roses and lilies

Chapter 67 The Ordinary World

Ordinary world, quiet campus, with the sound of turning the pages, Xiao Lian carefully wrote in her notepad, not forgetting to add punctuation to each sentence, and push it to the readers opposite.He took the notepad and looked at it, and started a new line, using his vigorous and beautiful calligraphy to make intimate contact with the paper on the notepad.

In this way, they shaped the origin of the most original text messages. This small notepad did not miss a sentence. This silent expression is full of creativity.Only they are so immersed and enjoying it.Only they can understand what is expressed between the lines.

Lian: "Do you like reading novels?"

Nan: "Well, just take a look! How did you remember to read that book?"

Lian: "I like the poignant love between Runye and Shaoan, and I like the innocent relationship between Xiaoxia and Shaoping even more. Although it ended in tragedy, I am moved!"

Nan: "Well, I've also read it many times, and the more I read it, the more interesting it becomes, especially the description of the environment in it, which is firmly connected with the mood and fate of the characters, and it really complements each other."

Lian: "You often come to the library, it can be seen that you are very focused, what major do you study?"

Nan: "English, what about you?"

Lian: "Finance."

The notepad is on both sides of the table, you push me to write, and push it again after writing.There was a light rubbing sound, and a new note was added to the beautiful book-turning movement.

Yu Nan is a top student in the English Department. His handsome appearance has already won the hearts of countless young girls.There are many beautiful women in the English department, and a hundred flowers are blooming, but men are relatively scarce.Among the few male classmates, there was such a handsome guy.The long-haired shawl was also dyed golden, the angular and fair face, the cool expression was slightly serious without smiling.Gives a seductive sense of mystery.The female students in the same class as him were scattered in every corner of the library, secretly looking at the flowing hair and white tender face while flipping through the books, wishing they could hug him and kiss him enough.

Yu Nan focused on reading the book. In fact, the actions of these two parallel lines never escaped the eyes of the beauties for a moment.

A tall, short-haired beauty said to a slender and charming beauty with a shawl and floral curls: "Look how focused Nan'er is? She is very bookish and handsome! I like this, if I can be my boyfriend How wonderful!"

"Wonderful thinking, he is a lover of the masses, the idol of the whole class, you want to keep it for yourself, isn't it too selfish?" Broken Flower Beauty said unhappily.

"Who is that across from him? Look, they still use their notebooks to spread the word? They really know how to use the book of beauty, and play elegant with Nan'er, she is so smart, she can think of Nan'er's heart, how can we two Didn't expect that?" The tall girl said with regret.

"Come on, come on, you're still playing elegant with the little ink in your stomach. If you want to say which cosmetics are good, it's right to ask you, and which restaurant is delicious? It's okay to ask you! As for what books, essays, dragging, Don't be shivering anymore!" the broken flower beauty said contemptuously.

"You little girl hurt me, don't you? I'll let you owe me, let you owe me." As she spoke, she moved towards the breasts of the beauty with broken flowers, moving her hands over the two lumps of flesh. "This time I'll make you feel better!"

"Come on, someone is a hooligan!" The broken flower beauty screamed jokingly, breaking the tranquility of this elegant holy place, and the readers glared at the two with disdain.

The broken flower beauty covered her mouth, knowing that her behavior was of low quality, which disturbed the peaceful reading atmosphere.There was a blush on his face.

In Yu Nan's mind, the girls in his department are too impetuous, and they spend very little time on their studies. Those two just now are his most loyal fans and suitors. But the quality really made him dare not accept it.It is precisely because I have too many suitors that their goals and three views are fundamentally different from their own. As the saying goes, "the way is different, do not seek each other, people flock together, and things divide by groups" is the truth .

He set a goal for himself. After completing his intense studies, he also needs to acquire a lot of knowledge in the school library, so that he can use it in his future work and study.He calculated his age and set several medium and long-term goals for himself. If a person has no goals, he is like a ship lost in the sea and loses its course. If he has goals, he will work hard to achieve them.There will be a great deal in the future.

Books of writers' profound thoughts and pages of inspiring words deeply inspired his immature thoughts. He kept asking himself, what is the meaning of life?Do you spend your life in mediocrity, dying in pomp and materialism, or set up a lofty ideal and keep working hard in this direction.Influence and inspire others with noble personality, purify people's mind and soul.

Flipping through the wisdom of the ancients, the official history of thousands of years, I was moved by the thoughts of the ancients who were noble, wise and courageous, emphasizing love and righteousness, and being chivalrous and courageous.He pondered deeply why the ancients had the qualities that modern people lacked a lot?Today, when human civilization is highly developed, why are many traditional virtues lost?He thought about it, and didn't pay attention to who was sitting opposite him. He came to the library to avoid the noise. Although he knew that he hadn't escaped the sight of the beautiful stalker, at least they still had some scruples about this tranquility!This gave him a sense of reassurance.

It is not easy for a person to "get out of the mud but not be stained, and wash the waves without being demonic", but it will often be "the one who is close to the vermilion is red and the one who is close to the ink is black".

When he and Xiao Lian got the same book at the same time, he even thought that he might be dreaming.In this world, bosom friends are hard to come by, and it is very lucky to find like-minded people.In this impetuous campus, there will be someone who likes the same book as me.It's really rare, he turned his head and thought again, don't just take the same book with me deliberately to win my favor.

When he saw the delicate and handsome Xing Kai, he doubted his unfair thoughts about her just now.After reading the text inside, I feel that I have wronged her even more, this weak woman.Like myself, I have watched this great work more than once.Otherwise, it is impossible to know the main line of the work so well.He is very fortunate to have met a real bosom friend here.

Xiao Lian conveyed sympathy and heartfelt voices to him with beautiful words, and this book recorded the entire content of the conversation between them.Every time I go back to the dormitory, I will take out my notebook and gently flip through the vigorous and unrestrained words.His words are like a person, and he can see the shadows of Shaoan and Shaoping from him. Although he does not have the gentleness and virtuousness of Runye, he has a bit of Xiaoxia's figure, and she fell asleep peacefully holding the book for countless nights.

Yu Nan hugged the first volume of "The Ordinary World" and saw that he fell asleep naturally. After waking up, he still held his hands subconsciously. The long night, this book has been with him, ideals, goals, beliefs, hard work, and forge ahead. The love is condensed in this 100 million-word eloquent mantra, which has been with me all the time. The charm exuded by this poem written with life, accompanied by this handsome and resolute face, is deeply waving in Xiao Lian's mind. Do not go.

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