’s any worse than Ketai’s!

Please take my knees again! "

For her such a strong reaction and a series of rainbow farts, Guo Chen couldn't help laughing, but still calmly analyzed:

"The specific effect still depends on the public's response after the advertisement is launched.

Before that, we must find a suitable spokesperson as soon as possible. "

After finishing speaking, Linda realized this, and she couldn't help asking with doubts: "Yes, about the spokesperson, who do we want to invite?"

Guo Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and there were dots of dim and indescribable glimmers flickering in them, and he shook his head.

"I haven't thought of a suitable candidate yet. As for Ketai, let's wait and see for a while!"


At the same time, Bo Group, in the conference hall.

The atmosphere was as cold and silent as an ice cellar, and the constant air-conditioning came from Bo Qing who sat on the seat symbolizing the highest person.

His sharp-edged and unsmiling grim face is covered with an obvious shadow, which makes people unable to see his true emotions, but it is enough to feel shuddering.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he stepped into the topic with his usual business-like cold tone:

"Do you have any suggestions for the grand development strategy of 'Leading out of South China and going to the whole country' proposed by President Bo?"

Aurora, who is Bo Moyan's assistant, naturally stood up without hesitation. She didn't hold the document in her hand, but explained the specific situation with ease:

"In recent years, many groups have carried out large-scale mergers and acquisitions and reorganizations, which shows that the financial industry in country Z has entered an era of comprehensive integration.

Faced with this situation, President Bo plans to introduce powerful international strategic investors through equity transfers to form a 'strong alliance'.

And complement each other with strategic partners in brand, technology, management and other enterprise elements to achieve resource sharing, market expansion and benefit sharing.

Continuously improve the brand image and the core competitiveness of the enterprise to ensure the sustainable and steady development of the enterprise. "

Aurora just sat down, and an older shareholder stood up and agreed:
"I am very supportive of Mr. Bo's proposal. Through this acquisition, we can further improve the layout of the Bo Group in the country Z market and achieve long-term strategic development."

Shareholder A: "That's right, for the current Bo Corporation, mergers and acquisitions are completely beneficial and harmless choices."

Shareholder B: "I also agree with Mr. Bo's proposal. If Mr. Bo can really introduce powerful international strategic investors, that would be a great thing."

For the situation where the shareholders almost overwhelmingly supported Bo Moyan, Bo Qing's face not only did not show the slightest bit of consternation, on the contrary, it was unusually calm.

His soul-stirring and unfathomable pupils were filled with obscure black mist, and his voice was still as cold as ice: "Okay, then please vote to vote for your own opinions."

After a round of voting, as expected, most shareholders voted in favor, and only a small number of shareholders voted against it.

What surprised Bo Moyan the most was that even Bo Qing himself voted for it.

Bo Moyan with a dull complexion: "..."

He stared at Bao Qing's handsome and indifferent face without saying a word, as if he really wanted to see something from it, but after a while, it was still in vain.

What kind of medicine is sold in his gourd...

While he was puzzled, Bo Qing announced the result with a calm expression: "The number of people in favor exceeds the number of people against, this proposal is passed."

Seeing that the calmer he behaved, the doubts in Bo Moyan's heart only increased.

But soon, Bo Qing told him with words and deeds that all his concerns were correct.

Bo Qing's sharp and cold gaze like ice blades swept across the people present, and his usually dull voice seemed particularly permeating at this moment:

"Next, we will discuss the percentage of equity transfer, which will select strategic partners globally. Please think twice before speaking."

As soon as the lingering sound fell, almost everyone present couldn't help but feel a chill down their spines.

The shareholders with dismayed faces: "This..."

Although most of them supported Bo Moyan on the surface, when it came to the real mention of the amount of shares, they were embarrassed to speak up.

Just as the atmosphere fell into dead silence, Bo Moyan's deep and cold pupils quietly flashed a treacherous cold light, and he suddenly got up from his seat.

"Since everyone hasn't figured it out yet, how about letting me be the leader?"

Seeing that Bo Qing didn't make any response, but just stared at him coldly, Bo Moyan was neither angry nor annoyed, so he simply assumed that he had acquiesced to his words.

So, he bluntly stated his wishful thinking:
"My proposal is that Bo's Group will be listed in the Yangcheng Property Rights Exchange Center at that time, and a strategic partner will be selected by transferring 35% of the equity through bidding."

Realizing that he had already made no secret of his ambition in front of the shareholders, Bo Qing's eyes turned cold, and he couldn't help but let out a sneering sneer:
"35% of the shares? Are you offering?"

Bo Moyan, who instantly had a few black lines on his forehead: "..."

Bo Moyan soon realized that Bo Qing was deliberately mocking him, but he still responded in a calm tone:

"Of course it's not just me. This requires the cooperation and support of all shareholders."

35% of the equity is enough to reach the paid-in capital of the relative holding, plus the 20% of the equity that Bo Moyan already holds——

Even if a part of it needs to be transferred through bidding, once the NS Group and the Bo Group are merged, he will be able to get it back, which will naturally exceed 50% of the paid-in capital.

At that time, Bo Moyan will also become the largest shareholder and become an absolute controlling shareholder, which actually means that the small and medium shareholders have lost their voting rights.

It seems that he must have given the shareholders enough benefits in private, otherwise, they would never support him overwhelmingly.

This is why some shareholders still insist on voting against it until now.

From this point, it is enough to see how inflated Bo Moyan's ambitions are.

The atmosphere was silent for a long while, but finally it was broken by Bo Qing's words that were as cold as ice and rain: "Then, do you have any objections to the 35% that President Bo said?"

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