Lin Shao's Love Symphony

Chapter 39 Autumn Tour

"... Alan, what sarcastic words are you talking about!" Haiyun said in such a furious manner for the first time.

"Hahaha, hahaha!" Allen laughed: "Sarcasm? A joke, what I said is the truth!"

At this moment, Shi Nian interrupted Alan's laughter and said, "Hai Yun, I really mean it!"

Shi Nian smiled instead.

He smiled lightly, but it was so beautiful that it made people feel distressed.

"Shi Nian! Don't you have shame, I've already told you that I don't like you! Get lost..." Hai Yun was completely angry.

"Hehe, then I have to admit it, hahaha."

He smiled evilly, enchanting the chaotic world like a poppy flower, bewitching people's hearts.


With that said, Shi Nian turned and left.

"Sister Chen, I, Wang Qiya, have loved you since the beginning of school, and have always loved you, so let me help Lin Yiyun first and take care of you!" It was Wang Qiya who spoke.

As soon as this remark came out, it attracted a lot of laughter. Some people thought, hum, I still help. I think you should help first and then help!
"Senior sister, I'm just here to watch the excitement, you don't have to, just choose." Qu Jingbo's words caused another burst of laughter. Watching the excitement is just watching the excitement. When you say it, what are you doing?
No wonder you don't laugh.

"Enough! Get out of here! Get out!" Chen Yuxin said calmly and coldly.

"It's over, get lost..."


"Hai Yun, let's go..."

Chen Yuxin took Hai Yun's hand and left this place of right and wrong.

With her unique aura, after saying this, she pulled Hai Yun away without looking back.

Zhao Yan smiled and said nothing, and looked at Qu Jingbo.

After Chen Yuxin sent Haiyun into the special car of Beitang's family at the school gate, she walked alone.

Today, Chen Yuxin did not go to the hospital, but returned to Lin's villa. This was the first time she returned to the villa after Lin Yiyun's accident. Looking at the wine bottles piled up on the table, tears flowed down her eyes inadvertently.

She lay on the bed all at once, the bed was very soft, the gauze curtain was very beautiful, it felt unreal.

Tomorrow's autumn outing...Yiyun, wake up!
The next day, the noble students came to the gathering point with their bags on their backs.

"Very good, everyone take four buses each!" The teacher commanded, because it is a noble academy, so there are few students, so it is naturally much more convenient to lead.

"How about we gamble once?" Allen chuckled at Qu Jingbo. There was a hint of bitterness in his smile, but it was quickly covered.

"What are you betting on?" Qu Jingbo asked, he had a bad premonition.

"Because the school advocates openness, Qiuyou can share a room with men and women, so let Chen Yuxin choose, who will she live with?" Alan looked at Chen Yuxin, her face was already red with anger.

"I agree." Zhao Yanling smiled ambiguously and arrogantly, as if he was determined to win.

"No problem." Cai Ziyou also came over after hearing this, and said indifferently.

"If it's with senior sister, I will also participate." Wang Qiya immediately woke up, her green eyes brimming with anticipation.

"Hmph, it must be my uncle!" A person laughed proudly.

"Hehe..." Shi Nian also smiled.

"I live with Hai Yun! Stop making fun of me in the future..." Chen Yuxin said coldly.

Seeing Chen Yuxin at this time, everyone felt a cool atmosphere behind them.


After that, there was no sound, and the car was silent for a while.

Just then a voice sounded.

"Students, there is still a long time to go before the goal. If you are not in the car, how well you play musical instruments, and you can still play beautiful music in the moving car, it can show that this person's kung fu is first-rate." !” said the teacher.

in a dream.

The light spread out little by little, and Chen Yuxin suddenly saw her childhood self standing in the former room.

That was when I was a child, and my name was Xiao Yuxin.

Xiao Yuxin stood in the bright pool of blood, watching her parents fall in it, her face was so indifferent that there was no expression on her face.

The noble Xiao Yuxin looked at the group of men in black and sneered...

Wait, those men in black look familiar!Isn't it Fengqing, that is, Alan's mother! ?

