Lin Shao's Love Symphony

188. Two-person world

It turned out that this was the case, Luo Chu was stunned, if Qu Jingbo hadn't explained it to her, she would definitely not know the truth of the matter, and she foolishly blamed Qu Jingbo for having something to do with Xiao Xi.

"The person Xiao Xi likes is Gong Mo?"

"Yes, no wonder she has always said she likes me on the surface, but in fact she used me as a shield. Maybe it's because she realized that this feeling for her brother is counterintuitive, so she chose me to distract her attention." Qu Jingbo told the truth about the year.

It was only now that Luo Chu suddenly realized that even though she thought her love life was very sad, there are actually many people who are more pitiful than her.

"Aren't Xiao Xi and Gong Mo biological siblings? How could she have such feelings for her brother?" Luo Chu was also very curious about this.

"Who told you that they are brothers and sisters? Xiao Xi is just the orphan of Gong Mo's father's comrade-in-arms. After her parents died, she was adopted by Gong Mo's parents. She knew her identity early on, so it's not surprising that she had such thoughts.

The two ate and slept together since they were young, and Gong Mo also took care of her when she got into trouble. The relationship was ignorant at first, so that it slowly developed into a relationship between a man and a woman.

Xiao Xi also realized this point. She was afraid that her feelings would have a negative impact on Gong Mo, and she was also afraid of discrediting the Gong family who adopted her since she was a child.

While suppressing her emotions, she shifted her gaze. You know, human emotions are like floods. Once they collapse, the flood bursts.

That's why Xiao Xi pursued me desperately, wanting me to dilute her feelings for Gong Mo, but how can feelings be something you don't want if you don't want it. "

Speaking of this, he also sighed a little, and Luo Chu was also very worried when he heard it. It turns out that daring to love but not speaking is the most painful thing in the world.

"What happened to Xiao Xi's death for you?" Luo Chu thought of the important point again.

After being exposed by me, she also admitted her feelings for Gong Mo to me. After graduation, she asked me to act in a play with her. "

"A play? What kind of play?"

"She wants to leave here, leave Gong Mo's world, she thinks that leaving can make her fall in love with other people again, so she begged me, in order to save me, she was in danger at sea, and left Gong Mo from now on.

Everyone thought she was dead, only I knew it was just that she left in pursuit of freedom, I didn't tell anyone, it was only after she left that I discovered something. "

The truth back then was so shocking that Luo Chu couldn't believe it at all, "What happened?"

"Actually, she is not unrequited love. She loves Gong Mo, and why doesn't Gong Mo love her? It's just that this man is very good at hiding himself, even I didn't realize it.

But at that time, Xiao Xi had already left, and even I didn't know where she went. Thinking that this was her decision, I had no choice but to hide this fact for her. "

No wonder last night when Gong Mo said that Xiao Xi died for him, Qu Jingbo's face was calm. At that time, Luo Chu wondered if he was a little too ruthless. It turned out that he already knew that Gong Mo was still there.

"Brother Bo, since you already know that these two people love each other deeply, why don't you tell Gong Mo and ask him to bring Xiao Xi back." Luo Chu was also a little puzzled. together is.

"Fool, do you think their relationship will be together because of my words? Since they are trying so hard to hide their feelings, it is actually to avoid the world.

They will feel that their inner emotions are like monsters, and they dare not expose them. It is the world, not me, that hinders them. Do you understand? "Qu Jingbo has always seen things more thoroughly than Luo Chu.

Luo Chu nodded half-understood, and she thought about it from another angle, if this happened to her, Qu Jingbo would be her elder brother who grew up under the same roof.

Even if there is no blood relationship, he is your real brother in the eyes of outsiders. How much courage does it take for you to be together?

Xiao Xi is also a child adopted by the Gong family. If this matter is discovered, besides the damage to Gong Mo's reputation, the most important thing is the face of the Gong family.

Hearing that Gong Mo's father was also a soldier, she seemed to understand Xiao Xi's entanglement at that time. In the past, she felt that she and Qu Jingbo were relatively miserable, and comparing herself with Gong Mo Xiao Xi was nothing.

"Brother Bo, it's a good thing you're not my brother." Luo Chu buried her head on Qu Jingbo's chest, hearing the beating of his heart in his chest, she felt so satisfied at this moment.

"Even if I am your brother, as long as I like you, I will want you. No matter what people in the world think, I only want you." Qu Jingbo hugged her waist tightly.

Only when he was separated did he realize the importance of this woman to him. Since she was just a little girl 15 years ago, he just liked her big eyes.

