Everyone wished that they were the ones who got the biggest share, and the gap in people's hearts couldn't be filled.

"My dad liked Ye Ya very much before. To be honest, he still wanted to match you and Ye Ya back then. See, my dad has planned everything." Ye Jun just complained a little.

He knew that Ling Yuxi also knew this paragraph, "Yu Xi, don't blame me for being straightforward. Our two families have had many cooperation projects before. My dad dotes on Ye Ya very much. As long as it's not too out of the ordinary, it can be regarded as responsive. At that time, because of Ye Ya's matter, it caused a lot of troubles for Yanling's business affairs."

"I know, well, my husband is so good, it's understandable that Uncle Ye wants him to be his son-in-law." Ling Yuxi said seriously, holding Zhao Yanling's arm.

She knew about those things a long time ago, she also met Uncle Ye at that time, and she knew about Zhao Yanling's marriage, her face was drawn so long, fortunately she was able to conceal her emotions quickly.

After all, she was a mess in the business field, and Uncle Ye had always looked at her with unfriendly eyes, and after Ye Ya did so many things, Uncle Ye had always been protective and conniving, until he was killed.

If Ye Ya had been educated earlier, the situation would not be like this now.

It seems that a good tutor is so important. It is true that Ling Yuxi is a stepdaughter, but compared to Ye Ya's illegitimate daughter, she is not a little shorter than her, but because Ye Ya is the young lady of the Ye family, Ye Ya Uncle probably thinks that his daughter is a better match for Zhao Yanling.

Ling Yuxi only feels good about the people of the Ye family, Ye Jun, and the others are really...

Especially Ye Ya, that woman is simply a lunatic, but she is a perfect match for that Ouyang.

Zhao Yanling knew that Ling Yuxi usually only called him husband when he was very happy.

It made him very happy to praise him so much in front of outsiders.

It can be seen that Ling Yuxi's mood has improved a lot, and it seems that going out for a walk is indeed of great help.

However, the girlfriend who accompanied Ye Jun today was meeting for the first time, and everyone was unfamiliar with each other, and they didn't know about their temperament and temperament.

"As long as I can help with the matter of the Ye family, I will never refuse. You also know that I have been involved in a lawsuit recently, and I was targeted by Ouyang. There are several other people who have not fully figured it out yet. "Zhao Yanling has always had business cooperation with the Ye family. He doesn't know the business of the Ye family well, but he still knows a little bit more.

As long as Ye Jun has Ye Ya's part of the shares, the situation is definitely favorable now, but his Ye family is just a struggle within the family. As long as everyone is not particularly tit-for-tat and gives way, the matter can be easily resolved.

I'm afraid that everyone will be jealous of each other and refuse to give in to each other. How many big families have declined because of internal struggles.

Now Zhao's business is being watched by outsiders, some of them have identified some people, and some of them are secretly making troubles. Fortunately, the eldest brother came back to help him, and his heart is not tired, but sometimes he doesn't know where to send his strength.

Now with the help of the knights, although part of the benefits are distributed, the benefits are also many.

It relieved him a lot...

When everyone was talking happily, Ling Yuxi did not expect Jiang Xuetao to appear again. To be honest, even if he had feelings for such a father, he has done so many wrong things, and these feelings have been worn away.

Ling Yuxi was disgusted by Jiang Xuetao's scoundrel appearance. In public today, Ling Yuxi was not afraid of anything, except that she was afraid of causing trouble to Zhao Yanling.

Zhao Yanling also saw Jiang Xuetao, and he has nothing to do with him now, as long as he solves him, but someone is always helping Jiang Xuetao behind the scenes.

Zhao Yanling patted Ling Yuxi's hand to comfort her. He knew that Ling Yuxi's fingers would tremble when she was angry, "Don't be angry, think about it, anger can't solve this problem."

"Daughter, I won't calculate the price of what happened last time. Recently, I have taken a fancy to a business and want to invest. Look..."

Jiang Xuetao has always regarded Ling Yuxi as a cash machine. The Zhao family has so much money, and she is the wife of the Zhao family, so why not take out some to honor him.

It is too difficult to make money in the current society. Fortunately, he still has such an upstanding daughter as Ling Yuxi.

What happened last time, he was also afraid of Ling Yuxi, but now in public, he believed that Ling Yuxi would not dare to do anything out of line, after all, their businessmen still want face.

Today he went out to follow them for a long time, fortunately he came here, if it was a place like last time or a place with few people, he really didn't have the guts to show up.

