Lin Shao's Love Symphony

194 I bet 5 cents

At ten o'clock in the evening, American time, Luo Chu had finished today's incense making work, and just after he walked out of the laboratory, Xiao Yang kept waving at her.

"Come and see, little monster, the show is about to begin." Xiao Yang said excitedly.

"Why, what domestic mother-in-law and daughter-in-law drama have you been chasing recently?" Luo Chu also wondered how a mixed-race person like Xiao Yang would like soap operas?

"No, it's even better than mother-in-law and daughter-in-law dramas, come here quickly, it's live online." Xiao Yang roared anxiously.

Luo Chu couldn't stand his request, "Okay, I'll watch the show with you."

"Come, come, the popcorn is ready for you." Xiao Yang patted the place beside him.

"Why is it Bei Ruoqiu?" Luo Chu didn't know what happened to Xiao Yang recently, as if he and Bei Ruoqiu were on the fence.

In order to watch Bei Ruoqiu's live broadcast, he didn't even care about domestic mother-in-law and daughter-in-law dramas, which shows how good Bei Ruoqiu's live broadcast is.

Gong Mo had just taken off his gloves, washed his hands and came out of the laboratory when he saw the two of them nestled together on the sofa, and he was used to the way they got along these days.

"What are you looking at?"

"Mo, come and watch with us." Luo Chu beckoned, and she also found that Gong Mo was not difficult to get along with, and she no longer had the indifference before them.

Gong Mo sat next to the two of them, looked at the headline above, "What's so interesting about the press conference?"

"Look at the protagonist again and you'll know how good it is." Xiao Yang smiled lightly, and it happened that Bei Ruoqiu appeared with Ye Zhengxiu with a haggard face.

The two used to appear in front of the public with a loving look, but today they obviously don't have the same intimacy as before.

Bei Ruoqiu was wearing a black windbreaker, without the leaf outfit she used to have, and only a little makeup on her face.

A bunch of reporters sat down there in unison. People from various media and various platforms came today. Bei Ruoqiu and Ye Zhengxiu would "click" endlessly as soon as the flashing lights appeared.

"Guess what Bei Ruoqiu is going to do today?" Xiao Yang was biting potato chips.

Gong Mo frowned when he heard the "click, click, click", "You were reincarnated as a squirrel in your last life?" He didn't know, they were both presidents, why the difference was so big!

Xiao Yang snorted coldly, "Yeah, if I'm a squirrel, then you're an ice cube."

"Okay, sheep and sheep, stop arguing and watch the live broadcast." Luo Chu knew that once the two of them started arguing, there would be no end to it, either you or me, and the more noisy the more childish.

"I bet fifty cents, this time Bei Ruoqiu will say that she and Ye Zhengxiu have divorced." Xiao Yang looked like a fortune teller.

When Luo Chu heard the word "divorce", she felt a little chilled. Thinking about the way Bei Ruoqiu used to get Ye Zhengxiu back then, if she wanted a divorce, would she be willing?

"Really? Once the divorce is announced in public, it will be impossible for her to be with Ye Zhengxiu again, otherwise she will live under people's accusations for the rest of her life."

Luo Chu knew what kind of status Ye Zhengxiu held in her heart. Divorce meant self-esteem to her. She was someone who took her self-esteem so seriously, would she be willing to do so?
"I can't help it if I don't want to, who told her to choose to be a public figure, everyone knows how beautiful it is to be a celebrity, and how easy it is to make money.

As long as there is a little bit of popularity, it can be as little as a few million for a movie, and tens of millions for a TV series.

Everyone in front of people is called God and Goddess, and there are a lot of fans wherever they go. How many people want to be stars even if they squeeze their heads.

But this world is fair, as much praise as you have to endure, you have to endure as much gossip, and how many celebrities are forced into depression.

This business is deep, how can there be such a good thing, all the benefits are taken by one person, and now she is not scolded to death by her former fans once she cheats.

