Last time, I just helped Ling Yuxi get started with some things in the studio. Many follow-up things would progress faster if Georgia led them.

"If you have thoughts and opinions that are different from his, be sure to say it. His hobbies are not necessarily your hobbies. Don't think he is a master or something, just listen to him. We asked Georgia to come here just to bring you When it comes to getting started, he likes to be simple and direct, and people don't have much thought, otherwise he wouldn't be deceived by others."

Zhao Yanling didn't want Ling Yuxi to be under too much pressure, in fact, he wanted Ling Yuxi to live without being so tiring.

But Mu Xi is not around, Ling Yuxi's attention has to be diverted, if the studio has more business, based on his understanding of Ling Yuxi, she will definitely go all out.

It just so happened that Zhao Yanling answered another phone call now, Ling Yuxi didn't care at first, but seeing Zhao Yanling's expression became very bad, "What's the matter? Who is calling?"

Zhao Yanling hung up the phone, "It's Ye Ya, she said that she wanted to escape from Ouyang's clutches while she was out, and that life would be worse than death in the hands of a pervert. Let me go and save her."

Zhao Yanling looked at Ling Yuxi and said.

Ling Yuxi knows that Ye Ya's life is definitely not easy now. When she was in the Ye family, she was a noble lady. Although she was an illegitimate daughter, Uncle Ye treated her very well.

Now at Ouyang's place, she herself is disobedient, so naturally she can't get the slightest bit of cheap. It looks like she has suffered a lot of grievances, but what does this have to do with them.

Coming to Zhao's house is not causing trouble for them. Now that Ouyang is thinking about their elder brother, the other party can't wait for an excuse or an excuse to come to the door.

"In the past, she threatened you with Uncle Ye's business dealings with you. At that time, I will not say anything more. At that time, Jiang Xuetao asked you for money. I know you gave him a lot. I remember receiving The phone said that you accompanied a lady in Shuguang Hospital to have an abortion. Later, I found out that the person was Ye Ya. There is no way to take her."

Ling Yuxi told Zhao Yanling about her feelings and her views on Ye Ya... She was really embarrassed. On the one hand, if Ye Ya was picked up, they would find a way to make her confess, but Ouyang That matter was very troublesome, Ouyang destroyed a lot of evidence for Ye Ya, it might be Ouyang's good idea to bring Ye Ya out now.

"But let's bring her out, Ouyang is not forgiving, what should I do if I take this opportunity to find my elder brother?"

Of course Ling Yuxi would not spare Ye Ya, the revenge of killing her mother.

She will never forget it, but she is worried about her eldest brother now. If she brings troubles to him, or does something more harmful to him, she will definitely regret it in the future. There is nothing to say about his brother's feelings for them, and they cannot be ungrateful.

"I know what you think, and I'm also very embarrassed. This Ye Ya is easy to deal with, mainly Ouyang behind her, this pervert, who knows what his next plan is." Zhao Yanling probably guessed that this matter might not be possible. It was Ouyang who calculated behind his back.

He wanted to take advantage of Ye Ya's affairs to get closer to them.

"Talk about this to Ye Jun and see what he will do." Ling Yuxi thought of an idea, the one who wants Ye Ya the most is Ye Jun, after all, that woman used to be Ye Jiakong's famous eldest lady, now What you hold in your hand is real gold and silver.

Ye Jun will be very grateful for their news, besides, Ye Jun's power is not weak, it would be great if he helps to deal with Ouyang together.

Zhao Yanling understood Ling Yuxi's plan, which was the best idea so far.

If Ye Ya came to the Zhao family again, with Ye Ya's ability to win people's hearts, there would be no hope of restoring the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship between Mother Zhao and Ling Yuxi.

When she came back to the company, Ling Yuxi was in a good mood, especially she couldn't be happier to see Georgia. Georgia boasted that Ling Yuxi was getting more and more beautiful.

"Yu Xi, long time no see, you're still so radiant." Georgia kissed the back of Ling Yuxi's hand, and praised her without hesitation.

Georgia can be regarded as half a Chinese hand, and the idioms are not bad.

Ling Yuxi didn't take his compliments seriously, after all, she knew best what kind of bad situation she was in these days, but now she was in a better mood, and everything was pleasing to her eyes, "You are also very good, come on The last time you left, I was sad for a long time, you are always so free, wherever you want to go, don't you know that it is easy to make people jealous?"

Ling Yuxi can joke in front of familiar people. She also knows designers. Inspiration is very important. Georgia's lack of a fixed place is also determined by the nature of her work.

"That's right. Otherwise, let's go on a trip together. Now is a good season for traveling. You guys are living up to your time." Georgia said casually.

He is used to this kind of life, and if he is fixed in one place, he will feel very uncomfortable.

