Qin Shao is fascinated by me

Chapter 34 Madam, Mr. Qin has been waiting for you for half an hour

"Who said that if you don't have a boyfriend, you have to pretend to be a boyfriend and girlfriend?" Lin Xing asked him back.

"That might as well be a real boyfriend and girlfriend." He who was driving the car suddenly said jokingly.

"Forget it!" Lin Xing knew that he always liked to joke, so it was not surprising.

"Do you know how many people chased me?" Lu Qing put on an appearance that Lin Xing had eyes but didn't know Mount Tai.

"Don't know! Megalomaniac."

"Oh, really."

After turning around on the road for an hour, Lu Qing drove her home. He got out of the car and opened the door for her, but Lin Xing took a deep breath while sitting in the co-pilot. She looked at this unique and beautiful single-family villa, and felt in her heart. Unconsciously feel afraid.

She thought of the parents of all kinds of big families she saw on TV, and they were extremely picky about their children's marriages. They wanted to be well-matched and beautiful.Given Lu Qing's family background, his parents should be very picky too!Maybe she would be humiliated in public. Thinking of this, she was terrified. She sat in the passenger seat and refused to get out of the car.

Seeing her sitting on the co-pilot, Lu Qing waved his hands in front of her in a daze: "Lin Xing!"

"To be honest, I'm a little scared." She recovered and looked at him.

"Why are you afraid?" Lu Qing was puzzled.

"You think that you are a doctor and your family background is good. If your parents know about my situation, you won't show me your face."

"You've watched too many TV dramas!" Lu Qing smiled angrily when he heard that her concern turned out to be this: "Hurry up, get out of the car."

"Really?" Lin Xing confirmed again.


Lin Xing finally got out of the car, and she stood beside the car. Lu Qing went to the trunk and took a bunch of gifts and came out to see her still standing there: "Lin Xing, come and help me carry it!"

"Okay." She went to the trunk to help him carry it.

"Look, this box is pure natural cosmetics for my mother, and this box is Lafite for my dad!" Lu Qing pointed to introduce Lin Xing.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't prepare anything myself." But the reality is what can she prepare?She can't afford the ones that are too expensive, and fears that people will look down on the ones that are too cheap.

"Here is what you prepared!" He pointed to the cosmetics in her hand.

"Thank you." She thanked her sincerely, but she knew that Lu Qing understood her situation.

"Are you ready?" Lu Qing asked her while holding something.

She took a long breath and said, "Let's go!"

She followed him to the villa, and when she reached the gate, servants greeted her at the gate early in the morning. The servants called "Master" to Lu Qing, and then called "Master" to Lin Xing who was following Lu Qing. Miss."

Lin Xing nodded quickly, Lu Qing took half a small step back and hugged her into the door, "Don't be nervous."

At this time, an elegant and generous middle-aged woman came pacing. She ignored Lu Qing and asked Lin Xing: "Lin Xing, are you here?"

"Yes, Auntie." After answering, she looked at Lu Qing and asked him, "How does Auntie know that my name is Lin Xing?"

Before Lu Qing could answer, Su Rongfang led her to the nanmu chair in the main hall. Just as she was about to sit down, she suddenly found that the gift in her hand hadn't been given yet, so she picked up the cosmetics in her hand again: "Auntie, please accept it with a smile."

"Oh, what kind of gift should I buy? I'll be very happy as long as you can come." Su Rongfang kindly took the gift and handed it to the servant behind her, turning around and saying, "I really have a heart."

Lin Xing smiled embarrassedly.

"Mom, this is the wine that Lin Xing bought for my dad!" Lu Qing handed the box of expensive wine to the servant directly.

"Hey, thank you." Su Rongfang thanked her again.

"Should be."

"Sit down, don't stand." Seeing her son and Lin Xing standing, Su Rongfang quickly invited them to sit down.

Sitting down, Lu Qing looked around and found that Lu Xiaolong was not there. He interrupted the conversation between Su Rongfang and Lin Xing and asked, "Mom, where is my dad?"

"Come right away." Su Rongfang looked at Lu Qing, and then explained: "I just came back from the United States today, and I'm jet-lagged!"

"Auntie, I'm really sorry for taking the liberty."

Su Rongfang quickly grabbed her hand and said, "It's okay."

While everyone was talking, a majestic figure came down from the second floor. Lin Xing spotted him first, and she quickly stood up from the nanmu chair, followed by Mother Lu and Lu Qing.

Lu Xiaolong stepped in front of the crowd, and before he could speak, Lin Xing greeted him first: "Hello, Uncle, I'm Lin Xing."

Lu Xiaolong looked at Lin Xing who greeted him in front of him, and then replied: "Hello." He went straight to the nanmu chair and sat down, looking at the three people standing: "You sit too."

Lin Xing sat still, but didn't dare to move around. With the addition of Lu Xiaolong, the atmosphere made her feel suffocated. She didn't know what to say, so she could only sit awkwardly like this.Su Rongfang saw her nervousness, and asked kindly: "I can call you Xiaoxing!"

"Yes, Auntie." Lin Xing responded politely.

"Xiaoxing, what do you do for work?" As expected, the first step in meeting parents in Chinese style is to ask such questions.

