The boring Deng Lun class was full of downturns, and the students fell asleep one after another. The teacher explained in a low voice, and Xiaoling asked me repeatedly, "Are you going, are you going?" "Even if I go, I have to wait until the roll call Ah, attendance is counted as your usual grade!" Impatiently, she fell asleep on the table again.

The two of us strolled along the backstreet, she was pushing the car, and I followed beside her. It was common for us to chat after class every night, and she told me about her situation without reservation.

When we talked about joy, we laughed out loud, and when we talked about sorrow, I comforted her with gentle words. Whenever a girl encounters something unhappy, she always finds someone to talk about.

She also likes to cry in front of me. Every time I cry to the point of sadness, I will always enlighten her and lend her a shoulder to let the tear-stained handsome face lean on my shoulder. Of course, when I get home, I will immediately Wash the top that is full of powder and tears.

Tonight is different, she is so sad, her grandma passed away, just a few days before she passed away, she had a quarrel with her grandma because of a trivial matter, which made her condition worse, she is very sad about it Guilt, every time I think about this, I always feel empty in my heart. She cried again, her face was flushed, she cried so much that she couldn't stop crying, her tears were paired like broken beads, and her crying made me heartbroken and sad .

I hugged her desperately again, hugged her completely in my arms, that face was pressed against my chest, listening to my heartbeat, she hugged my waist tightly with both hands, trying to put all of herself The body is close to me.

I comforted her half-jokingly and said, "Do you know how Lin Daiyu died?"

She choked and said, "How do I know, you're playing tricks again."

"Tell you that Lin Daiyu cried to death! If you cry again, you will be like Lin Daiyu."

She thumped my chest and said, "Go to hell with you."

Then he opened his big red and swollen eyes and asked curiously: "Didn't Lin Daiyu die of illness? She has always been in poor health. I watched TV dramas."

I smiled and said: "The TV series will change the original intention and purpose of the author. I heard it from an expert on red studies. It is said that Jia Baoyu was originally a waiter of Shenying in the Chixia Palace beside the Sansheng Stone on the bank of the Linghe River in the west. A plant of Crimson Pearl Immortal Grass, the fairy has cultivated into a female body, and will use a lifetime of tears to repay the grace of watering the waiter of Shenying.

The Shenying waiter is Jia Baoyu, and the crimson pearl fairy grass is Lin Daiyu. She couldn't help nodding. I asked mysteriously, "Then do you know how long you cried to death?" "

She shook her head and said, "Tell me quickly!" "I cried to death for a whole year. What's the last line of the song "Wang Ning Mei"?"

She thought for a while and said, "How can autumn flow into winter, and spring flow into summer?"

"Yes, that's the sentence. I cried to death for a whole year in autumn, winter, spring and summer." She finally showed a smiling face, like a peach blossom, with a bright smile.I feel relieved.

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