"It's better for you to play by yourself, and my wife will accompany me. You should stay in China for a while this time. After all, Yu Xi's studio is still in the initial stage, and you need to help build a reputation. "

"Wherever you go at that time, I will not stop you. This time, I still have to ask you to be more considerate." Zhao Yanling valued her career more than Ling Yuxi this time.

Ling Yuxi smiled softly and looked at Zhao Yanling very intently. In fact, Zhao Yanling was able to do this for her, and she was touched in her heart, but there is no need to be polite between husband and wife.

"I really can't stand you like this, can't I help?" Georgia saw the couple throwing dog food in front of him. This behavior looked seductive, but it was very heart-warming.

"Hand in your passport first, so you don't have to run away." Ling Yuxi joked.

But unexpectedly, Georgia actually handed over the passport to her.

"I still plan to learn business from Yanling this time, and I have to do it myself, and I can't go on like this forever." Georgia also has plans for her future career.

Ling Yuxi is asking Georgia for advice on some design matters. After all, it is always more difficult to become a monk halfway, unlike those who are from a professional background. Some things just ask the big questions. Sometimes it is very troublesome for her to check the information. Strength, but fortunately she is quite talented in design, and this talent is the most important thing.

Sometimes talent plays a decisive role, and other hard work can easily see some results.

Not everyone has talent. How far a designer can go depends on talent. Looking at Georgia's current results, this can be clearly demonstrated.

Zhao Yanling watched the two chat happily, and Ling Yuxi's face lit up because of her happiness.

This was the happiest time Zhao Yan had seen her in a long time.

It seems that his plan is right, please Georgia to come and help Ling Yuxi grow the studio, after all, now that the children are not around, in fact Ling Yuxi has more time and energy, and it is easier to achieve success in business.

Zhao Yanling actually made a lot of plans. Due to some external reasons, the company was attacked from time to time, and many ke hu zi yuan were lost.

In an invisible place, the enemy is making preparations. He is afraid that if something unexpected happens, or one day the company goes bankrupt, Ling Yuxi can still live a good life with her own ability, and what others have is not as good as her own. I am so good that even if I go bankrupt one day, I can start from scratch and start all over again.

When Ye Jun received the call from Zhao Yanling, he thought it was timely rain. He must get Ye Ya's share, otherwise the Ye family would have to change their name, and Father Ye's good company would also become someone else's.

Ye Jun sent someone to Ouyang to pick him up, and he knew that that person was not there at this moment. Ye Ya was able to call Zhao Yanling, which meant that the guards there were not strict now. Ye Jun was not a fool, he also saw Ouyang However, now that the company has reached the most critical time, it cannot make mistakes at this juncture. If he controls the entire company and confronts Ouyang in the future, he will have the confidence and not be afraid.

Ye Ya was just waiting for Zhao Yanling to come to rescue her with all her heart. She was sure that there was a high possibility that he would make a move. After all, she said that she would give him the shares of Ye's company as a reward afterwards.

She didn't believe that Zhao Yanling would not be tempted, after all, it was not a small sum.

What's more, now that the Ye family has reached a critical period, haven't you seen how anxious her nominally good brother Ye Jun is?
If it is a man, she will not be tempted. If it is handled well, she believes that Zhao Yanling can have more say in the Ye family's company. In the past, she used the Ye family's business to blackmail Zhao Yanling many times.

But now she wants to leave this pervert Ouyang the most. He is simply a devil, or a double-faced person. Sometimes when he treats her well, she is also moved, but when he is unfeeling, it makes life worse than death. She herself didn't like the experience of the two heavens of ice and fire.

She wanted to go to the Zhao family. The Zhao family had Zhao Yanling whom she liked, and Zhao's mother was good to her, although she thought Zhao's mother was so stupid that she was played around by herself.

But after what happened to Ouyang, she still thinks it's better to be simple, and she doesn't like people who are too complicated.

If she continued to stay here, even if she saved her life, she would go crazy.

She waited and waited, but she didn't expect that it was Ye Jun's people who came. She didn't realize something was wrong when she got into the car. The direction she was going was not Zhao's house, but it was too late. Not interested in things, only those people in the Ye family are interested in the things in her hands, especially Ye Jun.

When she saw Ye Jun, Ye Ya already had a plan in her heart. If she handed over these things, she would die. She is not stupid, this is her way of saving her life.

"I can vote for you during the meeting of the company's board of directors, but I want you to promise me a few things." Ye Ya planned to have a good talk with Ye Jun.

Speaking of which, she was actually very scared to come here. After all, she had killed someone here, and that man was still a very good father to her.

But a lot of things have been done, and it's useless to regret it. If he doesn't force her to death, she won't lose control of her emotions and make a move.

"I want to buy out all the shares in your hand. Tell me a number, and I'll think about it." Ye Jun felt that this Ye Ya was actually unfathomable. This is the place where she killed people, but he looked at her calmly.