Ling Yuxi was disgusted by his dead skin and rotten face. He has been stealing and playing tricks all the time. Outsiders don't know him, but seeing his elegant appearance, they think he should be a person with erudite knowledge

He likes to lie to deceive women's feelings, in the words of the spirit mother, he is a scumbag.

Ling Yuxi heard from Lingmu that he took away all the money heartily at that time, how could he be ashamed to ask her for money now, this behavior is repeated again and again, endlessly...

"I don't owe you anything. My mother said that when you left us with all the money, didn't you think about how we would survive? It's true that I am your daughter, but you never raised me."

Ling Yuxi didn't want this person to blackmail them shamelessly. It's fine to explain everything clearly, but she was afraid that this person would use her identity to say things.

There is no rule saying that if you give birth to a daughter and don't raise him, you can come back and count on her to take care of him in the future. If it's just taking care of him, it's not unacceptable to her.

But Jiang Xuetao's pension money is simply too much. Not only is he a lion, but he is also shameless.

Jiang Xuetao heard this not once or twice. Ling Yuxi's mother used to accuse him like this, but he still didn't feel that he had made a big mistake. People don't kill themselves, and he can only live like this once in this life. Of course you have to plan for yourself.

Ling Yuxi is so rich, what's wrong with giving him a little help, if he is not short of money, he would not come to the door.

"I said you will give me another sum of money this time, and let's cancel the matter that you wanted to kill me last time." Jiang Xuetao was also frightened by Ling Yuxi, knowing that a woman's madness can kill people, he They value money very much, but life is the most important thing.

Ling Yuxi wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Zhao Yanling.

"How about this, you go to my company to talk to me tomorrow, Yu Xi is in a bad mood today, I took her out to relax." Zhao Yanling knew that it would not be good to continue like this, the most important thing was that he wanted to drag Jiang Xue Tao, let's see who is behind him instigating him.

He doesn't have the ability to do so many things.

Ye Jun also knew that Zhao Yanling had such an unreliable father-in-law, but this was the first time he saw him. From the few words just now, he also understood a little bit, this is simply a rascal.

"Yu Xi, don't worry about irrelevant people anymore. It's actually very simple to pay him off." Zhao Yanling didn't want Ling Yuxi to be in a bad mood. Afraid that Ling Yuxi would do something irrational again.

"I'm afraid that his lust will become bigger and bigger. If we don't satisfy him by then, we don't know if we can do more shameless things." Ling Yuxi felt that it would be better to do charity with the money, which would be more Meaning, for Jiang Xuetao, she feels distressed.

An ungrateful, skinless and shameless villain, who is bored at a glance, now sticks to you like a dog's skin plaster, making you unable to escape. In fact, she is more like a vampire. If she hadn't married Zhao Yanling, How can there be so much money to satisfy him.

Coming out of the shopping mall, Zhao Yanling took Ling Yuxi to a private restaurant for dinner.

The environment here is antique, and the furnishings have a kind of awe-inspiring aristocratic momentum.

It is a two-entry courtyard, which used to be a famous garden. Zhao Yanling accompanied Ling Yuxi around, and then took her to eat delicious food. This is the table that the secretary had reserved long in advance.

"Last time you said you wanted to start your own studio. We've seen the plan before. Although the business has progressed, I also know that there have been too many things recently. What do you think now? " Zhao Yanling asked while eating.

He felt that there was still one thing that kept Ling Yuxi busy, and only by being busy could he forget his troubles better.

Because of the emergence of a series of things later, the current studio has not actually started yet.

"Well, I thought that I was paid in your company. How should I put it, I thought I still had to have my own business. I have accumulated some experience over the years, and I especially want to prove my power, because I feel that I To be worthy of you..."

"The company belongs to us, why say mine is yours..."

Zhao Yan frowned unhappily.

"I also want to get busy, otherwise I'll miss Mu Xi and Xiao Cheng. I don't care about doing my own things like this, and I'm always annoyed. I know there will be problems if this continues, but..." Ling Yuxi Thinking of children, I always feel that time passes too slowly.

When the studio was first established, time passed quickly, and she was always very motivated. After all, Jiang Xuetao had been asking for money all the time, and she felt that it was not good to always rely on Zhao Yanling.

Zhao Yan's zero money was not brought by strong winds. He has also seen him working so hard for the company and his own career these years. She has to work hard not to be attached to her. She is afraid that she will feel disgusted by herself after a long time.

"It was so good when I was a child. I didn't have any troubles. Even if my mother treated me badly before, I got used to it. Well, I don't know why. Later, I found out that she was blinded by hatred. She also told me later that as long as it is She wanted to destroy everything related to Jiang Xuetao, I really didn't understand it before, but now that I have dealt with Jiang Xuetao more times, I am very considerate of her."

