roses and lilies

Chapter 312 Deadly Dessert

"After listening to the son-in-law's words, the emperor admired the handsome young man in front of him in his heart. He only felt that he had been wronged before. This man was not a playboy, but a great talent who cared about the country and the people. The key was his sacrifice. Dedication, but nothing to say.

This kind of spirit of giving up the family for everyone is worth learning from the court officials.The emperor felt very relieved, this could also help him feel relieved invisibly, after all, when this person got old, his physical strength and energy were declining.

However, state affairs and government affairs have not decreased due to the emperor's age.He needs young people with both ability and political integrity to advise him, and to deal with state affairs with wise and far-sighted decisions.

In addition, the relationship between the son-in-law and himself is even more worthy of his trust.Besides, the son-in-law's impassioned words moved him again, making him re-examine this elegant and talented young man.

"Good! Good! Aspiring young people should be like this! It really has a bit of the shadow of my youth, no limits, no worries, no old customs, no other people's words, only a fire and enthusiasm in my heart!

Kind!No one dares to refute me except the princess, you are the first one!However, the point of view expressed by a person does not depend on the position of the person, but on whether the point of view is correct or not. You have persuaded me with a few hasty words, which shows how correct your thinking is, which I admire very much.

In this way, I can't weaken your enthusiasm for the country and the people. You can take the time to be busy with political affairs without affecting your health or affecting the princess' emotions. "The emperor said very understandingly.

Zhu Qin felt secretly pleased, the emperor's understanding and decision undoubtedly provided an extremely appropriate reason for the son-in-law to avoid the princess.Now you can be more flexible.Besides, being busy with state affairs has always been the biggest wish in her heart.Now he can finally hide from the princess openly.

In this way, Zhu Qin went back and told the princess all about the meeting with the emperor. Of course, he did not forget to exaggerate how the emperor affirmed his governance and how much he supported her in handling government affairs.

Of course, I still don't forget to tell the princess that Wanyun's condition has improved. This is very important. The emperor has arranged many eyeliners in Qifeng Palace.

Now it's just going down the slope, and he can handle government affairs, contribute to the country, and benefit the people, and can hide from the princess at night, so as not to expose the woman's identity, which is a double-edged sword.

Princess Xueyan already admired the son-in-law, and the son-in-law's mind was devoted to serving the country and working hard for the people, which made her even more moved.She is proud of her son-in-law's noble personality and sentiment.Of course, she was also worried about her father's health. That night when her father came to Qifeng Palace to see her, she could clearly feel that his gray temples, accumulated wrinkles, sunken eye sockets, and poor complexion were all due to his long-term toil for state affairs. Yan felt sorry for her father, he was getting older day by day, there must be a trustworthy person to help him, take care of him lightly.The consort is the best candidate.

Of course, what pleased the princess the most was that Wan Yun's condition had obviously improved. The son-in-law said that he had to be busy with government affairs, so he could not go to Wan Yun's boudoir, as long as the girls took care of her.

This is the happiest thing for the princess.After all, there is an old relationship between the son-in-law and Wan Yun who is constantly cutting and unreasonable.This is accompanied night and night, lonely men and widows, it is inevitable that the old relationship will not rekindle, this is what the princess is most worried about.

Now it's all right, the son-in-law is busy with political affairs, which also reduces the chance of getting in touch with that Wan Yun.This is what the princess hopes to see most.

In this way, the son-in-law was busy with government affairs day and night, working hard for the people.The princess still guards the vacant room alone, and keeps company with that moonlit night.

One day, the servants brought the princess a daily dessert, jujube cake and dragon beard cake as usual.

The princess likes to eat the dragon beard crisp since she was a child. It is white and dense, as thin as a hair, and it melts in the mouth. It is sweet and delicious, and has an endless aftertaste.

Therefore, every evening, the chefs in the imperial dining room will serve the princess with exquisite desserts, which are naturally quite rich in variety.

Snow clam paste, rock sugar bird's nest, sweet potato, bean paste pot cake, stewed egg, double skin milk, tofu flower, tortoise paste, kelp mung bean paste, red bean paste, sesame paste, peanut paste, eight pieces, mung bean cake, red bean cake, osmanthus cake , rice cake, hair cake, Poria cocos cake, pea yellow, water chestnut cake, mille-feuille cake, cold cake.These Chinese dessert pastries take turns.

In order to satisfy the princess's taste, the emperor deliberately contacted the officials of the Propaganda Department with overseas countries, and spent a lot of money to hire western dessert chefs to get ingredients from different places to make exotic and delicious desserts. Fussy taste buds.

Italian Tiramisu, Sabayon, French Sand River Cake, Wood Cake, Souffle, Mousse Cake, Opera Cake, Madeleine Shell Dessert, German Black Forest Cake, British Syrup Trifle Pudding, American Boston Pie , Chiffon Cake, Brownie Cake, Swiss Roll, Nagasaki Honey Cake, Arabian Cheesecake, Austrian Stollen Dessert, Spanish Praline Cake, Portuguese Egg Tart, etc.

