With a rustling and rapid blow, Ye Zi fell to the ground. This child who was full of fantasies about the future ended her short life. She worked so hard and her grades were always excellent.She likes to write letters to Sister Lian, and prefers to use her full score report card to repay all the people who care about her.

She quietly fell on her back, holding the exquisite stationery and books that Sister Lian gave her.The cute cartoon pattern is dyed red.Lying in a pool of blood, he had already stopped breathing.The dirty little face is so peaceful.

Death should have been a distant and unknown thing to her.But God just made such an arrangement.She is innocent and should not be a victim of people's hatred and competition for interests.However, misfortune has come, and all the things of adults have fallen on this little shoulder.The unbearable result was that this fresh and cute little life instantly turned into a pitiful corpse.

Holding the favorite stationery in her hand, she has always been reluctant to use it, but she just takes it out from time to time to have a look.And carefully collect it.This poor child has never had a day of peace of mind in this world. His parents went out to work early in order to make a living, and they were not allowed to come back once a year. As a lonely left-behind child, he could not get what he deserved like a normal child since he was a child parental love.In order to go to school, I climbed three mountains every day, and my feet were swollen to the point of bleeding, but I persisted.Perhaps the time with Teacher Maisui was the happiest time in her life.

Teacher Maisui once asked her: "What is your ideal for the future?"

She widened her eyes and said naively: "Same as you!"

"same as me?"

"Yes, after I finish my studies, I want to help more children. Just like you helped us." The big eyes blinked like stars.

Maisui held Ye Zi tightly in her arms, and kissed her dirty forehead affectionately, "Good boy, sister knows your heart! It's rare that you are so sensible at such a young age. You are more enlightened than many adults." Gao, my sister is really proud of you."

What Ye Zitian looks forward to most is Sister Lian. She knows that her sister's studies are stressful, and when she misses her, she writes letters and sends her her blessings. Every time she writes a letter, she discusses it with Huahua and Button before writing.

They are quite contradictory. They especially like those exquisite stationery and books. Knowing that Sister Lian is not rich, it has already cost a lot of money for the three of them to go to school. They should not expect those expensive things. In the letter, the words not to spend money are specially marked.

Xiao Lian came to Ye Zi, sobbing and crying. This child was her first hope for funding, and also her favorite one. She even treated this little guy as her own child, and received a letter from them She guessed that the letter must have been written by Ye Zi, and she was the smartest and most sensible of these children.Every time I went to see them, Ye Zi would be the first to run over, hug her tightly, and always send her to the long-distance bus a few kilometers away, waving goodbye and looking at the car. Gradually go away until she disappears in the vast crowd, cars come and go, and she is not willing to go back until she is no longer in sight.

Now there is only a quiet corpse lying in front of her, Xiao Lian's heart is bleeding, why is this poor child lying there instead of herself!If given the choice, she would rather die for her.

Xiao Lian has no hope in this life, and one of the few hopes has fallen.The child she had high hopes for was lying there peacefully. The bullet passed through her head, and her head was covered with red. The child's facial features had been displaced, and it could be seen that she was in extreme pain before she died.Who would be so cruel to attack a poor child who has no power to restrain himself?Who did this poor child offend?

Before the child fell to the ground, a masked man in a white suit and a black tie quickly rushed over from a distance, pushed Yu Nan down, and then turned a few somersaults from the ground and quickly disappeared into the vast expanse of land. In the dense jungle, it only took a few seconds before and after, and then the leaves fell to the ground.

A jeep off-road vehicle drove over at high speed. The driver was a masked man in a black suit and a white tie.A drift rolled up a cloud of smoke, and he quickly kicked the co-pilot with a tightly bundled beard out of the car, holding a long green British AWP sniper rifle in his hand, and thrust the sniper rifle into the car with all his strength. Throw it out of the car.The car rolled up the dust and quickly disappeared into the vast jungle.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this, and they were all stunned by the scene in front of them. Yu Nan got up from the ground, took out his mobile phone and quickly dialed the emergency number of the police station.

He calmly comforted everyone, "Don't panic, everyone. This sniper came for me. I didn't expect to affect this poor child. I can't bring him back from death. I will definitely do my best to help this poor family." Do a good job in the aftermath, and I hope everyone will believe me. The child died for me. My guilt and self-blame are beyond words. From now on, no matter what happens in the village, everyone can come to me. I will fully support the village development. I will do my best if I can.”

Not long after, two police cars drove towards Hope Primary School.The forensic examiner examined and photographed the child's body.Two tall and straight policemen in uniform brought Dahuzi and Yu Nan back to the police station to learn more about the situation.

Xiaolian, Maisui and the children hugged each other and wept bitterly, watching the forensic doctor cover Ye Zi's body with a white cloth and carry it into the police car.They silently bid farewell to this child whom they lived with day and night and who were their closest relatives.I will never forget the happy time together, those crooked letters written by Ye Zi to Xiao Lian and the [-]-point report card.She will treasure it forever as her nostalgia and nostalgia for the child.

Du Juan and Huamei couldn't help crying, and they came to this poor valley, which left a deep impression on them. They never dreamed that there was such a poor and backward place outside the city thousands of miles away.Poor children are so innocent and kind.Those dirty little faces moved them both.Especially after seeing Ye Zi's experience, sympathy and compassion ignited.The two of them want to do their best to help the children here, so that they can live a happy life.

The two of them also saw that this Prince Charming was really not simple, and their understanding of him was only superficial.Yu Nan seemed to be hiding a lot of things, the two black and white gentlemen were like his personal invisible bodyguards, following him like a shadow, without showing any signs of expression.

Always appear suddenly at critical moments, protecting Prince Charming from harm.This kind of treatment and the cost of building a school for the children cannot be realized without any strength.Why did that mysterious killer want to snipe him, and what kind of hatred is there for this killer to put him to death?All kinds of mysteries made the thinking of the two beauties no longer so simple!

These thoughts also appeared in Xiao Lian's mind, and the doubts of the beauties were also her doubts. She suddenly realized that her worries about Prince Charming were unnecessary, and there must be a certain background behind him.She guessed and reminded herself again and again.

Her inferiority complex appeared again!This undoubtedly created another insurmountable gap between himself and Yu Nan.Thinking of this, she felt uneasy and restless.

The beautiful reporter and her strong partner recorded all of this with a video camera, and the theme of "Project Hope" has already become a "Strange Murder".

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