He chose to meet Ye Ya in the Ye family's old house, and he had his own considerations. After all, this person killed his relatives here. The weak ones might collapse, but seeing the calm Ye Ya, he really underestimated her before.

Fortunately, she is a girl. If it is a boy, he is really not her opponent. Girls are good. They are all thinking about how to get other people's husbands. She can really get a foot in the door in business.

"What do you want me to promise you?" Ye Jun asked, it's fine if conditions permit.

He has been thinking that Ye Ya probably wants to leave here to go abroad. After all, according to what he knows, his sister has more than one life lawsuit in her hands.

I am afraid when I think about it, he was almost killed that day.

"Don't treat me like a child. I don't understand anything. Don't fool me. I, Ye Ya, have a bad temper. Unlike you who were pampered and pampered when you were young, I am an illegitimate daughter. I have a bad temper and a bad reputation. No, if you make me anxious, I can do anything."

Ye Ya and Ye Jun are not polite. Although this Ye Jun is her brother, he looks down on her. In the past, they still get along with each other reluctantly. After all, we are all under the same roof. Now, no one knows who the other is.

"I want to leave here and go to another place, either at home or abroad. You can help me with passport procedures and so on." Ye Ya said, Ye Jun was very annoyed by that bossy look.

"Where are you going abroad?" Ye Jun was not curious that this girl was going abroad.

"Go to Italy." Ye Ya always wanted to go to the small town over there, but she actually had a friend working there.

"Also, prepare 1000 million to be credited to my card." Ye Ya knew the importance of money, how could she survive abroad without money.

If she works part-time, she will be exhausted. She has no skills, no education, no language advantages, so what can she do to support herself.

"1000 million?" It's not that Ye Jun can't afford the money, the main reason is that he wants equity.

"Why is 1000 million a lot?" Ye Ya is not happy with Ye Jun's attitude. Why has she been an illegitimate daughter for so many years? What's wrong with 1000 million? Although she is the eldest lady of the Ye family, it's all in name. The money in her bank card has never exceeded 20.

What kind of young lady is this, can't she make up for her past grievances?

Although her father later gave her the shares, she didn't plan to sell them. That was her hole card. She said that she gave it to Zhao Yanling was her sincere words, but the premise was that Zhao Yanling married her.

Now Ye Jun's attitude towards her is not based on the shares. If she has nothing now, she is sure that Ye Jun will definitely clean up her.

"You just say a number, isn't it good for me to just buy the part of the equity in your hand?" Ye Jun proposed his own plan, "After all, I still have a lot of money in my hand, so it's straightforward."

Ye Jun doesn't want Ye Ya to earn 1000 million today and 500 million tomorrow.

Based on his understanding of Ye Ya, she can do such shameless things...

Look at the way she stalks Zhao Yanling, she has no shame at all.

"I said, don't treat me as a fool. I understand that situation is the most advantageous for me, so I don't need you to teach me." Ye Ya interrupted Ye Jun rudely.

This brother is very smart, but it is true that he has always looked down on people.

"And I don't participate in the board of directors, we have a video connection." Ye Ya said, "Maybe if your speed is faster, I was able to video at that time in a small town in Italy. If it is slower, I don't know if I want to Change your mind." After all, the cards in her hand are still tempting to many people.

"What else? What else do you plan to do? Let's say it once. We'd better issue a written contract. I'm afraid you won't accept it." Ye Jun knew that Ye Ya was out of his control. In fact, he had many means to make it happen. deal with her.

But after all, during the critical period, he dared not take risks. If Ye Ya fell in love with him and took refuge in another party, his loss would be great.

"I don't have any specific ideas right now. I'll let you know when I think about it." Ye Ya said casually. She also knew that this was very annoying, but who made people ask her now? After all, such an opportunity But there are not many, and you would be a fool if you don't make good use of them.

Ye Jun was going crazy with anger, why did he say hello when he remembered, who did he think she was?Why should he listen to her?
The eldest young master of his dignified Ye family wants to listen to an illegitimate daughter of the Ye family. What is this? He is very angry why his father gave Ye Ya such a large share, so that he has to listen to her now.

That's it for now, when the time comes to settle the matter in front of her, there must be a means to deal with her.

Ye Jun reminded himself not to be angry. After all, there are more important matters now. When it is resolved, he will be able to find her at the end of the world. There is also the matter of his father. As a son of man, it is impossible to let go of it.

"And between Zhao Yanling and Ling Yuxi, I really don't like to see them loving each other." Ye Ya said this while blowing on her pink nails.

Ye Jun couldn't understand why this girl was so persevering and unreasonable, it wouldn't be over if she didn't destroy her relationship, right? They are a serious couple, and if they don't love each other, what should they do?

