After Tao Xi hung up the phone, she took a look at the clothes she was wearing. She hadn't changed them for three days... She opened the closet and wanted to change. When she took out several clothes for comparison, she suddenly felt that she was sitting on her left shoulder. A little devil: "You like him so much, do you have to change clothes every time you see him?"

How can she!Isn't it basic etiquette to just change clothes?Of course, pay attention to the instrumentation.

A little angel with a magic wand appeared on the right shoulder with a bang, and echoed, "Yes, yes, not to mention that the other party is a boy, and you are going to his house, so you should pay attention to your clothes."

The demon with little red horns continued, "Oh~ Then you don't see Daze as a normal man!"

"But, but I've only known Xiao Yan for a few days, so it's always right to pay attention to her image!"

"Don't you need to pay attention to your image in front of Daze? You don't even want to wash your hair, you're ashamed!"

The little devil and the little angel said something to each other, and they almost didn't really do anything.

Stop arguing, stop arguing!Tao Xi waved the two little ones away, and flicked his clothes, "I won't change the head office!"

When she came out, Tao Xi felt that it was a bit cold outside. She shrank her neck and trotted to the supermarket.

Over there, Liang Yan was already waiting at the door, seeing her trotting over, he beckoned.

Tao Xi couldn't describe this feeling well.

Zhang Dai once used precise and subtle quantifiers to describe the only person who knew there was snow in the world. If there was snow today, she would probably not be able to see the traffic and crowds in her eyes. The only boy left was smiling and waving on the white and clean land.

When she trot to the door, she panted softly, "Have you waited long?"

"It's okay." Liang Yan glanced at the tip of her nose that was red from the cold, and looked away, "Let's go in."

Tao Xi followed him and took a look at her dirty little plush boots. The young man was dressed very simply, with a sweater and trousers that were neat and crisp, and his shoes were spotlessly white.

She regretted that she didn't change a set of clothes, and she had a toothache.

"What are you thinking?" Sensing that no one was following, Liang Yan stopped and looked back at her.

It was only then that Tao Xi realized that she had unknowingly left him a few steps behind, and hurriedly followed, opening her mouth for reasons, "Did brother Fu give you the list? You said a lot on the phone before, I forgot..."

"Yes." Liang Yan took out a neatly folded piece of paper from his pocket, opened it, took a photo with his mobile phone, and gave the note to Tao Xi.

Tao Xi looked at this and made some bad guesses, "You mean, we... buy separately?"

Liang Yan was also a little stunned.

"Should we buy it together?" Tao Xi looked at the list, "Anyway, we're going to push a cart, maybe it's more convenient..."

In the second half of the sentence, Tao Xi spoke in a very soft voice, as if she always had a guilty conscience.

"En." Liang Yan responded inaudibly.

He was also a little curious, the proposal to buy separately just now was actually very good, but why did he pause slightly?He also couldn't understand himself.

"Most of the things are food..." Tao Xi glanced at the list, "Why do I feel... Brother Fu didn't prepare anything?"

She was trying to put it mildly, but there was no food on the list, it seemed, except for some oven foil creaming equipment.

Liang Yan flipped through the list on his mobile phone and said, "He already bought some things online yesterday."

In this way, this is already an additional supplement?

Tao Xi couldn't believe it, "What is he going to do? I thought he was only going to make cakes?"

Liang Yan nodded, "It's making cakes, but not 'only'."

Tao Xi understood that he was trying his best to please the beautiful woman.

The two just walked to the corner, and Tao Xi pointed in the direction, "The food area is on the second floor, let's go there first."

When she said this, she was caught off guard as if she had bumped into something. Tao Xi let out an "ah" and felt herself being pulled up.

"Sorry, sorry..." Tao Xi quickly apologized.

"Oh, isn't this Xiao Xi?"

Tao Xi heard a familiar voice and looked up suspiciously.

This, isn't this her little aunt? !
It's over, why did she hit me!You must know that this aunt is top-notch in gossip, and every Chinese New Year, she will be reminded for a while, for her grades when she was a child, and for her love when she grows up.Especially when she accidentally caught him and Daze together once, after that, every time she visited relatives, she and Daze would take it out and be teased.

Tao Xi reflexively wanted to stay away from Liang Yan, but it was already a step too late. The little aunt's voice sounded with a bit of surprise, "Xiao Xi, this is your new boyfriend? Granny Wu, who bought earlier, told me about you." I'm in love, but it's not Daze, I still don't believe it, it looks like you brought your boyfriend to meet the parents?"

As she said that, the little aunt looked Liang Yan up and down, and she was full of praise, "This little boy is really good-looking! Our Wanwan family will be able to have a boyfriend like this when they go to college."

Tao Xi couldn't laugh or cry, "Sister-in-law, you misunderstood, he is not my boyfriend..."

"No? No way?" The little aunt made a surprised expression, and suddenly became subtle again, "I understand, you haven't dared to tell your mother yet, have you? Don't worry, your little aunt is very strict, I definitely won't Tell her, you two have fun, have fun!"

Saying that, the little aunt winked and left.