Chen Yuxin suddenly woke up from this sad dream. Could it be that it was... the Ai family who assassinated her family?
It's so confusing, my thoughts are like being emptied, there is only a blank space.

"Senior sister woke up? Are you motion sick?" Hai Yun beside her asked with concern.

"No, I just had a nightmare." Chen Yuxin smiled palely.

This pale and fragile smile made Hai Yun feel sad, she wanted to say too much, but couldn't say it.

"Well, senior sister, then you should pay more attention to rest." She could barely squeeze out a sentence.

"Thank you." Chen Yuxin lowered her eyes, and her long eyelashes kept trembling, as if being hugged by someone.

"We'll be there right away, students, please take your things!" The teacher reminded with the radio on.

"Let's go, sister." Hai Yun took Chen Yuxin's hand and got out of the car.

The destination of the autumn tour is Gaoshan, and they will live in a hotel in Xiaoshan. The principal said that it is to improve the hardship of the students.

However, when everyone walked to the hotel, everyone had the idea of ​​wanting to go home.

Such a dilapidated hotel looks gloomy on the outside. It is made of wood, and the door "creaks" and shakes. It feels like it may collapse at any time. Although the hotel is still quite large, it will be very crowded if there are more than 200 people.

"I want to go home, woohoo, it's so dilapidated here!"

"That's right, what to experience life, is to live surrounded by bugs!"

"However, I might be able to get a roommate with Lord Iwazero!"

"Yeah, if that's the case, then I think it's worth it!"

"Well, I hope to be with Alan, it's wonderful!"

"Cai Ziyou is not bad, but it's a bit cold."

"Yeah yeah."

The above is the discussion of a group of nympho girls.

"Master Yuxin, woo woo, she will become impure!"

"Don't think about it, there are two beds in the room!"

"Well, I don't expect Chen Yuxin to be beautiful, just pray that I don't get to have sex with an ugly girl."


"Just now, didn't Master Yuxin say that she wants to live with Haiyun, alas, two beauties are missing!"

The above is the discussion of a group of nympho boys.

"Okay, let's draw lots! As for Chen Yuxin and Haiyun... you two should have sex," the teacher said.

Uh... what's going on, the rest of the people wondered.

"Go in." Chen Yuxin opened the room with the house number "074". As soon as he opened the door, he was greeted with cold wind.

It was so cold, biting and sad, it hurt my heart, Chen Yuxin frowned slightly, which reminded her of Lin Yiyun.

"074, you're going to die? What a broken number." Hai Yun couldn't help complaining, but she was not superstitious, she was very courageous.

The room was clean, and the clear glass reflected the glow of the setting sun.

She and Hai Yun put the luggage on the bed first.

Then, she looked around and felt a strange feeling - white bed, white sheets, white curtains, white wardrobe, white table, all white, it felt like... used by the dead.

"Why do I feel that this place is weird." Chen Yuxin said with a little fear.

"It seems so, hehe, it's okay, senior sister, I'm here." Hai Yun said in a low voice, as if Xia Feng had bathed her heart.

Saint Teresa Hospital.

Lin Yiyun, who was lying on the hospital bed, opened his eyes that had been closed for a long time, and sat up abruptly.

Such a series of actions made Ning Ling, who was outside the window, both surprised and happy, calling for the nurse and doctor.

When the door of the intensive care unit opened, Ning Ling rushed in, with tears in his eyes, and said, "Yun'er, you're awake!"

"Ma'am, who are you?"

Lin Yiyun's indifferent words surprised Ning Ling.

"Doctor, what's wrong with my son?" Ning Ling asked bitterly.

"Ms. Ning, your son is awake, but he may have amnesia!"


"Amnesia is a disease caused by brain trauma, which is mainly divided into psychogenic amnesia and dissociative amnesia.

Amnesia is characterized by disruption of consciousness, memory, identity, or normal integration with the environment, resulting in disturbances in life that cannot be explained by physiological factors.

Patients often do not know who they are, or often feel that there is a lot of "I". said the doctor.

"Doctor, can it be cured?" Ning Ling asked worriedly.


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