Lin Shao's Love Symphony

193. The whole world knows that she cheated

Hearing Luo Chu's voice from the other end of the phone, it was strange but familiar. It was how long they hadn't talked on the phone.

"Chu'er." When Ye Zhengxiu called out again, he was a little lonely and desolate.

"Boss Ye? Why did you think of calling me?" To Luo Chu, Ye Zhengxiu was just a friend.

"It's okay, I just wanted to ask you. I heard that you went to the United States." Have the two of them reached the point where even the greetings of friends feel strange?

Luo Chu smiled slightly, "Yeah, come here and relax." She had no intention of telling the truth to Ye Zhengxiu.

Hearing her brisk tone, Ye Zhengxiu knew that she had really let go of herself, and it turned out that he was the one who couldn't let go of that relationship.

"By the way, how is your hand?" Luo Chu didn't hear what he said and continued to ask.

"It's still the same, neither good nor bad, and it has been like this in this life."

As soon as Luo Chu heard this sentence, she thought of that night. If it wasn't for Ye Zhengxiu, she might not have lived so intact.

"I'm sorry." What else could she say besides saying I'm sorry, everything has already happened, and time can't be turned back.

"It's okay, I didn't call to talk about this matter, I just wanted to hear your voice, to know how you are doing over there, that's all." Ye Zhengxiu was also fantasizing about Luo Chu in his mind What it looks like at the moment.

Whether she's standing or sitting, whether she's at home or out, there's a lot going on in her head because she can't see it.

"I'm doing well, and I'm starting to learn some skills that I didn't know before, Mr. Ye, I still have some things to deal with here, so I'll hang up first."

"Okay, it's been cold recently, remember to add clothes."

"Thank you, goodbye." Luo Chu hung up the phone in a hurry, and Ye Zhengxiu was lost in thought while holding the phone with a busy signal. Has he become a passer-by in her life?
Time is fair to everyone, no one will get more points, and no one will lose any points. For Luo Chu, who has worked hard to learn the art of perfumery, he feels that every day passes quickly.

It was a torment for Ye Zhengxiu, Bei Ruoqiu and even Yan Nuo. They seemed to have entered a dead end.

A war about them has already begun. Luo Chu prepared dinner this day and waited for the two uncles Xiao Yang and Gong Mo to come back.

As soon as Xiao Yang entered the door, he rushed in without even taking off his shoes, "Big news, big news."

"Yangyang, it's not like you don't know that Mo doesn't like mess, take off your shoes quickly, this is not our home." Luo Chu always reminded Xiao Yang.

Xiao Yang had a look of joy on his face, "Don't worry about the shoes, just look, haven't you seen a big news broke out in China?"

Luo Chu took out the vegetable leaves from the pot and shook his head, "I don't have time, I've been memorizing perfume ingredients all afternoon, what's the big news?"

She originally wanted to ask if it was about Qu Jingbo, but seeing how happy Xiao Yang looked, it shouldn't be Qu Jingbo.

If something bad happened to Qu Jingbo, he wouldn't show it to himself, and if something good happened to Qu Jingbo, he wouldn't be so happy.

Liu Qing was also imprisoned, she really didn't know what other news made Xiao Yang so excited.

"I knew you didn't watch it. I saved it when I saw it in the company today. Take a quick look." Xiao Yang is like an excited child.

Luo Chu took the tablet from him and came back before he could look at Gong Mo. When he saw Xiao Yang came in without taking off his shoes, Gong Mo was about to explode!

Although his obsession with cleanliness is not as serious as before, he still doesn't like men entering his house without taking off their shoes, especially the kitchen with heavy oily smoke.

"Xiao Yang, do you want to die! If you want to die, I will help you right away!"

"Don't be impulsive, I'll change my shoes now." Xiao Yang doesn't dare to go crazy with Gong Mo now, if he messes up his room, he will be the last person to clean it up.

The two were fighting together, and with Xiao Yang's intervention, Gong Mo's personality was not as cold as before, and he was more popular.

