This villain boss is not easy to tease

Chapter 121 Extra Story: Li Yali

My name is Li Yali, and I was the princess of the former H empire, and also the last princess.

People who know my previous identity say that my life can be divided into two stages, one is when I was a princess, and the other is when the empress dowager gave up all the rights of the royal family and the royal family and abolished the royal family.

In the previous stage, I had an incomparably beautiful life, being the only princess under the name of the last emperor of the H Empire; in the latter stage, I was just like ordinary people, an ordinary student in the Republic of H, and after graduation, I was in the Republic of H A business tycoon who occupies one party in the business circle.

But I think that my life should be divided into three stages, one is when I have not met the Sunshine Queen, one is when I grow up beside the Sunshine Queen, and the other is when the Sunshine Queen dies.

Before I met the Queen Mother of Sunshine, that is, when I had not recognized my ancestors and was placed under the name of His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess, in those days, my life was not only learning languages ​​of various countries, but also learning all kinds of obscure things. The ancient books, as well as the daily news reports of various countries, to understand the international situation, is to please His Majesty the Princess and the Emperor, and talk to the Emperor with the little knowledge I have learned.I felt like I was a puppet manipulated by a nurse at that time, without any self.

Only when I was reprimanded for no reason by His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess, or when I felt sad when His Majesty ignored her, or when the wet nurse did something wrong and was caught by me, can I use that opportunity to reprimand properly She made me feel that I could still resist her.

Until the Empress Dowager secretly placed someone in the Royal Shopping Center because she did not discuss it with Her Royal Highness, and promoted that person to be a representative of the Royal Shopping Center, and when she was in charge of the Royal Shopping Center on an equal footing with Her Royal Highness, Her Royal Highness threatened To destroy the agreement between her and the empress dowager.Seeing the empress dowager, the wet nurse had murderous intentions. In order to save my life and hers, she ventured to the Queen's Hall to seek help from the Queen Mother Sunshine. The Sunshine Mother felt very sad because of the news she said, so she took the nurse to find the Empress Dowager to reason. After hearing the news, I went to the Hall of the Empress Dowager and tried to ask the Empress Dowager not to punish the wet nurse. That's when I found out my true identity.

In fact, I am not a drag bottle brought back to the palace by a divorced princess, but the most honorable princess in this country, and my status is higher than that of the eldest princess who always reprimands her and goes crazy with her when drunk.

After learning the news, I went to the palace of the eldest princess to show off to her, and asked her for all the sins I had suffered from her.And at that time, she seemed to be worrying about the things in the Royal Shopping Center, drinking away her sorrows, the princess hall was full of alcohol, but her heart was full of the shocking news she heard in the empress dowager's hall Joy, completely oblivious to her strangeness at that time, was so proud that she stretched out her hand to push her, and then happily left the Princess Palace under her sad eyes.

Afterwards, I didn't realize that I made a mistake at that time.

When the empress dowager held the princess canonization ceremony for me, she even paid for me to release an advertisement. At that time, I was happy to be the only princess of the H empire. There was a sudden shooting incident at the scene. In order to protect Me, the scene where I hurriedly left with my arms in my arms.

After this incident passed, I was also formally raised under the name of Queen Mother Sunshine, and I left my wet nurse, who became my guardian.

When I didn't know my identity before, from the mouths of the palace people and the narration of the wet nurse, I always thought that the Queen Mother Sunshine loved His Majesty so much that she had no self-determination and listened to the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother in everything. According to His Majesty's arrangement, in order to stay by His Majesty's side, he is also willing to raise a child whose biological mother is unknown and does not belong to him.But it wasn't until I left the living room with Queen Sunshine on the day of the shooting incident, and accidentally saw that smile on her face that was completely inconsistent with her usual image, that I felt that Queen Mother Sunshine was actually the one. The deepest hidden person in the palace.

But so what, she is now her mother, maybe she hugged her thigh tightly, and she can use her to make a fortune.

The days when I lived with Queen Mother Sunshine in the Queen's Palace are the best times in my memory.Without the never-ending homework arranged by the nanny on weekdays, I no longer have to wear a smile that I think is fake, I can please those who don’t like me, and I can do whatever I want. You need to look at other people's faces.

