"Yeah!" Tao Xi didn't feel that the atmosphere had changed, and excitedly started chatting about her cousin, "My younger brother is a top student, but he likes playing games very much. Just like you, he is three years younger than me. He was in the middle school entrance examination. When I took the college entrance examination, his mother complained every day that he played games before the exam. As soon as the results came out, he was ranked in the top [-] in the city. His mother also said that if he didn’t play games, his name would probably be in the top [-]. So when he was in high school , my aunt has never allowed him to play games."

"He was choked up, so he came to my place every day. His house lived next to my university." Tao Xi told him while manipulating the character to search for supplies, "He is like you, teaching me how to fight wasteland. You guys It's the same when you laugh, but you are actually two types—by the way, it's because he was forced to shave his body this year."

"I look like your younger brother?" Liang Yan interrupted her, raised his hand to snipe the person and shot him in the head.

It's a pity that Tao Xi couldn't see Liang Yan's irascibility, but only saw the system's continuous kill announcements, and sighed, "You are really good, when can I learn your skills..."

I don’t know if it’s the intuition of a small animal. Tao Xi doesn’t look like her at the moment. My brother is very skilled, but after playing with you, I found out that my brother is also a colored pen hahaha."

Liang Yan said "Yes", threw a coordinate to her, and then went to find a high-ranking sniper spot by himself, "It's okay."

Tao Xi glanced at him, why do you think the little webmaster is weird today?But in short, it is definitely right to praise people.

"It's the same with Brother Fu before." Tao Xi went to the coordinates reported by Liang Yan and found a lot of supplies, "Wow, don't you need these?"

"No need." Listening to Liang Yan's voice, he was probably harvesting leeks again. Sure enough, after a while, there was another row of kill announcements.

Tao Xi licked her bag while feeling emotional. After this wave, she probably won't die.

After hitting Liang Yan a few times, Tao Xi yawned before realizing that it was almost twelve o'clock.

At the end of the game, she exited the game interface, "No, I won't play today. If I stay here any longer, my mother will have a problem with me." Then, Tao Xi turned to look at Liang Yan, "Tomorrow Are you still playing?" There was faint expectation in his eyes.

Liang Yan originally wanted to refuse, but nodded unexpectedly.

Seeing the little webmaster nodding, Tao Xi cheered, "Then it's a deal! I have to go back to bed early—"

Just as he was about to leave the counter, he suddenly thought of something, and looked back at him with a vaguely worried expression, "You are only now, can you eat all night every day? Otherwise, I'd better tell my dad to change you to the morning shift..."

"No need." Liang Yan quickly waved his hand, "I'm here to apply for the night shift. And..." In fact, during the years he left home, especially the first few months after he left home, in order to earn some money, he worked every day as a It is common for people to fight on behalf of others, and staying up late is already commonplace.

Even if he entered Huanyu after that, because the scale of the early stage was not very large, and the position was not comprehensive. At that time, in addition to studying other teams' play styles and various strategies, he also had to worry about the training of his teammates. His life was better than now. just tired.

It's something he likes to do now, and he doesn't find it hard at all.

I don't know what's going on, but now that something that was not taken seriously before is pointed out like this, I always feel... I always feel as if my heart is warm.

Liang Yan lowered his head, and the light was dim, so he couldn't see his expression clearly.

Seeing his persistence, Tao Xi could only nod.

"That's right." When Tao Xi was about to leave, she heard Liang Yan's sudden voice.

She looked back at him, wondering, "What's the matter?"

"Before you..." Liang Yan seemed to be a little distressed when he opened his mouth, "Uh, didn't you say that there is also a great online god? How about him?"

Tao Xi shook her head, as if she felt uneasy about asking this question, why?

Must be an illusion, right?
Tao Xi carefully looked around Liang Yan, but it was a pity that the boy's emotions and anger were invisible, and he couldn't see the clues, "That great god is just a little bit colder!"

She shrugged nonchalantly.

However, the contrast with today's small webmaster is sharper. Tao Xi still couldn't help complaining, "I still feel that he is a little confused. Last time I spoke for Liang Shen, he also disappeared suddenly. I don't know if it's because of him." I don't like Liang Shen."

"Hey! But forget it! I was just greedy for his skills before, but now I have a new coach. If he doesn't take the initiative to find me, I will treat him as dead!" After finishing speaking, Tao Xi said heavily "huh" He groaned to express his dissatisfaction.

Liang Yan wanted to say something else, but Tao Xi didn't give him a chance, "Okay, I really don't want to talk, I'll go back later, my mother grounds me and I'm done. See you tomorrow!"

But what Tao Xi didn't expect was that when she said see you tomorrow, she meant to play games together at night, but the next day when she was just about to have lunch, she received a text message.

It was Fu Linxian's text message inviting her to "help" at home, and it specifically asked Yu Nan not to let Yu Nan know that she was going out with him.

"What are you doing, so mysterious..." Tao Xi muttered and put away the phone.

Suddenly thinking of Fu Linxian's excited appearance yesterday, could it be Anan's birthday present? !That's why I told you not to tell Anan!