Ling Yuxi used to complain that the spirit mother treated her poorly, but later she got used to it, but she felt sad when she thought about it, she was not good to Xiao Cheng, so she felt that this mother was really remiss.

Now, as a daughter, she fully understands her. If the communication between mother and daughter had been smooth before, there would not be so many regrets left now.

It is really the second reincarnation for a woman to get married. Look at the life of the spirit mother. The gentle person before can be cruel to her and Xiaocheng. Although they reconciled later, how can the things that happened not be left behind? What about traces?

"Also, Jiang Xuetao wanted to kidnap Mu Xi before, but his father found out. Since then, I can't forgive him. Look at the things he did. Can you imagine, this is still related by blood What about the relatives who are closely related, including him to Xiaocheng..." Ling Yuxi's childhood life was unhappy because of Jiang Xuetao.

"Now pampering him is because he wants to know who is behind him. I believe the truth will be revealed soon. After all, this is also a clue. It's good to hold him now. When the matter is resolved, you don't want to see He, I will let him stay away from us..."

Zhao Yan couldn't let go of the fact that Jiang Xuetao was about to kidnap Mu Xi that time, and this Jiang Xuetao was Mu Xi's grandfather by blood. He would do anything for money, and there was no way for him to be saved. .

It is also very dangerous to always appear by your side. I am afraid that if one does not satisfy him, he will come up with some crooked ideas...

At that time, there must be a way to get him out of here...

"I don't know if Mu Xi can talk more now?" Ling Yuxi used to habitually hug the child to sleep, but now that the child is not around, she always misses it.

"Don't worry, it's safe there, and the people are nice. I have saved that family's life. When the matter is resolved, we'll take Mu Xi home together."

Ling Yuxi knew that this matter was for Mu Xi's safety. If she was too willful to keep the child by her side, that would be too selfish. If anything happened to the child, she would never forgive herself. She is rational, so she just needs to listen to the arrangements for this matter.

When she came out of the private restaurant, Ling Yuxi didn't expect to see Ouyang again, how could this person be as lingering as Jiang Xuetao.

Do many people really not realize that they are offensive?

Although Ling Yuxi couldn't deny that Ouyang's appearance was indeed seductive, especially his monstrous appearance, but the evil spirit about him made her really feel that there was a big problem with his character.

Looking at the things he did, it was really impossible to communicate with him well, especially when Ling Yuxi knew from Zhao Yanling that this person had such thoughts for his elder brother, and treated him as a scourge...

"You two are very leisurely, and you actually came out on a date. It seems that what happened yesterday did not cause much trouble to Mrs. Zhao." Ouyang was very annoyed at Zhao Yanling's behavior of bringing a knight to save others again .

He hates people who break the rules. From the beginning, he made it very clear that he should not take action against those people again. This is their previous grievance. Whether it is an open fight or a secret fight, everyone depends on their own abilities.

But the knight has a government background, he doesn't want to touch it, and he admits defeat if he doesn't win a round. This is not Ouyang's previous record.

It was nothing yesterday, it was just a joke with the Zhao family. After all, he is very interested in Zhao Lingyu now, and he would not do anything excessive just for Zhao Lingyu.

Besides Ou Ruo, Zhao Lingyu was the second person he cared about so much.

"Master Ouyang has probably always been used to making his own decisions. Are you not reconciled to seeing that I am not sick from fright?" Ling Yuxi sarcastically said.

This person is really perverted. Could it be that he is happy because she is lying at home and afraid of him?

Don't take it for granted that you are God.

When the knight appeared yesterday, Ling Yuxi found out that Ouyang was fearful. He looked reconciled but had no choice. It was really satisfying. Probably this guy didn't suffer much, so he found fault when he got the chance. .

Ling Yuxi found that many difficult things in Zhao Yanling's company recently came from Ouyang. This person likes to trouble others. Fortunately, he has a big brother to help Zhao Yanling. Even a healthy body can't resist.

"Why didn't Zhao Lingyu come out?" It was the first time that Ouyang didn't care about Ling Yuxi's sarcasm, or else, according to his previous attitude, he would directly find someone to teach her a lesson.

Even in front of Zhao Yanling.

"You'd better not provoke my elder brother, he is not the same as you." Zhao Yanling hated hearing these words from this man the most, and kept talking to him about Zhao Lingyu, even a fool knew what he was up to.

This person is too evil, Zhao Lingyu has always been an upright gentleman, these two people have nothing to do with each other.