At first, Empress Sunshine didn't care about me, and didn't interfere with what I did, and basically responded to my requests.But then something happened, when I was playing with the palace man, I accidentally fell to the ground and broke my knee, but I lied in front of the queen mother, saying that the palace man didn't like me , Treat yourself like this on purpose.

But at that time, His Majesty the Emperor had just been discharged from the hospital. In order to prevent him from having another accident, the royal family installed surveillance cameras in the palace of his elder brother.The Sunshine Mother retrieved the surveillance video at that time and saw through my lies. When she asked me to apologize to the palace man, she also took this opportunity to educate me and correct the bad views I taught to the wet nurse and the eldest princess. But this almost became a handle for others to drive her out of the palace.

The video of her educating me was taken by someone with ulterior motives in the Queen's Palace and sent to the wet nurse.The wet nurse originally held a grudge against Queen Sunshine for forbidding her to visit me, so she wanted to send this video to some news media that specialize in digging up royal scandals, hoping to drive Queen Sunshine out of the palace.

Fortunately, Mother Sunshine was alert and knew about this in advance, and intercepted the video of her being sent out of the palace.

I feel very guilty about this.

Because of this incident, I suddenly remembered what I did to the eldest princess when I ran to the princess hall after learning my true identity, and then recalled the words that Queen Sunshine said when educating myself. Inflicted deep damage.

In fact, His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess used to love me very much, but after I became enlightened, I stayed with my wet nurse every day to learn those obscure and hard-to-remember knowledge, and I once ran to my Highness Eldest Princess and told my wet nurse to arrange these things for me. The pain caused by the things, and Her Royal Highness ran to the nurse's residence for this, and reprimanded her loudly.But I don't know what the wet nurse said to Her Royal Highness, after Her Royal Highness came out of the room where the wet nurse was, she no longer cared about herself, and when she saw her come to pay her respects, her face did not have the happy smile that she used to see when she saw her .

I quarreled with my wet nurse for this, but the wet nurse ignored me, just stood beside me respectfully, looking at the books pushed into a hill on my desk, as if if I didn't do those homework, she would always stand there. Watch me here until I do my homework.

I compromised, and gradually adapted to Her Royal Highness's indifference towards me in the future.After a long time later, I thought that His Royal Highness the eldest princess had always treated me like this.

Thinking of the kindness Her Highness the Eldest Princess treated me in the past, I cried bitterly, and my heart was full of remorse for what the Eldest Princess did to me.

This regret is about to overwhelm me.

In order to make myself feel better, I didn't bring any palace people or the female officer who took care of my daily life, and ran to the palace where Her Royal Highness the Princess is, and told her my desire for the love she could give me over the years, and The disappointment after hope failed again and again, and the remorse I had for doing such a treacherous thing to her before.

After listening to my words, Her Royal Highness held me in her arms and kept saying sorry to me.After that night, the relationship between me and Her Highness the Eldest Princess returned to what it was before.

After this incident, I feel that the Queen Mother Sunshine is the gospel in my life.

After the Sunshine Queen adopted me, the wet nurses always came to see me, but they were all rejected by the Sunshine Queen.I even arranged a lot of palace people around me, and issued death orders to them, prohibiting the wet nurse from approaching me.

It's not that the wet nurse didn't think about buying these palace people, but these palace people were specially begged by the Sunshine Mother from the Empress Dowager, and they were very loyal. No matter how tempting the wet nurse offered, they would not be moved.

The wet nurse has no choice but to continue to look for me in the Queen's Palace as before.

Later, as the number of times increased, the Sunshine Mother simply blacklisted the wet nurse and forbade her to appear in the Queen's Palace again.The wet nurse also made a fuss about this, and went to complain in front of the Empress Dowager, but the Empress Dowager ignored her and let her make trouble in the palace.

In the end, the wet nurse saw that she couldn't get any benefits for herself, and even made herself a mess, and finally stopped.

But it didn't take long before the incident of His Majesty's cheating happened. At the same time, the recording of him and the captain of the guards trying to murder the Queen Mother Sunshine was also exposed.