Whether she wants it or not, there is only one way. After all, that video is not a picture, this is a real hammer, so she can't help but say no.

And little evildoer, I think Bei Ruoqiu may have really cheated. Ye Zhengxiu ignored her all the year round. She did it voluntarily, but she was unlucky to be photographed. "

Although this matter has nothing to do with her, Luo Chu felt a little bit embarrassed, "You said that if Bei Ruoqiu knew that it was the ending today, would she have done that back then?"

"Who knows? There is only one choice, no matter right or wrong, you have to go on, little evildoer, if you were given time to go back in time, do you want her to do that?"

Xiao Yang asked Luo Chu a question instead, if it was her, would she want to do that?

If Bei Ruoqiu hadn't intervened back then, perhaps he would have been kept in the dark, as Qu Jingbo once said.

Ye Zhengxiu originally planned to propose to himself that day, and he planned to let go after attending his coming-of-age ceremony. If Ye Zhengxiu proposed to himself at that time, he would definitely agree.

If I agreed to Ye Zhengxiu, there would be no such incidents. Maybe I would have to call Qu Jingbo little uncle when I saw him, so the fate is really strange.

One wrong move in chess, everyone doesn't know what the end will be if the next step is taken.

Gong Mo also held his breath and waited for Luo Chu's answer. Luo Chu pondered for a moment and then slowly said, "I might blame Bei Ruoqiu for doing this four years ago, but today I don't think so. I think I should thank her.

I want to thank her for letting me know Brother Bo's heart, I want to thank her for letting me know how good Yangyang is, I also want to thank her for giving me the opportunity to get to know Mo, and of course I want to thank her for making me who I am today. "

Luo Chu is very satisfied with her current life, although she has really suffered in the past four years, it is unspeakably miserable, and it is precisely because of those hardships that she is what she is today.

Sometimes when we go through those hardships, we must not feel that God is unfair to you. In fact, some people are sweet first and then bitter, and some people are bitter first and then sweet.

When you pass through layers of black fog, the last thing left is the rainbow hanging in the sky after the rain.

All the suffering will become the most unforgettable memory in your life, and you won't feel so bitter when you think about it.

"You're sweet." Xiao Yang said with a smile.

Here, Bei Ruoqiu had already sat down with Ye Zhengxiu, and just after they sat down, everyone was chattering and asking questions, and the manager hurried to maintain order at the scene.

"Everyone, be quiet, it's not yet the questioning session, please ask Ruo Qiu to speak first."

Only then did everyone quiet down, Bei Ruoqiu adjusted the microphone, stood up with red eyes and bowed to everyone.

Then she sat down slowly, "About the previous news, I need to make a clarification. I'm sorry everyone, I have concealed a fact for so long."

After Bei Ruoqiu's words came out, the pot was blown up, and it was clear that there were hidden secrets in her matter. Isn't it the hidden secrets that the media like the most?
"Miss Bei, what do you mean by hidden feelings?"

"Actually, Zhengxiu and I are already divorced. What happened that night was not as ugly as many media wrote. Those were all lies fabricated by you based on pictures.

I would like to explain his identity. He is my brother next door. We grew up together.

I drank a lot of wine that night before he supported me and took me back home. I slept in the guest room that night, and the nanny can also testify.

As for leaving the next day, I just habitually kissed him on the cheek like I said goodbye to my big brother when I was a child, but the angle is a problem.

As soon as this incident came out, rumors and rumors were thrown at me, and I knew that as a public figure, I should accept these.

But now these rumors have hurt my family, my friends, and even the face of several companies. I must clarify this matter for everyone. "

"Miss Bei, you said that you have divorced Mr. Ye, but you have only been married for more than a month. You have been in love for so many years, and you are such a loving couple every time you attend any occasion. How can you say that divorce is divorced? "

"That's right, Ms. Bei, you are not deliberately making an excuse because of this incident, are you? In that video, you kissed the person actively, and it lasted about ten seconds, not like the cheek kiss you said. "

"Miss Bei, since today is a clarification meeting, you should show some sincerity."