Unexpectedly, a little thing made him wait for 15 years. If he heard other people's stories like this in real life, I'm afraid he would laugh at it.

Only when the story really happened to him did he know that all of this was not fake, and only he knew all the ups and downs.

"Why did Xiao Xi choose you? There are so many men in your university." Luo Chu asked suddenly, if she was just looking for a shield, she could definitely find someone else, why bother to be frustrated all the time.

"Because she knows that only I am the safest, I will not like her, and what she wants is not a man to accompany her, subconsciously she still rejects all men.

She knows that there is someone in my heart, we are the same kind of people, no matter what she does, I will not agree, so she will choose me. "Qu Jingbo explained lightly.

It turned out that the seemingly carefree girl was actually the most thoughtful, "Did you lose contact after Xiao Xi left?"

"No, she seems to have disappeared from the world, completely out of sight of all of us, maybe she has already walked out of Gong Mo's relationship, maybe she is already married and has children."

There are so many choices in life, any one of which may have unintended consequences.

Luo Chu answered, "Perhaps after she left, she found out that she loves Gong Mo more than she imagined. Maybe she was watching Gong Mo quietly somewhere."

"Probably, little rabbit, you know why I came here in such a hurry, five years have passed, I don't know if Gong Mo has come out of Xiao Xi's relationship.

I was afraid that he would fall in love with you, because you have a special feeling, and Xiao Xi also has it, so I rushed here without stopping. "

"A special feeling?" Luo Chu heard it for the first time.

"Yes, you both have a warm feeling that makes people want to get close and protect you involuntarily."

Luo Chu's previous temperament was very similar to Xiao Xi's, especially when he smiled, it made people feel that the whole world brightened up.

In the past few months with her, Luo Chu slowly recovered her nature. She has a very soft light, which is the most healing for men who have been in the dark for a long time.

Five years have passed, this time is not too long, maybe Gong Mo has completely let go of that relationship, after so many years of emptiness, a woman who is equally warm appears, there is no guarantee that he will not be tempted.

Qu Jingbo himself was poisoned by Luo Chu. He knew that this woman had a special feeling, so he was afraid, afraid that Gong Mo would fall in love with Luo Chu.

Luo Chu burrowed into his arms, "The more you talk, the more outrageous it becomes. How can I have any magic power? All men have to like me?"

"I hope you don't have magical powers on you, then I will be the only one who likes you." Qu Jingbo caressed her hair, "Are you still troubled now?"

"It's okay, but I still can't bear it. The two who are so in love can't be together. Brother Bo, do you think there will be a day when Xiao Xi will be able to come back and reconnect with Gong Mo?"

"Who can say for sure about fate, just like us, you said that we have experienced so much between us, and we are not together in the end."

Every time he saw other people breaking up and reuniting, Qu Jingbo thanked God for giving him and Luo Chu a chance.

It is precisely because of gratitude that he is reluctant to let anyone separate the relationship between himself and Luo Chu, even if there is only a slight hint, he will kill it early in the morning.

Otherwise, it would be like Gong Mo and Xiao Xi, two people who were clearly in love, but couldn't be together in the end.

"Brother Bo, I hope Gong Mo and Xiao Xi can be together."

"I also hope that in this way he won't have any idea of ​​yours." Qu Jingbo always said something unsightly at the most touching moment, and Luo Chu lightly thumped his chest.

"Brother Bo, no matter what others do, we must be together, and no one can separate us." After hearing this story, Luo Chu strengthened his relationship with Qu Jingbo.

"Well, we will be together well, and no one will separate us. Seeing Gong Mo's angry appearance last night, I think his feelings for Xiao Xi still haven't faded.

It's true, when you were with Ye Zhengxiu back then, it was hard for me to give up. To truly love someone is to love to the bone, and no matter what happens, I can't let go. "

Qu Jingbo's hostility towards Gong Mo is not so deep anymore, he knows too well what it feels like to have a person in his heart, Gong Mo's affection for Luo Chu is at most just good, not to mention liking.

After Xiao Xi left for so many years, Luo Chu was like a ray of light shining into his world again, the light that people who have been in the dark for a long time most want.

"Brother Bo, I'm so glad we've gone through so many setbacks and finally came together. By the way, what about the surprise you gave me earlier? What's the matter, is this the surprise you gave me?"

Luo Chu suddenly got up and sat astride Qu Jingbo's body, with his arms around his neck, with a delicate expression on his face.

"This is a small surprise. The big surprise is still in preparation. By the way, did Locke accept you?" Qu Jingbo patted her head.

Luo Chu recounted the previous events, and now the only way for her to learn perfumery is to find Gong Mo. When she thought of the relationship between Qu Jingbo and Gong Mo, she immediately retreated.