I really don't understand, Mother Sunshine is so kind to His Majesty the Emperor, why does he want to kill her?

I feel that His Majesty the Emperor is a very scary person.

Since then, the palace has been in a tense state. It seems that if a little incident happens, the situation in the palace will take on a different form.

During that time, Queen Sunshine went against her usual behavior and locked me in the Queen's Palace, not allowing me to run around. Meanwhile, Her Highness the Eldest Princess also suddenly disappeared, and she has never been seen in the palace.

Although I was imprisoned in the Queen's Palace and could not get in touch with the outside world, I was able to know what happened in other places in the palace from the mouth of the palace guard who took care of me.

But I haven't heard of any major incidents.

When I thought that the palace should be quiet, the matter of Empress Suxian suddenly broke out, and this matter is related to His Majesty the Emperor.Because of this incident, His Royal Highness, who had been wandering abroad and had not returned to the palace for many years, also came back, replacing His Majesty the Emperor, and taking over all the authority suspended by the people of the Royal Oversight Council.

Afterwards, the wet nurse once sent a message to me, saying that those rights should have belonged to me, but they were cut off by the Sunshine Mother and the Empress Dowager.

But I don't care about it. What I want is never these flashy things, but the love of people around me, even strangers.

As for this, only the Sunshine Mother and the Great Empress Dowager can satisfy me.

How could I possibly blame them for this?

Under the joint design of the Sunshine Mother and His Royal Highness the Emperor Taidi, the truth of everything has been revealed.

On the day the Empress Dowager held a press conference, I was still imprisoned in the Queen's Hall by the Sunshine Mother, but I learned the truth of everything through the tablet that the Sunshine Mother usually uses in the Queen's Hall.

After I learned of my true identity, I kept thinking about who my mother was, but I never thought that my mother was actually my nurse who had been taking care of me since I could remember.

This truth was unbearable for me. After watching the press conference, I passed out in the bedroom of Queen Sunshine.

When I woke up again, I had forgotten everything about the wet nurse.

When the wet nurse was executed, the Sunshine Mother took me to the last side.But at that time, I no longer had any memory of her in my mind. When I saw the death row uniform she was wearing, I was only terrified.

When I buried my head in the arms of Sunshine Mother, I saw full of sadness in the eyes of the nurse.

Mother Sunshine saw that she was so ugly, and told her that I had psychogenic amnesia and that I had no memory of her in my mind.

Although I was very scared at the time, I remembered the word that Queen Sunshine said.

After the royal family was overthrown, I was adopted under the name of Queen Sunshine and became her daughter, and I was happy to call her mother as I wished.

Although the grandfather and aunt are not the biological family members of the Sunshine Mother, they are very good to the Sunshine Mother, and have always regarded the Sunshine Mother as their own family members.

When I called them grandpa and aunt, Queen Sunshine said I should call them grandpa and aunt because my father was their biological family.

But I never changed my mind.In my heart, that man has never smiled at me, and he is not my father at all.

After the Sunshine Queen left the royal family, the man who had been her bodyguard before became the new president's close bodyguard.

He always came to look for the Sunshine Queen, but the Sunshine Queen always avoided him and didn't want to see him.

Sometimes when I get tired of hiding, she will take me to live with the empress dowager for a while.

slowly.That man stopped looking for her, and just hid in the dark and silently looked at Queen Sunshine.

When I grew up and took over the group that the Sunshine Queen had been managing before, Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess, who hadn't appeared for a long time, brought a very handsome man to the celebration held by the Sunshine Queen for me.

When I saw the happy smile on the face of His Royal Highness, I was very happy.

But the good days didn't take long, and the Queen Mother Sunshine passed away.

But I was not as sad as I imagined, because I felt that she was not from this world, and she would not exist in this world for too long.

After the death of Queen Sunshine, my aunt and His Royal Highness, who has become my little uncle, followed the last wish of Queen Sunshine and took me to the palace where I used to live.

In the place where I used to live in the palace, I seemed to see the nurse smiling at me, as if asking how I was doing.

I nodded.

I saw the wet nurse smiled gratifyingly at me, and then disappeared into the palace.

I smiled at where she disappeared.

The Sri Lankan is gone, but my life goes on.

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