"There are so many fans who like you, what do you let those fans who support you think? This is the explanation you should give."

Ye Zhengxiu, who hadn't opened his mouth all this time, spoke up: "Everyone be quiet, please listen to me for a few words?"

Ye Zhengxiu's image in everyone's mind is like a cuckolded image, and everyone sympathizes with him.

When they heard that he was about to speak, everyone fell silent, "Boss Ye, tell me."

"The reason why Ruo Qiu and I got to where we are today is largely because of me, as everyone said, we fell in love for several years before we got married.

It should be said that they all know the basics, so they should live a more harmonious life than ordinary couples, and I thought so at first.

It was only after getting married that Ruoqiu and I understood a problem, marriage is not equal to love, what is love? "

Ye Zhengxiu suddenly asked back, and the others shook their heads repeatedly, as if they didn't quite understand what he meant by this question.

"Love is when two people fall in love with each other and get together." One of the reporters boldly replied.

"Yes, love is when two people sacrifice to love each other, but what I want to say today is that love is romantic for us.

It's been a long time since I sent a bouquet of roses, elaborately arranged a candlelight dinner, or parachuted in front of her on her birthday, which would make her very happy.

What is marriage?It's tea, rice, oil, salt, trivial matters mixed together, and the way for the two of them to get along is far more difficult than before.

In the past, I was busy with my career every day, and Ruo Qiu was also busy flying around the country. It was good to see her once a month. Sometimes she was filming in remote places.

As you all know, Ruo Qiu has always been dedicated to her work, and sometimes she can't see each other for several months because of filming.

All we can rely on is the phone or video chat. I have to admit that these communication tools are convenient, but they also block a lot of things.

These things can only be discovered from trivial things after we live together.

Ruo Qiu had put down a lot of work to stay with me at home, but I was still busy every day, and I didn't take enough care of her.

I think neither she nor I was ready, I wasn't ready to be a husband and she wasn't ready to be a wife.

So I filed for divorce, hoping that she could find a man who truly loves her and is willing to take care of her for the rest of her life.

We divorced in secret. After all, this matter is not a trivial matter. I didn't announce it to everyone. On the one hand, it was out of consideration for her image.

I know that there are many people online who are fans of both of us and hope that we will always be together, and we don't want those fans to lose faith in love.

On the other hand, I don't want my family members to know, for fear that they will be angry, sad and disappointed.

Now that she is divorced, even if Ruo Qiu is with someone else again, I will smile and bless her. I hope someone can take good care of her instead of me.

This incident was originally just our family matter, I am sorry to have brought a negative impact on everyone, and I am here to implore everyone, I hope you can give us a broader space to deal with this matter.

Thank you for your concern. I believe we can handle this matter well. I also hope that you will be more tolerant to Ruoqiu and pay more attention to her works. She is a very good actress and has suffered a lot for filming. "

In my impression, Ye Zhengxiu had never said so much before, but today he actually said so much for Bei Ruoqiu, and everyone was very moved.

How many women present were moved by him. Seeing him look like a good man, they obviously suffered such a big grievance.

Not only did he not blame Bei Ruoqiu at all, but he also talked about Bei Ruoqiu's good and bad everywhere. He was simply the image of a good man!
"Papa papa." Xiao Yang applauded in the video, "Little monster, your ex-boyfriend is not a fuel-efficient lamp."

Only those with discerning eyes could see that Bei Ruoqiu was tricked. Ye Zhengxiu even went so far as to get divorced and sold a persona of a good man.

"I didn't think so before, but now I think he is the one who should enter the entertainment circle the most." Luo Chuming knew how indifferent Ye Zhengxiu was to Bei Ruoqiu in private, but he pretended to be so considerate in front of others. Sure enough, you would never see him in front of the camera. Through a person.

