This villain boss is not easy to tease

Chapter 120 The end of the third world

The Empress Dowager held a press conference with no theme.

And the first thing she said at the press conference was to announce Su Qingxue's true identity, reveal Li He's life experience, and the real reason why the two of them were switched identities.

As soon as the Empress Dowager finished telling the news, the reporters below exploded.

"What! Emperor Li He is not a member of the royal family, but Empress Wu Yangguang is a member of the royal family!"

"My God! What other terrible things did the royal family do that our citizens didn't know?!"

"The empress dowager is too scary! In order to help the former emperor win the throne, she resorted to such means. Isn't this harmful?"

"you do not say."

"But is what the Empress Dowager said true? Didn't some people keep saying that the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager had a particularly bad relationship, and even had a bad attitude towards Emperor Li He, who always wanted to remove Emperor Li He from the throne?" Pull it up and down, and then give the throne to Li Ying, who was deported to the United States before."

"Hey! What nonsense are you talking about?! The empress dowager's character is well known to the people of the whole country, how can you allow you to slander like this! I wonder if you were sent by the empress dowager to disrupt the order of the scene and confuse the public Already?!"

"But that's what people say outside. I just recite what those people said."

"Emperor Li Ying was hiding drugs in the palace, and was discovered by the palace people and reported to the empress dowager before and after. The empress dowager went to the imperial supervisory office in person to discuss with those people and asked them to expel Emperor Li Ying from the country. He will not be allowed to return to the palace for life. How could the empress dowager call her back because of the feud with the empress dowager? Emperor Li He did not act rashly and called people back? Can you please use your brain when you speak in the future? It would be embarrassing for us journalists .”


After the people below finished their discussion and the venue became quiet, Team Leader Hong handed the Empress Dowager some information.

The Empress Dowager took these documents and held them in her hand, raised them up and said to the reporters present: "If you don't believe me, then I still have relevant proof documents on hand. Team Leader Hong."

"I'm here."

The Empress Dowager put the materials in her hands back into Team Leader Hong's hands, and ordered: "Put those materials on the big screen and let all the journalists and media present have a look."

"Yes, empress dowager."

Through the projector at the venue, Team Leader Hong showed the paternity test reports one by one to the reporters present.

As soon as the picture came out on the silver screen, there was no sound of discussion in the originally noisy place, and it was all the sound of "click, click" from the camera taking pictures.

After Team Leader Hong showed these paternity test reports, the Empress Dowager said the second thing she wanted to say at today's press conference: the real murderer of Queen Suxian was not Li Hyuk, but Queen Suxian at that time. The secretary group leader beside him is also the close friend of Empress Suxian before she married into the palace, Xu Jiangxi.

The reporters present were very familiar with this name. It was the heroine of Lee Hyuk's affair before. When they were reporting, they felt that this woman was really a whore. As a female official in the palace, she did not have good looks, nor Enchanting figure, who came to seduce the emperor without any self-knowledge, deserved to be pushed out as cannon fodder, but what they didn't expect was that the cannon fodder they thought was actually a ruthless person who would kill his best friend who grew up together for the sake of superiority poisonous woman.

Before the reporters recovered from the news, the Empress Dowager began to detail the bad things Li He and the Empress Dowager did.

After the press conference was over, none of the reporters at the venue recovered from what the Empress Dowager said, which really shocked them.

After the press conference, based on the evidence provided by the Empress Dowager and Su Qingxue, the Royal Supervisory Council held a sentencing meeting for the Empress Dowager, Team Leader Cui, Xu Jiangxi, Li He, and Yi Lishi in the Royal Court.

Faced with the various crimes cited by the prosecutor at the sentencing meeting, the Queen Mother refused to admit it.

"This is all made up by that old fellow, the Empress Dowager, why should I admit it?" The Empress Dowager threw the microphone in front of her hard on the ground.

Her attitude angered the people watching the court below.

All the people present except the queen mother pleaded guilty.

Seeing the queen mother's arrogant attitude, the judge has always refused to admit the various crimes he committed, and directly pronounced their trial results in court, completely ignoring the queen mother's swearing at them.