Luo Chu was leaning on the side and watching seriously. It was written on it: "Goddess" Bei Ruoqiu was newly married and cheated on a wealthy businessman.

It turned out to be Bei Ruoqiu's news, no wonder Xiao Yang was so excited, she was hidden by the company, why is there any gossip news?
When Luo Chu saw the news, she thought it was impossible. After all, Bei Ruoqiu loved Ye Zhengxiu so much, and it was absolutely impossible for her to cheat on anyone in this world.

Otherwise, she would not have tried her best to snatch Ye Zhengxiu away from her side. Luo Chu was also tongue-tied when she thought about it just now and saw what happened next.

It said that Bei Ruoqiu had dinner with her, embraced each other sweetly, went to the love nest together for a lingering night, and did not forget to kiss the rich businessman when they left.

Isn't this so-called wealthy businessman a promise!At that time, when I was negotiating the contract with Yan Nuo, I felt that the two were very close, but Luo Chu never thought about that.

There are also some small videos on it, such as the scene of Yan Nuo helping Bei Ruoqiu out of the restaurant to get into the car, and the video of the two entering the villa together and kissing goodbye at the door the next day.

Luo Chu and Bei Ruoqiu stayed together for a few years, even though the video was blurry, she could still recognize it as Bei Ruoqiu, Luo Chu couldn't believe it was real at all.

"Little evildoer, have you seen it? This time, Bei Ruoqiu committed suicide, so don't try to get up again." Xiao Yang rushed in again.

"Impossible." Luo Chu looked suspicious.

"What's impossible?"

"Bei Ruoqiu loves Ye Zhengxiu so much. If all the women in this world are cheating, she probably won't either. I don't think this is very reliable."

"Why is it unreliable, the photo may be P's, this video cannot be faked, look at it, she is still actively kissing the man.

Let me tell you, there is nothing impossible in this world, maybe she was fed up with Ye Zhengxiu's indifference, so she decided to find a new love? "Xiao Yang was gloating on the sidelines.

"It's also possible that Yan Nuo treats her very well. In order to stick to her as the spokesperson, she is willing to break her own rules and prepare her own company to promote perfumes. But now that something happened, I'm afraid... "

"Why do you still look worried about others? Shouldn't you smile proudly when encountering such a thing? Come and laugh with me, hahaha..."

Xiao Yang laughed three times with his hips crossed, which attracted Gong Mo's eyes, "Take medicine if you are sick."

"What do you know, I'm trying to ease the little evildoer's mind and let her untangle her mind."

"Yangyang, I have untied my knot long ago. I don't have any feeling about whether Bei Ruoqiu is good or bad. Let's go with her. What does it matter to us?" Luo Chu smiled lightly.

"Bei Ruoqiu, who is she?" Hearing this strange name, Gong Mo didn't know the entanglement between Luo Chu and Bei Ruoqiu in the past.

Xiao Yang put his hand on Gong Mo's shoulder, and said solemnly: "Come on, let me tell you who Bei Ruoqiu is, she is a very bad woman."

Luo Chu looked at the comments on the Internet. Originally, everyone had forgotten what happened to Bei Ruoqiu before, but this news was pushed all over the Internet, and every website was her front page headline.

The most important thing for an actor is exposure and headlines, but no one wants to make headlines like cheating, regardless of male or female actors, as long as cheating is involved, the results can be imagined.

The comments this time were even worse than the last time, and all the ugly words were scolded.

Luo Chu didn't think there was anything to be proud of, she just dialed a number, and the man's gentle voice came: "Did you receive the big gift from me?"

"Brother Bo, you made this?" Luo Chu knew that it could not be the result of natural fermentation when he saw such a large-scale report.

The last time Bei Ruoqiu was hit in an all-round way was Qu Jingbo who played tricks behind his back. It was also the day when Luo Chu found out that more than half of the domestic entertainment media companies were owned by Qu Jingbo.

This man's hands are really wide. She thought that the entertainment industry was the only thing he didn't get involved in. Who knew that he was already familiar with the entertainment industry.