"It's no wonder he chose Bei Ruoqiu back then, that's true, at that time you were asking for money in Luo's house but you had no money, but you were controlled by Liu Qing, so naturally it's not as rich and powerful as Bei Ruoqiu, who is an only daughter.

Now that he had obtained the shares he wanted, he kicked Bei Ruoqiu. Now that he was so considerate to Bei Ruoqiu in front of the camera, people on the Internet would immediately scold her to death.

Tsk tsk, it's a good thing you came out quickly, otherwise you wouldn't know how you died, it's better to stay away from this man. "Xiao Yang commented like this.

Gong Mo answered silently from the side: "Ye Zhengxiu is not a fuel-efficient lamp, you speak as if Qu Jingbo is fuel-efficient."

"Mo, don't say that, at least Brother Bo is sincere to me, not as calculating and utilitarian as Ye Zhengxiu." Luo Chu looked protective, and no one could say that Qu Jingbo was half The words are not good.

Bei Ruoqiu's eyes flashed when she heard what he said. If she hadn't known what kind of person Ye Zhengxiu was, she would have been moved at the scene.

How good would it be if he really behaved like this in front of everyone?The person I have been looking forward to is what he is now.

"Mr. Ye, is it really a misunderstanding between Ms. Bei and Mr. Yan?"

"Since Mr. Ye cares so much about Ms. Bei, is there any chance of getting back together?"

"Mr. Ye..." Everyone rushed to ask Ye Zhengxiu's question.

Ye Zhengxiu looked at Bei Ruoqiu tenderly, and found that her eyes were full of tears, and said softly, "Ruoqiu is really a good girl, but I can't bring her happiness.

Her current state is to have a warm home, but I still decided to continue working hard, I don't want her to wait for me at home day and night.

She deserves to be treated tenderly, even if that person is not me, as long as she can be happy. "

Look at what he said, every word is thoughtful, he is such a considerate person, even divorce seems to be a beautiful poem.

However, women are attracted to his tricks. There are many female reporters in the field, all of whom are fascinated by him, thinking that he is gentle and considerate, but few people see his fake face.

He was clearly speaking the coldest and harshest words under a gentle skin, but very few people could understand them.

"Mr. Ye, is it really impossible for you and Miss Bei?"

"Well, I hope Ruo Qiu can be happy. Although I can't be a lover, I hope I can become her friend in the future. If anything happens to her, I'm willing to be the first to stand in front of her."

Bei Ruoqiu couldn't hold back the tears anymore, she didn't know whether she was moved by his words or shocked by his words.

"Don't cry, I won't be by your side in the future, you have to take good care of yourself." Ye Zhengxiu smiled and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and this scene was recorded by the camera again.

Bei Ruoqiu's tears not only did not stop but flowed even more, this is what she has always wanted!
But she never knew that she actually got it under such circumstances, and it wasn't his words from the bottom of his heart.

Sure enough, his affection eased the sharp atmosphere of many reporters in the field. How could everyone break such a beautiful scene.

When Bei Ruoqiu's mood stabilized a bit, she opened her mouth and said, "Regardless of whether this matter is true or not, I have been in the entertainment industry for several years, and I am also tired.

I don't want to be magnified endlessly by everyone because of a little thing. Everyone can't wait to take a microscope to find my shortcomings and shortcomings.

This incident made me firmer. Today's press conference is dedicated to clarifying the previous scandal, but taking this opportunity, there is one more thing I have to do. "

"Miss Bei, what else do you want to do?"

"During the past few years in the entertainment industry, I have gained a lot of lovely fans, thank you very much for supporting my work and liking me as a person.

The profession of an actor is different from any other profession. We have to live glamorously in the eyes of the public every day.

Fans may envy us for wearing beautiful shoes, expensive clothes, and different bags of famous brands every day.