Su Qingxue sat down with the Empress Dowager and watched the entire interrogation process.

In the end, the Queen Mother was sentenced to death, Team Leader Cui was sentenced to life imprisonment, Xu Jiangxi was sentenced to death, Li Hyuk was sentenced to life imprisonment, and Yi Lishi was sentenced to two years in prison for a less serious crime.

After the verdict of the bad guys is over, there is the question of the survival of the royal family.

Due to the various crimes committed by the queen mother and Li He in the name of the royal family, as well as the things that happened inside the royal family over the years, the queen mother finally decided to give up all the rights of the royal family and the royal family, and the H empire disappeared.

Lee Hyuk committed suicide in prison after learning the news.

In order to save the Queen Mother's life, Team Leader Cui was executed instead of the Queen Mother, and the Queen Mother continued to stay in prison instead of Team Leader Cui.

Su Qingxue went to see her once, but at that time the queen mother was already out of consciousness and couldn't recognize who she was at all. She just kept smirking and kept saying: "I am the mother of this country, and the right is supreme." mother country!"

Seeing her like this, Su Qingxue didn't stay long and left the prison.

But what she didn't know was that the moment she turned around, a tear flowed from the corner of the Queen Mother's eyes.

When Yali became an adult and was able to take care of herself, Su Qingxue did not continue to live in this plane, ended her own life, and returned to the system space.

Qiu Jie came to a tomb with a handful of lilies in his hands.

"Tomb of my beloved daughter Wu Yangguang" is engraved on the tombstone.

Qiu Jie put the lily in his hand in front of the tombstone, knelt down and looked at Wu Yangguang's photo on the tombstone, and said softly: "I remembered everything, Su Qingxue. I didn't expect it. On the day you left, I remembered everything. What I did to you before. So, this is why you are so anxious to leave this plane."

Speaking of this, Qiu Jie smiled self-deprecatingly: "I deserved it back then. I didn't know people clearly, and I didn't see my own heart clearly. When you still loved me, I sneered at your love, and even joined forces with that People deceived you together, and when we were married, some so-called righteous people killed your parents, imprisoned you in the Demon Town Tower, and made you suffer those inhuman tortures."

Qiu Jie seemed to recall some bad memories, and his face suddenly became very ugly.

After a while, he continued what he said just now: "It turns out that Liu Lanfeng rescued you, and you started a new life with him, and I should let go of my obsessions, work hard to cultivate immortals, and be among the immortals as soon as possible." , but I don't know why, I always feel empty in my heart, so I found the place where you and Liu Lanfeng live in seclusion through the hands of those "well-known and decent people", ruining your hard-won happy life and hurting you. You lost your life. Therefore, everything that happened later is what I deserved, and I asked for it."

He holds out his hand.Touching the photo of Wu Yangguang on the tombstone, another face appeared in his head: "I'm sorry."

As soon as he finished speaking, a ray of light suddenly appeared on the tombstone, and then a small, transparent block flew out of the tombstone and landed on Chou Jie's hand.

"Is this the soul fragment that Liu Lanfeng hasn't found all back then?" Qiu Jie looked at the thing in his hand and muttered to himself.

Su Qingxue returned to the system space again.

The system now recalls how Su Qingxue left that plane and returned to the system space.
Oh no, it's not a person.

The whole system just doesn't feel right.

[Host, do you really don’t want to take it with you on that plane? Seeing Li Yali become what you want, you commit suicide and leave there without any regrets. Then the Empress Dowager, Father Wu, Hello Wu, and the enemy How sad they are. 】

Su Qingxue was a little disapproving: "They are just people in the novel world, they are virtual. Even if they have feelings, they are given to them by the author of that novel, and they are not self-produced. Moreover, I came back here so early, there are also feelings. My own reasons."

She really didn't want to see that guy Chou Jie anymore, as soon as she saw that guy, she would think of the man who brought her endless suffering and torture in her previous life, it was so frustrating.


The system swipes six dots on the screen.

Why is the host so cold-blooded? After living with those people for so long, does he really have no feelings for them?
Does it want to tell the host the truth?

