Once again, Lin Xing slept on his big bed all night, but what was different this time was that they slept in each other's arms.

Early the next morning, Qin Tiannan heard that Lin Xing still called him the boss, and raised his eyebrows unhappily. Although he said he was drunk, he remembered very well what happened last night. It was him who kissed a woman since the car accident. The most passionate time reminded him of Xia Xia, he used to kiss her like this.

"Move here from today!" Qin Tiannan leaned against the head of the bed and watched her get up and put on her shoes.

"Will it be too fast?" She heard him say this, and the hand holding the shoe was startled.

Although she had already confirmed her relationship with him last night, she was still not used to moving into his room suddenly, not to mention that Lu Qing would also come, she still had a headache about how to tell Qin Tiannan about her and Lu Qing, and what to do. She told Lu Qing about her and Qin Tiannan's affairs, and when she thought about it, she felt a headache.

"Forget it, let's wait a little longer." Qin Tiannan let go, he knew she was an innocent girl, and he didn't give her enough trust and promise, so it was indeed too early to force her like this, he could wait for her Willing to move in later.

"There is one thing you must agree to." He must correct the name.


"Call me Tiannan."

"If you don't get used to it for a while, you will get used to it slowly in the future."

"Now!" Qin Tiannan didn't allow her to get used to it slowly, and now he had finally expressed his feelings to her, and he also wanted to have someone who called his name every day to live with him.

"Tiannan! Is it okay?" Lin Xing curled his lips helplessly.

"En." Qin Tiannan leaned on the bed contentedly, waiting for Lin Xing to bring him breakfast.

After breakfast, Lin Xing went back to the guest room to sort out the minutes of yesterday's meeting with Zhui Guang, and then announced the company's schedule.As if overnight, a great change had taken place in her heart. Qin Tiannan, whom the world could not reach, actually confessed his love to her, and she actually became boyfriend and girlfriend with Qin Tiannan. No matter what the future holds, the present life is really amazing .

Lu Qing showed up in Qin Tiannan's bedroom on time. He was having a massage as usual, but what he didn't know was that Qin Tiannan had already confessed his love to Lin Xing, and the two of them were officially together.

After getting a massage for a while, he didn't see Lin Xing, so he casually asked Qin Tiannan, "Where's Lin Xing?"

"Don't look for her casually in the future." Qin Tiannan suddenly said coldly. Before getting along with Lin Xing, what he tabooed most was Lu Qing being with Lin Xing. Now he can't tolerate him being alone with Lin Xing. Together, even if you ask.

"Hey! My friend asked me what's the matter?" Lu Qing watched him protect Lin Xing like his daughter-in-law.

"Not even friends." Qin Tiannan formally stopped Lu Qing as a boyfriend.

"It's really unreasonable." Lu Qing didn't know about his relationship with Lin Xing yet, but thought he had another convulsion.

After he finished the massage, he went to the first floor. Today, Lin Xing has to fulfill her promise.

He walked to the door of the guest room and knocked, Lin Xing dragged his shoes and opened the door: "Lu Qing?"

Lu Qing went straight into her room and sat down, saying, "Damn it, Qin Tiannan must have eaten explosives today!"

"What's wrong?" Lin Xing also sat down with him.

"Hey, let's not talk about him!" Lu Qing sighed: "How is it? Go to my house today?"

"Ah!" Lin Xing knew that such a day would come, but she didn't expect it to be so soon. She bit the bullet and said, "Why so soon?"

"Hey, you promised me!" Lu Qing saw her reluctance.

"No, I mean why it was so sudden, I didn't even prepare well."

"You don't need to prepare anything, I will arrange it, my dad just came back from the United States today, the time is just right!"

"Ah, that's it!" Lin Xing stood and didn't know what to do. She thought that if Qin Tiannan found out, Qin Tiannan would kill her, but she also thought about agreeing to Lu Qing. It was a dilemma.

"That's it, I'll pick you up at five o'clock in the afternoon!" Lu Qing said and got up.

"That..." Lin Xing didn't know how to tell him about his relationship with Qin Tiannan, so he hurried out of the room: "I have something to do in the hospital, so I have to go first."

Then Lin Xingdai stood at the door, looking at a loss, what should I do?What should she do?
After sorting out her thoughts, she went upstairs again, anyway, what she promised to Lu Qing could not be changed, besides, she had already notified her parents that it was really wrong for her to let him go like this, Qin Tiannan should keep it from him, and after today, she will follow Lu Qing explained that it was none of her business whether he got married or found someone else in the future.

She entered Qin Tiannan's room and saw that he was still lying on the bed, she went over to ask him to recover, now she really hoped that Qin Tiannan could stand up, for her to stand up.

She found sweatpants from the wardrobe and put them on for him, then rubbed his feet to put on shoes for him, and finally helped him into the wheelchair, everything was done so naturally, as if it had become a habit.