But you all know that I flew to 5 places a day at most, to catch up to seven or eight announcements, we were upside down day and night, and we could never show a tired look in front of the camera.

It doesn't matter what major shock I experienced in the last second, no matter where I rushed from before, no matter whether I haven't slept in 22 hours.

As long as I face the camera, as soon as the director speaks, I have to laugh and cry according to the requirements of the script.

Some people say that since it is so hard, you should give up. Isn’t it just to make money?Yes, I do it to make money, but I prefer this career that I love.

I like acting, and I like to switch roles constantly. I thought this career could accompany me to old age, but now I know I can't stick to it.

In the past, your support would be the driving force for me when I was sad, but now as long as I go online, I can see all kinds of abuse words.

I don't know if these people who abused me have also said behind the screen that I like you, you scolded me, scolded my family.

Gradually, I feel that I can't hold on anymore. If I have to accept so much negative energy because of one of my favorites, can I stop holding on? "

The manager at the side was already crying. Although Bei Ruoqiu has many problems, she suppresses newcomers and excludes others, but her acting is absolutely unambiguous.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have gained so many fans. There are so many directors who appreciate her. She is a very talented actress.

Along the way, she has filmed many scenes, and has also undergone many tests. She was originally a delicate young lady, and even if she was not an actress, she would have no worries about food and clothing in her life.

She persisted until now because she really likes it, but this kind of liking has come to an abrupt end now. She said that she is really tired, and her manager can believe it.

"Miss Bei, what do you mean by that? Don't tell me you're not filming anymore?" A reporter asked.

"Yes, I would like to take this opportunity today to tell everyone that I am officially quitting the entertainment industry.

From now on, you will not see me in the entertainment industry. I just want to live as an ordinary person, and I hope everyone will give me more space.

I think what Zhengxiu said is right. Marriage is not the same as love. In the past, I regarded love as marriage.

I thought that as long as two people are together, they will be very happy, but now I know that I was wrong. Sometimes many things are stumbling blocks to marriage. "

Bei Ruoqiu started to cry again as she spoke, she hesitated to say a lot, she couldn't expose Ye Zhengxiu as a hypocrite.

Ye Zhengxiu originally thought that the trump card she mentioned was the divorce between the two, but he didn't know that she would actually say that she would quit the entertainment industry, which was something he had never thought about.

It seems that after experiencing some things, she began to change, and she became less unreasonable and sticking to herself than before.

The media was in an uproar. This is a big event. Isn't today a whitewashing meeting?How did it become a farewell meeting now?

"Miss Bei, this is a big deal. Have you thought about it? Are you really going to quit the entertainment circle? Don't you still have a few contracts?" Some people chased after her and asked.

Bei Ruoqiu turned to the camera, showing her signature smile, with tears in her eyes, "I will entrust my agent to handle the matter of the contract for me, and the compensation that should be paid will also be paid according to the order.

Ladies and gentlemen, didn't you always scold me on the Internet for getting out of the entertainment industry?Now as you wish, I, Bei Ruoqiu, will officially withdraw from the entertainment circle starting today. "

Not only did Bei Ruoqiu's words surprise the media, but even Ye Zhengxiu was a little confused. Fortunately, he was deliberately paving the way for Bei Ruoqiu, hoping that her future acting career would not be affected.

Who knew that she had chosen to quit the entertainment circle by herself. In this love war, she had lost everything and was covered in bruises.

So she stopped playing, she didn't want to show her best self in front of the camera every moment, now she just wants to take a good rest and be a normal person from now on.

She wants to marry Yan Nuo, because Yan Nuo is the best person in the world to her besides her parents, and she knows that she is notorious now.

If she continues to work hard in the entertainment industry, she will only make more people hate her. She knows what kind of family the Yan family is.

Whether it's for herself or for her promise, she doesn't plan to mess around in the entertainment industry anymore, she can still go back to Bei's family to take over her own company, she doesn't have nowhere to go.