But if the owner knew about it, it might have to be rebuilt.

Forget it, it managed to develop self-awareness in that pile of garbage, so it can't do nothing anymore!
[Would you like to view the follow-up plot? 】

"Don't watch." Su Qingxue resolutely refused.

【.】Okay, don’t read it if you don’t read it.

Data began to appear on the system screen: [Name: Su Qingxue

Character value: -9990
Mission level: B
Task Rating: 80
Hidden Mission: Completed

Side Quests: Done

Side mission reward: 1000 points]

Su Qingxue clicked her tongue when she saw the data on the screen.

The character value has finally risen, but it's a bit low.But why are the points for this side mission so low?
The system seemed to sense the doubts in Su Qingxue's heart, and answered her: [Host, although you have completed the side missions released by this system, your hidden missions did not follow the system's requirements, so this system must start from the side missions. 2000 points will be deducted from the task reward as a punishment for not completing the task as required. 】

Su Qingxue disagreed with the system very much, and retorted, "Why didn't I complete the task as required?! Didn't I mean to save the life of the villain BOSS and help the villain BOSS to overthrow the royal family? What did I fail to do?"

[The host saved the life of the villain BOSS, but halfway through, the host deliberately made a plan against the villain BOSS and almost killed him. If it weren't for the pill that the host gave him before, the villain BOSS would have been a long time ago. By the way, the host Where did the pill for the villain boss come from? 】

Su Qingxue: "."

Is she shooting herself in the foot with a rock?

[Because the host used some things that should not appear on this plane in this task, the system suspects that there is a bug in the host.Now this system needs to scan the host, please don't resist the host. 】

Su Qingxue: "."

Last time I said there was a BUG in the plane, this time I said there was a BUG on her body
If the system wants to find something from her, just say it directly, why beat around the bush.

Anyway, she wouldn't call out if asked.

In the end, the system did not scan anything, the same as last time.

The original data scanned this time is exactly the same as the data scanned at the beginning, and the data that appeared in the last time Su Qingxue returned to the system space to scan. There is still no data showing that Su Qingxue has any hacking skills, and the strange things she took out. source of something.

The system, which was already very confused, is now even more confused.

This is so wrong!

no!It will have to ask the master for a while!

Before that, it had to send the host away first.

[Does the host proceed to the next task? 】

【data preparation. 】

[Data preparation is complete.Transmission begins.]

Su Qingxue, who has already experienced such an experience, is too lazy to complain about the system, let it go, anyway, this garbage system can only take advantage of her.

After sending Su Qingxue to the next plane, the system took advantage of the very short time when Su Qingxue traveled and hadn't woken up, and enthusiastically called to its owner: 【Master, master!master master! 】

After switching the systems several times, the other side responded impatiently: "What's the matter?"

【Master, has Liu Lanfeng's memory been erased?Don't release Liu Lanyin's soul next time, I feel like the host has sensed something. 】

"." There was silence for a while before he said, "Then I'll discuss with that person to see if we can modify the procedure. You should stabilize Su Qingxue first, and don't let her know about it."

Otherwise, if that female devil finds out, he will be finished!

【.】The host is so witty, how can it be stable?
Forget it, the master has already said so, let it take it first.

"By the way, what happened to 002? Didn't it come out in this plane?"

[There is no master. 002 seemed to bind Liu Lanfeng's soul, so after Liu Lanfeng's soul was forced to sleep, 002 fell asleep with him. 】

"Tsk! The twin-soul body like him is the most annoying, it's just giving me a problem! Forget it, if there is something wrong with Liu Lanfeng next time, I won't let Liu Lanyin out, just let Su Qingxue Go alone, anyway, that female devil can get along well wherever she goes, so there's no need to worry."

[Then what should I do if there are soul fragments?If Liu Lanfeng and Liu Lanyin are not around, there is no way to collect them. 】

The tone on the other end was a little helpless: "That can't be helped. So when there is a problem next time, you can only find some worlds where she has not suffered any hardships before and let her stay. I guess those worlds should not have her soul fragments .”

[Good master. 】

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