"What are you thinking near the stairs, and you don't look at the road."

The sudden appearance of Yu Nan's voice startled Tao Xi, she stroked her chest, "Why did you suddenly appear..."

"Did I appear suddenly?" Yu Nan felt amused, "I've called you so many times. Why, why don't you go downstairs for dinner?"

"Ah! I don't want to eat anymore. My friend asked me out, so I'll go back and change my clothes first."

"What are you doing in such a hurry?" Yu Nan pulled her back, "Who are you going out with?"

Tao Xi didn't dare to look at Yu Nan, "Who else can I go out with, Daze!"

It stands to reason that Tao Xi's guilty expression is obvious, and Yu Nan should have noticed it, but this time she frowned when she heard that it was the Tang family's heartless kid, "It's not related to Tang Jiaxin, is it?"

"Uh, how could it have something to do with Brother Xin?" Tao Xi shook her head like a sieve, "I definitely won't help him!"

"That's good." Yu Nan breathed a sigh of relief, "You don't have to deal with that person."

"Of course." Tao Xi nodded hastily.In fact, even if Yu Nan didn't say it, she would definitely do it.

The reunion between Yu Nan and Tang Jiaxin last night was so unexpected that both of them were caught off guard.But thinking about it, the community here is large, but there is only one main street, and people who come and go can always meet.

If Anan could accept Brother Xin, he wouldn't ask her to call Brother Fu here as a shield when he proposed to have a private chat.

But speaking of which...

Tao Xi winked and rubbed towards Yu Nan, "How did you and brother Fu go yesterday?"

Yu Nan had a strange expression on his face, "Didn't he share it with you?"

Tao Xi was even more puzzled, "Is there anything you want to share with us?"

Yu Nan's expression became more subtle, and he muttered, "I thought he was..."

Tao Xi didn't hear clearly, "What?"

"It's nothing." Yu Nan's expression returned to normal, "Don't underestimate your little Brother Fu, he is a smart person, and he can only solve this kind of thing smoothly. After chatting with Tang Jiaxin, he sent me back."

Tao Xi pouted, feeling that Yu Nan's words were unfair, "Brother Fu's help, sister Nan, how can you say that you are going with the flow. How is this different from others asking for a 'small effort'?"

Yu Nan was stunned when he heard the words.

Tao Xi still wanted to say a few words for Fu Linxian, when she felt the phone vibrate again.Afraid that it was Fu Linxian's call, she hurriedly said goodbye to Yu Nan, and hurried into the room.

He took out his phone and saw that it was indeed Fu Linxian.

"Brother Fu, why are you in such a hurry?" Tao Xi answered the phone, fearing that Yu Nan was still outside the door, she whispered.

"it's me."

"Xiao Yan?" Tao Xi didn't react, her heart skipped a beat, "Why did you call?"

Liang Yan coughed, "Ah Xian said he forgot to buy butter and flour, and asked you to bring some here."

Tao Xi knew what they were going to do when he heard the raw materials, and he was speechless, "Isn't this the main material, did you really forget to buy it?"

Liang Yan's voice was also a little uncomfortable, "Yes. Then, he said that the four of us will have a hot pot together at night, and we need to buy some ingredients."

"Okay, what else should I buy?" Tao Xi readily agreed.

Liang Yan's voice hesitated, but he still said, "He made a list, and then..."

"What?" Tao Xi felt strange, the little webmaster didn't look like such a shy person, why is he hesitating when he speaks now?
"There are too many things, let's go to the supermarket to buy together in a while."

Eh? !Buy it together with the small webmaster? !
Tao Xi didn't know why, her heart beat wildly, and her voice was a little flustered, "Oh, yes, yes! Brother Xiao Fu is so kind to Sister Nan, we've all become thugs..."

She was babbling something lasagna tears.

"Hmm..." Liang Yan didn't seem to know what to say, "Then, let's meet at the entrance of the supermarket later."

Liang Yan hung up the phone and turned to Fu Linxian, who was smiling cunningly, "Are you satisfied now? Not only did you find someone to make cakes with you, but you also invited someone out to eat hot pot."

"What are you talking about?" Fu Linxian took back the phone and stuffed it into his pocket, "Aren't I creating opportunities for you?"

"What opportunity to create." Liang Yan took a coat and put it on, ready to go out.

"Don't think I don't know." Fu Linxian stopped Liang Yan, "Go out with someone, at least change clothes."

"Know what?" Liang Yan looked down at himself and felt that there was nothing wrong.

"If you really don't have any thoughts about her, how can I yell at you to go shopping with her? According to your usual temper, don't you just buy it yourself?" Fu Linxian pushed him into the bedroom, "Okay, don't be awkward. It’s time to change to a new set. You’re not tired of this set, and so are girls.”

Liang Yan is helpless, he only has a few basic sweaters, all in three colors of black, white and gray, so what can he do if he can change it around?

Just what he said...

He to Tao Xi?No, how is it possible.He just thought Tao Xi was not that annoying.

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