Lin Shao's Love Symphony

Chapter 40 Lin Yiyun Amnesia

Chen Yuxin received a call from Ningling, saying that Lin Yiyun woke up but had amnesia, after that Chen Yuxin took the computer and searched.

On the computer, Baidu Encyclopedia.

Amnesia is a disorder in which memory is confused.Simply put, it is loss of memory.The causes of amnesia can be organic or functional.

Organic causes include trauma or disease to the brain, or use of certain (usually sedative) drugs.Functional causes are psychological factors, such as psychological defense mechanisms.

An example of this is hysterical post-traumatic amnesia.Amnesia can also be spontaneous, as in transient total amnesia.

This general type of amnesia is more common in middle-aged adults, especially men, and usually lasts less than 24 hours.

Another effect of amnesia is the inability to envision the future.A recent study published online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that amnesiacs with damaged hippocampi cannot imagine the future.

This is because when a normal person imagines the future, they use their past experiences to construct a possible scenario.

For example, a person who is trying to imagine what a future gathering will look like will use past experience in various ways to help construct the scenario for that later gathering.

1. According to the cause, it is mainly divided into psychogenic amnesia and dissociative amnesia
(1) Psychogenic amnesia
①Patients lose memory of past experiences, and amnesia is caused by psychological reasons.

② The memory lost by the patient is sometimes limited to a certain period of time, that is, he only remembers the past and forgets the present.

③Some of the memories lost by patients are limited to no memory of important things. This situation is called "episodic amnesia".

④ Some of the memory lost by the patient occurs suddenly after suffering a painful blow, and the memory may be restored after a period of time.

(2) Dissociative amnesia Dissociative amnesia is considered the most common form of dissociative amnesia, in which the memory of personal identity is most commonly lost, but the memory of general information is intact.

In fact, in all dissociative disorders, memory loss is the most common symptom.Dissociative amnesia affects more women than men, and more young adults than older adults.

The onset of amnesia in this type of case is usually sudden, and the patient is unable to recall previous life or personality, and mainly loses past memories, especially traumatic life events.

Patients with this disease usually have more than two personalities. In different periods, a certain personality will become the main personality, and they ignore each other. When one personality appears, the other disappears.

The two personalities have their own memories, emotions, behavior patterns, attitudes, etc., and are usually very different, as if two souls live in the same body.

2. According to the length of amnesia content

Divided into temporary amnesia and permanent amnesia.

(1) Temporary amnesia

①Temporary amnesia is due to the severe impact of the brain by the outside world, causing hemorrhage, and the blood clot presses part of the memory nerves, resulting in amnesia.After bleeding after the operation, the memory will be restored.
②Temporary amnesia Usually, when a person is under severe social and psychological pressure, a sudden and temporary change in personal consciousness, identification or behavioral coordination is likely to cause physical and mental breakdown. If the consciousness changes, important personal events cannot be remembered , Psychogenic amnesia occurred.

If you are too nervous, you will also temporarily lose your memory.For example, when performing on stage and suddenly forgetting lyrics or lines, this is also temporary amnesia.Similar to the second temporary amnesia.

(2) Permanent amnesia is the loss and loss of human memory, just like the disappearance of computer memory data, which cannot be found.

Types of
1. Local amnesia
Complete loss of memory of what happened in the hours before and after certain traumatic events
2. Selective amnesia

An individual selectively remembers some events and forgets some events that happened during a certain period of time.It is a person who forgets some things or people or things that he does not want to remember or escapes after being exposed to external stimuli or brain collisions.

3. Total amnesia

Refers to the complete forgetting of one's own life background, including name, address, etc.

4. Continuous amnesia

Refers to the personal forgetting of past experiences from a certain year or prior to a certain event.

Clinical manifestation
1. Mild patients

It is easy to forget what just happened, so it is difficult to learn new things.Sometimes I will get lost on the familiar path, and then I will be depressed, afraid to go out, and unable to properly reply or deal with a lot of letters or bills.