Three years ago, a mysterious wealthy businessman began to acquire media companies one after another, until now most of the domestic media companies have been acquired by him.

These companies have a close relationship with the artists. Once something is photographed, the actors can buy it back as long as the price is in place before it is announced.

To control these companies is to control the economic lifeline of each artist. After Bei Ruoqiu's wedding last time, Luo Chu inadvertently asked once. At that time, she only suspected that it was related to Qu Jingbo.

Otherwise, when something like this happens, the actress's company will start public relations, especially for a first-line actress like Bei Ruoqiu, her public relations will definitely be even stronger.

Who knew that compared to scandals, public relations are like moths to the fire, not only did not extinguish it but made the fire bigger, which is why the company was forced by public opinion to hide Bei Ruoqiu in the end.

Luo Chu was just asking casually, but he was taken aback by how much property Qu Jingbo had handled!

What happened this time was bigger than last time, so it goes without saying that Qu Jingbo was also responsible.

"That's right, a paparazzi happened to be filming it, and the editor-in-chief knew that Bei Ruoqiu was on my blacklist, so he specifically notified me, and I promoted the development of this drama." Qu Jingbo confessed frankly.

"This time, Bei Ruoqiu might not be able to return to the entertainment industry. Once an actress is tainted with words like cheating, she might not be able to stand up for the rest of her life. Brother Bo, isn't this too cruel?"

Under Qu Jingbo's pampering, Luo Chu became more and more kind. She thought that she had dealt Bei Ruoqiu enough blows.

Qu Jingbo's laughter came: "Too ruthless? I still think it's too light, little rabbit, you are more kind than you just returned to China, but this is also very good, you just need to hide in my arms, You don't need to interfere with the dark side.

The last time she pushed you into the sea, if Ye Zhengxiu hadn't rescued you that day, wouldn't I have lost you for the rest of my life?

It's nothing compared to deliberately killing someone, just keeping her out of the entertainment industry.

Besides, I didn't want her to cheat. She was already photographed. If I don't push it, the company will push it. She won't be cleared. "

"Brother Bo, after all, you are still thinking about the last time I was hit by a promise." How could Luo Chu not know what he was thinking.

Don't look at Qu Jingbo being gentle and considerate in front of her. He is not so kind to outsiders. He will never let anyone offend Luo Chu!

Although he didn't say anything at that time, in fact, he had written down the names of these people one by one in the little book in his heart, and he would definitely bite them to death if he had the opportunity!
"It's not that I miss it, it's just that I don't like someone touching my woman. If I do, I'll pay a small price."

This black-bellied man, Luo Chu felt more and more lucky that the person he liked was himself, otherwise if he was his enemy, he would have died long ago.

"Brother Bo, after hearing what you mean, is there another trick?"

"Actually, I really didn't do anything about it, it was Bei Ruoqiu's own death, she and Ye Zhengxiu hadn't divorced yet and they didn't know anything about Yan Nuo.

Maybe you don't know much about the Yan family, but it's a feudal family!Their family would never let Yan Nuo marry a celebrity.

Moreover, she is a star with corrupt morals, and it's not that I slander her. What I expose are all facts, so that everyone can know her true face.

Since Bei Ruoqiu has already had a relationship with Yan Nuo, and everyone is an adult, what will happen if they spend a night together?Not to mention the two kissing goodbye at the door.

It was Bei Ruoqiu's own initiative, and no one forced her. She did this because she wanted to marry into Yan's family.

Now that the Yan family knows about this, what do you think will happen? "Qu Jingbo smiled darkly.

"It must be a stick to beat the mandarin ducks. Brother Bo, you are really bad."

"I'm not bad, this is the path Bei Ruoqiu chose, everyone should be responsible for the path they choose.

I'm just curious about how my little nephew will react with this green hat on his head. "Qu Jingbo looked in a good mood.

Luo Chu was full of black lines, "Brother Bo, have you been infected by Xiao Yang's gossip spirit?"

"Little evildoer, this is a happy event." Xiao Yang interrupted.

