roses and lilies

Chapter 66 Parallel Lines

Xiao Lian reluctantly left the children, and promised to visit them again. The children cried, crying very sadly. They wished to be with their sister forever.There is no never-ending banquet in the world, I hope each other will cherish each other and be well.

Xiaolian used Sister Ying's money to accumulate virtue for them, and silently blessed her benefactors. She knew in her heart that Sister Ying's money belonged to Uncle Lei, and not all came from aboveboard.The money is stained with the blood of the working people, and only silently doing good deeds for them can atone for their sins.

People's situations are really different, and she hopes that her classmates can also go to these poor mountains and valleys to have a look.How these poor children need help!My classmates can drink less wine, play games one night less, stay in a hotel one less time, buy a famous watch less, and buy a computer that is not as good.Give the kids the money you save, even a few bucks, so it can go a long way toward getting them to school.She hoped that the media would show less pop songs, fewer cross talk episodes, fewer product advertisements, and more broadcasts of those begging big eyes, and more broadcasts of their difficult lives.

To go to school, I have to climb three mountains, my hands and feet are worn out, the conditions of the school are extremely simple, and the teaching level of the teachers is extremely limited. Let's do more publicity on these unresolved problems!Can the directors shoot fewer commercial blockbusters, use these authoritative media lenses to leave more information space for these children, so that the whole society can face the reality, and let more people who grew up in honeypots show mercy Bar!

In everyone's eyes, she is still the thin body, the eye sockets are deeply sunken, and the yellow pear blossom heads are dry and not moist.Still a little lack of confidence.It's just a little more refined and bookish.

Who would have thought of her strong character, kind and sentimental heart!
People who are good at expressing will not understand those who are silent. People are full of curiosity about people who are different from themselves.

Always use your own behavior to measure others. What you lack, you often hope that others will not get it. What you have but others do not have is full of pride.

Mature girls can't escape the fantasy of first love, which is the eternal theme that God has given to human beings.Xiao Lian was no exception, even though she tried her best to restrain herself, she couldn't hide the turmoil and hesitation in her heart.She has been obsessed with books for a long time, but she is a girl with sound mind and body after all. She cannot escape her emotions and desires, although she hopes that this rare learning opportunity will not be delayed.But this is objective and realistic.There are very few boys around who make her heart flutter.This perfectionist also hopes that her future partner will have no flaws. She observes carefully, and the lecherous male classmates always look up and down at the past female classmates, and their eyes are like two small hands stretched out on the beauties. security check.This look reveals their dirty hearts.Such stares made her sick and insecure.In her mind, in order to capture the hearts of female students, male students will do whatever they can to send love letters, buy flowers, invite them to dinner, karaoke, or watch movies. The ultimate goal is to have a room with the female students.How much she hopes that her significant other can have the same hobbies and goals as herself, go to see the children in the valley with her, and stay with them for a while.Work hand in hand towards a common goal.

She imagined that she really hoped that such a boy would appear in front of her sooner!Once it appeared, she would rather let her horse go after him, hug him tightly, and not allow any female classmate to snatch him away!She was thinking stupidly, but she didn't realize that her face was flushed.

The library is so quiet that you can hear your own heartbeat. Xiao Lian enjoys and is attached to this tranquility. The tall bookshelves, the long table, and the pages of papers flipping over, destroy this tranquility, like a rhythmic The musical notes represent the fragrance of books and loneliness.

The gentle long hair was dyed golden, the bangs fell neatly on the crown-like face, the sharp edges and corners were as gentle as waves and the eyes were bright, the nose was high, the lips were lavender, and the beard was shaved green.Square eyes with black borders.Elegant and handsome.This boy fits the image of Prince Charming in the minds of many girls.He played the lonely piece along with the rhythmic notes.Even girls who don't like reading can come to check in every day as his loyal fans.Looking at his hard work, a pair of windows of the soul implying glances looked at him in a trance.

Sitting opposite Xiao Lian, it's hard not to think that these two people are practicing a set of superior martial arts internal skills like a golden boy and a jade girl.

this fast-paced society.In the multimedia era, with the explosion of information, students can choose from a variety of choices. Why do they like to read books?Except for the fans, the two unbelievable men and women were silent and did not even look at each other, only the sound of flipping and holding books.Until the moment when the library is quiet, it is like two parallel lines walking out of the gate of the library, one quickly going to the left and the other to the right, and there is no intersection between the two parallel lines.

The next day was still the same, one from the left and the other from the right came to the gate at the same time, and they converged into two parallel lines, and now there was no intersection.Day after day, every day.The attraction between men and women shows nothing in them.

Even the author hopes that something will happen to this handsome man and beautiful woman, but what about the readers?

Finally, one afternoon, two men and women who were eager to find a book were on both sides of the bookshelf, holding the first volume of the same book.It is the first volume of "The Ordinary World" written by the famous writer Lu Yao. This book has inspired countless passionate young people through time and space. Congrats on the birth of the work.This book is indeed a shocking work. If it was not for the completion of the creation of this book, this great writer would not have left us so early.If he is always shrouded in the halo of the great success of "Life", he writes a column, codes tofu pieces, goes to leisure, and pampers him, it will still not affect his greatness, but he will not do this. "Start at Noon" has been created with great effort.Let your great mind and soul live forever.

I never expected that the intersection of two parallel lines would lead to this book being found.It really surprised two young hearts.They secretly admire each other, and in this day and age, there are still young people who like to read this book.It is no small fate.The aspirations and pursuits of the two can be read from the book.Maybe a common language is important for two people to be strong.And this way of meeting is quite strange, just a little bit of tacit understanding. The author is gratified that the silence finally defeated the sound this time.

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