roses and lilies

Chapter 75 Hope

Yu Nan was taken to the police station by the police.The bearded sniper died long ago, and the forensic doctor judged that he bit his tongue and died on the way to the police station.

The police comrades understood the situation in detail, and Yu Nan said helplessly to the police comrades: "This killer seems to be targeting me. A few days ago, after I donated money to the Hope Primary School, I came here for an interview at the strong invitation of the reporter. I am I made a promise to make a donation because I didn’t want to show my face. After all, building a school building for children is a good deed. For something like this, if it wasn't for my invisible bodyguards secretly protecting me, the corpse lying in a pool of blood would be me."

"Have you offended anyone?" The policeman tried to remind him of something.

"I'm still in college, and I'm all focused on my studies. I seldom have contact with the environment outside the campus. I feel that time is very tight. I spend my spare time reading books in the school library. Don't you feel offended by anyone?" He tried hard to recall past events.

"Can I know your family background?" the policeman asked tentatively.

"Can you not say it? I don't care, I'm just a student. But matters related to family background are not my business alone. I have to keep it a secret for my family members. Is it okay?" Yu Nan calmly told the police Comrade said.

"Well, it's inconvenient to say, so we won't ask. According to our preliminary analysis, it may be related to your family background, so for the needs of the case, we want to approach it from this angle. We will do our best to solve this case. It was solved. We have to take care of this poor child."

The policeman continued to ask: "This killer would rather commit suicide than give up the behind-the-scenes instigation. It can be seen that he has signed a life-and-death agreement. If he fails, he will commit suicide. This behind-the-scenes instigation is extraordinary. The price is expensive. We think this way, the person behind the scenes will definitely not let it go, this time they failed, and it is estimated that there will be further actions. We are obliged to protect you, what do you think?"

"I don't think this is necessary. I have two personal bodyguards. They have been following me like a shadow. Wherever I go, they will follow me. It can be said that this time is thanks to them. Let's put it this way, they are here My side is safer than applying for compulsory protection." Yu Nan said calmly.

"Well, okay! Mr. Yu, then we can rest assured. We will further investigate and strive to solve the case as soon as possible!" The policeman said confidently.

When Yu Nan walked out of the police station, Du Juan and Huamei had already been waiting at the door for a long time. Seeing that Yu Nan was safe and sound, the two of them were naturally relieved, and the three of them took the long-distance bus back to school together.

On the long-distance bus, Du Juan and Huamei sat next to Yu Nan.

Du Juan looked at him affectionately, "You're not hurt, are you? Did they make things difficult for you?"

"It's okay!" Yu Nan said tiredly and sleepily.He is really tired already.Words popped out of his mouth with a pity of ink like gold. "You two aren't scared, are you?"

Huamei stared at his tired fair face with big watery eyes. "We're fine, we're just worried about you all the time. If something happens to you, we'll cry to death!"

"That's right, we can't lose you, seeing you and us every day makes us very at ease, isn't it? Huamei!" Du Juan looked at Huamei to seek approval!

"Sister Du Juan is right! Today we both opened our eyes again, and those two gentlemen in black and white suits appeared again. They are so skilled and handsome! I don't know if they noticed me and Sister Du Juan? If What an honor it was to get to know them both!"

Hearing the black and white gentleman, Du Juan also came to his senses, "Look at them, they look really cool, especially the white gentleman, his movements are so free and easy, he seems to be able to fly, thanks to him pushing Nannan away, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous Ah! Last time, it was this handsome man who fended off Jinlong's sudden attack, and beat that fat scumbag to the ground with just one punch."

"Well, Sister Du Juan, I think that black gentleman is cooler, and he was dealt with by that killer in three or two strokes. Such a cold killer was caught like a chicken in front of this handsome gentleman. Look at their driving skills, such a big off-road vehicle can do drifting. The moment when the killer is kicked off the vehicle is really cool. The most memorable thing is the whirlwind kick last time. In Whirlwind, Xiaobai’s big moves are all the same." Huamei said while doing movements, as if she wanted to practice twice.It attracted the attention of many men in the car. In fact, they were not focused on her three-legged cat, but were deeply attracted by the two heavy lumps of meat dancing up and down on her chest.

The two chattered non-stop, and Yu Nan who was sitting next to him leaned on the backrest and fell deeply into a sweet dream.He is so tired.

Xiaolian and Suizi chose a wooden coffin for Ye Zi, brought Ye Zi's body back from the police station, and put it into the simple coffin with tears in their eyes.Flowers and buttons, leaning on the edge of the coffin, reluctantly bid farewell to the leaves.The relationship between the three of them is the best, it can be said that they are inseparable.Go to school together, go home together, do homework together, and write letters to Sister Lian together.Now the leaves are gone.Tears never stopped on the dirty little faces of Flowers and Buttons, and they always felt that the leaves were by their side no matter what they did.

Xiaolian and Maisui dug a big pit in the yard of Hope Primary School, and buried Ye Zi's coffin in it. This Hope Primary School was Ye Zi's favorite place during her lifetime, and she spent the happiest time in her life here. .Burying her here can also fulfill her long-cherished wish of being happy during her lifetime.They also planted a small sapling in the pit.And named the little tree Ye Zi, and they would think of Ye Zi in the school yard when they saw the little tree.

The reconstruction of Hope Primary School has long been on the agenda, and the six-storey building was built in one go from piling, slotting, foundation, main body and decoration.The teaching facilities inside are brand new.The yard was paved with a plastic runway, and everything moved, only this leaf was still thriving in the yard.She witnessed the whole process of school construction, saw the modern small playground, small flagpoles, and the four big characters "Hope Primary School" written with a golden brush.

Xiaolian and Maisui said softly to Ye Zi: "My child, you have seen it all. This is the school you have been looking forward to. These kind people have built our school. We finally have a good environment to go to school." Yes. Flowers and buttons have always missed you, so please bless them silently! My sister will train them well, and they will fulfill your unfulfilled wishes for you! They will definitely study hard, increase their skills, and return more needs. Help People! Now you can finally rest assured!"

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