"Brother Bo, in any case, enough is enough for you."

"Okay, little rabbit, when are you going back to China? I miss you so much."

"I'm doing research recently, and I want to come back soon."

"Recently that brat Qu Lou returned to the United States, otherwise I would have come to see you." Qu Jingbo became depressed again when he mentioned this matter.

"That's right, Xiaolou and I can get together some other day."

"You can have this. I was supposed to bring you back to the Qu family in person, but I don't have the time to come here recently. It would be good if Qu Lou took you back to the Qu family to meet your relatives." Qu Jingbo's eyes lit up when he said this.

Luo Chu originally thought that it would be enough to have a meal with Qu Lou, but who knew that he would get involved in the recognition of relatives, "Don't, don't, you should come over and talk about the recognition of relatives. I don't know the place where I live, so it's embarrassing for you not to be with me." .”

"What's embarrassing, my mother's family is very good, why didn't I think of taking you home before, anyway, we will get married after you graduate.

I'm counting with my fingers, you'll be graduating in half a year, so it's good to recognize and get acquainted in advance, so it's settled. "

Hearing the words of wanting to recognize relatives, Luo Chu felt warm and excited. Whether a man loves you or not can be known from whether he is willing to bring you home.

He was so eager to take Luo Chu to know his relatives, so that they could accept her, which meant that he really wanted to form a family with her.

Getting married after graduation has become an agreement between the two, Luo Chu smiled slightly: "Okay, let's talk about it then, but I still hope that you can take me there."

"It's okay, I'll come back another day and take you there, Chu'er, wait for me."


"I'll keep an eye on NE for you. It seems that his perfume can't be released recently. When you develop a new perfume early, I'll take care of everything for you."

Qu Jingbo's love for Luo Chu is sometimes like a tall mountain, and sometimes like a trickling stream, he can handle everything properly.

Meeting such a man is really a great fortune in her life, "Brother Bo, I love you."

"Hey, come back early, I miss you so much."

"Come on, the food is going to be mushy and you are still here. What love is there? I didn't see there are two single dogs here." Xiao Yang came over and snatched Luo Chu's phone.

Qu Jingbo was dissatisfied when he saw the phone that had been hung up, damn Xiao Yang!

"Okay, okay, let's serve dinner, where is the food getting mushy after frying?" Luo Chu was a little helpless.

Gong Mo learned what Bei Ruoqiu had done before from Xiao Yang's mouth, and was also shocked that there are such brazen women in the world, but this time the promise was miserable.

What was even worse was Bei Ruoqiu, whose manager who hadn't contacted her for a long time called her early in the morning.


"My eldest lady, are you still sleeping? Hurry up and check online, you've made a big mess out of it!"

"I'll just sleep at home for a while and make trouble?"

"Go and see for yourself, I'm afraid I can't help you this time."

When Bei Ruoqiu heard the manager's tone, she hurriedly went online to look for headlines such as famous actresses meeting wealthy businessmen at night, and goddesses cheating on her.

Above it was a picture of himself kissing Yan Nuo goodbye, Bei Ruoqiu's heart went cold.

At the same time, people called her phone one after another. Bei Mu saw it first, "Xiaoqiu, what happened to the report? What happened to you and Yan Nuo?"

"Mom, this matter is very complicated. I can't explain it to you in a while."

"Xiaoqiu, hurry up and clarify, otherwise you know how much it will affect our Bei Family!"

"Don't worry, Mom, I'll take care of this."

Although she said that she could handle it well, she knew in her heart that this matter was more important than the ones that slandered her before.

Leaving aside whether the two actually had a relationship, usually a picture can irritate netizens, let alone the picture, the truth and the video.

Her Weibo has already exploded, with all kinds of doubts and abuse coming and going.

What she is most worried about now is that it will have a great impact on the Bei family, the Ye family and the Yan family. It would be fine if they were just ordinary families, but all of them are wealthy families.

The most important thing for wealthy families is face, and the first thing this news hurts is the face of these big families.