"Secretary." Lin Xing responded simply and clearly.

"Oh, it's a pretty good job, so where is your family?"

Lu Qing, who saw Su Rongfang asking Lin Xing as if checking her household registration, couldn't help but interjected: "Mom, how about you check your household registration?"

"It's okay." Lin Xing gave him a look.

Lu Qing immediately shut up.

Su Rongfang was a little surprised to see her rebellious son being submissively controlled by the girl next to him.

Lu Xiaolong didn't say a word, even though he had been traveling for many years and met countless women, he didn't know how to talk to his son's girlfriend.

At this time, the servant came over and said something in Su Rongfang's ear, Su Rongfang got up and went into the kitchen, only Lu Qing, Lin Xing and Lu Xiaolong sat together awkwardly, Lin Xing sat for a while, constantly making faces To Lu Qing.

Lu Qing understood, and immediately said something to Lu Xiaolong and led Lin Xing to his room.

"It was really depressing just now." Lin Xing sat on the sofa in his room and let out a long sigh of relief.

"My dad is like this, he doesn't like to talk."

"I know, but he looks serious."

"Indeed, I can't say a few words to him."

"Hey, I wish time would pass sooner."

"I've wronged you." Lu Qing put on an apologetic look.

After a while, the servant went upstairs to the door and asked them to go down to eat. Lin Xing let out another long breath and followed Lu Qing to the dining room. As soon as he arrived at the dining room, he saw Lu Xiaolong sitting on the first seat above. Go to Linxing, point to a place and call her: "Miss Lin, please sit down."

"Yes, uncle." Lin Xing obediently sat down on the seat below him.Lu Qing followed her one place below, Su Rongfang brought a bowl of vegetables over and put them on the table, and then sat down one place below Lu Xiaolong.

"Are you hungry? Eat quickly." Su Rongfang handed Lin Xing a bowl of rice that she had eaten, and Lin Xing quickly got up to take it: Thank you, aunt. "

"Don't be so polite, just treat it as your own home."

"it is good."

The servant at the side poured two glasses of white wine for Lu Qing and Lu Xiaolong, and poured two glasses of red wine for Lin Xing and Su Rongfang.

Lin Xing ate carefully, this was the first time she sat and ate with such an aristocratic family, she tried her best to abide by the proper etiquette at the dinner table, without saying a word.

"Lin Xing, don't be restrained, just be free at my house." Lu Qing saw that she didn't say a word.

"Yes." Su Rongfang picked up a lobster for her.

It wasn't Su Rongfang who made her feel depressed, but also Lu Xiaolong.

"Then, when are you going to get married?" Lu Xiaolong raised a glass of wine and said, taking a sip.

"Dad...you." Lu Qing widened his eyes and looked at him without saying anything, but he was amazing when he said it.

"Yes, since we have already met at home, we should talk about it." Su Rongfang stopped Lu Qing with her eyes, and said to Lin Xing, "I'm sorry, don't laugh, we want to hug our grandson." After finishing speaking, he smiled embarrassedly.

"Mom, why are you like this?" The ribs that Lu Qing was biting into his mouth spat out in shock. Unexpectedly, even his mother was so straightforward. It seems that they want to hug their grandchildren so much?
"Auntie, I..." Lin Xing didn't know how to answer, it was absolutely impossible to marry Lu Qing, and she might disappoint them.

"Mom, I'll tell her. You say she's shy." Lu Qing rescued Lin Xing.

"Okay, okay, hurry up." Su Rongfang winked at Lin.

Lin Xing smiled awkwardly.

Just after eating at Lu Qing's house, Lu Qing drove Lin Xing's car out of the gate, and there was a black Rolls-Royce parked by the roadside. Several men in black standing outside stopped Lu Qing's car, and then black The glass window slowly fell, and a beautiful profile appeared in front of the two of them. Lu Qing cursed in despair, "Why is he here?"

"How do I know?" Lin Xing didn't know why, she didn't tell Qin Tiannan before she left.

The person in the Rolls-Royce turned his head to the woman in the Maybach co-driver and said softly, "Ma'am, I'll take you home."

"Cough...cough." Lin Xing, who was in the co-pilot, choked up anxiously when he heard his evil voice.

"Madam?" Lu Qing looked at Lin Xing strangely.

She turned her head to look at Lu Qing beside her, and gave him an expression that I didn't expect him to call me like that.

"Could it be you?" He looked at Lin Xing with wide eyes.

"Did no one tell you that it's impolite to look at other people's wives like this?" A trace of displeasure appeared on Qin Tiannan's handsome face, and he clenched his fist even tighter when he saw Lin Xing's delay in getting out of the car.

"What's going on?" Lu Qing was completely confused, he looked at Lin Xing with a big question on his head.

"It's a long story." Lin Xing didn't know how to explain it to her.

Seeing that Lin Xing, who was still talking to Lu Qing in the car, had no intention of getting out of the car, Qin Tiannan winked at the man in black standing beside him.

The two men in black came to the side of the co-pilot and said expressionlessly: "Madam, Mr. Qin has been waiting for you for half an hour, please get out of the car."

Under Qin Tiannan's pressure, Lin Xing got out of the car.

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