"This is the end of today's press conference. I have said everything I want to say. Please stop paying attention to everything about me in the future. I just want to be an ordinary person."

Bei Ruoqiu finally stood up and bowed deeply to everyone. The camera scanned Ye Zhengxiu's face, and found that his expression was a bit stunned, which showed that he didn't know about it either.

"Ah oh, the finale of the dog blood series." Xiao Yang turned off the tablet, and the final ending was unexpected.

"She actually quit the entertainment industry. I didn't expect that. Could it be that she really figured it out?"

"It's probably due to the pressure from many parties. The continuous bombing these days, coupled with Ye Zhengxiu's cold blood, completely chilled her heart.

With a divorce certificate and a sentence of quitting the entertainment industry, Bei Ruoqiu lost her career and love at the same time today. Luo Chu, who is as face-saving as her, can say such words, makes Luo Chu look at her differently.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Luo Chu's mouth, "Fade out of the bustle, there is nothing wrong with such a day."

"I'm thinking about a question, even if she quits the entertainment industry and gets divorced, will the Yan family accept her?" Xiao Yang asked, holding his chin.

"Who knows. In short, the relationship between me and her has been broken. Everyone has their own way to go. Well, it's getting late. Let's go home and rest. There are still many things to do tomorrow."

Luo Chu didn't add insult to injury, nor did she have any sympathy. Such a result was done by herself and had nothing to do with anyone.

"Go home, little Momo, see you tomorrow." Xiao Yang likes to tease Gong Mo the most, every time he sees the indifferent expression on Gong Mo's face change, he will be very happy.

"Looking for death!" Gong Mo was about to chase him out, but Xiao Yang had already dragged Luo Chu away.

In the elevator, Luo Chu poked Xiao Yang's head, "Are you born to be at odds with Mo, why do you always like to tease him?"

"Because he always has the same expression, I feel bored, I just want to see more expressions on his face."

"You just owe your money." Luo Chu thought it was some other reason, but it turned out to be such a simple reason.

"Little evildoer, do you know who I will discuss the contract with tomorrow?" Xiao Yang suddenly said seriously.

"Who is it?" Luo Chu was lowering his head to send a text message to Qu Jingbo, and asked lightly.

"Company R."

"What!" Luo Chu quickly raised her head. She has always been curious about R, after all, it has something to do with her mother.

She has called several times since she came to the United States, all of which were answered by assistants who said they would contact her each time, but Tina never called back once.

Qu Jingbo mentioned the matter of the R family to Xiao Yang before because of Luo Chu's health. This time, he just had an opportunity, and after much deliberation, he decided to tell Luo Chu.

"Recently, the company is preparing to develop a piece of land. The ownership of this land is in the hands of R Company, and we are negotiating the purchase price."

"I'll talk about it." Luo Chu hasn't been back to the headquarters for a long time. Xiao Yang has managed the company well, so she can be lazy.

But this matter is related to R, maybe she will see her mother again?Even if she just saw it from a distance, she didn't dare to have any extravagant thoughts.

"I knew you would be interested, okay, you take charge." Xiao Yang knew Luo Chu's knot.


After washing and returning to the room, Luo Chu held a business card in his hand. This business card was given to her by Tina, and she had read it many times.

Every time I look at it, I feel as if I can feel my mother's side. The two are obviously in the same city. When Luo Chu passes by R company several times, she wants to rush up.

But she knew that Tina didn't intend to see her, and even if she went, she would only be turned away, and maybe some of Tina's plans would be broken.

So she didn't dare and couldn't, so she had to stand far away, looking at the skyscraper again and again.

Putting the business card on her chest, like a mother, she whispered: "Mom, can I see you tomorrow?"

This night, she dreamed of her mother sitting by the window when she was a child, watching the white snow flying outside, knitting a sweater for herself nimbly with her fingers.

I was playing with toys on the floor stand next to me, or watching cartoons, the fire in the fireplace was dancing, and it was peaceful.