Ye Zhengxiu was eating breakfast, and got up to watch the news as usual, and when he saw the words on it, he looked at the date.

Wasn't it the night that Bei Ruoqiu didn't come back, she proposed to divorce herself the next day, she thought she was crazy before, but now she finally knew the reason.

Even if he didn't love this woman, he couldn't accept her doing such a thing.

Bei Ruoqiu frantically called Yan Nuo, "Brother Yan, what should we do now, the whole media is reporting on our affairs, and people all over the world think I'm cheating."

Yan Nuo also just saw the news, he was already a little dizzy, and he was even more annoyed when he heard Bei Ruoqiu's flustered tone.

"Xiao Qiu, calm down first, this matter is too complicated, have you divorced Ye Zhengxiu?" Yan Nuo was concerned about this issue.

If the two had divorced a long time ago, she only needs to publish the divorce certificate on the Internet, then she is not cheating within marriage.

"Brother Yan, I originally talked about the divorce with Ye Zhengxiu after I came back that day, but he said that now is not the best time, and we have to wait two or three months before talking about it.

Who knew that such a thing would happen now, Brother Yan, I'm so scared..." She sobbed bitterly, Yan Nuo was the most depressed when encountering this kind of thing.

He is a well-known perfumer in the industry and the heir of the company. Before he met Bei Ruoqiu, he was still shining golden.

Now that something like this happened with Bei Ruoqiu, she was notorious before, and her impression in the hearts of the common people has fallen to the bottom.

This kind of news appeared again today, even the promises were picked up, and his net worth was also clearly stated by people on the Internet.

"Dong dong dong." Someone knocked on Bei Ruoqiu's door.

"Brother Yan, I'll hang up first, and I'll talk to you later." Bei Ruoqiu hastily hung up the phone.

Ye Zhengxiu had already opened the door and came in. She didn't have the habit of locking the door, especially at home.

With a cold look on Ye Zhengxiu's face, he walked directly towards the woman, and suddenly slapped Bei Ruoqiu on the face.


"Zhengxiu, listen to me explain to you."

"I don't care if you and that man are real or not, I just want to know how to deal with this matter? What kind of explanation are you going to give our Ye family." Ye Zhengxiu stood in front of the bed coldly and looked down at her.

Bei Ruoqiu had a mournful face, how could she know that she was so unlucky, and He Yannuo was caught in the photo just once.

When people are unlucky, their teeth will be stuffed with cold water, "Zhengxiu, I will let the company do public relations, but I need your cooperation."

"What? Now you still need me to act for you?"

"It's not just for me, but also for yourself, Ye family's face, now that things are like this, what do you think I should do now?"

"Tell me, it won't help to blame you now, think of a way to minimize the loss." Ye Zhengxiu said coldly.

"Usually when things like this happen to celebrities, either the husband or the wife proves that the relationship between the two is very good, that kind of situation is only valid for ambiguous photos.

The current situation is that videos are appearing, and other people are not fools. Personally, I am more inclined to the second method, which is to use the divorce certificate to block the mouths of the public.

If we are already divorced, it is not called cheating in marriage. At most, it is my pursuit of my own happiness, which is the way to minimize the loss.

"But we didn't get a divorce. Do you think it's still too late?" Ye Zhengxiu gave her a cold look.

Bei Ruoqiu shook her head, "It's definitely too late to do it now, it's just a statement anyway, we can go and apply for a fake divorce certificate, and just ask someone to change the date.

What the public wants is just a result, who will really check it?Besides, this is just a matter between the two of us, and has nothing to do with anyone else. If it is not my public identity, why should I explain it to others. "

"Well, you can handle this matter, and I want you to suppress it within three days." Ye Zhengxiu said coldly.

"I try my best."

When things got to the point where she and Ye Zhengxiu were on the same boat, Ye Zhengxiu's cell phone rang, and it was the old man calling.

Seeing the word grandpa, Ye Zhengxiu's expression changed, so he could only pick it up, "Grandpa."