Tao Xi helped her forehead, but there was nothing she could do. She sent off her sister-in-law and Liang Yan next to her and apologized, "My sister-in-law has such a temper... But we probably won't come to this supermarket together in the future... just leave her alone."

Liang Yan nodded aside, as if he was not affected by the episode just now, "Shall we go buy this first?"

Tao Xi tiptoed to look at what he was pointing at, nodded and followed him.

This supermarket is big and the things are placed high.The two walked to one side of the shelf, and Liang Yan looked at the list while looking for things to put in the shopping cart.Tao Xi looked up at the merchandise with a perplexed expression.

I don't know why, these things are so anti-human, they have to be placed in such a high place.

Isn't this deliberately bullying a petite girl like her!

"What are you standing here looking at?" Liang Yan followed her gaze after taking the things, and raised his hand just a little to reach them. "You have good eyes." When he threw the things into the shopping cart, he joked.

Tao Xi didn't know what to say anymore, this person's praise seemed to be mocking - she might not be able to reach this thing by jumping, but she could see where it was.Maybe that's barely a compliment...

Tao Xi took a few steps back. He was close just now, and the lemon smell on his clothes smelled of fragrance.

She backed away not because she was shy, but because...

Her clothes really haven't been changed in three days, who knows what the smell is like lasagna tears!Yesterday we went to the Internet cafe together, I don't know if there will be a smell of cigarettes, Tao Xi can't wait to perform a frustrated body forward on the spot.

"Let's go." Liang Yan noticed Tao Xi retreating, and took a step away without any trace.

As the two of them walked and strolled, Tao Xi's eyes lit up and she took a step forward - that was the taste of childhood!Just as she was about to pick up the bag of marshmallows, she felt warmth on her fingertips, "Yeah..."

Tao Xi quickly withdrew her hand, "You like this too?"

Liang Yan held the bag of peach-flavored marshmallows in his hand, and he looked a little embarrassed, "Well, I like it very much." He wanted to put the things back, but was stopped by Tao Xi, "Put it back for what? I also I like it, buy more packs."

Liang Yan rubbed his nose, feeling a little embarrassed, but let go of his hand, as if tacitly acquiescing to Tao Xi's actions.

"What flavor do you like?" Tao Xi asked with the usual expression.

Liang Yan ordered some peaches and mangoes, but the latter unceremoniously took a few extra packs.

After taking it, Tao Xi turned around and asked, "I saw you eat cakes before, do you like sweet ones?"

Liang Yan hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Tao Xi saw Liang Yan's awkwardness, and smiled, "Actually, it's cute that boys like sweets."

Liang Yan frowned when he heard this adjective.

Tao Xi was very perceptive at this time, and quickly waved her hands, "The word 'cute' here is a compliment... Nowadays, boys can do whatever they want, can't they? Not to mention eating sweets."

"Xiao Xi?"

What day is it today, how do people I know seem to be in a crowd... Tao Xi felt a little headache when he heard a familiar voice.Sure enough, when he turned around, he saw Tang Jiaze.

But, "Brother Xin, are you here too?"

Next to Tang Jiaze, the man with back hair and gold-rimmed glasses nodded with a stern face.

Tao Xi really didn't have the courage to get close to Tang Jiaxin, so he just greeted Tang Jiaze.

Tang Jiaze's eyes locked on Liang Yan, and he asked Tao Xi, "Why did you and him go out to the supermarket together?"

Seeing the shopping cart in front of the two of them, Tang Jiaze frowned even more, "These all eat hot pot, right? I think there are egg dumplings and sesame sauce that you like Xiao Xi. You two want to have hot pot together tonight?"

Speaking of the latter, the voice raised slightly, with a hint of questioning, which attracted the eyes of the people next to him.

Tao Xi sensed the gazes of the people around her, and said in embarrassment, "No... everyone eats together..."

"Who else? Is it Sister Nan?" Tang Jiaze didn't give her any room, "My brother happens to have something to do with Sister Nan, why don't we have dinner together?"

The first thing Tao Xi thought of was Fu Linxian, and she quickly waved her hands, "No, Sister Nan and Brother Xin... need Sister Nan's consent."

"what about me?"

"Daze." Tang Jiaxin spoke extremely coldly, completely different from Liang Yan's indifference. The former was as frosty and calm, while the latter had some human touch.

Tang Jiaze shut his mouth unwillingly, and obediently stood beside his brother.

"Don't worry about Daze, you guys have fun." Tang Jiaxin nodded towards Tao Xi, looked past Liang Yan, and took his brother away.

"Xiao Xi, I believe what Granny Wu said is not true."

After Daze left, he did not forget to look at her a few more times.

Tao Xi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she waved her hand, "See you in two days, didn't Sister Nan invite us to hang out together?"

Only then did Tang Jiaze turn from sadness to joy, "See you in a few days!"

When he looked at Liang Yan for the last time, there was a hint of warning in his eyes.

Liang Yan turned his face away, his expression so pale that no emotion could be seen, "Did Yu Nan date you? Did you date that person?"

Tao Xi knew that he was probably fighting for his brother, so he quickly explained, "It's none of Brother Xin's business... No, you can't say that..."

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