Therefore, at this time, he may still be able to go to and from get off work well, not much different from normal people.However, if it is a little more serious, it will be difficult to travel, travel, or plan things such as holding a banquet, and its work efficiency will be significantly degraded.

2. Moderate patients

Forgetfulness worsened, and gradually I even forgot the names of old friends and things I had done before.Repeating one thing all the time, or asking the same question again and again, or always thinking that there is no food and asking the family to give it again.

What you say to yourself will be ostentatious, or make up stories to come to Tangsai.I can't perform well on things I have written down and agreed to do.

Behavior gradually out of control, irritable, weird and wandering around.Irregular or inappropriate clothing or wearing the same outfit every day.Confused thinking, or delusions, fantasies, and hallucinations.Gradually unable to bathe and use toilet utensils by oneself, so that incontinence of feces and urine etc.

3. Severe patients

I don't even recognize my family and friends, and I gradually lose the way to communicate with others. I will yell and hit people aimlessly, and I can't take care of myself at all.In the end, he couldn't even move or swallow, and needed family members to lift him up and down the bed and insert a gastric tube to feed him.

Currently there is no clear treatment, usually based on psychotherapy, including identification and appropriate treatment of stressors, moderate listening, hypnotherapy or drug-assisted talks, and encouraging patients to overcome symptoms (such as memories).


When Chen Yuxin was looking at it seriously, the QQ of the mobile phone and computer were all registered on it, and the sound of "ding" message sounded.

On mobile phones and computers, QQ, a dating group of 5 people called Bagua Dating Circle.

Just by hearing the name, one can tell the meaning of this group, which lies in the word gossip.

In the chat box, a sentence of the latest news appeared.

"Hey, have you heard that?" Baguajia said.

"What? What did you hear, what's the matter?" Bagua B asked.

"I heard that the young director of the Lin Group was hit by a car?" Gossip A continued.

"Didn't you already know that? What's new about it?" At this moment, Bagua C impatiently said:
"I thought it was good news!"

"Alas, don't rush away, the good news is that the young director of the Lin Group has woken up!" Baguajia said hastily.

"Are you awake?" Bagua Ding said.

"Yeah. Wake up!"

"Is it good news to wake up?"

"No, awake but amnesia!"

"Oh! Amnesia?"


That's it, as long as you don't look at this group for a while, you may be 99+ later.

"Senior Yuxin, can Senior Lin Yiyun restore his memory?" Hai Yun was naturally also in the gossip group. At this time, she was wearing a long white lace skirt with some hollows, lying on the bed, and asked who was looking at the computer. Chen Yuxin.

"I don't know. I just searched and said that there are many types of amnesia."


Meanwhile, another room.

"Lin Yiyun woke up?" Murong Xuan just came out of the bathroom, her whole body was wrapped in a large white towel.

Since Murong Xuan was taller, the big bath towel looked more sexy on her body.

"I'm awake, but that kid has lost his memory!" The one who spoke was a beautiful young man, his upper body was naked, and his lower body was also wrapped in a big bath towel.

"That kid is really lucky, hehe, wait."

"Cai Ziyou, you said it was safe!" Murong Xuan said ferociously.

That's right, that beautiful boy is Cai Ziyou.

Cai Ziyou and Murong Xuan were drawn into a room.

"Hmph, Murong Xuan, you're so embarrassed, it was your fault at the time! Why did you call 120 after Lin Yiyun was hit!
If you don’t fight, it will be difficult for Lin Yiyun to survive, even if he is Jesus, he can’t be saved!”

Cai Zi smiled darkly: "Murong Xuan, you said you would repay me."

"Cai Ziyou, then you also know what I want, don't forget my words." Murong Xuan ignored Cai Ziyou's questioning, and hooked the big bath towel wrapped around her body with her snow-white hand.

The towel falls.

He walked to Cai Ziyou's side.


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