"You still know that I'm your grandfather! Are you deliberately trying to piss me off? She didn't have enough scandals a while ago, but now this kind of thing happened again! Where do you want our Ye family's face to be? Come back to me quickly!"

"Yes, Grandpa, we'll be right back."

Ye Zhengxiu hung up the phone, the last thing he wanted to face came, "Get up immediately and follow me back to Ye's house."

"Zhengxiu, me, can I not go?" What Bei Ruoqiu was most afraid of was that irritable old man Ye. He was suppressing his anger because he was just married.

This time, the Ye family lost all face, and Mr. Ye didn't even swallow her alive!Bei Ruoqiu was filled with worry and fear, what should I do?
"Do you think it's okay?" Ye Zhengxiu cast a cold look, and Bei Ruoqiu shuddered, so he had to get up tremblingly to tidy up.

On the way back to Ye's house, the air in the car was terribly silent, Bei Ruoqiu's eyes flickered, her heart fluttered.

"Have you figured out how to tell my grandfather yet?" Ye Zhengxiu lit a cigarette. Usually he rarely smokes in the car, but today he was very depressed.

"I do not know what to say."

"Since the divorce has been agreed, let's use this argument, but you must remember not to let grandpa think that I am a fake marriage to deceive him.

I don't need to pursue this matter with you, but as an equal exchange, you will settle this matter. "

Bei Ruoqiu looked at the man who was blowing smoke rings beside her, she always felt as if she had never known him before, and the blood bleeding from his bones was cold.

Although I did all these unbearable things, in the end it was all because of him, Ye Zhengxiu!If Ye Zhengxiu treated him a little better, would everything still happen?

She never asked for much, even if Ye Zhengxiu smiled at her, but he couldn't satisfy himself even with such a request.

He always looked at her coldly, even if something like this happened, Bei Ruoqiu really wanted to ask, do you really have any intentions, Ye Zhengxiu?

But she knew that even if she asked, the result would be obvious. He had a heart, but the heart was not for herself.

"Yes." She gritted her teeth and walked step by step.

Ye family, everyone is here today, Mr. Ye is sitting in the middle, holding a cane in his hand, sitting in the arena like Guan Gong.

"Grandpa." Such an attitude would even tremble in Ye Zhengxiu's heart, let alone Bei Ruoqiu.

All eyes were on her face, "It's just in time, one of you will explain this to me." Mr. Ye slammed the magazine in his hand on the table.

Mother Ye was also very nervous, "Ruoqiu, explain to your grandfather quickly, are you filming a movie?"

"Filming? Where did she come from? The entertainment company hasn't announced her for a while, now that she is notorious, who would dare to ask her to film?"

Apparently, the old man was not just angry. He had made a special investigation to make sure that Ye Zhengxiu and Bei Ruoqiu would not be wronged.

It was because he confirmed that this matter was fact after many inquiries.

Old Man Ye had already checked everything out, so he called the two of them over. Bei Ruoqiu originally wanted to find an excuse, but when he heard what Old Man Ye said, he knew that he had checked everything out.

Thinking of what Ye Zhengxiu said earlier, she had no choice but to take all the faults on herself.

"Grandpa, it's all Ruo Qiu's fault. At that time, so many scandals broke out, and I was hidden by the company, so I was very uncomfortable and used wine to drown my worries.

At that time, I happened to meet my neighbor’s elder brother. It was very late that night. He was going to take me home, but he was worried that Zhengxiu would misunderstand me.

He took me back to his villa out of kindness. We are brother and sister who grew up together and used to play together when we were young.

I didn't expect to be photographed by the paparazzi and write a random pass.

Grandpa, I stayed in the guest room that night, and I never did anything to apologize to Zhengxiu. "Bei Ruoqiu speaks a sweet belly sword, even if she has it now, she will not admit it.

The old man's expression still did not soften, "Okay, you can explain this, so what did the reporter take this morning?"

"Grandpa, he used to be my neighbor's brother when I was young, and we had a good relationship, so we would occasionally kiss on the cheek, but now the media deliberately finds a good camera angle in order to get out of the way.