No matter how delicious the ingredients are, there will always be times when you get tired of eating them. Although the chefs from all over the world try their best to show their talents, it is still difficult to guarantee the taste of the princess.

Every time the princess ate it, she still had a special liking for that kind of dessert, that is, the dragon beard crisp as white as snow and as thin as hair. The princess's liking for this kind of dessert has reached the level of obsession.

She told her servants that no matter what pastries and desserts are served every day, there must be a piece of dragon beard cake next to it. But the dragon beard crisp was eaten up to nothing.

As a result, the servants who cleared the plates had a good time and secretly ate the untouched delicious desserts. After a long time, people also took clearing the plates as a kind of welfare. , they take turns to clean up, so that everyone can enjoy the delicacy of the royal palace pastry.

In the eyes of the emperor, the most precious thing is his daughter, Princess Xueyan. Just like all fathers love their daughters, they always hope to do their best to bring the most beautiful things in the world to their own jewels.

Yan Zhen, the servant of the Ministry of Rites who visited Belgium, returned and mysteriously brought a famous Belgian pastry chef to the emperor.

Yan Zhen understands the emperor's character, and is always very low-key when it comes to doting on the princess Xueyan.

After all, it is not a very honorable thing to use the majesty and status of the emperor to benefit the princess Xueyan. The princess has everything she needs, and she has many bad habits that are pampered. Eat less and leave more. This is the bad habit of waste. You must know that the poor people still have nothing to eat.

The emperor's heart is like a bright mirror, but there is no way. After all, she is his own daughter. He still has certain selfishness, but the ministers are keenly aware of this. Yan Zhen is one of them. Forget about bringing back a dessert chef for the princess, just to win Longyan Yiyue.

However, this matter could not be brought to light after all, so he mysteriously introduced the chef's dessert cooking skills to the emperor in detail. He was uneasy and wondered whether the emperor would be interested.

"Your Majesty! This trip to Europe, I brought back a famous dessert chef from Belgium!" Yan Zhen, the servant of the Ministry of Rites, saluted the emperor very respectfully.

The emperor became interested as soon as he heard it. He has been worried about the princess for the past few days, and she always has a loss of appetite.

Even if the delicacies of mountains and seas, birds and animals can't make him eat half a mouthful, the emperor is very anxious when he thinks about it.

Unexpectedly, this Yan Zhen still knows her own mind very well, she is really a caring person!Therefore, I am very happy in my heart. After all, the princess has not tasted this Belgian dessert yet, and it is very innovative. I hope the princess will be able to whet her appetite after tasting the delicious dessert.It can strengthen the weak bones of the body.

The emperor thought about it, and smiled at Yan Zhen, "Aiqing! You don't need to be too polite! I wonder what is the representative work of this chef?" The emperor asked curiously.

"Your Majesty! This chef is best at making Govandi pebble chocolate." Yan Zhen answered truthfully.

"Godivin? Pebble chocolate?" The emperor repeated in amazement. As the emperor, he rarely tasted delicacies, but this was the first time he had heard of this kind of dessert.

Yan Zhen smiled slightly, "Your Majesty! This Godiva is the number one chocolate brand in Belgium. The brand's chocolates are silky and rich, soft and sweet, with a delicate luster, which is endless aftertaste! Its pebble chocolate is extremely classic."

"Is it really that good? What is Godiva? Why is it called a pebble?" The emperor continued to ask.

Yan Zhen carefully explained: "This Godifer is the name of a countess. According to legend, the count will impose heavy taxes on the people. The kind-hearted countess, seeing that the people are suffering and living in dire straits, persuades the count to exempt the people from taxation.

The earl was furious when he heard this, and complained why his wife spoke for the people, and the country wanted to expand and launch wars, so there was no need for money.

Mrs. Godiva tried her best to dissuade her husband, emphasizing that the people are honest and kind, but the count was full of doubts.

In order to prove her words, the wife had no choice but to make a bet with her husband.Mrs. Godiva took off her clothes and rode naked through the streets of the city with only her long hair covering her body. If the people all closed the doors and windows at home and did not peek, then it proved that what the lady said was extremely correct. He is an honest and kind person.

The count readily agreed, and sure enough, when Mrs. Godiva rode through the city on horseback, the people were all hiding at home, and no one peeped.The earl was so moved that he decided to stop foreign expansion and endless wars and exempt from taxation.

This legend is widely spread, and this chocolate brand borrowed the name of Mrs. Govandi.The brand's first store opened on a cobbled street, and to commemorate this place, the pastry chefs make chocolates the size of pebbles, which are exquisite and have different flavors! "

The emperor nodded after listening to it. It seems that not only his own country, but many countries regard the suffering of the people as the top priority!He couldn't help but think of Concubine Zhen's political philosophy. It is really very correct to always put the people first.

"Ai Qing! Don't let this matter out, just add this chocolate to the dessert for the princess at random!" The emperor reminded thoughtfully.

This day, the servants still served the dinner plate, and there were six pieces of Govandi pebble chocolate inside, and beside it was the very familiar dragon beard cake.Unexpectedly, something incredible happened. "

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