"Gong Mo actually agreed to teach you how to make incense?"

"Well, what happened?"

"After Xiao Xi left, he didn't make incense anymore. Maybe he really regarded you as Xiao Xi's substitute." Qu Jingbo suddenly felt a little apprehensive.

"Brother Bo, Gong Mo and I only met a few times before and after, without any entanglement, who knew that there is such a deep relationship between you?

Since he has a deep prejudice against you, thinking that you have harmed Xiao Xi, and I am your woman, I still don't want to learn, and it is the same to find someone else to teach. "

Just as Luo Chu finished speaking, Qu Jingbo kissed her on the lips, "I love to hear this sentence, my woman, and I just focus on this sentence for you. Learn it. Since he wants to teach you, learn it. If you want to learn it, learn it best. of.

Gong Mo's talent is good, he has won many awards in the past, and it was also a hobby of his spare time, he was transferred for Xiao Xi. "

"Then if you compare Gongmo and NE, who is better at perfumery?" Luo Chu was curious about this question.

"NE is just a clown. People with real strength never brag about their abilities. Instead, people like Mi Ruo and Gong Mo are extremely low-key.

If Gong Mo is really willing to teach you, it is very easy for you to defeat NE. "Qu Jingbo said seriously.

"Then you can rest assured that I will learn from Gong Mo? You are jealous." Luo Chu also began to tease Qu Jingbo.

Qu Jingbo smiled, "Who was asking me if I was Xiao Xi just now? The two of us are just like each other, and no one is better than the other.

Earlier, I was definitely worried about learning from Gong Mo, but judging from his reaction to me last night, Xiao Xi still holds a very important position in his heart, and he will not tolerate you. "

"So you just agreed to let me learn?"

"Little thing, so you set me up? What are you going to do? Have I ever hindered you before? Don't worry, I can tell which is more important. I believe you also believe in Gong Mo.

If he dares to be malicious towards you, I will tell him the truth back then, so that he will naturally stop thinking about you, but if you want to say it, you have to wait until you have taught it. "Qu Jingbo said seriously.

Luo Chu was a little at a loss, "Why do you have to teach me? You can tell him now to make him feel better. Otherwise, if a person is always immersed in memories, he will be depressed to death."

Thinking of going to his apartment before, it was completely dark inside, and it was really what Qu Jingbo said, and he plunged himself into darkness.

"You are stupid, if you tell him now, he will have to hurry to find Xiao Xi, who will teach you how to mix incense?" Qu Jingbo poked Luo Chu's head.

Luo Chu was speechless, he was still feeling sorry for Gong Mo, who knew he would say, "Brother Bo, won't your conscience hurt if you do this?"

Unexpectedly, the man smiled: "Not only will my conscience not hurt, but it will also be flattering."

"..." Luo Chu was speechless. Sometimes this person was indifferent, sometimes gentle, sometimes domineering, and sometimes he was such a rogue, but only he could see so many sides of him, which was great.

Qu Jingbo embraced her tightly, "Little Rabbit, although I am not a bad person, I am definitely not a good person either. No matter what happens, my first consideration is your interests."

Although it was a misunderstanding that made Qu Jingbo rush over, it turned out to be quite good for the two of them, after all they were able to be together again.

The two can live their own two-person world to their heart's content, and don't have to worry about the company's affairs for the time being. They can walk on the street hand in hand like an ordinary couple.

"Brother Bo, we seem to have only been to amusement parks together. It seems that we rarely have the opportunity to go shopping together?" Luo Chu suddenly remembered something.

Thinking about it carefully, the most time the two spend together is either in bed, or in the car going to work. When they go to the amusement park, the two have not yet decided to formally date.

"It seems that I didn't do well enough, which made you feel complained." Qu Jingbo scratched her nose. The former Luo Chu was also a strong woman, and she used 1 minute as 2 minutes.

"You've done a good job, but we are destined not to be ordinary people." Luo Chu smiled.

"Little rabbit, I will definitely give you a warm family. After we get married, I will let go of some property, so that I will not be so busy and spend more time with you, okay?" Qu Jingbo held her hand tightly and said .

Luo Chu chuckled: "Okay, but you said one thing wrong, not only me, but also our children, you must be a good father."

"Well, I will be a good husband and a good father." Qu Jingbo said lightly.

This day, the two of them went to the shopping mall like some ordinary couples. After all, the shopping mall here is not Qu Jingbo's property. She will personally choose a suit for him, and he will also bother to choose a skirt for her.

When they were tired from shopping, they would find a place to eat, watch a movie together, and watch her foolishly burst into tears, while he just hugged her tightly into his arms.