In this photo, I just kissed him on the cheek, just like I did with my brother when I was a child.But those unscrupulous paparazzi deliberately found a good angle to shoot.

I know I did something wrong and shamed the Ye family. I hope you can forgive me, grandpa. I'm really sorry. "Bei Ruoqiu has already given an explanation, as for whether to believe it or not, it's up to the benevolent to see the benevolent and the wise to see wisdom.

The old man didn't want to believe it, but if he didn't believe it, he would be in trouble with himself. Smart people would know how to do it.

"You're not a little girl either, now that you've married a wife, men and women are different, not to mention staying in someone else's house for one night, now the media has completely humiliated our Ye family.

Outsiders will only watch the fun, and don't care about your reasons at all. You just married into our Ye family and you did such a thing. What do you say now that such a thing happened? "

Knowing that she was wrong, Bei Ruoqiu knelt down with her knees bent slowly, "Grandpa, I will take responsibility for my mistakes, and I will definitely find a way to save the Ye family's face."

"To save face, you said it lightly. Now it's like a basin of dirty water has been poured directly on the door plaque of our Ye family. I don't know how Xiu'er married a woman like you."

The old man was very dissatisfied with Bei Ruoqiu because of Luo Chu's incident, so the daughter-in-law and grand-daughter-in-law were naturally closer to the daughter-in-law.

Now that this incident happened again, of course Mr. Ye would hate her very much, and he didn't hide his hatred at all.

Even though this incident was her fault, Bei Ruoqiu was so wronged by being humiliated in public that she burst into tears.

"Grandpa, don't be angry, we will try our best to minimize the loss."

After the Ye family was scolded by various aunts and aunts for a long time, Bei Ruoqiu dragged his tired body and left with Ye Zhengxiu.

What made her even more chilled was that Ye Zhengxiu didn't say a word for her when she was besieged.

After this incident, she saw Ye Zhengxiu's character more clearly, and it seemed that she really should leave him sooner.

"Tomorrow I will hold a press conference, and you and I will be there." Bei Ruoqiu no longer wanted to beg for a little love from him like before.

"What time is it?"

"Ten o'clock."

"Okay, I'll be there on time. Do I need to prepare any props?" Ye Zhengxiu's conversation with her from the beginning to the end seemed to be business-like.

Bei Ruoqiu bit her lip, even if she had thought about breaking up with him long ago, she still couldn't stand him being so cold.

"Ye Zhengxiu, you are more suitable to be an actor than I am." She said coldly with tears in her eyes. In the past, he would pretend to care about herself occasionally, but after getting the shares, he didn't even want to pretend.

"Thank you for the compliment, it's not because I've been with you every day and I've been influenced by you." Ye Zhengxiu smiled coldly.

Two people who were clearly married, turned out to be worse than enemies. Bei Ruoqiu felt deeply worthless for herself. She was really blind before, why did she marry such a cold man!
Bei Ruoqiu went back to the company to discuss everything with her manager about tomorrow's press conference. Hearing Bei Ruoqiu's decision, the manager was also surprised.

"Sister, do you really want to do this?"

"Do you think I still have other options now? No, not anymore." Bei Ruoqiu smiled helplessly. Once many things started, there was no room for retreat, and no one would give her a chance.

"It's true, things are so big now, even if you don't say it, I'm afraid other people will boycott you, hey, it's a pity that you have a great career in acting.

Not long ago, a famous director in Hollywood offered you an olive branch, wanting to appoint a female supporting role for you in his new play, and being able to appear in his play will be the best way for you to enter Hollywood.

Who knows that people are not as good as heaven, it's such a pity that such a thing happened now, if it didn't come out, we would all be auditioning now, right? "

The manager sighed again and again, she used to follow Bei Ruoqiu, and at the beginning Bei Ruoqiu easily entered the entertainment industry by taking advantage of the influence of the Bei family.

She is very talented in acting. With her talent and the power behind her, she soon became a first-line actress in China, and she became popular overnight. The road to acting can be as smooth as possible.