Two hours after finishing the rehabilitation, he and her went to the first floor for dinner again, after that it was time for him to work alone, and Lin Xing didn't bother him.

Aunt Liu found out that Lin Xing stayed in the young master's room for another night, and judging from today's condition, they were already well.

She showed a gratified smile. After all these years, the young master should have a woman to take care of him.

She came to the door of Lin Xing, saw her open the door, asked and walked in.

"Auntie, what's the matter?"

"It's okay, I'm just glad to see you all well."

Lin Xing understood what Aunt Liu said, and she smiled embarrassedly.

"Miss Lin, I hope you can treat him well."

"Auntie, not only do I treat him well, but he also needs to like me so I can treat him well."

"He will."


 "Don't think he is indifferent to others, but he is actually a good boy."

"I know, Auntie."

"Okay, I won't bother you anymore."

Liu Huan got up and walked out of the room. Her heart felt relieved after so many years. She remembered Qin Guangyu's entrustment before his death. Now that Qin Tiannan has found a girl who will accompany him for life, she can confess to Qin Guangyu.

After staying in the guest room for a while, she felt bored, so she went to the villa garden by herself. Seeing Aunt Liu left half of the water in the watering can on the table, she simply used it to water the flowers that looked a little dry in the soil. When she picked up the shovel to loosen the soil for Hua Song, the phone in her pocket rang. She wiped her hands on her pants and took out the phone. When she saw the caller ID, she took a breath and connected the phone: "Hello, Lu Qing."

"I forgot to tell Tian Nan that he checked the surveillance camera at the door last time, and I will ask someone to pick you up today."

"It makes me feel guilty."

"No way, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, I wronged you."


"Well, see you later."

Lin Xing hung up the phone, she put away her mobile phone, and still picked up the shovel to loosen the soil.

In a duplex mansion, everyone is busy with newcomers coming to the family. Even Su Rongfang, who does not touch the spring water, personally goes to the kitchen to instruct the servants at home. After so many years, her son is finally going to bring back a woman for her. She behaves like It's like meeting your grandson, don't mention how happy you are.

After a while, the servant at the door said to a serious figure who entered the door: "Master." Lu Xiaolong stepped into the door with a "hmm", and he just came back from the United States and ran directly to the stairs on the second floor. Beat the jetlag and have an important family dinner tonight.

Su Rongfang, who heard the commotion outside, rushed over to inquire, she quickly walked up to Lu Xiaolong and said softly, "Are you back?"

"Well, I have to go to sleep." Lu Xiaolong rubbed his eyes tiredly.

"Who knew that kid was in such a hurry!" Seeing his tired look, Su Rongfang blamed Lu Qing distressedly.

"I'm fine." Lu Xiaolong said and went up the stairs on the second floor. Su Rongfang stood on the first floor and watched his back for a while, and the love in her heart rose again.

She has been married to him for many years, the husband and wife respect each other as guests, they have gone through many difficult years together, and now her son is a well-known doctor at home and abroad, compared to other people, Su Rongfang is many times happier.

After wandering for a while, she turned and walked into the kitchen again.

Watering the garden and loosening the soil for most of the time, Lin Xing got up and walked towards the gate. She had to clean herself up. Although she was acting, appearing sloppy in front of Lu Qing's parents was also a disservice to both of them. Disrespect from an old man.

Back in the guest room, she first went into the bathroom to take a shower, dragged her slippers to the closet, picked out a white sweater with a black skirt, put body lotion on her body, put on her clothes, and she looked in the mirror Satisfied with the creases on the flat clothes, she walked to the dressing table and sat down.

She put on light makeup as before, and put on a light layer of lipstick, then opened the jewelry box to pick out a pair of earrings, only to see that the necklace and earrings Qin Tiannan gave her were still in the box yesterday, and she planned to return them last night She forgot to give it to him.

She put another pair of earrings on her ears and picked up her handbag again, this time she planned to sneak out without letting Qin Tiannan know.

After going out, she went straight to the iron door and stood at the door for a while, when a black car drove towards her and stopped at her feet, a man got out of the car and asked her, "Are you Miss Lin?"

Lin Xing nodded.

"Please get in the car." The man opened the back door, and Lin Xing sat on it.

From a distance, she saw that conspicuous Maybach parked at the intersection, the driver stopped the car, then opened the car door, walked to the side of the Maybach and said, "Master."

Lu Qing quickly got up and got out of the car. He came to the back seat and opened the door: "Please."

When Lin Xing came down, the driver drove off in the car.

"Do I need to remember something?" Lin Xing looked up at the person who was 20 centimeters taller than her and said.

"Get in the car and talk." Lu Qing pulled her into the car.

"This is the first and last time." Lin Xing confessed to him on the road.

"Why? You don't have a boyfriend, why are you so reluctant."

Who knew that she was with Qin Tiannan just now, but she felt that she couldn't tell him about it.

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