"Xiao Chu'er, come here and try to see if it fits." Mom always beckons herself to come over while knitting.

Xiao Luochu obediently stood in front of her and stretched out her hand, and her mother gestured the half-knitted sweater on her body.

"Mom, Chu'er wants to wear a new sweater, how long will it take to knit it?" Xiao Luo Chuhui lay on her lap and held his cheek in anticipation.

"Come on, be good, Chu'er." Every time at this time, she would pat Luo Chu's head.

"Mom..." Luo Chu opened his eyes, there were still tears in the corners of his eyes, looking at the gray sky outside, it seemed that it was going to rain.

It's the season of wearing sweaters again, but there is no one who will carefully knit her a sweater in the cold winter.

Luo Chu stood in front of the window for a long time. What she wanted most in this life was to return to her mother's arms. This request was easy for others, but it was extremely difficult for her.

It was still early when she looked at her watch, she ran into Gong Mo unexpectedly during her habitual morning run.

It's just that the two of them have long since lost their previous estrangement. They would run in the morning together and sometimes have breakfast together.

"Mo, I want to ask you something." Luo Chu thought that Gong Mo had been in the United States for a long time, maybe he knew something about the R family.

"Tell me." Gong Mo took a big bite of the toast, originally he couldn't speak while eating, Luo Chu was an exception.

"You have been in the United States for a long time. Do you know R company and R family?" Luo Chu asked directly.

"Why do you suddenly want to ask this?" Gong Mo's eyes were deep, as if he didn't really want to mention anything about the R family.

"It's nothing, I'm just curious, because I'm going to negotiate a contract with R company today, but I don't know this company very well." Luo Chu made an excuse casually.

Gong Mo had already swallowed the toast, drank a cup of hot milk, and wiped off the residue at the corner of his mouth, "Speaking of this R company, it involves a mysterious Dongfang family."

"What kind of mysterious method?" Luo Chu hurriedly asked.

"First of all, I don't know much, so I will tell you what I know first. I can't guarantee whether it is true or not."

"Okay, let's talk." Luo Chu showed an attitude of listening attentively.

Gong Mo then started again: "More than 100 years ago, China was still in the last years of the Qing Dynasty, and it was a period of turmoil. China has become a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, and the society is extremely chaotic.

At that time, some qualified families immigrated to the United States and began to develop in the United States. The R family was one of them. There are some reasons why they are said to be mysterious.

First of all, if you think about it in the Qing Dynasty or even in the future, is every family dominated by men?Women have to follow many rules, and they must respect men. "

Luo Chu nodded. Unexpectedly, Gong Mo began to tell her a piece of history. She had seen the current situation in China 100 years ago in history books.

In the late Qing Dynasty, the country was in turmoil, and a large number of ya movies disintegrated the will of ordinary people and officials. Later, other countries invaded one after another. Of course, they only learned these before to cope with the exam.

Now when Gong Mo mentions her, she has a faint sense of belonging, as if those things are no longer written in textbooks, but actually exist not far from her.

"Yes, women still have to bind their feet, and their husbands are allowed to have three wives and four concubines, and their status in the family is very low. This is also explained in many costume dramas."

Gong Mo continued: "Then you can imagine that in the feudal society at that time, there was a family that, contrary to others, respected women.

All the power of the family head is in the hands of women. Not only are women in charge of the house, but the children they give birth to are also women without exception. "

Luo Chu didn't know this. She shook her head, "I've never heard of such a family. Under such a background, would it really exist?"

"Existence, it is said that they are an ancient family, if you want to trace it back, I am afraid that it can be traced back to before the Qing Dynasty, maybe the Ming Dynasty, maybe even before.

No one knows how many years they survived, and I don't know if there is a special reason for only giving birth to daughters, or if they gave birth to boys and were abandoned.