At the end of the movie, some couples were like the characters in the movie. Only they walked together with their fingers clasped tightly. He put on a coat for her and teased her for being stupid just now.

Luo Chu leaned his head in his arms, "Brother Bo, I just now realize that love is such a good thing, no wonder so many people become more and more obsessed with it."

"What did you think of again?"

"Just after watching the movie, a couple broke up. I thought of me at that time." Luo Chu thought about what he just saw in the movie theater.

A man and a woman came out after watching the movie and ran into another man and woman. It turns out that they and each other are lovers. The most amazing thing is that they all know each other.

It was the first time Luo Chu saw someone who cheated to such an extent. She thought of herself, Ye Zhengxiu and others back then.


"Fortunately, I met you, but other girls may not be so lucky, maybe all they meet in their life are scumbags."

"You don't want to think about it, everyone in this world has their own way to go, and most of the time what kind of ending is created by ourselves.

As for us, we just need to live our own lives well, other people's paths have nothing to do with us, you just need to tell me are you happy today? "

"Very happy." She nodded.

"That's good, let's go, go home." Qu Jingbo tightened her clothes for her, and the cool wind outside was very cool.

The two got in the car, Luo Chu received a call from Gong Mo, asking her to go to his apartment to start learning perfumery, Luo Chu glanced at Qu Jingbo, and found that Qu Jingbo did not object, so he agreed.

Luo Chu was also hesitant to tell Gong Mo the truth about Xiao Xi. After all, five years have passed, and who knows what changes have happened to Xiao Xi in these five years.

In case she is married and has a child now, tell Gong Mo himself, so that his feelings for her will rise again in Gong Mo's heart, and he really found her.

Before she had time to be happy, she saw that Xiao Xi had her own family. Isn't this adding salt to Gong Mo's wounds.

On the other hand, Luo Chu was worried that Xiao Xi had always liked Gong Mo and had never changed her love for Gong Mo. If she didn't say anything, it would block the beautiful relationship between the two of them.

Just when she was hesitating and the car had stopped, Qu Jingbo rubbed her head, "Idiot, I told you not to think so much, we don't worry about other people's affairs, everything depends on a fate Character."

"Did Brother Bo also mean that I should not tell Gong Mo the truth?" Luo Chu asked.

"At least now you don't know that the two of you are living such a life, don't speak easily, otherwise you don't know what kind of ghost it will turn into.

The decision Xiao Xi made back then has been carefully considered. If she had gotten rid of Gong Mo, wouldn't you have broken her peaceful life? "

"Okay Brother Bo, I know what to do, why, you won't come down and send me up?" Luo Chu saw the person who didn't turn off the flame.

With Qu Jingbo's character, how could she be willing to let herself go to Gong Mo's apartment alone, and it was so late.

"I won't go. He will affect his mood when he sees me. What if he teaches you indiscriminately?" Luo Chu was moved by Qu Jingbo's words, and it really confirmed his own words.

He is neither a bad person nor a good person, the first consideration is Luo Chu's interests.

"Brother Bo, don't worry about me?" Luo Chu was still a little uneasy. This person flew directly from China after answering the phone call.

"I was worried about him before, but now I'm relieved." Qu Jingbo said honestly.

"Thank you Brother Bo for your understanding. I will be back soon." She kissed him on the cheek before leaving.

Qu Jingbo lit a cigarette when he saw her leaving back. Although Gong Mo had such deep feelings for Xiao Xi that day, he was still a lonely man and widow, so he would be unhappy in his heart. The benefits are nothing in comparison.

Luo Chu arrived in that apartment smoothly. When she first came, she was full of doubts. After knowing the reason, Luo Chu felt more pity in her heart.

Gong Mo still stood at the door with a cold face, this time there was a pair of brand new ladies' slippers at his door, "Come in."

"Well, I'm sorry to bother you, Mr. Gong." Luo Chu changed his shoes and came in.

His room was still so clean, it was so clean that it made people feel a little deserted, without stopping at all, he directly took her into a room.

Unexpectedly, there is such a large laboratory in his apartment, and the laboratory is also neatly arranged, with various test tubes and glass bottles neatly arranged.

Gong Mo looked at his watch, "From now on, there will be two hours of teaching time."

Luo Chu nodded, "Okay, Mr. Gong."

"Have you had any experience in this field before?" Gong Mo asked first.

"I used to play with myself when I was young."

"That's it. I'll teach you from the basics." Gong Mo was serious, even more serious than the professors in Luochu University.

She concentrated in an instant and listened carefully to Gong Mo's explanation.

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