Because of this, the manager has become a top manager, and he is always a head above the others in the company. Now, everything is good and bad, and Bei Ruoqiu has been trampled to the bottom of the valley, and her life is not easy.

"Don't talk about it, let's get through this difficult time first, who can say for sure what will happen in the future? I have to withdraw from the public eye for a while, and it happens that I am also tired and want to take a vacation for myself."

"Okay, I see, I'll arrange it right away."

"Go." Bei Ruoqiu sat on the balcony by herself and smoked one cigarette after another. Her mind was filled with every detail of being with Ye Zhengxiu these years.

Most of the smiles she used to show were when Ye Zhengxiu was acting on the scene, but at that time she pretended not to see through, she thought he was very kind to her.

"Brother Yan, I'll be free tomorrow. Let's get together well in the future, okay? I'm so tired." Bei Ruoqiu called Yan Nuo, now only Yan Nuo can comfort her.

She didn't know that when this incident broke out, Yan's family was more terrifying than Ye's family. Yan Nuo had already been punished to kneel for two hours, and his legs were numb before getting up.

Yan Nuo was lying on the bed exhausted, thinking of what his parents said before, "If you let an actor enter the door of my Yan family, I won't have your son."

"Nuo'er, what are you thinking? Yes, Bei Ruoqiu was your good sister when she was a child, but she is married now, how can you be with her?

Besides, she hasn't divorced yet, your current behavior is called interfering in other people's marriages, and in ancient times, you would be pulled into a pigsty! "

Yan Nuo didn't have Bei Ruoqiu's rhetoric, he just knelt on the ground without explaining, and let his parents scold him.

Grandma also patted him on the shoulder and said: "Little Nuonuo, I know you are a good boy, something must have happened at that time to make you so confused.

Grandma doesn't blame you, all saints make mistakes, let alone ordinary people like us, it's just that it's okay to make mistakes, and if you know your mistakes, you can improve them a lot.

As long as you promise us that you will never associate with that woman again and sever relations with her, we will not blame you. "

Yan Nuo's eyes were deep, thinking that there was indeed someone who used the alcohol to control himself that night, and it was impossible for him to be that kind of heartless person, after all, he had already had a relationship with Bei Ruoqiu.

"Parents, grandparents, I will definitely give you an explanation for this matter, and give Xiaoqiu an explanation."

"What should I explain to her? As a woman, she is not at home to care for her husband and raise her children, but she runs out to drink and eat with other men, and even sleeps with other men.

Does she know what it means to guard women?Is this right for the Ye family?Fortunately, she is still a famous family, she is simply a shame to the Bei family and the Ye family.

Let me warn you, this woman has a deep mind, don't provoke her in the future, we can't afford to lose her. "

All the good impressions of Bei Ruoqiu when she was a child disappeared in this incident, Yan Nuo opened her lips and wanted to say something, but this was about him and Bei Ruoqiu, how could other people understand.

"Little Nuonuo, we are also a family with status, it's not that we can't get a wife, why can't you find a woman with your status?

I saw that Su Mei, the young lady of the Su family, was pretty good, lively, lovely and generous, I don't know how much better than Bei Ruoqiu.

We used to rely on you, but now it seems that you really should get married and have children. Your father and I have agreed with Mr. Su to let you meet Miss Su. "

"Grandma, I don't like any Miss Su family."

"I haven't seen you yet, how do I know I don't like you? Your mother and I both like that girl. She looks like a good wife and mother, and the Su family is a good match for our family.

I can warn you, if you give up on Bei Ruoqiu, our Yan Family will never let such a filthy woman in. "

The words of all the family members were lingering in Yan Nuo's ears over and over again. Yan Nuo was facing Bei Ruo Qiu at this moment, and he was in a state of confusion for a moment and didn't know how to explain it.

"Brother Yan, are you listening? I said that I will announce the divorce between Ye Zhengxiu and I tomorrow, and then we can be together in an open and aboveboard manner."

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