"How do you know that your elder brother and I are not in the same way? We had a great time getting along that night, and your elder brother must have enjoyed it too." Ouyang said with a mean face.

Zhao Yanling wanted to beat him violently, but this time, considering the large number of opponents, he really had to think about her with Ling Yuxi.

If it was him, he would directly attack Ouyang.

"You should put away your indecent thoughts about my elder brother. He has his own lover, and the two get along very well. A person who doesn't have you in his heart is useless even if you get it." Zhao Yanling didn't want this person to treat him Zhao Lingyu has something bad and shameful in mind, but the fact is here, Ouyang is very stubborn about some people and certain things.

When the company had an accident, he asked someone to investigate him, and he knew something about Ouyang. Simply put, this person is a little paranoid and obsessive, and likes to impose his thoughts on others.

Zhao Yanling also knew that Ouyang was obsessed with a woman named Ou Ruo, so he did not hesitate to take Ye Ya by his side and cover Ye Ya everywhere, even if that woman killed many people, he would settle for her one by one, just because of that The face is the same as that of Ou Ruo.

Such a person has no sense to speak of.

In some things, he is a lunatic, and only a lunatic will do things exactly as he likes.

Looking at his previous style of doing things, he did not hesitate to destroy all his careers just to let the Zhao family go bankrupt, but the two families have no grievances at all, probably because they want to please Ye Ya...

"Who knows what will happen in the future, I just know that I am very interested in Zhao Lingyu now, and I won't wrong myself, maybe we can be relatives or something..." Ouyang said with a serious face, this This time, he managed to piss off Zhao Yanling.

Ling Yuxi hurriedly hugged Zhao Yanling's waist, they won't get any benefits here, and fighting with Ouyang will only hurt them.

This person probably offended too many people. When he went out, the bodyguards always brought a dozen of them.

"We don't know what will happen in the future, but we don't like dealing with Mr. Ouyang very much. We are not the same people, and we can't even count as nodding acquaintances. As for the future, we should not think too much."

Ling Yuxi said while pulling Zhao Yanling away.

After having a good meal, I met a lunatic when I went out.

The good mood is discounted.

"I knew I went to the restaurant last time. It is also antique and the style you like." Zhao Yanling was really mad.

"I think we were followed by him from the beginning, otherwise there would be such a coincidence." Ling Yuxi guessed that this person should have asked someone to follow them from the beginning.

After going through too many things, Ling Yuxi doesn't believe in luck or coincidence, many things are calculated behind the scenes.

"His disgusting thoughts towards elder brother are really speechless. In a family like ours, elder brother is the most well-behaved gentleman. After all, I have never seen such a person. Even I was disgusted when we met for the first time. Needless to say what happened last time, elder brother There must be shadows in my heart." Zhao Yanling knows Zhao Lingyu too well, this elder brother looks easy-talking and good-tempered, but in fact he is a bit perfectionist.

Ling Yuxi nodded, "Actually, as long as such a paranoid person is not his enemy, he can also get along with him, but once he wants to fight against us, it will be very troublesome, especially now that he is not right about the elder brother. I hope he just thinks about it." It's out."

In the afternoon, she was supposed to go back to the company, and Ling Yuxi also wanted to go to Zhao Yanling's company, after all, she hadn't been there for a long time, and she also met a few good friends when she was in the company.

"Georgia called me just now, and now he is waiting for us at the company." Georgia is Zhao Yanling's friend in the United States, and he has introduced it to Ling Yuxi last time.

Ling Yuxi's studio was opened with the help of Georgia. Ling Yuxi was very happy to hear that Georgia had come.

"I don't know how long I will stay here this time. Last time you introduced Georgia to me, it really saved me so much time. Following the master is to save time and effort by taking shortcuts." Georgia, a talented American designer, is not something that ordinary people can invite. Yes, Ling Yuxi knew that if it wasn't for Zhao Yanling's relationship, she probably wouldn't have met such a powerful person in this life.

"His appetite is so good, which makes me envious. He also loves Chinese food so much. Would you like to invite him to eat somewhere?"

Ling Yuxi also got to know some of Georgia's hobbies and tempers. He likes to eat Chinese food. He said that every dish has its own flavor. Aftertaste, it feels endless. Probably the designers are sensitive and emotional. They like food. What about hobbies?

It's a very good hobby, that is, handsome guys don't make themselves into a big fat man, they can say anything.

"Let Georgia choose a place at that time. In fact, he knows the food in this area better than us." Zhao Yanling wanted Georgia to spend more time this time to help Ling Yuxi.

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