"I know that you have a good relationship with Zhao Yanling, and our family has been doing business with the Zhao family. It is much more convenient for you to get close to Zhao Yanling than me. I want to destroy his relationship with Ling Yuxi. I also saw that they made me sleepless, and I hate it when I think about it."

A cold light flashed in Ye Ya's eyes as she spoke, and Ye Jun also felt Ye Ya's malice.

"What do you want to do? You did so many things before and created so many conflicts between them. Now their relationship is still very good, even better than before. It is really irrational for you to intervene." Ye Jun told the truth.

"And when a man doesn't like a woman, it's useless to spend more time and energy. This is my advice to you. It's better to find other candidates when you have that time."

Ye Jun received a call from Zhao Yanling today, and he knew that this girl was Zhao Yanling who contacted him first. He didn't expect that their Ye family also had such an infatuated species. An illegitimate daughter like this is really a shame. Those who have a family are not single.

Even if Ye Ya is an illegitimate daughter, she is still a member of the Ye family. Ye Jun is afraid that she will embarrass the Ye family, but he can't explain some things clearly. He still has to ask this aunt.

"I can't control the emotional matters, and I don't want to wrong myself. I have my eyes on Zhao Yanling, and there is no one else but him." Ye Ya didn't feel very painful, although Zhao Yanling didn't respond to her, after all, when she appeared It was too late, but she still didn't want to give up.

Many people spend their entire lives searching and searching but never find what they love. She thinks she is very lucky.

Ye Ya glanced at Ye Jun, "I know the viciousness of men, and I know what I should do."

"You have to find the right opportunity to help me create conflicts between the two of them. This is the premise for me to help you. I can't help you in vain. Passports, air tickets and money are small things. I believe many people are willing to help me. , but I like you, why I choose to help you, the main reason is that you can get close to Zhao Yanling, the fact is obvious, isn’t it, you can get close to them and help me create conflicts, so I choose you.”

Ye Ya chuckled.

In the past, she pretended to be sick and had an abortion, flattered Zhao's mother in this way, and went abroad with Zhao Yanling and Ling Yuxi like that. Looking back now, she has caused a lot of things. After all, there is no helper, and everything is done by herself. Dry.

Fortunately, a helper is here now. This opportunity is rare, so we must seize it.

No matter what conflicts are created, big or small, in short, she will be happy as long as she thinks that the relationship between Zhao Yanling and Ling Yuxi is not smooth.

"Isn't it difficult for you to force others? I have never done such a thing. I would rather demolish a temple than destroy a family. This is an old saying. If you do it, there will be retribution." Ye Jun persuaded. It's really scary.

"I didn't expect that big brother is quite kind. This old saying is very good, but it's not a good relationship. I don't think that woman Ling Yuxi is good enough for Zhao Yanling, don't you think?" Ye Ya She has always looked down on Ling Yuxi, she is a stepdaughter, if she is not lucky, what qualifications do she have to be Zhao Yanling's wife, and in terms of status, she has an advantage over Ling Yuxi, the Zhao family and the Ye family have always had business contacts Well, Father Ye also matched her and Zhao Yanling back then.

It's just that Zhao Yanling got married too early, and she herself appeared too late.

Good fortune fools people.

Ye Jun thinks that Ling Yuxi and Zhao Yanling are a good match, men are talented and beautiful, normal people would choose Ling Yuxi, if they don’t choose her, would they still choose Ye Ya?

Seeing what Ye Ya has made of herself, she used to look like a good girl when she first came to Ye's house, she pretended to be very good in Ye's house, now she can do anything like this, dare to kill, and dare to provoke A perverted and powerful person like Ouyang.

It's very troublesome in China, and I don't know how big things this woman can make.

"What do you want me to do? I have zero personal relationships with Zhao Yan, and most of them are business contacts."

Ye Jun is telling the truth. In fact, he also knows that Zhao Yanling has a lot of opinions on him recently. It would be fine if it was just a business relationship before. After all, it is a matter of face, but the two have been close for a while, probably because Too impatient, let Zhao Yanling see that he pays special attention to interests.

Now the walk is not as close as before, everyone is smart, he knows that Zhao Yanling only wants to do business with him.

"This contradiction or something, you are also an adult, and people are also smart. I don't need to say, you can figure it out for yourself. It depends on your ability. If you make them divorce, my shares will be for nothing. Palmistry can do anything."

Ye Yashen smiled, didn't Zhao Yanling like Ling Yuxi?She just wants to cause damage, Ling Yuxi is her enemy in this life, she just can't see her live a good life.

Originally, Ye Jun was going to refuse, but Ye Ya's last words really touched his heart's calculations, which can make Zhao Yanling and Ling Yuxi divorce, even if the shares are handed over for free.

What a big share that is, this woman is willing to sell it.

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