Anyway, the ones who inherit the head of the family are all women, and their families are all married by men, so you see, even 100 years later, the president of R company is still a woman, and she is the head of this generation of R family. "

Luo Chu's heart skipped a beat when the Patriarch was mentioned, Gong Mo was talking about her mother!

"Mo, this is one point of magic, so what's the second point?" She continued to ask.

"I haven't researched the second point, but I have heard someone say that the women in their family are cursed, and the life expectancy is shorter from generation to generation.

For example, after 100 years from the late Qing Dynasty to the present, the current patriarch's great-grandmother brought her family to the United States, and her great-grandmother lived to be 70 years old.

Her grandma lived to be 60 years old, while her mother lived to be 50 years old. Did you find a pattern? "

Luo Chu was terrified when he heard that, "You mean that the life expectancy of each generation will be shortened by ten years?"

"Yes, logically speaking, science and technology are getting more and more advanced, and there are more and more elderly people, so why is their family living shorter and shorter?

And from the point of view of time, it is also a coincidence that every ten years is a point. If this rule is correct, the Patriarch of this generation will only have..."

Before Gong Mo finished speaking, the hot milk that Luo Chu was carrying fell on the table suddenly, the glass shattered with a harsh sound, and the hot milk flowed down the table little by little.

Everyone around looked at them, but Luo Chu was in a daze. If she remembered correctly, her mother is 39 this year.

The waiter hurried over to clean up the cups, Gong Mo handed her a tissue and asked her to wipe the milk on her body, Luo Chu's soul seemed to be taken away, and he stayed in place motionless.

"Chu, what's the matter with you?" Gong Mo stretched out his hand in front of her and shook Luo Chu, but still didn't notice, he simply pinched Luo Chu.

Luo Chu woke up like a dream, but the expression on his face became terrified, Gong Mo was also a little worried about her, what happened to her?
"At the beginning, are you okay, your face is very pale."

"Mo, I want to ask how those Patriarchs died?" Luo Chuduo hoped that this was just a coincidence. How could there be such a miraculous thing in the world?

"Passed away from an illness, the strange thing is that no one found out what the illness was, so he passed away just like that anyway." Gong Mo said lightly, "What does this R family have to do with you?"

"No, it's nothing, tell me other things about the R family, and tell me everything you know."

Luo's mood fluctuated greatly, and she tightly grasped Gong Mo's arm, like a drowning person grasping a piece of driftwood.

Seeing Luo Chu like this, Gong Mo had no choice but to tell the truth, "This is the second, and the third I heard that they were cursed is related to their family's divination."

"Divination?" Why did Luo Chu feel that the more he said, the more outrageous it became.

"Well, no matter it is ancient or modern, people are popular in divination, or divination, which is called tarot in the West.

It is said that the R family used to be a family of mysterious divination masters, but they only divination for the emperor, such as divination of dragon's cave, feng shui, and fortune-telling.

There are also some hexagram masters among the people who show the people tombs and houses. What they see is the small trend, while the R family sees the national fortune, which is the general trend.

In the fortune-telling industry, many people are blind, saying that they did so because they leaked the secrets of heaven.

I don't know if this is true or not, but the fact that the lifespan of the Patriarch of the R family is decreasing may be due to the fact that the ancestors leaked too many secrets, resulting in retaliation from generation to generation, that is, being cursed. "

Luo Chu never knew that the plots that could only be seen in movies actually happened in her life. Gong Mo is a pragmatic person.

So even he can say such fantastic words, which means that he has a high degree of credibility.

There are many things in this world that cannot be explained clearly, and Luo Chu is also confused. Is this thing true or false?If this is the case, Mom will be turning forty this year!

Then isn't she... Luo Chu didn't dare to think about the next thing, his mind was full of doubts, did it have something to do with his mother's denial of himself?
"Mo, I'll go back after I finish eating, and I need to negotiate a contract later."

"I'll see you off." Gong Mo was a little worried when he saw Luo Chu who was in a trance.

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